Waiting For Life To Catch You Up? Do You Trust Yourself To Create It?😉

Waiting To...

Move from separation to accepting everything is unified

The energy at the moment is encouraging us to be free of the old in order to start our walk along new pathways.

Paradoxically, to unstick ourselves we need to stop doing. Rather to enjoy the waiting, for only then can we begin to move forward.

Nothing is more frustrating than feeling stuck, whether in relationships, health, money, business, or life itself. The more stuck you feel, the more you struggle…

…and unfortunately, like quicksand, the more stuck you become!

The Cause Of Your Worry Is Not Trusting The Creator

How about viewing all those challenging moments are actually to help you step onto the new pathway? 

Only, it requires waiting for you to remember who you truly are.

Until you surrender, life will remain challenging even though we are here to continually meet it, embrace it, and allow us to expand.  

When you do, you open to a greater version of love and your Soul’s desires.

Are you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually ready to make a potentially rapid shift in your life, and to step along a pathway to a new beginning, by simply waiting? 

That destiny is what we are all here to live.

To me the only question is when are you going to allow it happen?

Later today, perhaps next month, next year, or perhaps in your last five minutes of this life…only you can make that choice.

Life is and always has been changing, only the intensity is greater at this moment.

All we can do is control our re-action to it rather than stop the inevitable change continuing. 

Waiting helps us to release the need for adrenaline and cortisol highs which keep us living in the re-active rather than creative mode of life. 

When we return to accepting our inherently divine nature, our vibration will rise. How any of us serve is how we most fully express our true self, our divine self – who we truly are.

You can read more about this in Waiting For Life To Catch You Up? Do You Trust Yourself To Create It?

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is a coherence between your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies, and your Soul´s desires.

Waiting Will Help You Regain Control Of Your Life 

Here is a surrender exercise to discover whether you are living out of alignment.

Be still, and focus your attention onto the centre of your being.

Then ask yourself: 

Is there any part of me that will benefit from relaxing at this moment to receive a higher vibration?”

Does any part of you feel tense? Allow that tension to be released, acknowledging any flow you sense.

As you release, what happens is your body opens itself to receive a greater flow of divine energy, a greater love, to move through you. This is always available to you. 

It is what I mean by surrender.

You are here to release any areas of tension and allow a greater flow of abundance, joy, and creativity to move through your body and so your life.

Healing is a natural by-product of trusting the flow of Cosmic energy.

Though often, we have to stand aside to allow us to receive it – hence the importance of waiting.

We also consciously and unconsciously create blocks when ignoring our inherently divine nature.

The latest Message From Source includes this guidance about trust: 

… will also require each of you to trust yourself and so the Creator. There is no difference, for each of you is one with the Creator. So, trust yourself and so trust the Creator, they are indivisible.” 

Once your attention is on your inner world, your perspective broadens to the entire reality you are here to serve.

Then you will regain control of what you create in your life.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to learn the value of waiting in their life.

To Enjoying Waiting


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

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