Have You Chosen Where Evolution Is Heading? 😁

Evolution Needs You To Know Who You Are

The challenges you place before you will guide you to know who and what you really are

There is much talk about how the world is falling apart, noticing life is no longer how they thought it used to be.

Have you noticed:

  • Time seems to be speeding up?
  • Your memories are no longer as reliable as you recall they used to be?
  • Beliefs you thought you had dealt with are suddenly re-surfacing?
  • Nothing seems to be working the way you recall it used to?

Might it even be falling apart on purpose?

Welcome to evolution!

To Create A New Evolution, You Must Look Outside The Box

A vast new energetic era is unfolding, creating opportunities for those who are ready to be who they are.

The potential is so far-reaching our current imagination cannot begin to grasp the changes we are experiencing.

Evolution itself can be defined as:

the description of a process that governs the development of life on Earth, dealing only with objects, events and processes in the material world.” 

However, what that ignores is the part we play in its creation.

Yes, there is the theme of humanity moving from the current belief it is separate from the Creator, to accepting we are all part of that collective – Creator Beings no less!

Destiny though is calling us all to be who we truly are.

The challenges you place before you have the purpose of guiding you to know who and what you really are. To know that through what you experience, not just as a concept, a belief, or an idea.

More is in my latest article, including the reminder to create something new, you must look outside the box of what you know.

Focus on what reminds you of who you really are, and gently and lovingly turn away from what does not. You will then find yourself operating in a higher frequency.

Higher dimensions have a broader understanding of reality because they are less focused than in the lower dimensions.

We can live a happy and fulfilling life free of pain and suffering in any dimension. The only requirement is to align with the vibration of the dimension and our soul’s purpose in this incarnation. Then there is no internal conflict.

The article updates the previous expectation of when one-half of humanity will be able to sustain their move into the Fifth Dimension.

Evolution Needs Harmony Between The Feminine And Masculine

The latest Message From Source contains an outline of the process underway. Adding:

There will be no fanfare announcing its impending arrival. Rather it just will. Hence, the need to be awake as to what events and ideas are floating around you. This is where you will discover the shift which is underway.”

Another of the cycles underway is to create harmony between the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

Such moves by the collective offer each person the opportunity to step from one level of consciousness to the next. This is how evolution unfolds!

So, find peace within yourself and state out loud: Yes to being the new human, homo luminous.

That said, Chiron in Aries until 2027 is reminding us of our wounds and pain. Especially when they may be running us, or we are running away from them!

Bringing us face-to-face with blockages to our courage in the past and present. Chiron´s purpose – to recover access to our heroic spirit.

Chiron is deeply connected to shame, with a tendency to convert into anger and aggression.

20th April brings the most intense day of 2024’s astrological calendar when Jupiter, expansion, and Uranus, sudden changes and disruptions, form a powerful conjunction in Taurus.

Taking place every 13 years or so, they seed new cycles of innovation, revolution, rebellion and change.

Often about waking up to something, something previously hidden being revealed or something unheard of happening.

The impact will continue throughout 2024 as we build the foundation for the new humanity.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to look outside of their box to create evolution.  

To Choosing Where Evolution Is Heading    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

To Welcome The New Your Patterns Of Behaviour Must Change 😊

Free Your Patterns Of Behaviour

Combine your logical and intuitive sides to express your full power as the leader of your life   

Do you have a sense there is a moment coming when you will be able to uncover the hidden obstacles holding you back?

Willing to welcome new patterns of behaviour which will empower you to unlock your innate abilities?

Healing what has been stopping you from stepping toward the destiny you sense your Soul is seeking?

    Ready To Be Free From Old Patterns Of Behaviour?         

Once you do you will revitalise your life and experience a newfound sense of energy and vitality.

However uncomfortable you are, or struggling perhaps with a lack of sleep, try not to resist. 

Rather, welcome them as April is one of 2024´s peak moments accelerating our evolution.

For each of us is being asked whether we are ready to consciously choose to be the leader of our life? This is not a linear process for it will probably need your courage and willingness to step into the unknown, something you have yet to experience.

Being the leader of your life means accepting responsibility for where it leads you.

Often this will mean freeing yourself from being influenced by any old patterns of behaviour – whether ancestral, from this or other lives. Then you are free to follow your destiny. 

The one we choose, not what we believe others expect us to be.

As the month of new beginnings, April offers the opportunity when your dreams can truly take root.

Helping you to say farewell to stagnation and embrace a future filled with boundless wellness.

We are almost at the second eclipse for this first part of 2024. Together their purpose is to help you obtain an answer as to whether your deepest pain offers your deepest healing?

April as a whole is nudging us all towards the thoughts, words, and patterns of behaviour that will bring us into a higher-vibrational state. Anything restraining or taking you in the opposite direction will become evermore visible.

It will be illuminated by the new moon in Aries rising on 8th April.  As the observer of the feelings in your body, the intensity will grow as we move toward the solar eclipse on the 8th.  

Your Beliefs About Comfort, Value And Patterns Of Behaviour Will Be Challenged                               

As we move from a period of separation into collaboration, we do not need to be the leader acting alone. Hence, my suggestion is to also ask for support to always be available for you. This guidance could be from the ancestral and angelic realms as well as this physical one.

For we are all connected, the ancestral realm includes all souls, not just your past or future bloodline. This will help open the doors and portals to welcome the future into the present. 

The latest Message From Source included this encouragement about allowing yourself to be different:

“Which is why rules and regulations will need to be altered so the beauty of being different once again comes to the fore. Continue to renovate and renew what it is you desire in your life.”

20th April brings the most intense day of 2024’s astrological calendar when Jupiter, expansion, and Uranus, sudden changes and disruptions, form a powerful conjunction in Taurus.

Last together in 1941, globally they bring culmination to a cycle of intense upheaval, a pyrrhic new beginning, or both together?  

More on their impact throughout 2024, as we build the foundation for the new humanity, is in the article. Also included are some expectations around this date.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help in recognising their default patterns of behaviour.  

To Your New Patterns Of Behaviour            


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Do You Feel Compassion For Yourself Or Prefer To Burnout?😁

Compassion Will Accelerate Your Life

Each day we gain new experiences, almost always with an emotional impact

Each of us is stepping into new realities in every moment, and there are no limitations being placed upon you. 

The only limitations are those we place upon ourselves.

For, each of us is creating each and every moment for ourselves. Depending on who you are, for some this is consciously, others unconsciously.

This is part of the process of recognising we all have untapped potential within each of us. However, the only way to help make others aware of their potential is to first take action for yourself.

The creative power is in our experience, and how we then provide a beacon for others to seek their own.

Compassion Goes Beyond Feeling With The Other 

As the energies rise, so we are becoming more sensitive to them. With the result many now feel more affected by those they sense swirling around them. 

Empathy is when we resonate with the positive and/or negative feelings of others. Meaning you feel happy at the joy of others, and distressed when you observe someone in physical or mental pain.

Compassion though goes beyond feeling with the other to feeling for the other – which is why there is a difference between it and empathy.

Compassion is one of the fundamental qualities of being human. 

It is the subject of my latest article. And, has been ever present since my wife broke her wrist over one week ago.

There have been many lessons whilst feeling empathy for her pain as well as caring for her. There have of course been a few role changes as well!   

 Ready To Right The Imbalances Created By Your Beliefs?           

Earlier this week an appointment was made for the cast to be removed in the middle of March, so good progress is being made!

There is quite a difference between empathy and compassion, for they activate different parts of the brain. With the result we experience different feelings and so memories.

True compassion goes beyond understanding another person’s suffering. The compassionate feel compelled to do something  to help or relieve the suffering they see before them.

The latest Message From Source brought this insight:

“Then you will focus your creative powers on what it is you desire in your life. View these as creating the building blocks on which you then create the life you desire. This is how you will plant the seeds of creation.”

Righting the imbalances within requires conscious action.

The most effective method I have found is whenever you notice a surge of a difficult emotion—boredom, contempt, remorse, shame—pause, put your hand on your heart.

This activates the release of oxytocin, the hormone of safety and trust.

The full process is in the article.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to show compassion to themselves.

To Show Compassion To Yourself     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

🌟 RISE Up and Shine with Me at the RISE Up Summit! 🌟

Rise Up

Introducing the Inaugural RISE Up Summit!

I am thrilled to announce I will be speaking at the upcoming RISE Up Summit, a transformative event designed to nurture your mind, body, and soul.

This is your golden opportunity to immerse yourself in a space of health, enlightenment, and alignment.

When: 22nd and 23rd September 2023

Where: Virtually on Zoom

Time: 8:00am – 4:30pm PST

Register here for free.

Why attend?

  • Gain insights from a wonderful line up of speakers sharing wisdom on a range of topics.
  • Engage in experiences offering alternative healing and transformation.
  • Explore the possibilities to find what resonates with you.
  • Network with like-minded individuals and foster connections that could last a lifetime.

My talk is on Saturday, the equinox, when I will outline my insights on “Where are we Heading, and will we make it?”

Special Offer: Not able to make it for all the speakers? You can upgrade for just $47. Receive all the recordings and more than $4000 in special gifts, priority Q&A sessions, and much more!

Register Now!

Let us Rise up together to create the New Earth and a life brimming with potential and joy!

Look forward to seeing you there!



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values? 😁

You Are Your Identity And Values

What you seed during this new moon will bloom into something wonderful  

As I write this post we are in the dark phase of the moon. The moment to turn within and let go as this last lunar cycle is completed.

The new moon in Virgo rises early 15th September, until then find moments to be still, feel, listen and release. Be prepared for your identity and values to be challenged. 

   Your Identity And Values Are Hiding Who You Really Are 

This is a fascinating new moon as only 19 hours after she rises, Mercury, who rules Virgo, stations direct.

Together they set into motion what we have been re-thinking, reviewing and revising these last few weeks. Once Mercury has gained forward momentum is the moment to begin to take action – suggesting late Saturday on!

As this moon has an emphasis on drawing us within and to the identity and values of our past, my encouragement is to review your experiences.

In particular, to ensure you fully understand where you have been before you take the next step.

Anything new you set into motion around your health and physical activity is supported. 

The goddess that is Virgo is reminding us all we are sovereign beings. As such to stand in our power, to be who we are.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and change, is influencing this new moon to challenge our identity and values.

Should we continue to view life through our old stories, we will be confronted by them during this lunar cycle. 

Their purpose is to eventually spark an awakening – though not just yet!

As I have set out in ”Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values?, seven planets are currently retrograde.

Of the major planets, only Mars is moving fast and directly! He is the action planet of the zodiac, symbolising desire, drive and energy. Beware though of acting impulsively from ego!

This new moon will perhaps bring up beliefs that are seeking awareness, then healing. Then you will be free to discover who you really are! 

Virgo is encouraging healing by integrating our past experiences, feeling them, accepting and forgiving them at their root cause. Freeing us to then step onward. 

      The September Equinox Marks A Major Point Of Choice 

The latest Message From Source indicates this transition is proceeding faster than was expected. It also provides a sign you too are moving toward a different dimension.  

It concludes with: 

This is how you will then in turn be able to assist others. For this is your calling! It is not the intention to create a divided community between those who have and those who have yet to choose.”

Also in ”Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values?” is some information regarding the intensity of the sun´s rays.

These are playing a part in upgrading our bioelectrical DNA and so creating the environment in which humanity evolves. 

On the 23rd in Libra, we will find ourselves at the moment of equal light and shadow.

Some 75 years ago, science confirmed that around each equinox the solar winds create cracks in Mother Earth´s magnetosphere. 

Meaning at each equinox it is possible to more easily receive information from higher dimensions. Hence, the indigenous practice of ceremonies at equinoxes.

For this is also the moment when our own personal energies come into alignment with the ebb and flow of Mother Earth and her seasons.

Libra´s scales reminding us of the importance of balance in our lives as we move from one identity into something else!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to challenge their identity and values.

To Knowing Your Identity And Values           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change👍

Life Beyond Your Self-sabotaging

Have you run from addressing your inner wounds?  

Do you have a sense of the direction you are heading?

Close your eyes for a moment and visualise you living life to the full, aligned with your Soul´s desires.

What do you feel?

What do you see?

Is the life you are sensing different from the one you are currently living?

The Law Of Attraction Is Self-sabotaging Your Life

The sad reality for many of us, is that at some point in our lives (sometimes on several occasions), we find ourselves feeling there is something we are lacking in our life.

Whether it is your physical health, career, relationships or even finances…

Rather than waking up grateful for each new day, we are immediately reminded of stress, dis-ease or an unshakable feeling there is something we are missing in our life.

For there is more

…only you need to find it and to do that you must look within.

Yes, it is difficult to accept you are the only one self-sabotaging your life, holding you captive in old beliefs and patterns.

Which is why I highlighted in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change the role of the much mis-understood Law of Attraction.

For, as our thoughts become things so we resonate with them – hence, we attract them. Our resonance, our energy signature is created primarily by our emotional patterning rather than just our mental, intellectual or conscious thoughts.

Which is why old patterns and beliefs must first be released to allow new inspirations to take up residence.

No one else is sabotaging you.

It is your own mind that is your master. However, it also makes an excellent servant.

So, really today is about choosing to regain control of your mind as much as it is about breaking down the walls of your own beliefs.

Ready To Demolish Your Tower? 

It is the Tower of our limiting beliefs we need to demolish in order to grow and become who we know we are.

Once we accept that and take responsibility for self-sabotaging ourselves, we have the power to change and release ourselves from the buried experiences that make us feel stuck and imprisoned.

I am often asked what to do with “negative” emotions around not knowing the next step to take. The solution I point them towards is not controlling or even treating the emotions they are having. They are valid and exist.

Instead, I point people towards a skillset they had when they were young – to adventure. This grew through our childhood.

More is in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change.

Should you feel stuck in any area of your life, I invite you to step into possibility. You have the ability to unlock the power of your inner wisdom through embodiment. This allows for greater transformation and healing, be it financial, health, relationship, stress, work, and much more.

Your destiny is to be in a state of joy, creativity, curiosity, and love because they are the vibrations of your Soul. The key is, you need to consciously embody this truth of who you are.

Whether you are ready to grasp the opportunity to initiate the lasting change your Soul is yearning, is your choice. As it is to face your shadow work.

Self-sabotaging What You Are Seeking To Manifest?

When not embodied, we lose our sense of self and the mind has to create a false sense of self by controlling the environment around us.

Should such arise, then feel into your body where the pain or dis-comfort sits. Hug that area or place your hands there so your spiritual body knows where the energy is not flowing.

This will allow you to free the energy circuits in your physical body.

You may need to do so more than once during September and early October. For many of us, this will have a focus on cleaning energy.

It may be within us, the outside world or a little bit of both. This is part of the transition process underway.

As I have mentioned before, our ancient wisdom is seeking to be remembered. This includes our sensory wisdom, both our psychic and physical senses.

You will feel this moving through you. In particular, in the solar plexus and third eye chakras.

Later in October, expect the sense everything is accelerating to return.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power, within ourself. That is the way to stop self-sabotaging the life you desire.

Remember support is always available.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the lasting change they desire in their life.

To Stopping Self-sabotaging Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Your Consciousness Evolving Or Your Life Still Held Back By Your Story?😄

Your Consciousness Evolving

To being masters of our own energy  

Many, including myself, are feeling tired as a result of August´s first full moon and the impending Lion`s Gate, which began on 28th July – consciousness evolving!

These energies also bring a sense of being “wired” as the new vibrations arriving are anchored in our physical bodies.

Consciousness Evolving Needs Creativity 

There is no absolute or expected response to these ongoing energetic shifts.

Though my experience, and those of others, is Nature has a calming effect as it balances our disturbed energy. 

More recently attention has become focused on the root chakra, which often does not feel so pleasant in the physical body!

This is part of the disposal process underway, so making space for the new energy to ground. 

Which means our energetic bodies are being upgraded as well as the physical.

The impact of which will be to shorten the period to manifest, as well as moving further from any dense energies such as anger, fear, guilt and shame.

All of which can create the means to be more energised, with greater clarity and in tune with your own abilities, gifts and skills – so enhancing the consciousness evolving.

Do not become upset should you feel down, being human means our emotions and thoughts influence our consciousness.

Instead, be the observer of your consciousness evolving rather than caught up in the story which has been directing your life. For the words we use create our identity.

The Aquarian encouragement of being human, indicates structures will need to become more democratic in their operation. To be user rather than system centred.

To be Masters of our own energy.

This applies both personally and to our work.

Allowing our imagination full rein is becoming more important. Included inYour Consciousness Evolving Or Your Life Still Held Back  By Your Story? is a link to a blog post by Peter Diamandis about embedding experimentation in business.

There are also some thoughts from Alvin Toffler´s book “Future Shock”.

Your Consciousness Evolving Needs You To Take Little Steps 

Though published in 1970, the approach fits very much our current situation. 

For his premise is that established leadership is struggling to adapt to rapid, unpredictable change. This applies also to governments and institutions as well as each of us personally.

Hence, my belief a new modus operandi is needed to ensure continual adaptation for them to survive – whatever the size of organisation.

And personally, should what you are doing be making you feel miserable, nothing will work! 

Once you find something you enjoy, all will start working.

That is a consequence of what is unfolding.

The latest Message From Source includes this insight: 

This era marks a period when connecting beyond Earth will become common place. It will therefore not be so easy to deny the presence!”

This is going to become a recurring theme, so there is some more explanation inYour Consciousness Evolving Or Your Life Still Held Back  By Your Story?”  

This is the opportunity being offered by our consciousness evolving.

To welcome magic back into our lives and to work with it.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to connect to the consciousness evolving in their life.

To Knowing The Consciousness Evolving


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Waiting For Life To Catch You Up? Do You Trust Yourself To Create It?😉

Waiting To...

Move from separation to accepting everything is unified

The energy at the moment is encouraging us to be free of the old in order to start our walk along new pathways.

Paradoxically, to unstick ourselves we need to stop doing. Rather to enjoy the waiting, for only then can we begin to move forward.

Nothing is more frustrating than feeling stuck, whether in relationships, health, money, business, or life itself. The more stuck you feel, the more you struggle…

…and unfortunately, like quicksand, the more stuck you become!

The Cause Of Your Worry Is Not Trusting The Creator

How about viewing all those challenging moments are actually to help you step onto the new pathway? 

Only, it requires waiting for you to remember who you truly are.

Until you surrender, life will remain challenging even though we are here to continually meet it, embrace it, and allow us to expand.  

When you do, you open to a greater version of love and your Soul’s desires.

Are you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually ready to make a potentially rapid shift in your life, and to step along a pathway to a new beginning, by simply waiting? 

That destiny is what we are all here to live.

To me the only question is when are you going to allow it happen?

Later today, perhaps next month, next year, or perhaps in your last five minutes of this life…only you can make that choice.

Life is and always has been changing, only the intensity is greater at this moment.

All we can do is control our re-action to it rather than stop the inevitable change continuing. 

Waiting helps us to release the need for adrenaline and cortisol highs which keep us living in the re-active rather than creative mode of life. 

When we return to accepting our inherently divine nature, our vibration will rise. How any of us serve is how we most fully express our true self, our divine self – who we truly are.

You can read more about this in Waiting For Life To Catch You Up? Do You Trust Yourself To Create It?

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is a coherence between your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies, and your Soul´s desires.

Waiting Will Help You Regain Control Of Your Life 

Here is a surrender exercise to discover whether you are living out of alignment.

Be still, and focus your attention onto the centre of your being.

Then ask yourself: 

Is there any part of me that will benefit from relaxing at this moment to receive a higher vibration?”

Does any part of you feel tense? Allow that tension to be released, acknowledging any flow you sense.

As you release, what happens is your body opens itself to receive a greater flow of divine energy, a greater love, to move through you. This is always available to you. 

It is what I mean by surrender.

You are here to release any areas of tension and allow a greater flow of abundance, joy, and creativity to move through your body and so your life.

Healing is a natural by-product of trusting the flow of Cosmic energy.

Though often, we have to stand aside to allow us to receive it – hence the importance of waiting.

We also consciously and unconsciously create blocks when ignoring our inherently divine nature.

The latest Message From Source includes this guidance about trust: 

… will also require each of you to trust yourself and so the Creator. There is no difference, for each of you is one with the Creator. So, trust yourself and so trust the Creator, they are indivisible.” 

Once your attention is on your inner world, your perspective broadens to the entire reality you are here to serve.

Then you will regain control of what you create in your life.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to learn the value of waiting in their life.

To Enjoying Waiting


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Power Is For You To Exercise With Love, Not Give Away To Others 😁

The Power Within

Are you aware you might be terrified of being powerful?

Last Saturday we completed three days of ceremony guiding participants to be in their power to live an authentic life.

Each was an entrepreneur seeking to adjust to what is emerging and step into the next phase in their life. To know their truth and be aligned with their authentic self.

What I have come to appreciate over the years is that the single biggest cause of pain and dis-comfort is the dis-connect people experience when not living an authentic life.

This manifesting in financial problems, relationship issues, physical pain, creative blocks, and even spiritual suffering.

Once they acknowledge the power of who they truly are, they are able to relieve that pain, accelerate their personal fulfilment and create truly meaningful lives.

Ready To Discover Your Power And How Amazing You Are?   

Some of the group were fathers of young children. The concluding discussion moved to how it is becoming more and more common for  children to maintain a deeper and stronger connection with Source.

Also, how they seem to be more confident in “remembering” broader aspects of who they are spiritually.

Meaning they will probably be more compassionate, interdependent, community-oriented, loving and wise.

What is often ignored, is that whilst in the womb the foetus is absorbing the energy surrounding it. Impacting the child´s subsequent life.

Current research in the field of epigenetics indicates the foetus begins establishing belief systems on a neural-biological level as early as three months before birth. My experience is that it is earlier.

These “new” children are simply bringing into form the higher frequencies we all have the power to create.

Only what was once considered unusual, will now be considered commonplace. Memories from other lives, spiritual understandings and even stronger intuitive abilities will be the new “normal”.

Meaning today’s children are born with an awareness that took many at least half their lives to accept!

This new emerging state was confirmed for me in the guidance I noted sometime ago. Everyone over the age of two now has the opportunity to enter into a new soul contract.

This each of us has the power to effect when we choose to.

For, being in your power means you are aligned with your truth, being your authentic self.

More on how we are all designed to be powerful is set out inPower Is For You To Exercise With Love, Not Give Away To Others”

Allowing Others To Use Your Power?  

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

The latest Message from Source provides this guidance:

make your choice to create beyond your own desires. You can also exercise your power, for then 2+2 creates more than four.”

My passion is to help you take action to discover your power and how amazing you are

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

The secret to a happy and fulfilled journey is to live a life that feels fun and joy in the moment, allowing the outcome to emerge.

Then you will no longer be terrified of your power. For you are aligned with your truth, being your authentic self.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to live in their power.

To Exercising Your Power With Love


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Your Destiny is Never Still, Do You Want To Discover And Follow It?🙃

Your Destiny Ia Waiting For You

The inner world of your unconscious mind is activated way ahead of your conscious one

Do you know you have a destiny?

At several points in our lives, we tend to ask– if not question, what is our destiny and the truth about why we are here?

On days of frustration, it is more questioning of why we have yet to know it?

Whilst on days of reflection, it is more likely to be what serves us.

When you feel energy flowing through you, you feel that awareness in your bones. 

Your Destiny Wants To Be Discovered 

Then on the days when all is not progressing as you would like, you might wonder why all seems to be opposing you?

All of which probably means, your destiny is not clear?

You know you can create whatever you wish in your life? All you have to do is make a decision.

Though the mission to fulfil your destiny is probably not the same as it was when you were 20, or even the same as it was a year ago.

We humans so often become caught up in the how to do things. As in, you know what you want to receive yet, how will you make it happen?

This is a common trap, and it happens to everyone!

For our belief is that once we understand the “how” and the “probability” of something, then it is logical and so must happen!

The systems of society teach that unless we have all the details of how we make a dream or an idea manifest, the dream itself is not “logical.”

We learn that we must know how something is going to happen.

Should it seem to be magic outside the probable parameters we know, then it is not going to happen to or for us.

How often have you given up creating something you truly desired because you did not know “how” it was going to appear in your life?

More on this and the role of fate is set out in  “Your Destiny is Never Still, Do You Want To Discover And Follow It?” 

Is Destiny Or Fate Guiding Your Life?   

However, when you hesitate, waiting for something to change…this is when life is waiting for you to choose. Nothing will change until you do. 

When you choose, life follows. No need to worry about the how!

Your destiny is not a task or end point. Rather your destiny is always moving in the flow of evolution.

This period of transition is requiring everyone to review their destiny.


Because quite simply humanity has never been here before!  

We are being encouraged to exercise our courage to plant seeds to create the new.

Everyone has the opportunity to choose, and we do.

However, the outcomes of those choices are not necessarily what we expect. For, we do not have the control we imagine we have.

The latest Message from Source provides this insight:

Destiny has certainty as to its direction and the steps you will take. It is your Soul which prefers to set the direction, though many of you seem to prefer to follow the distractions rather than your Soul´s desires! Yet, both provide lessons from which you may learn.”

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

When we own our stories, we start to live in alignment with our destiny. We know we are in alignment when synchronicities show up everywhere. This is the magic of living your mission to create your destiny!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to free their destiny.

To Discovering Your Destiny   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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