Have You Made Your Choice To Step Into The Unknown? 😁

The Direction Is Your Choice

 It is our heart that tunes into information from the field to feed our imagination, creativity and intuition   

We all sense we are in a period of unprecedented transformation–a once in a generation, let alone a lifetime shift.

The coming months are going to bring an acceleration we have not experienced before.

During such periods, the next wave of change-makers and thought leaders emerge; the new artists, thinkers, teachers, authors, healers…

Your Choice Will Propel You Into The New Era

The Cosmos is gearing us up for 2025 when three generational planets finally settle in a new sign — signifying the start of a new era as they move from Earth/water to Air/fire.

The journey to the new is about remembering who you really are. Truly knowing yourself as part of the Creator as though it is the first occasion you have had this knowing.

More is in my latest article, about accepting we are an integral part of the spiritual realms. Which is when we open to higher and wider opportunities to evolve.  

Hence the need to make your choice!

When you resist doing so, when you try to go back to the past, when you stop taking steps forward, then you feel it.

From such an energy blockage inner conflict is created and so illness. You might feel as though you are regressing, even though you could not possibly do so.

You cannot un-expand because it is all of Creation that is expanding, everyone and everything within it.

Which is why it is so important to listen to the messages from your body.

Trusting your instincts, emotions and feelings rather than what you believe to be facts – often portrayed as the heart versus the mind!

In my own case, I was surprised by the changes which flowed once I started to listen to my inner wisdom and what my body was asking for. The very first step of which was to stop eating sheep meat!

It is by each member of humanity walking along their own path we will determine the new era humanity´s evolution is creating.

Your Choice Is To Follow Your Head Or Your Heart?

External events flow from the change that begins within each of us. We view our world differently when we change our thoughts about something, someone, or some group.

This is what will help you move past the old traditions and ways and move into the new era.

The latest Message From Source contains this reminder:  

When separate, you experience everything happening to you. When acknowledging all is connected, you understand the events unfolding are for you to gain experiences.

In the article I have cited research from 1991 indicating the heart has about 40,000 specialised cells, called sensory neurites, that act independently of the human brain.

This neural network sends instructions from the heart to the brain based on our feelings about the world around us.

This is how we tune into information from the field to feed our imagination, creativity and intuition to create the new.

One way to harmonise the heart and brain is through altering our breath – an essential part of the shamanic toolkit!

Regular practice has been shown to strengthen the immune system as the stress level declines.  

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire s to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to make their choice to step into the unknown.  

To Making Your Choice      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Is This Your Mid-life Crisis, Or Humanity´s? 👉

A Mid-life Crisis Is An Opportunity

 The happiness curve shows life satisfaction declines over the first decades of adult life – bottoming in the 40s/early 50s, then rising

Have you ever wondered about living a life that feels inspired, aligned with your values, and heart-centred?

Often this is the result of passing through a mid-life crisis. For others, it has been the Dark Night of Their Soul.

Both have the same intent.

To pass through a life transition when you begin to question what you have accomplished or achieved and whether they still provide a sense of fulfilment and meaning?

The Seven Signs And Symptoms Of A Mid-life Crisis     

The truth is, it is very easy to ignore that little inner voice, the one that tells you deep in your gut what you know to be true.

The noisier mind prefers to make life seem easy by staying the same, to keep things exactly how they are, and not to upset what may be unbalanced.

Even though you are unhappy and your body is indicating there is a conflict creating pain and dis-comfort.

During such a transition, people feel their current life no longer makes sense and so are seeking to find ways to re-connect with themselves. The hope being this will enable them to create a life that does have a sense of meaning and purpose.

According to the American Psychological Association, such turning points appear between the ages 35 to 65. This is when a person´s identity and direction move into conflict. Mine began in my early 50s.

More is in my latest article as well as seven signs and symptoms of such a mid-life crisis.

Above all, you must have faith that whatever it is you desire to experience in your life will come to you, and that holds especially for the new and different when they provide meaning.

Instead, view any mid-life crisis as an opportunity to re-connect with the inner wisdom that whispers to you the next step to take.

You will not be disappointed!

Remember, new timelines are created when you use your imagination. Especially when you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you.

Bring Adventure Into Your Life To Move Through This Mid-life Crisis   

These choices are not being made outside of you by some other being or some other group of beings, you alone decide when that happens.

All is available, the adventure is just waiting for you to choose to receive it. You are the one deciding, focusing and so creating that vibration.

Once you remain in alignment with what you desire, and let go of what you do not want, then you put yourself on the best feeling timeline for you.

Choose the one that gives you the most joy. Being conscious that you are choosing and knowing the timeline that will feel best to you does exist.

The latest Message From Source explained it as:

Very soon the cracks will become ever more visible in the old structures. This is not the moment to celebrate, rather to begin the process of creating what will replace them. This will take understanding and acceptance to see what will be needed, not just to replace the old!”

This will help increase personal satisfaction and provide a greater sense of optimism toward the future.

Helping to move you beyond the nadir of the mid-life crisis and further up the happiness U-curve as you apply your wisdom.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

And, yes should you have missed it, humanity is going through its own mid-life crisis!

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to help to increase happiness in their life.

To Moving Swiftly Through This Mid-life Crisis    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

To Welcome The New Your Patterns Of Behaviour Must Change 😊

Free Your Patterns Of Behaviour

Combine your logical and intuitive sides to express your full power as the leader of your life   

Do you have a sense there is a moment coming when you will be able to uncover the hidden obstacles holding you back?

Willing to welcome new patterns of behaviour which will empower you to unlock your innate abilities?

Healing what has been stopping you from stepping toward the destiny you sense your Soul is seeking?

    Ready To Be Free From Old Patterns Of Behaviour?         

Once you do you will revitalise your life and experience a newfound sense of energy and vitality.

However uncomfortable you are, or struggling perhaps with a lack of sleep, try not to resist. 

Rather, welcome them as April is one of 2024´s peak moments accelerating our evolution.

For each of us is being asked whether we are ready to consciously choose to be the leader of our life? This is not a linear process for it will probably need your courage and willingness to step into the unknown, something you have yet to experience.

Being the leader of your life means accepting responsibility for where it leads you.

Often this will mean freeing yourself from being influenced by any old patterns of behaviour – whether ancestral, from this or other lives. Then you are free to follow your destiny. 

The one we choose, not what we believe others expect us to be.

As the month of new beginnings, April offers the opportunity when your dreams can truly take root.

Helping you to say farewell to stagnation and embrace a future filled with boundless wellness.

We are almost at the second eclipse for this first part of 2024. Together their purpose is to help you obtain an answer as to whether your deepest pain offers your deepest healing?

April as a whole is nudging us all towards the thoughts, words, and patterns of behaviour that will bring us into a higher-vibrational state. Anything restraining or taking you in the opposite direction will become evermore visible.

It will be illuminated by the new moon in Aries rising on 8th April.  As the observer of the feelings in your body, the intensity will grow as we move toward the solar eclipse on the 8th.  

Your Beliefs About Comfort, Value And Patterns Of Behaviour Will Be Challenged                               

As we move from a period of separation into collaboration, we do not need to be the leader acting alone. Hence, my suggestion is to also ask for support to always be available for you. This guidance could be from the ancestral and angelic realms as well as this physical one.

For we are all connected, the ancestral realm includes all souls, not just your past or future bloodline. This will help open the doors and portals to welcome the future into the present. 

The latest Message From Source included this encouragement about allowing yourself to be different:

“Which is why rules and regulations will need to be altered so the beauty of being different once again comes to the fore. Continue to renovate and renew what it is you desire in your life.”

20th April brings the most intense day of 2024’s astrological calendar when Jupiter, expansion, and Uranus, sudden changes and disruptions, form a powerful conjunction in Taurus.

Last together in 1941, globally they bring culmination to a cycle of intense upheaval, a pyrrhic new beginning, or both together?  

More on their impact throughout 2024, as we build the foundation for the new humanity, is in the article. Also included are some expectations around this date.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help in recognising their default patterns of behaviour.  

To Your New Patterns Of Behaviour            


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

The New And Different Need You To Go Slow To Speed Up 😃

Bring The New And Different In Your Life

Top teams that slow down, eventually go deeper and faster into achieving their objectives  

Do you seek to make do with your life or clear out to start again?

What I have found is that often it is necessary to create something new and different by creating an alignment that allows you to actually build what you desire. Not tweak what others created!

So much of what we try to create is part of the push towards improvement.

      There Are Hidden Opportunities To Do Something New And Different            

Continuous improvement was in many senses the mantra when I started in business. Suggesting even then adaptation to change was essential to survive.

Should you regularly procrastinate, avoid, do not follow through, feel exhausted or overwhelmed by the massive transition underway, this resistance might not be you and your lack of will.

Instead, it might be you are trying to hang the new on an outmoded structure. One that is not fit for purpose in the emerging era.

Yes, starting over can feel overwhelming, though it is not as hard as it may seem.

This past week we have been helping those on retreat to move beyond the level of their beliefs, what they unconsciously felt was safe.

When they left yesterday, in their words they felt all of Creation was lined up behind them to make their journey of transformation magical and easy.

Then you do not need willpower to take the actions you want. Your inner peace and presence will keep you moving forward, one step after another.

Remember, you are always just where you are meant to be! You have so much already in place, it is just there are hidden opportunities to do something new and different you may not be aware of!

More is in my latest article.

By slowing down you create the space to gain a new vantage point or deeper perspective on what is emerging. Then you will have the opportunity to initiate even faster traction. Just forging ahead on the same old route as fast as you can may lead you to bypass what is in your highest good and purpose.

The foundation of which is knowing who you truly are. 

That is what your Soul desires you to be, having gained various new and different experiences on the way.

         Slow Down To Gain Understanding Of The New And Different          

You must have faith that whatever it is you desire to experience in your life will come to you, and that holds especially for the new and different.

It needs sufficient pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life to be in place to allow it to manifest. Conversely, the more you push the further away it goes!

Rather, relax and allow them to surface. Oftentimes, that involves you just being yourself and being true to yourself, living a life of joy and freedom.

No longer lost, or dis-connected from the inner wisdom that whispers to you the next step to take.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

When you focus on building the connection with yourself, your body then you are also enhancing your connection with the Creator. This is what this period of evolution is encouraging you all to build.”

Hence, the need to slow down to gain a deeper dialogue and understanding of the new and different challenges appearing. 

Whereas seeking to make giant leaps will lead to a sense of overwhelm and so a continuous wait for the first such leap to occur.

McKinsey & Co. put it this way

Perhaps the most important element of the Quantum world view is knowing that solutions are always available and require only that we be conscious enough to see them. If we are, we set the right attention (we’re fully present) and intention, directing our energy to the solutions we want to emerge.”

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step out of their comfort zone and do something new and different.

To Doing Something New And Different


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Focus Your Will To Create Your Reality 🙂

What Is Your Focus?

The quality of what we focus on impacts the quality of our lives

Do you ever find yourself grappling with frustration, overwhelm, disappointment, or fuzzy thinking?

Such feelings are not mere nuisances, they are messages waiting to be heard and transformed so we can take our next step.

However, very, very often we do not listen because it is coming from within us. Whereas our body is attempting to call our attention to an internal conflict which is preventing us from taking that step.

The one your Soul wants to make so it can continue to evolve.

Is Your Focus On The Past, Present Or Future?  

Your authentic path, your true calling, is not something you must go searching for outside of yourself. Rather, it grows organically from the very symptoms you believe block your way.

Each feeling, each emotion, is a clue guiding you towards your destiny and fulfilment. Their message is the solution you seek is in the same pattern of beliefs as the challenge you face.

March´s energy is asking us to take a breath to align yourself with what is emerging. The essence of which is to answer the question of where do you put your focus?

On the past, the present or what you choose to create?

For, what you focus on is what you become. What you push against, you vibrate in harmony with.

This is why so many keep repeating what they do not want and to their surprise, that is what manifests!

Whether you feel anger, fear, hurt or any such emotion, or any resistance you have to others, all contribute to the creation of your world. It also means there is something inside you do not want to activate.

So, instead of dismissing these emotions, listen to them. What are they trying to tell you? How can you harness their energy to propel yourself to take the next step along the path that leads to fulfilment?

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

Each of you will have the opportunity to choose what you desire to create in your life. Do not be timid when you do so.”

Three Steps To Alter Your Focus

Part of my passion and purpose in being recalled to be a shaman in this life is to help you remember the wild call of your inner wisdom, to help you cultivate a trust and confidence in your own inner authority.

Then you will continue to take the bold steps essential to focus your will on freeing your soul to create the opportunities it desires in this incarnation.

Quite probably the messages in this regard will be associated with your sacral. Asking you to follow your own feelings rather than the expectations of others – or thoughts from your unconscious mind!

My latest article cites a study indicating the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of all those thousands, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before.

This constant barrage of negative and repetitive thoughts can significantly impact our health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

For, our inner state of mind is the main factor influencing why we do what we do, how we live our life, and what we achieve. In short, the quality of what we focus on impacts the quality of our lives.

Focus is how we exercise our will and so the power we all hold as individuals to create the life we desire.

Three steps to help you achieve this are in the article.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to focus their will.   

To Focus And Create Your Reality    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

We Are At A Transition Point, This New Moon Lights Your Path 💥

We Are At The Transition Point

It will take most if not all of this year to complete the transition  

Have you a sense the tempo of your life is about to accelerate? 

Should it not have done so already, prepare for lift off! Ready yourself for this journey by relaxing, going deep within to appreciate what will unfold.

Centre yourself to review your past and reflect on what you have achieved.

This will help to illuminate your future and choose your most desirable path forward. 

Sometimes we must look back to confidently step forward!

        The Transition Point Of The Spring Equinox Approaches        

The watery new moon in Pisces on 10th March is beckoning you into the mystical realms of your own depths. It marks a period of profound emotional and spiritual renewal, urging you to plunge into the ocean of your unconscious.

This last moon of the current astrological year is very close to Mother Earth and so has a more powerful effect than usual on our emotions and psyches. 

Releasing your dreams and intuition to flow freely as you connect to the universal tapestry of consciousness.

The call of this new moon is to cultivate empathy and compassion, recognising them as powerful agents of change and healing, for yourself and the world.

Encouraging you to let go and allow yourself to be guided by Source.

The latest Message From Source included this insight:

Be confident and assured as to the steps you are taking, the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of the new are being placed, ready for your arrival. The puzzle will then be able to support you over the coming period. There is far more for each of you to create.”

19th March brings the transition point of the spring equinox and the start of the next astrological cycle. Encouraging your independence, leadership, and passion to begin new journeys, providing a prod in the direction of your objectives and desires.

We need to be moved rather than move, which requires trust you will land on your feet when swept into the unknown. Listen to your inner wisdom and the truth shall be revealed!

       April Will Ignite Another Transition Point In Your Evolution               

As Jupiter approaches Uranus, our rebellious spirit that wants to break free, leave all behind and be liberated, will grow stronger and stronger through March and April. 

This conjunction is one of the most important astrological aspects of the year. Jupiter and Uranus come together exactly on 20th April.

My sense is it will ignite another transition point in our evolution.

The impact will be felt throughout 2024 as we build the foundation for the new humanity. This requires us to look beyond established paradigms and beliefs.

More is outlined in my article. The objective is to bring about integration and collaboration through recognising we are all part of the same, not separate. 

Current events are seeking to bring more people together, acknowledging we are all one humanity – powerful co-creators rather than victims.

Which means accepting everything just as it is, acknowledging it is your creation. Resistance will quite probably surface, notice it and let it go.

This is how new paradigms and beliefs can be established.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to light their new path.

To Life Beyond This Transition Point           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Do You Want Destiny Or Free Will To Direct Your Life? 🙃

How To Find Your Destiny

 When you do discover it, you reclaim your power, your true abilities, your magic

As humans we tend to form our beliefs around the memory of our experiences.  

Then you are trusting your own feelings as to whether something resonated with you or not.

In doing so, your destiny is revealed by the slowly unfolding, underlying story of your life. It underscores your reason for incarnating – which is to evolve through gaining experiences.

To achieve that you need to follow your feelings to create your own reality, not anyone else´s.

                  The Experiences We Seek Create Our Destiny       

The Quantum field indicates there are multiple realities, timelines, and even pasts from where you are at this very moment. These also offer experiences you may choose to explore.

Just having a conversation with someone can open a door to you seeking your own version of their experience – should you choose to!

This is how the ripple effect of experiences expands, for yours will differ from theirs. Adding to the infinite possibilities in Creation.

As you make the choice, you adapt your destiny. For, your attention has shifted in that direction, even though it may have seemed far-fetched before you had the conversation and made the choice.

In that sense, you have adapted your current reality.

The latest Message From Source brought this insight as to what is flowing:

The various timelines you are all living are beginning to combine to allow the coming transition to be effected simultaneously across them all. This is another of those cycles of Creation. Do not be disturbed should you come into contact with yourself living another timeline. It is the result of the choices each of you make in each incarnation. Which means there are multiple layers to what each of you consider to be your life.

For me, all realities exist, and all are accessible to those willing to take a leap of faith and believe it is actually a possibility for them.

Which requires trust in yourself and your abilities, gifts and skills. The only limitations that exist are those we place on ourselves.

                Your Unconscious Mind Directs Your Free Will              

This is part of the process of recognising your untapped potential to create your destiny.

When you do, you reclaim your power, your true abilities, your magic.

Accepting you are an individual in a mutual relationship within the Oneness of the invisible world. 

How does free will fit into what is unfolding?

The term itself was introduced by Christian philosophy in the 4th century AD. Though the first discussion of our current interpretation was identified in ancient Greek philosophy. 

The term free will has come to question the nature and existence of control we have over our lives. For example, does it require and do we have the freedom to choose our own path, to create our destiny?

Which comes back to, how do we make choices? As over 90% come from our unconscious mind, it is our past experiences that dictate our future path!

Which suggests free will is therefore almost illusory! Unless we consciously choose which path to walk!      

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create their destiny.

To Create And Live Your Destiny    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Do You Feel Compassion For Yourself Or Prefer To Burnout?😁

Compassion Will Accelerate Your Life

Each day we gain new experiences, almost always with an emotional impact

Each of us is stepping into new realities in every moment, and there are no limitations being placed upon you. 

The only limitations are those we place upon ourselves.

For, each of us is creating each and every moment for ourselves. Depending on who you are, for some this is consciously, others unconsciously.

This is part of the process of recognising we all have untapped potential within each of us. However, the only way to help make others aware of their potential is to first take action for yourself.

The creative power is in our experience, and how we then provide a beacon for others to seek their own.

Compassion Goes Beyond Feeling With The Other 

As the energies rise, so we are becoming more sensitive to them. With the result many now feel more affected by those they sense swirling around them. 

Empathy is when we resonate with the positive and/or negative feelings of others. Meaning you feel happy at the joy of others, and distressed when you observe someone in physical or mental pain.

Compassion though goes beyond feeling with the other to feeling for the other – which is why there is a difference between it and empathy.

Compassion is one of the fundamental qualities of being human. 

It is the subject of my latest article. And, has been ever present since my wife broke her wrist over one week ago.

There have been many lessons whilst feeling empathy for her pain as well as caring for her. There have of course been a few role changes as well!   

 Ready To Right The Imbalances Created By Your Beliefs?           

Earlier this week an appointment was made for the cast to be removed in the middle of March, so good progress is being made!

There is quite a difference between empathy and compassion, for they activate different parts of the brain. With the result we experience different feelings and so memories.

True compassion goes beyond understanding another person’s suffering. The compassionate feel compelled to do something  to help or relieve the suffering they see before them.

The latest Message From Source brought this insight:

“Then you will focus your creative powers on what it is you desire in your life. View these as creating the building blocks on which you then create the life you desire. This is how you will plant the seeds of creation.”

Righting the imbalances within requires conscious action.

The most effective method I have found is whenever you notice a surge of a difficult emotion—boredom, contempt, remorse, shame—pause, put your hand on your heart.

This activates the release of oxytocin, the hormone of safety and trust.

The full process is in the article.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to show compassion to themselves.

To Show Compassion To Yourself     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Can You Find The Revelation Needed To Create The New You? ⬆️

Your Revelation Is Going To Be?

Strive for something that seems to be beyond your horizon of possibility

We are almost to the end of Imbolc and the appearance of the new moon in, yes Aquarius.

It is a significant period for personal and collective revelation. Providing indications of what Pluto’s 20 year journey through Aquarius will bring.

This though is not the only game in town! Other cycles are playing out, as are more fundamental shifts!

Another Revelation About Human Rights Needed?

I was reminded of this when channelling the latest Message From Source.

Further exploration as to what was meant by new energies and fields arriving, led to the conclusion all of Creation is about to jump a timeline – moving into another reality.

Combine this with knowing we are no longer confined to a pre-birth script or blueprint we must follow, leads to unknown horizons for the evolution of cosmic consciousness underway.

Hence, why it is an exciting moment to be incarnate!

For, we all have the choice to move onto whichever timeline you feel will give you the most joy. 

fMHO, the most important reminder from Pluto in Aquarius is – we cannot know what to expect!

We live in an epoch marked by unprecedented, exponential technological change. Analysts indicate in the 21st century, we will not experience 100 years of evolution, it will be more like 20,000 years!

This estimate though is based on the current growth rate, which we know to be accelerating!

Added to this, in my article I outlined how within a month of the storming of the Bastille, the French National Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Meaning, social change can also happen swiftly when a consensus exists – in the same period the Declaration of Independence by the USA was drafted!

Will this period witness another such revelation about personal freedom and human rights? 

How Deeply Buried Is Your Greatest Gift?

What matters most on your soul’s journey is not the event itself, it is how you act when faced with challenging circumstances. In particular, who you become as a result of the experience.

This is the part each of us is playing in the revelation of the new humanity, Mother Earth and so all of Creation.   

Then we will re-connect with our true self and the purpose of this life. For we incarnated to live a life of joy, not to just survive!

The latest Message From Source added this overview:

Very soon the new sense of direction will begin to emerge. Even though you have all experienced many of the cycles of evolution, this is not the case with regard to what is about to emerge.”

Ten days after the new moon brings a rare alignment between Chiron and the North Node. Its revelation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sense, understand and re-write your karmic patterns.

As well as an opportunity to discover your greatest gift.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to reveal what is deeply buried.

To Finding The Revelation For The New You


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Do You Know Who Are You And What You Need To Clear?😇

Being Clear As To Your Dream

Your inner work will initiate a shift in your external world      

What does it mean to know who you are?

At this very moment, you have the power within you to craft the story of your life the way you desire it?

Are you ready to claim it?

My epiphany came many years ago when I was the CEO of a technology group I had taken public.

Intense lower back pain stopped me from driving to work and leading what most would consider a “normal life”.

A space for reflection had been created – only through the pain I did not view it as such

Clear Within To Shift To A Different Reality

 One afternoon, moving slowly along a country path I had walked many times before, smelling the recent rain in the air, and looking at the large, fluffy white clouds moving across the sky, my head was full of Position: Purpose; Position: Purpose; Position: Purpose. 

As I began the slow walk home, my choice had been made. 

To no longer allow my life to be directed by a belief I had held since the age of seven. 

My story had been to attract the love of my father, I needed to be a successful businessman. And, here I was breaking down under the pain of achieving it!

Later, I came to realise my experience was a metaphor for my life.

My body was sending me a vital message about the story I had been living.

So, began the process of re-connecting with my energy to re-calibrate and begin the process of creating a new story for my life.

One aligned with my desires and passion. One that brought fun and joy into my life rather than a sense of obligation.

2024 is about allowing us to release what is no longer working.

This new energy is calling us to look within ourselves. For, doing the inner work will initiate a shift in your external world.

This is the message I was asked to communicate in my latest article.

Each of us has the power to step forward as the master that is within us, following the call to change our lives and so change this world. Our choice is how we answer the call. 

The focus of 2024 is self-empowerment, enabling you to regain your power and find a way to live with freedom.

        Three Questions To Being Clear On Your Dreams

Doing so requires you to be clear of all that is draining you, all the old energies your body knows need transformation and healing.

This broadened in the latest Message From Source to remind us:  

Soon you will become more aware of your connection to all that is. This is not only to other humans, it includes your planet, its other inhabitants and so all that is present in your galaxy.”

Once we clear the stories and the shackles of our beliefs and patterning, our fight, flight or freeze re-action will relax. To the benefit of our parasympathetic system, and so our overall health.

Remember, even though you may not agree with something, it exists for a purpose, or else it would not exist! And, everything is the Creator, it is love and everything is you.

What may help in knowing where to put your energy, are your answers to three questions posed in my latest article

Yes, there is at present much uncertainty in life, so creating a sense of chaos. However, chaos also opens us to possibility for it is from here the new can be created far more easily!

Chaos also means that anything can emerge – what you focus on is what you will create.

That is how you will know who you are. 

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to clear what they no longer need in their life.       

To Knowing Who You Are     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter