May Will Bring More Of What You Desire 😃

Have You What You Desire?

This new moon is encouraging you to make your own rules

Today´s new moon in Taurus asked you to re-align your actions with what you desire, to allow yourself to dream beyond your current horizon.   

To do so, you are invited to slow down, appreciate the simple things in life, and find beauty in the world around you.

Taurus teaches us that when we cherish our current blessings, we not only enhance our own sense of contentment, we also attract more of what we desire into our lives.

Have You Added What You Desire To Your Unlimited Potential? 

You may recall the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on 20th April was also in Taurus. At this new moon, another four planets, including Jupiter and Uranus, are in this fixed Earth sign.

This new moon is the first major trigger of that conjunction.

During the coming month, the Sun, Venus and Mercury will add their energies to the trigger as well as align with Jupiter and Uranus!

Jupiter magnifies what it touches.

Uranus liberates what is stuck.

Taurus represents physical matter, the body, the five senses, food supplies, and economics.

The bull is encouraging you to step back from the chaos of everyday life and focus on what truly matters to you – to connect with your innermost dreams and what you desire. 

It is when we find the stillness within ourselves, we often find our greatest clarity. Answers become clearer, and life seems simpler.

More on the contrast between the bull´s preference for safety and stability, to keep everything steady and Jupiter-Uranus seeking to break up old stale patterns, routines, and anything that seeks stability, is in my overview about the new moon energy.

Being another super moon, there will be a pull on the tectonic plates as well as our psyches!

Recently my conversation with others has had a focus on the energy around them pulsing with the winds of expansion.

Signalling transformation is taking place, though the symptoms may differ. Whilst it will probably be challenging on occasion, it is an essential part of our growth and evolution.

It is from this you will be able to begin to create what you desire.

First, though you will need to understand what it is, which is totally different from knowing.

Understanding is about feeling the meaning, whereas knowing is about ideas.

This Moon Is Encouraging You To Make Your Own Rules

Understanding clears the way for you to have clarity as to your unique abilities, gifts and skills.

To expand your life, you need to understand you can explore new realities to allow your creativity and inspiration to grow.

Knowing is a stagnant awareness. Understanding is the action of processing, perceiving, interpreting, and then applying what you acquired by knowing.

May has an energy of expansion, globally as well as personally to support this.

It is from the feeling of what we desire we ignite our intentions, so radiating an electromagnetic signal to all of Creation from our heart.

The latest Message From Source added this guidance:

Feelings will become more important and essential as each of you allows your vibration to rise. Telepathy and other such manifestations of feelings will become more usual in terms of how humanity communicates. Which is why it is necessary for each of you to re-connect to all aspects of your physical body.”

Expansion is also being aided later on 8th May when the moon adds its energy to the rebellious spirit of Uranus by going out-of-bounds until 13th May.

That is stepping outside the Sun’s influence, allowing the moon to behave independently, making its own rules. This occurs only every 18-19 years for the moon and will continue through to its standstill in January 2025.

This new moon is leading you to take the next step to what you desire.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to create what they desire.      

To Bringing More Of What You Desire            


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

These Last Days Of April Will Shape The Form Of Our Future 💪

We Choose The Form Of Our Future

This full moon is an opportunity to see your Phoenix rising out of the ashes   

Have you been able to make sense of the many experiences, realisations, lessons and timelines altered over the six weeks since the eclipses began?

Based on my own experience and that of many others who have connected with me, do not push the process of integration. Your physical body will move at the pace it knows is best in terms of integrating the changes.

Make the necessary adjustments and reflect on all that has been learnt as you move forward in this new way, possibly even in a new direction!

The Winds Of Change Are Questioning The Form Of Our Future        

Remember, you will always be in a place where there is more for you to access. There will always be more opportunities to grow for you to experience.

Be kind to yourself and others as you explore the accessing and offering of your unique abilities, gifts and skills. Doing so in a conscious way is a big step forward for humanity and will shape the form of our future.

The Scorpio full moon rose early on the 24th, it is about accessing your inner power and self-trust. The more you have made sense of your experiences over the last six weeks, the more confident and trusting you will be in what you shape.

In addition to providing clarity, you will also experience a newfound sense of energy and vitality. Stepping beyond any fear, shame, grief etc. which has been keeping you in a “safe” place.

Then you are free to create your destiny.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet that governs both destruction and transformation. Pluto represents power and empowerment.

View this as the opportunity to see your Phoenix rising out of the ashes. This is when we discover how strong we are and how we will never succumb or give up taking back our power.

This full moon is therefore the moment to forgive and release all that surfaced before and as a result of the recent eclipses.

Allow it to shine its full light on all such beliefs and patterns. Listen to the messages from your body.

To help, perhaps ask yourself:

“What stories from my past need to be forgiven for you to regain trust in myself?”

Community And Collaboration Are The Form Of Our Future 

The astrology for the next few months is far more calm!

That said, there may be a resurgence of the situations and drama we faced during the eclipse season and the retrograde itself. Its purpose is to assist us continue shaping the form of our future.

Pluto offering its further assistance by going retrograde on 2nd May!

The retrograde offers a period of introspection to revisit unresolved issues from the past year and work towards healing. However, watch out for potential resistance to change as we pass through the last degrees of the old world, Capricorn, and birth the new, Aquarius.

Particularly, as its themes of community, collaboration and people coming together are going to emerge more strongly over the coming years.

The latest Message From Source included asking whether we had noticed how the colours and the very essence of Mother Earth seem more vibrant? Adding:

This is one of the effects of her move into the Fifth Dimension last December. Now she is consolidating ahead of the next moves. Each will bring its own unique sense of being. This is how you may track your own move. Sensing and feeling the difference in the vibration. Then congratulate yourself on completing the move.”

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to shape the form of their future.

To Creating The Form Of Our Future            


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Is This Your Mid-life Crisis, Or Humanity´s? 👉

A Mid-life Crisis Is An Opportunity

 The happiness curve shows life satisfaction declines over the first decades of adult life – bottoming in the 40s/early 50s, then rising

Have you ever wondered about living a life that feels inspired, aligned with your values, and heart-centred?

Often this is the result of passing through a mid-life crisis. For others, it has been the Dark Night of Their Soul.

Both have the same intent.

To pass through a life transition when you begin to question what you have accomplished or achieved and whether they still provide a sense of fulfilment and meaning?

The Seven Signs And Symptoms Of A Mid-life Crisis     

The truth is, it is very easy to ignore that little inner voice, the one that tells you deep in your gut what you know to be true.

The noisier mind prefers to make life seem easy by staying the same, to keep things exactly how they are, and not to upset what may be unbalanced.

Even though you are unhappy and your body is indicating there is a conflict creating pain and dis-comfort.

During such a transition, people feel their current life no longer makes sense and so are seeking to find ways to re-connect with themselves. The hope being this will enable them to create a life that does have a sense of meaning and purpose.

According to the American Psychological Association, such turning points appear between the ages 35 to 65. This is when a person´s identity and direction move into conflict. Mine began in my early 50s.

More is in my latest article as well as seven signs and symptoms of such a mid-life crisis.

Above all, you must have faith that whatever it is you desire to experience in your life will come to you, and that holds especially for the new and different when they provide meaning.

Instead, view any mid-life crisis as an opportunity to re-connect with the inner wisdom that whispers to you the next step to take.

You will not be disappointed!

Remember, new timelines are created when you use your imagination. Especially when you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you.

Bring Adventure Into Your Life To Move Through This Mid-life Crisis   

These choices are not being made outside of you by some other being or some other group of beings, you alone decide when that happens.

All is available, the adventure is just waiting for you to choose to receive it. You are the one deciding, focusing and so creating that vibration.

Once you remain in alignment with what you desire, and let go of what you do not want, then you put yourself on the best feeling timeline for you.

Choose the one that gives you the most joy. Being conscious that you are choosing and knowing the timeline that will feel best to you does exist.

The latest Message From Source explained it as:

Very soon the cracks will become ever more visible in the old structures. This is not the moment to celebrate, rather to begin the process of creating what will replace them. This will take understanding and acceptance to see what will be needed, not just to replace the old!”

This will help increase personal satisfaction and provide a greater sense of optimism toward the future.

Helping to move you beyond the nadir of the mid-life crisis and further up the happiness U-curve as you apply your wisdom.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

And, yes should you have missed it, humanity is going through its own mid-life crisis!

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to help to increase happiness in their life.

To Moving Swiftly Through This Mid-life Crisis    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

To Welcome The New Your Patterns Of Behaviour Must Change 😊

Free Your Patterns Of Behaviour

Combine your logical and intuitive sides to express your full power as the leader of your life   

Do you have a sense there is a moment coming when you will be able to uncover the hidden obstacles holding you back?

Willing to welcome new patterns of behaviour which will empower you to unlock your innate abilities?

Healing what has been stopping you from stepping toward the destiny you sense your Soul is seeking?

    Ready To Be Free From Old Patterns Of Behaviour?         

Once you do you will revitalise your life and experience a newfound sense of energy and vitality.

However uncomfortable you are, or struggling perhaps with a lack of sleep, try not to resist. 

Rather, welcome them as April is one of 2024´s peak moments accelerating our evolution.

For each of us is being asked whether we are ready to consciously choose to be the leader of our life? This is not a linear process for it will probably need your courage and willingness to step into the unknown, something you have yet to experience.

Being the leader of your life means accepting responsibility for where it leads you.

Often this will mean freeing yourself from being influenced by any old patterns of behaviour – whether ancestral, from this or other lives. Then you are free to follow your destiny. 

The one we choose, not what we believe others expect us to be.

As the month of new beginnings, April offers the opportunity when your dreams can truly take root.

Helping you to say farewell to stagnation and embrace a future filled with boundless wellness.

We are almost at the second eclipse for this first part of 2024. Together their purpose is to help you obtain an answer as to whether your deepest pain offers your deepest healing?

April as a whole is nudging us all towards the thoughts, words, and patterns of behaviour that will bring us into a higher-vibrational state. Anything restraining or taking you in the opposite direction will become evermore visible.

It will be illuminated by the new moon in Aries rising on 8th April.  As the observer of the feelings in your body, the intensity will grow as we move toward the solar eclipse on the 8th.  

Your Beliefs About Comfort, Value And Patterns Of Behaviour Will Be Challenged                               

As we move from a period of separation into collaboration, we do not need to be the leader acting alone. Hence, my suggestion is to also ask for support to always be available for you. This guidance could be from the ancestral and angelic realms as well as this physical one.

For we are all connected, the ancestral realm includes all souls, not just your past or future bloodline. This will help open the doors and portals to welcome the future into the present. 

The latest Message From Source included this encouragement about allowing yourself to be different:

“Which is why rules and regulations will need to be altered so the beauty of being different once again comes to the fore. Continue to renovate and renew what it is you desire in your life.”

20th April brings the most intense day of 2024’s astrological calendar when Jupiter, expansion, and Uranus, sudden changes and disruptions, form a powerful conjunction in Taurus.

Last together in 1941, globally they bring culmination to a cycle of intense upheaval, a pyrrhic new beginning, or both together?  

More on their impact throughout 2024, as we build the foundation for the new humanity, is in the article. Also included are some expectations around this date.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help in recognising their default patterns of behaviour.  

To Your New Patterns Of Behaviour            


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

The New And Different Need You To Go Slow To Speed Up 😃

Bring The New And Different In Your Life

Top teams that slow down, eventually go deeper and faster into achieving their objectives  

Do you seek to make do with your life or clear out to start again?

What I have found is that often it is necessary to create something new and different by creating an alignment that allows you to actually build what you desire. Not tweak what others created!

So much of what we try to create is part of the push towards improvement.

      There Are Hidden Opportunities To Do Something New And Different            

Continuous improvement was in many senses the mantra when I started in business. Suggesting even then adaptation to change was essential to survive.

Should you regularly procrastinate, avoid, do not follow through, feel exhausted or overwhelmed by the massive transition underway, this resistance might not be you and your lack of will.

Instead, it might be you are trying to hang the new on an outmoded structure. One that is not fit for purpose in the emerging era.

Yes, starting over can feel overwhelming, though it is not as hard as it may seem.

This past week we have been helping those on retreat to move beyond the level of their beliefs, what they unconsciously felt was safe.

When they left yesterday, in their words they felt all of Creation was lined up behind them to make their journey of transformation magical and easy.

Then you do not need willpower to take the actions you want. Your inner peace and presence will keep you moving forward, one step after another.

Remember, you are always just where you are meant to be! You have so much already in place, it is just there are hidden opportunities to do something new and different you may not be aware of!

More is in my latest article.

By slowing down you create the space to gain a new vantage point or deeper perspective on what is emerging. Then you will have the opportunity to initiate even faster traction. Just forging ahead on the same old route as fast as you can may lead you to bypass what is in your highest good and purpose.

The foundation of which is knowing who you truly are. 

That is what your Soul desires you to be, having gained various new and different experiences on the way.

         Slow Down To Gain Understanding Of The New And Different          

You must have faith that whatever it is you desire to experience in your life will come to you, and that holds especially for the new and different.

It needs sufficient pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life to be in place to allow it to manifest. Conversely, the more you push the further away it goes!

Rather, relax and allow them to surface. Oftentimes, that involves you just being yourself and being true to yourself, living a life of joy and freedom.

No longer lost, or dis-connected from the inner wisdom that whispers to you the next step to take.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

When you focus on building the connection with yourself, your body then you are also enhancing your connection with the Creator. This is what this period of evolution is encouraging you all to build.”

Hence, the need to slow down to gain a deeper dialogue and understanding of the new and different challenges appearing. 

Whereas seeking to make giant leaps will lead to a sense of overwhelm and so a continuous wait for the first such leap to occur.

McKinsey & Co. put it this way

Perhaps the most important element of the Quantum world view is knowing that solutions are always available and require only that we be conscious enough to see them. If we are, we set the right attention (we’re fully present) and intention, directing our energy to the solutions we want to emerge.”

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step out of their comfort zone and do something new and different.

To Doing Something New And Different


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Do You Feel Compassion For Yourself Or Prefer To Burnout?😁

Compassion Will Accelerate Your Life

Each day we gain new experiences, almost always with an emotional impact

Each of us is stepping into new realities in every moment, and there are no limitations being placed upon you. 

The only limitations are those we place upon ourselves.

For, each of us is creating each and every moment for ourselves. Depending on who you are, for some this is consciously, others unconsciously.

This is part of the process of recognising we all have untapped potential within each of us. However, the only way to help make others aware of their potential is to first take action for yourself.

The creative power is in our experience, and how we then provide a beacon for others to seek their own.

Compassion Goes Beyond Feeling With The Other 

As the energies rise, so we are becoming more sensitive to them. With the result many now feel more affected by those they sense swirling around them. 

Empathy is when we resonate with the positive and/or negative feelings of others. Meaning you feel happy at the joy of others, and distressed when you observe someone in physical or mental pain.

Compassion though goes beyond feeling with the other to feeling for the other – which is why there is a difference between it and empathy.

Compassion is one of the fundamental qualities of being human. 

It is the subject of my latest article. And, has been ever present since my wife broke her wrist over one week ago.

There have been many lessons whilst feeling empathy for her pain as well as caring for her. There have of course been a few role changes as well!   

 Ready To Right The Imbalances Created By Your Beliefs?           

Earlier this week an appointment was made for the cast to be removed in the middle of March, so good progress is being made!

There is quite a difference between empathy and compassion, for they activate different parts of the brain. With the result we experience different feelings and so memories.

True compassion goes beyond understanding another person’s suffering. The compassionate feel compelled to do something  to help or relieve the suffering they see before them.

The latest Message From Source brought this insight:

“Then you will focus your creative powers on what it is you desire in your life. View these as creating the building blocks on which you then create the life you desire. This is how you will plant the seeds of creation.”

Righting the imbalances within requires conscious action.

The most effective method I have found is whenever you notice a surge of a difficult emotion—boredom, contempt, remorse, shame—pause, put your hand on your heart.

This activates the release of oxytocin, the hormone of safety and trust.

The full process is in the article.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to show compassion to themselves.

To Show Compassion To Yourself     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Under This Full Moon Set Your Intentions To Create Your Dreams

Dream Your Intentions Into Being

You have until April 2024 to plant your seeds

As the festive season begins to wind down, now is the moment to contemplate what 2024 will bring for you.

As upheaval and chaos in the world around us continue, to me this is the moment to ensure that old, outdated energies are purged.

For, only then can you free your Soul to head in the direction of the intentions you choose. 

2023 may have felt challenging, even unbalancing as our souls continue their evolution, using the energies of this period to evolve in ways not possible before. 

            Do Your Intentions Include Taking Responsibility?

The full moon in Cancer provides a poignant moment, beckoning us to explore the intricate dance between our hearts and minds. It also marks a cosmic crossroads, in which you need to choose which path is for you.

It is asking you to make a conscious choice.

The energy of 2024 will help us all take another step in this process of evolution.

To navigate the challenges and opportunities this transformative year holds it will be essential you have clarity as to what your Soul is seeking.

Will it change as the year unfolds – quite possibly for as the latest Message From Source confirms:

The actions you are all taking continue to accelerate this transition at a rate faster than was expected. You are all to be complimented for those actions and those you have yet to make. Whilst you may not see an immediate benefit, you will be able to sense the change is underway.”

The year will require strength and resilience in the way you embrace its unique and challenging nature.

For, only when life becomes intolerable do we accept the need to change. This is the period we have entered.

To me, this is not a year for setting goals in the old sense they were understood. Rather, it is essential to set your intentions to build toward in the year ahead – especially before June.

This is the period to plant your seeds of intention, especially for the coming four years. 

      2024 Will Enhance Your Ability To Create Your Intentions     

Though remember, what you believe shapes your actions, and so, your life!

I have set out in this article more on why it will be necessary for you to choose what you desire and then ask for its creation!

It also details why the first months of 2024 are essential in this process.

As an eight universal year, 2024 offers unlimited potential and the unlimited energy to realise it.

Eight is the number of power, material and financial gain, achievement, reward, status and satisfaction. Though accuracy will be required.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help with dreaming their intentions into creation.      

To Living Your Intentions           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Taking The Next Step Requires You To Know Your Truth

Know Your Truth

There are four different forms and feelings of love present     

The energies of 2024 are already with us.

Many I have been talking to continue to identify resistance to what seems to be appearing for them.

Several have inklings as to their new direction, though cannot seem to quite make the first step toward it.

                            In Truth, Love Is Always Present        

A conversation earlier today highlighted the fear of rejection – so stopping the step being taken, even though there is excitement in doing so?

Currently, the main thrust of the lessons for humanity is about love and fear. 

You might think as souls come from love, are created of love, and live in a loving state they do not need to experience it.

However, love takes different forms, which raises questions about what is the soul seeking to experience.

My latest article sets out the current four different forms and feelings of love present. Each has a different tone and feeling to it.

The focus is on what it feels like to be without each, a mix or, all of these forms of love.

Even though love resonates at a level many times that of fear, we seem to all act from fear rather than love! Which is where any resistance sits. 

It does not matter whether it is rational or irrational, emotionally we are triggered into a re-action.   

Which then inadvertently defers your progress, even though love is always present – even when we believe we are unworthy to receive it!

However, should we choose to step beyond the limitation of beliefs such as fear, the consciousness of love comes to the fore.

                     A Chakra Upgrade Is On Its Way       

To help us do so, earlier this year the presence of the higher heart, the harmonic heart, became more evident.

My guidance has indicated another step will take place around the coming Solstice with an upgrade to your chakras.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this advice:  

Each of you has the ability to create your own dreams and so lives. 

Once you accept there is unlimited potential, once you step away from your limitations and concerns. This is the current focus for all of you.” 

It is your choice as to whether you choose the feeling of what gives you joy, or the thought what you are doing is for the greatest and highest good of all.

For, this is the moment to let go. Then feel within to know what is your truth and so the action to take. 

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to know where to look to find their truth.

To Knowing Your Truth     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Use This Moment To Create The Nature Of The Future You Desire To Live?

The Nature Of The Future Is...?

Your attitude is so important to create the life you desire

The future is coming whether you like it or not.

The real question is are you ready to take action to create the nature of the future the way you desire it to be?

As we grow and evolve the energy of our “Divine blueprint” changes.

Fear And Scarcity Stop Us From Living The Life We Desire

To me, current events are symptoms of change underway.

There is though, a far less recognised deeper meaning. This is about our ability to influence and create the future we desire for ourselves.

We are at a crossroads for our current civilisation.

Do we choose to evolve or not?

How we choose to navigate these next few months will plant the seeds determining the nature of our future.

Despite homo sapiens having the unique ability of adaptability amongst other species on the planet, the rise and fall of multiple civilisations suggest it has not always been applied!

Suggesting humanity has an inbuilt inability to instinctively respond to the unexpected and connect to our guidance. The members of each civilisation preferring to remain with what they know rather than adapting to what is emerging.

Hence, the ongoing cycle of death and re-birth of past civilisations.

Yes, humanity evolved though not the fear and scarcity present when our minds evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In my latest article, I set out more on both the history of our evolution and the root of the judgements underlying so much of the current conflict within humanity.

As a result of requests, a process is outlined for how to let go and create the new. My suggestion builds on the guidance everyone over two years old should enter a new soul contract.

Your Vibration Indicates The Nature Of The Future You Desire

For, each of us living on Mother Earth at this moment has an expanded purpose. One beyond that of continuing to evolve through our experiences.

This is the moment when we need to recognise what is in our control and surrender what is not.

You can only control your own world, so that is where to begin to create the nature of the future you desire.

It is your own attitude that determines the vibration you radiate! For, you can only manifest the nature of the future you have experienced.

The latest Message From Source includes this overview and advice:  

This is the moment in the cycle of evolution in which you choose the next step. Death and re-birth is the option which is available for all to enjoy. The very nature of what emerges will be determined by your attitude towards yourselves and so what you create.”

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the nature of the future they desire.

To Living The Nature Of The Future You Desire     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Live Your Truth, Or Your Deeply Buried, Irrational Emotions? 😄

Be At Peace With Your Emotions

Trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience    

Do you know someone who continually refers to their same story of childhood trauma?

Perhaps they have visited a therapist more than once, and yet it never healed.

We all know what this feels like.

                     Your Shadow Holds Your Deepest Emotions  

For the stories we tell ourselves can seem so inescapably real. They are part of who we are, our identity. 

When I hear such stories, to me they indicate the person is living in the emotional beliefs of their shadow.

Most are afraid of our shadow for it contains all the unwanted trauma, pain and dis-comfort we would rather avoid. 

Yet, as a shaman I know these vulnerable parts of us possess some of our most powerful gifts.

Only it requires courage to go there!

In my latest article I used David Hawkins´ Levels of Consciousness to list the eight emotions within the third dimension and below. He describes this overall consciousness as that of the victim/abuser.

The next seven levels rise from courage to bring about the self-empowered human, ready to step into the fifth dimension. This is the point in the process of evolution humanity is entering.

The eclipses and Samhain have brought many insightful dreams and conversations.

Lunar eclipses make visible our collective and personal shadow, providing an opportunity to reset the emotions of the beliefs held in our shadow realms.

Which leads back to trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience. It will mirror your inner beliefs, your emotions about yourself and all of creation. 

Hence, the influence of your shadow.

For our inner journey precedes the next cycle of our creative expansion.

Only then can we move on to what we really desire, rather than clinging to the emotions of our history, fears or past wounds. 

            Courage Is Needed To Create The Self-empowered Human 

Changing our response to what is presented to us. Then we arm ourselves with the awareness to move more gracefully through the turbulence continuing through next year!

The latest Message From Source includes this advice:  

As you take the first little step, so you will open more doorways for you to explore. Be willing to step into each with curiosity. That way you will unfold more of the potential you have exposed.” 

The question we all face, is whether we will allow the next level of our soul´s evolution into our everyday human existence?

For many, simply contemplating the choice will bring forth fear, hesitation, or trepidation from their shadow.

Between now and 2025, the process will accelerate, becoming more evident in our lives.

So, the question for you is whether you have the courage to step through any fears or past ancestral wounding? 

That is where you will find peace within and so help create it without.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to live beyond their emotional re-actions.

To Live In The Truth Of Your Emotions     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter