Your Greatest Potential Is To Be Found Where You Have Never Been 😇

Know Your Greatest Potential Yet?

It will motivate you to create the life of your dreams

We are coming to a tipping point over the next few weeks. Leaving behind so we can enter the new.

Yes, I am sure you have read this before. Though the upcoming full moon in Pisces provides just such a point. 

Exercise Your Choice To Fulfil Your Greatest Potential  

Pisces was the ruler of the 2000-year long period we are leaving for the Age of Aquarius.

As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces indicates the passing of one cycle and the birth of a new. The most watery of water signs, Pisces is ruled by Neptune – more water. The one element that can permeate everywhere.

Perhaps the moment for you to explore what new to invite into your life?

The numerology of this moon indicates around it and during the month after, some very significant events are going to take place in your life and that of humanity.   

The full moon itself rises on 10th September. Which in numerology comes to 16, the number of inspiration. With Uranus trine both the sun and moon on the same day, expect the unexpected!

Which reminds me of this quote from Rudolf Steiner:

“Man is not a being who stands still, he is a being in the process of becoming. The more he enables himself to become, the more he fulfils his true mission.”

The title of my latest article Your Greatest Potential Is To Be Found Where You Have Never Been, sets out the challenge we all face at this moment.

Being a freewill Universe, each of us has our own choice to make. Though freewill itself is simply the choice to reveal or to conceal Light. 

When you do so, contemplate the future you want to create, the one where your greatest potential lies. 

As you make your choice, feel into each one and follow those which you have provide the greatest joy. 

Reminding yourself change starts with what we believe to be crazy ideas!

One Spirit Event

Your greatest potential lies beyond the existing horizon of what you think is possible. Open to your intuition and trust your inner wisdom to lead you to your greatest potential.

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

Other steps to help you, such as the importance of the words you use, are set out in Your Greatest Potential Is To Be Found Where You Have Never Been.

Following the success of our first One Spirit event since travel restrictions were lifted, I am hosting with Marianne Lane and Havanna Luma another retreat – Create Your Space To Be Free.

This is for those experienced in energy work, yet sensing the current challenging energies and seeking to be free of whatever is restraining them from leading a life of fun and joy. There will be the opportunity to connect to your guides for assistance in having clarity as to your direction and the next steps to realise your greatest potential.

You will extend your awareness and experience into the unseen world to Create Your Space To Be Free of whatever is restraining your life. Included is a one on one shamanic journey with me.

Taking place at Quinta da Luz for five days from 25th September, click here to learn more.

To Living To Your Greatest Potential                                   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams? 👉

What Is Your Intention?

Five pointers on how to set your intention  

When you build your life from pull you go with the natural flow of all of Creation.

Even though not every day is going to be “your” day

Somedays, you feel inspired.

Somedays, you are not.

Can you “force” your way?

Of course.

Though when you do you increase the obstacles across your path.

Are Magic, Miracles And Luck Your Intention? 

For years, I thought I had to follow this path no matter how I felt.

That is until I built a closer connection to the natural flow of my body and rhythm of the season.

Once you acknowledge this and build your life around the seasons and rhythms, you have found the secret to living a life of fun and joy. For you are in the flow, not seeking to force it.

Then you will also find it easier to walk the path of your dreams, tackling obstacles and adjusting what you really desire to manifest in your life. Broadening your horizons beyond what you currently believe to be possible.

In Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?, I have outlined how the essence of effective intention setting is to remember: You are not of the world around you, it is of you.”

That is how we dream the world we desire into being. Pulling it with the natural flow rather than seeking to force it to manifest.

I was reminded of this during a recent client call. Francis was working part time so she had space to build her own business.

She knew her biggest issue was lack of belief in what she and her business were capable of.

Francis had launched her business and attracted clients. As she began to wind down the part time role, the panic set in.

For, now no-one seemed to be interested in what she was offering. She reached out to me and during that call we focused on:

Mindset – building a business has challenges. Especially when we increase them by being attached to an expected outcome and the results are not what was expected. Then we fall into paralysis and in-action.

Strategy – once the focus shifts to action rather than in-action, a world of possibilities open up to attract new prospects.

Five Pointers On How To Set Your Intention

Which is why in Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?  there are five pointers on how to set your intention. They include freeing yourself of limiting beliefs.

The most important step of which is to acknowledge what is holding you back, freeing your intuition and instincts. Then you move from trying to force to pulling. Freeing yourself to allow solutions to arrive.

For with every thought you are dreaming your world into being. That is how you can choose to walk a different timeline.

As this is a freewill Universe, we must first set the intention and act on it in order to create the beauty and healing we desire.

That is when you can begin to find the missing pieces of your puzzle so you start living life to your full potential, using your unique abilities, gifts and skills.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Setting And Speaking Your Intention 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do You Have A Direction For Your Life? Do You Want To Change It? 😄

A Direction For Your Life

Three questions to help you understand the direction you are heading

Are you a victim, surviving or thriving?

Are you trapped in an old story or have you begun to change it by creating a new one?

Do You Understand The Current Direction For Your Life?

We all have the freedom to tell any story you choose. It exercises your creative power to invoke whichever metaphor you desire in your world. When your stories are of victimhood, you will invoke more victimhood experiences and metaphors in your life. The same with stories of crisis and chaos, you will be invoking crisis and chaos into your life.

Meaning when you are tell stories of joy and fun, you invoke experiences of joy and fun into your life.

When we put words to our stories, we make them real, they become “things” acting as the foundation of our life.

We are also informed by quantum physics we live in “probability fields”, meaning that at any given moment, we have the potential to experience an unlimited number of outcomes, depending on where we focus our energy and attention.

The choices we make create what I refer to as timelines.

Quantum physics also tells us that with every thought we are dreaming the world into being.

This has been known and used by shamans over millennia to alter the past and guide the future. Doing so helps us step into our purpose — to create harmony between Father Sky, Humanity and Mother Earth.

As I have outlined before, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.

This means moving beyond our current reality of three dimensional space—length, width and depth—and one dimension of time.

“Do You Have A Direction For Your Life? Do You Want To Change It?” outlines the differences between the third, fourth and fifth dimensions of this Universe. My purpose is to provide a broader overview of what is unfolding for us all.

Choose The Direction For Your Life

My understanding is that the coming waypoint will be in the fifth dimension. Some may view this as a large leap, though it is not when you recognise the salient features of each dimension. And, take action to transform your life!

The full super moon rising very early, my time, tomorrow provides a major activation of the most influential astrology of 2022. Conjunct with Saturn, the Lord of karma and Father of time, your energy could feel heavy, depressing and limiting as Saturn seeks out the roots of what needs to released. For only then can new growth take hold.

The purpose of this full moon in Aquarius is to bring into its light where we need to breakaway from our stories of what has been so we can accept only the Now. Events are preparing to accelerate. They will require you follow your conscious connection to your inner wisdom and intuition to navigate you through them.

Unfortunately, 11th and 12th August are also the peak nights to watch the Perseids shower of shooting stars. These meteors have been so named because they appear to fall from a point in the constellation Perseus – in mid-August it rises in the North East around 11 p.m..

They may not be visible these nights due to the brightness of the moon. We also have smoke from wildfires distorting our view.

There is also another Message From Source detailing the purpose of what is evolving. Included in this overview is:

The journey is yes to re-connect to Source and so illuminate all that surrounds you. This for many may seem an impossible dream. It alone is a journey to be undertaken. This though is the objective and will require more to accept this before the tipping point is reached.”

Remember To Dream Into Being The Direction For Your Life

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

“Do You Have A Direction For Your Life? Do You Want To Change It? also has three questions to help you understand the direction you are heading.

I was also reminded we need to listen to Mother Earth and do we change our ways or not? These past few months have shown she speak ever louder if we do not!

Since 2018, Uranus in Taurus has been shifting our global perspective regarding Earthy issues such as economics, currency and the environment. It does not leave Taurus until April 2026.

We are moving ever closer to the end of 2022, during which you need to birth your vision, objective, dream or idea. Allowing yourself to feel it happening, even when you do not know why or how.

Reminding you to also broaden your horizons beyond what you think is possible. Open up to your intuition and instincts – solutions are about to arrive!

Suffice for me to say, there is no one “right way or thing to do”, have confidence in your unique self, follow your inner wisdom. It knows what best suits you!

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Knowing The Direction For Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Know How To Live Your Life As Who You Believe You Are? 🙂

Who You Believe You Are

Three-step process to clear old events and memories  

Today the first quarter moon in Scorpio rises. It will test of your will power, create interpersonal challenges and provide a key lesson on forgiveness. 

It will also test your patience. Meaning forgiveness will be needed to navigate successfully the choppy waters which are on the horizon.

The unforeseen challenges, personal or professional disputes or family drama in the coming week are to test your patience and kindness.

Freeing You To Be Who You Believe You Are

The same will be required as you begin to lay your new path, tackling obstacles and adjusting what you really desire to manifest in your life.

Broaden your horizons beyond what you currently believe to be possible. Acknowledge what is holding you back, freeing your intuition and instincts – solutions are about to arrive.

Perhaps your values, goals, and actions are not fully aligning with the desires of your Soul? Perhaps there are some deep-rooted desires you have neglected and only now appreciate they cannot wait any longer?

All of these questions and more exist in the space between the conscious and unconscious which Scorpio occupies. 

When we address this inner world, we re-define who we are. That is the way to give yourself a new identity – a new definition of who you believe you are. 

Quantum physics tells us that with every thought we are dreaming the world into being.

I have outlined in Want To Know How To Live Your Life As Who You Believe You Are? how in Shamanic tradition humanity´s purpose is to continue to co-create with Source. Dreaming the world we desire into being.

For as you know, our life is not fixed, rather several timelines exist for you to choose which to take. To me this is one of the main gifts of being incarnate at this moment in human evolution.

The purpose of this transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with our Soul.

For a shaman, re-connection is where all healing resides.

Take Action To Be Who You Believe You Are  

Many have said to me over the past few months, their thoughts have been full of old events and memories – ones which they thought had long gone.

Symptoms of pain and dis-comfort being brought on by holding onto the belief you are not sufficient to be WHO you are and HOW you are.

My advice is to allow the stories of any such events or memories to surface and note any feelings which also appear. Then complete the three-step process outlined in Want To Know How To Live Your Life As Who You Believe You Are?

Once you control your energy rather than allow the energy of the world to highjack your vibration, you give yourself permission to create the world you choose to live in. To Be who you believe you are. 

Do so from the beginner’s mind. Seeking answers in the unknown, the unfamiliar, and the novel pathways to discover your timeline to pursue.

Look beneath the surface, do not take the “obvious”, simple, or logical explanations for unexpected events in your life. Rather find a quiet space and ask Source to reveal the deeper forces at work creating events in your life. 

Even what may seem to be one small accident can initiate a series of change open new horizons to previously unseen possibilities.

Please reach out should you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Be Who You Believe You Are  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Create Your Own Reality Or Continue To Let Others Direct You?

Creating Your Own Reality

Three questions to help create your own reality

Planetary cycles create an ever-changing backdrop against which our day-to-day lives play out.

Some of these cycles are very long and others quite short, though all have an influence.

The lunar cycle is one we are all familiar with, as we watch the moon wax and wane across our sky.

Action Is Needed To Create Your Own Reality 

You probably know new moons symbolise the beginning of a new cycle. That in Leo last Thursday brought more than just any new beginning – its spotlight illuminates creative expression, star quality, flamboyance and heightened dramas.

This astrological energy is about aligning your ego and your conscious self – symbolised by the Sun,

Leo’s ruler – with your inner knowing and your soul’s destiny, symbolised by the Moon.

You have a choice to make – to follow the path of your ego and the norms created for you or to go deeper and fulfil the promise your Soul yearns.

Your choice is to continue to respond re-actively to situations or create based on your inner calling?

Want To Create Your Own Reality Or Continue To Let Others Direct You? expands on this.

Achieving it needs a clear alignment between your body, mind and spirit. Any conflict as to direction will simply put manifestation on hold.

The invitation of this new moon is to focus on deeply feeling what is going on within you, clearing away old patterns that distort your own reality.

Jupiter adds its retrograde energy to that of the new moon to set the scene for today 31st July´s very rare triple conjunction between Uranus and Mars, joined by the North node tomorrow, 1st August – all in Taurus.

The North node represents our future and when Mars and Uranus come together, surprises and breakthroughs happen.

Three Questions To Help Create Your Own Reality 

The greatest effect will be on our relationship with ourselves. Which is why as society moves from the belief we only have one life and so must take as much as we can from it, three different questions have risen to the top of the list clients ask for assistance to address.

August can be highly productive once you seize the day to pursue what makes you truly joyful.

The latest Message From Source includes a reminder for each of us of the importance of our choices:

…resistance may distract and slow the process of transition, it will not stop it. For what is unfolding is doing so on the grandest possible scale. This is why the change seems so intensive. It is clearing the old to embrace the new. How wholeheartedly depends on each of you and how you observe what is unfolding.”

Cosmic storms change the energy from September onward as October and November will bring challenging eclipses.

Earlier today when “kitchen coaching” with a guest, I was reminded of the importance of loving yourself first and foremost. None of you here can save the world when you are depleted, run down or burnt out.

Part of our learning as a Soul is often to experience how our wounds are triggered and so what we need to avoid. Only then can we create a reality of joy flowing into our life.  

A reflective first quarter Moon in Scorpio rises on 5th August. It brings with it tests of your will power, interpersonal challenges and a key lesson about forgiveness.

Reminding you to broaden your horizons beyond what you think is possible. Open up your intuition and instincts — solutions are about to arrive.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Your Own Reality


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Your Vibration Is Shifting Time. Are You Creating What You Really Desire? 😜

Your Vibration Shifts Time

13 indications you are not exercising control of your energy   

Ready to release the powerful creator within you to cultivate the aspects of life on Mother Earth we long for? Time does not limit you.

For quantum physics tells us that with every thought we are dreaming the world into being.

Willing To Turn Up The Dimmer Switch To Shine Your Light?

Your life is a story and every story has a hero.

Though most of my clients struggle with feeling they are the “hero” in their story.

They are so caught in their story they cannot stand back to observe themselves and their story.

It was observing my physical body and the messages which it was sending me which led me to write The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony. For the body holds important clues to what stories you are holding onto.

When such stories do not align with the available unlimited abundance and our authentic self, pain, dis-comfort or lack of wellness appears in our bodies.

You become the real Hero in your own life story, when you learn to embrace your challenges, learn from your adventures and discover you can re-write your script.

Quantum physics now confirms what shamans have practised for millennia – at any given moment there is the potential to experience a number of outcomes. Our life is not fixed, rather several timelines exist for us to choose which to take.

In other words, no matter your “story”, other timelines exist even though you may not be consciously focusing on them. Meaning you can shift your attention and awareness to them, should you so choose.

As souls in human bodies we are tremendously creative beings. Though I suspect we have yet to appreciate or even understand the depth and breadth of our creativity.

The purpose of this transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with our soul.

Have You Time To Hear The Whisper Of Your Soul?

For a shaman re-connection is where all healing resides. It is how we relate to ourselves, to our body, to our pain, and to our journey on Mother Earth.

This is the theme of: Your Vibration Is Shifting Time. Are You Creating What You Really Desire? Dreaming into being a balanced existence in co-creation with the Creator.

This is how you write the script of your life. Live it abundantly, as life mirrors back your intent and actions.

For safety comes from within each of us, rather than the illusion which is external. 

The article details 13 indications you are not exercising control of your energy.

Please reach out should you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

We are now in the last quarter moon in Aries. Last quarter moons represent turning points or crossroads.

28th July the new moon in Leo rises to infuse enthusiasm and passion into your life. Be courageous and bold, remember life is best when you are having fun.

We are already feeling the energy of the coming very rare triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars and the north node in Taurus on 31st July/1st August. This is the latest astrological marker indicating we are entering a new phase of evolution.

Destruction of an old way of life and ushering in of the “Great Reset”. It will also create massive vibrational shifts as Mother Earth upgrades – Taurus influences our bodies.   

When you observe events you also have the space to look and view them as just experiences rather than good or bad. Once you allow your soul to guide you through it, you move into grace. That is the purpose of this transition.

To Having Time To Do What You Really Desire              


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Even The Moon Is Guiding You To Close One Chapter, Willing To Open The New?

Open Your New Chapter

Feel your dream before you act on it

Are you finding yourself falling into the old paradigm of leadership; responding re-actively to situations, directing instead of co-creating?

It is the same in relationship issues.

Action Is Needed To Open The New Chapter In Your Life 

The usual alternatives I hear go along these lines:

“He just needs to change…then everything will be better”


”She just needs to think and act differently and then our relationship can finally move forward”

The solution offered is the same – change the other party.

Have you ever tried to change someone? In which case you know it is a pretty near impossible task

…particularly when re-acting to situations rather than co-creating something new!

Are you doing the same things over and over, thinking the same thought over and over?

My experience is to step back and reflect on where have you abdicated your leadership and power in your own path? Inner authority? Trust of self or your soul?

The very brightness of 13th July´s super full moon in Capricorn illuminatied the new chapter for you to open. As well as asking you to take responsibility for those areas where you are Not creating your life as you know you could or are called to.

The question it asked is are you willing to take the wheel back and chart a new course?

This is the challenge I have expanded on for all of us in Even The Moon Is Guiding You To Close One Chapter, Willing To Open The New?

This moon is conjunct Pluto and less than half a degree from the Saturn Pluto conjunction of 12th January 2020 which initiated the pandemic. The lockdowns and extreme rules and regulations that we had never experienced before.

Were you able to soak up this much bigger and brighter moon which was at its closest to Mother Earth in 2022. In doing so it is shining a very bright light on that original degree and it is still conjunct Pluto.

The Full Moon Is Illuminating The New Chapter For You To Open  

When Pluto is active it stirs up fears and old shadow energy floating around. Mother Earth and society will continue to become more intense, defensive, argumentative, and filled with disintegrating energies. A wider perspective is being offered with extended potential.

July´s energy awakens your soul. Meaning it is an excellent period to activate and raise up your intuition and re-birth your belief in self.

Making this the moment to take back control of your narrative – your story – and choose a story that defines your values. To lead your life, living it on your terms.

This has been the theme in many client conversations of the past few weeks.

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

The latest Message From Source reminded us all of the uncertain and uneven path of evolution of our choices:

Making the choice may bring up a measure of anxiety. That is natural for you are stepping into the unknown. Once you have made your choice, allow events to unfold….You may set course though a change in the wind may mean another course needs to be charted. This is the nature of evolution.”

July’s aim is to steer us away from fear and lead us deeper into what connection, care and self-care mean to each of us.

To Opening The New Chapter Of Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How Do You View Mother Earth, What Will You Put Your Faith And Trust In?

Have Faith And Trust In Yourself

Aim your arrow high and reach for the stars

Do you feel good when someone constantly criticises you and tells you that you are not worthy of…?

They keep telling you to play small because you “cannot” achieve the big dream you have for yourself?

Would you walk away from that person and remove them from your life? Preferring to look elsewhere for people that will help support your growth and evolution?

What do you do should that “person” be you?

The voice in your head… your own inner critic?

It has power because your beliefs, your conditioning and the story you tell yourself about who you are, programme your unconscious mind.

For example, during the imprint years, upto the age of seven, perhaps you were repeatedly told you are not worthy to be who you are or how you are. Such beliefs then direct the remainder of your life. Once formed, a belief such as “you are not worthy”, is how you will see your life and the world.

Therefore, you will only see limitations and restrictions, not the possibilities and opportunities when they appear.

To see them you need to have faith and trust in yourself.

Today´s strawberry full moon in Sagittarius asks what are you putting your faith and trust in?

In this it is being supported by activating the Galactic Centre – a massive black hole associated with clearing away density, allowing for access to higher realms.

Helping us to clear away fear and separation of the old-Earth consciousness so we can embrace a higher cosmic relationship of love.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality. Click reply to contact me.

Have Faith And Trust In Yourself  

Meaning opening up to your dreams and allowing them to guide you to create a deeper understanding of all that is possible for you to create.         

More is in How Do You View Mother Earth, What Will You Put Your Faith And Trust In?

It also contains the call to ensure you point your Sagittarian Archer´s arrow high and reach for the stars.

As well as more indications as to the themes emerging for you, humanity and Mother Earth.  

The latest Message From Source included comments on the actions to take to help manifest them:

The full moon marks the point of no return. The backwards facing portal has been closed, so the choice is now at what speed do you desire to proceed – are you seeking to be in the slow or the fast lane?”

The solstice on 21st June will encourage us to review whether we have built a solid foundation to take forward our dreams. The next retrograde at the end of June will seek to refresh your view on prosperity and “having enough”.

Do try to catch tonight´s strawberry full moon, it is the second of 2022´s four supermoons when the moon is closest to Mother Earth.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Leading A Life Of Faith And Trust     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

What Are You Afraid Of? To Speak Your Truth To Yourself and Others?

Speak Your Truth To Create What You Desire

Seven alternative views on fear

I was talking today to a client who said he felt he was going around in circles, not able to speak his truth

He was not short of ideas, putting them into action was altogether another matter. Procrastinating and perhaps making excuses as to why distractions kept pulling him away from speaking his truth.

Do you actively intend to do what you say you will? Or, do you allow words such as “try”, “hopefully” and “yes that´s good” make you a prisoner of inaction?

Are You Sabotaging Your Life, Unable To Speak Your Truth?

At this moment it seems almost all people have a wish to create new life. Some have clarity as to how it will look – the majority do not, nor should they at this moment.

Or, at least not until they have created space for the new to arrive.

This has been a recurring theme over the past few months as Mother Earth and the Cosmos shift into the new.

We are all on our journey and they all begin with that first little step into the unknown. An evolutionary step we can choose to take as part of our soul´s continuing evolution.

On many occasions people ask to see me because they feel too burned out to “live” their life. Procrastinating about where to direct it rather than doing what they know they need to do to manifest the life of their dreams or build their business.

Instead they feel exhausted and burnt out because of underlying patterns of self-sabotage linked to traumatic events from their past.

Trauma does not necessarily mean actual or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violence.

The definition set out in What Are You Afraid Of? To Speak Your Truth To Yourself and Others? is far broader. Many such events have occurred in other lives and been passed down the family lineage, not just in your childhood.

The beliefs created by your perception of such events direct your life, however much you seek to push through the beliefs. Their power is exercised through the anger, fear, guilt, hurt, sadness and shame they evoke within us.

Whilst the motivation is to protect, our re-action adds to the lack of harmony we are feeling in our lives.

Create Your Life Of Health And Wellness

Resolution requires you to complete the process of death and re-birth, the transition we are all undergoing at the moment. Until we do, we will continue to go around in circles. 
Meaning as described in the latest Message From Source:
… you will not be able to be the Creator of what you desire. Others will take your place at the font of Creation.”

Tomorrow, 7th June the first quarter moon in Virgo rises. It counsels caution and attention to details, while spurring you to act on your desires.

All first quarter moons bring obstacles and challenges related to whatever intentions you planted during the new moon. Excited by the possibilities for change and growth, the ground beneath you will not yet feel firm. This moon cautions you to approach important decisions with care and flexibility.

Yes, take that first step or even leap of faith, though when aligned with Virgo you must also pay attention to detail.

Your desire for change is being enhanced by the Sun in Gemini. Whilst Virgo is seeking discipline and responsibility, helping to align your intentions from where you find yourself.

The current moon cycle is about asking questions, having an open mind, a mind of wonder. Looking at your life more deeply, enquiring, and questioning the status quo and your own assumptions.

Remembering life is about creating health and wellness, not pain and dis-comfort.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Speak Your Truth


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

What Are You Manifesting In Your Life? Is It What You Truly Desire? 😙

What Are You Manifesting?

7 steps to help your manifesting

It often seems there are a million choices when it comes to manifesting what you desire.

Though really it boils down to just two.

Or, as that guru, Yogi Berra, said..

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”

Yes, there are just two choices, and deciding between them could not be easier.

You have either to stay on the course you are on, trying to maximise the strategies you are currently using – even when they have become obsolete and not working very well…

… Or, bring yourself up to date with some re-tooling which is in keeping with the new era that is emerging.

So… here are a few details to help you out.

Which would you rather do?

Obsolete method: Continue to believe you can simply think your way to better circumstances. It is concepts such as: “we can think ourself to a more enjoyable life” which underlie much of the current fragility felt across humanity. Thinking is based on what has been experienced, not what is emerging.

Breakthrough strategy: Accept you have to look into the unknown, often with no vision or clarity as to what is there. Having the courage to trust yourself, even though you have no idea where it will lead.

Humanity is at a key paradigm shift. Moving from thinking it is your action manifesting your results to mastering the energies to create on the physical plane.

This is an evolutionary stage we have chosen to join as part of our soul´s continuing evolution.

What Is Not Manifesting In Your Life?

As the latest Message From Source put it:

The current opportunity is to simply be present in the moment, your now moment.

It is from here you will be able to manifest all your desires. For there are no fixed limitations at that moment, only choices to be made as to what it is each of you desires.”

To assist you in What Are You Manifesting In Your Life? Is It What You Truly Desire?” are seven steps to help your manifesting.

There is also an indication as to when the pivot point for the opening of humanity´s third eye chakra will occur. It will also mark the moment the current archetypal energy of the Wounded Father is re-born as the Divine Mother.

To me these are other aspects of the process of death and re-birth, the transition we are all undergoing at the moment.

Similar to the way the workplace and economy are re-structuring.

To assist us all, Jupiter moved into Aries a few weeks ago. It brought our focus to what is new, innovative and never been done before. Breaking down our internal barriers to doing so.

Aries is the sign of action, courage and risk-taking.

Which means we are going to find ourselves in situations where we have to put our beliefs into action, to find our courage and take risks for those aspects of life that are important to us.

Jupiter as the planet of expansion will be pushing us to manifest what we desire.

Reflecting on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced counterpoint, a fresh perspective and practical steps, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Manifesting What You Truly Desire In Your Life 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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