Do You Have A Direction For Your Life? Do You Want To Change It? 😄

A Direction For Your Life

Three questions to help you understand the direction you are heading

Are you a victim, surviving or thriving?

Are you trapped in an old story or have you begun to change it by creating a new one?

Do You Understand The Current Direction For Your Life?

We all have the freedom to tell any story you choose. It exercises your creative power to invoke whichever metaphor you desire in your world. When your stories are of victimhood, you will invoke more victimhood experiences and metaphors in your life. The same with stories of crisis and chaos, you will be invoking crisis and chaos into your life.

Meaning when you are tell stories of joy and fun, you invoke experiences of joy and fun into your life.

When we put words to our stories, we make them real, they become “things” acting as the foundation of our life.

We are also informed by quantum physics we live in “probability fields”, meaning that at any given moment, we have the potential to experience an unlimited number of outcomes, depending on where we focus our energy and attention.

The choices we make create what I refer to as timelines.

Quantum physics also tells us that with every thought we are dreaming the world into being.

This has been known and used by shamans over millennia to alter the past and guide the future. Doing so helps us step into our purpose — to create harmony between Father Sky, Humanity and Mother Earth.

As I have outlined before, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.

This means moving beyond our current reality of three dimensional space—length, width and depth—and one dimension of time.

“Do You Have A Direction For Your Life? Do You Want To Change It?” outlines the differences between the third, fourth and fifth dimensions of this Universe. My purpose is to provide a broader overview of what is unfolding for us all.

Choose The Direction For Your Life

My understanding is that the coming waypoint will be in the fifth dimension. Some may view this as a large leap, though it is not when you recognise the salient features of each dimension. And, take action to transform your life!

The full super moon rising very early, my time, tomorrow provides a major activation of the most influential astrology of 2022. Conjunct with Saturn, the Lord of karma and Father of time, your energy could feel heavy, depressing and limiting as Saturn seeks out the roots of what needs to released. For only then can new growth take hold.

The purpose of this full moon in Aquarius is to bring into its light where we need to breakaway from our stories of what has been so we can accept only the Now. Events are preparing to accelerate. They will require you follow your conscious connection to your inner wisdom and intuition to navigate you through them.

Unfortunately, 11th and 12th August are also the peak nights to watch the Perseids shower of shooting stars. These meteors have been so named because they appear to fall from a point in the constellation Perseus – in mid-August it rises in the North East around 11 p.m..

They may not be visible these nights due to the brightness of the moon. We also have smoke from wildfires distorting our view.

There is also another Message From Source detailing the purpose of what is evolving. Included in this overview is:

The journey is yes to re-connect to Source and so illuminate all that surrounds you. This for many may seem an impossible dream. It alone is a journey to be undertaken. This though is the objective and will require more to accept this before the tipping point is reached.”

Remember To Dream Into Being The Direction For Your Life

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

“Do You Have A Direction For Your Life? Do You Want To Change It? also has three questions to help you understand the direction you are heading.

I was also reminded we need to listen to Mother Earth and do we change our ways or not? These past few months have shown she speak ever louder if we do not!

Since 2018, Uranus in Taurus has been shifting our global perspective regarding Earthy issues such as economics, currency and the environment. It does not leave Taurus until April 2026.

We are moving ever closer to the end of 2022, during which you need to birth your vision, objective, dream or idea. Allowing yourself to feel it happening, even when you do not know why or how.

Reminding you to also broaden your horizons beyond what you think is possible. Open up to your intuition and instincts – solutions are about to arrive!

Suffice for me to say, there is no one “right way or thing to do”, have confidence in your unique self, follow your inner wisdom. It knows what best suits you!

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Knowing The Direction For Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

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