The New And Different Need You To Go Slow To Speed Up 😃

Bring The New And Different In Your Life

Top teams that slow down, eventually go deeper and faster into achieving their objectives  

Do you seek to make do with your life or clear out to start again?

What I have found is that often it is necessary to create something new and different by creating an alignment that allows you to actually build what you desire. Not tweak what others created!

So much of what we try to create is part of the push towards improvement.

      There Are Hidden Opportunities To Do Something New And Different            

Continuous improvement was in many senses the mantra when I started in business. Suggesting even then adaptation to change was essential to survive.

Should you regularly procrastinate, avoid, do not follow through, feel exhausted or overwhelmed by the massive transition underway, this resistance might not be you and your lack of will.

Instead, it might be you are trying to hang the new on an outmoded structure. One that is not fit for purpose in the emerging era.

Yes, starting over can feel overwhelming, though it is not as hard as it may seem.

This past week we have been helping those on retreat to move beyond the level of their beliefs, what they unconsciously felt was safe.

When they left yesterday, in their words they felt all of Creation was lined up behind them to make their journey of transformation magical and easy.

Then you do not need willpower to take the actions you want. Your inner peace and presence will keep you moving forward, one step after another.

Remember, you are always just where you are meant to be! You have so much already in place, it is just there are hidden opportunities to do something new and different you may not be aware of!

More is in my latest article.

By slowing down you create the space to gain a new vantage point or deeper perspective on what is emerging. Then you will have the opportunity to initiate even faster traction. Just forging ahead on the same old route as fast as you can may lead you to bypass what is in your highest good and purpose.

The foundation of which is knowing who you truly are. 

That is what your Soul desires you to be, having gained various new and different experiences on the way.

         Slow Down To Gain Understanding Of The New And Different          

You must have faith that whatever it is you desire to experience in your life will come to you, and that holds especially for the new and different.

It needs sufficient pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life to be in place to allow it to manifest. Conversely, the more you push the further away it goes!

Rather, relax and allow them to surface. Oftentimes, that involves you just being yourself and being true to yourself, living a life of joy and freedom.

No longer lost, or dis-connected from the inner wisdom that whispers to you the next step to take.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

When you focus on building the connection with yourself, your body then you are also enhancing your connection with the Creator. This is what this period of evolution is encouraging you all to build.”

Hence, the need to slow down to gain a deeper dialogue and understanding of the new and different challenges appearing. 

Whereas seeking to make giant leaps will lead to a sense of overwhelm and so a continuous wait for the first such leap to occur.

McKinsey & Co. put it this way

Perhaps the most important element of the Quantum world view is knowing that solutions are always available and require only that we be conscious enough to see them. If we are, we set the right attention (we’re fully present) and intention, directing our energy to the solutions we want to emerge.”

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step out of their comfort zone and do something new and different.

To Doing Something New And Different


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

You Are Nearer To The Fifth Dimension Than You Think 🌄

Jump Into The Fifth Dimension?

There you will notice your focus is in the present moment      

We are now standing at the entrance to the energy of 2024.

All turns of our calendar are more than a chronological event, it is a moment filled with hope, renewal, and the promise of new arrivals.

The Creator’s eternal promise is to bring forth something remarkable and transformative in our lives.

However, to change your life, you must first alter the meanings and stories you have about it. Then we free our physical world, including our bodies, to absorb all the quantum potential available to us all.

When we choose to allow us to do so!

That is when we have the power to challenge and expedite how to replace separation with unity. Choosing every experience from a place of power and mastery. Instead of choosing them from a place of shame, guilt or fear.

Whilst returning from Egypt, I was reflecting on the intensity of the energy and the stories about its past. This led me to ponder on the nature of where humanity is heading – the Fifth Dimension!

The Gateway To The Fifth Dimension Is Open

This forms the basis of my latest article. The understanding of what this means has been known for many decades, even centuries.

One of my tasks in Egypt was in connection with Mother Earth returning to the Fifth Dimension. Humanity is following.

In recent decades, there has been confusion over definitions and dates of when this spiritual, not religious, transformation will take place.

Which it can only do once all is in place!

Hence, the current chaos!

Also, my learning is that the actual form of what will emerge continues to evolve until the moment before it happens!

That is because evolution is not linear, rather it is in constant flow. And, the pace seems to have been accelerating these past five years or so.

The article provides an overview of how the Third to the Seventh Dimensions differ.

The latest insights in Message From Source can be summarised as:   

Freedom will permeate all aspects of your life with a different feeling as to its presence.”

It also contains the current expectation as to when the move will be completed. This will affect the physical body.

Other indications you may observe as you shift your own dimension are included.

Listen To Yourself, Believe In Who You Are

2024 is going to deepen our journey into the new world we are creating. It will be moving fast!

Along the way, there will be choices each of us need to make.

Which Charles Eisenstein neatly summarised as:

We have to create miracles. A miracle is something that is impossible from an old story but possible from within a new one. It is an expansion of what is possible.”

The ask is that we each take charge of our life, believing in ourselves to create our dreams.

Which will require you to remain at peace and calm!

My last quote is from texts attributed to Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods and the Greek reincarnation of the Egyptian wisdom god Thoth.

In this one, Hermes laments the decline of ancient Egyptian wisdom and knowledge and the creation of a barren Earth. Thoth prophesies this will be remedied, adding

..such is the new birth of the cosmos it is a making again of all things good. A holy and all inspiring restoration of all nature and it is wrought inside the process of time by the eternal will of the Creator.”

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step into the Fifth Dimension.

To Joining The Fifth Dimension     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Are The Stories You Are Holding Onto Keeping You Stuck In Your Past?🙃

What Stories Are You Holding Onto?

You are being primed for evolution and growth   

After writing the article on Friday´s full moon, I reflected on the references made to technology past and present.

In particular, how our desire to communicate has driven developments. Initially this was about a king or emperor exercising control. Then more recently to connect everyone.

However, whilst there is a current focus on AI, for sometime there has been an increasing reliance on technology.

Which led me to ponder on: 

“Who owns whom?”

In the relationship between humans and technology, are people using it for their progress and growth, or are they allowing it to run the show and own them?           

This Full Moon Will Illuminate Your Stories

Yes, this period is about greater connection between all that is, though as the leader of your life. 

That is you come to the table with intention and purpose, behaving as the director of your life.

Which is why the biggest challenge you face in this life is also your truth – why you incarnated!

This full moon in Aries is asking you to be the director of your life.

Embracing who you choose to be, rather than holding onto who you have believed you are.

Illuminating who you are, not who your stories say you are!

This full moon and the coming eclipse season will help lift the mental fog many have been experiencing for several months, if not most of this year!

It offers a profound moment for personal transformation and self-awareness – should you choose to accept it!

Once we reach the end of December, we will look back and realise how dynamic, powerful, and transformative the coming weeks were!

The first eclipse is a solar one in Libra, bringing relationship issues to the forefront of our lives.

What begins now will complete in spring 2025.

My suggestion is to confront head on the challenges that appear. Using them for awakening, healing, transformation and forgiveness.

Such moments are for identifying and addressing what is – not what you think it to be.

Usually this is the inner shadow you incarnated to address, though often are trying very hard to resist or avoid because of fear in its many forms!          

To Know Yourself, New Stories Are Needed

The latest Message From Source includes a call to step into the unknown, concluding with this reminder: 

As always, avoid the how tos, for they are what limit so many of your desires and intentions.” 

Then as each of us steps closer to the energy of singularity, so does the collective.

Shifting from the separation of control to recognising each of us is an individual connected to everyone and everything.

Which is why this switch will be so difficult for many. For separation has been humanity´s collective mindset for around 50,000 years.

Though it will not require physical effort, for it is energy you will be moving.

Doing so will help you to move beyond what you previously thought was possible. 

View this as part of the journey to know yourself as you truly are. Which in turn adds to your experience, and so what the Creator is seeking – your purpose!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create new stories.

To Creating Your New Stories           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values? 😁

You Are Your Identity And Values

What you seed during this new moon will bloom into something wonderful  

As I write this post we are in the dark phase of the moon. The moment to turn within and let go as this last lunar cycle is completed.

The new moon in Virgo rises early 15th September, until then find moments to be still, feel, listen and release. Be prepared for your identity and values to be challenged. 

   Your Identity And Values Are Hiding Who You Really Are 

This is a fascinating new moon as only 19 hours after she rises, Mercury, who rules Virgo, stations direct.

Together they set into motion what we have been re-thinking, reviewing and revising these last few weeks. Once Mercury has gained forward momentum is the moment to begin to take action – suggesting late Saturday on!

As this moon has an emphasis on drawing us within and to the identity and values of our past, my encouragement is to review your experiences.

In particular, to ensure you fully understand where you have been before you take the next step.

Anything new you set into motion around your health and physical activity is supported. 

The goddess that is Virgo is reminding us all we are sovereign beings. As such to stand in our power, to be who we are.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and change, is influencing this new moon to challenge our identity and values.

Should we continue to view life through our old stories, we will be confronted by them during this lunar cycle. 

Their purpose is to eventually spark an awakening – though not just yet!

As I have set out in ”Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values?, seven planets are currently retrograde.

Of the major planets, only Mars is moving fast and directly! He is the action planet of the zodiac, symbolising desire, drive and energy. Beware though of acting impulsively from ego!

This new moon will perhaps bring up beliefs that are seeking awareness, then healing. Then you will be free to discover who you really are! 

Virgo is encouraging healing by integrating our past experiences, feeling them, accepting and forgiving them at their root cause. Freeing us to then step onward. 

      The September Equinox Marks A Major Point Of Choice 

The latest Message From Source indicates this transition is proceeding faster than was expected. It also provides a sign you too are moving toward a different dimension.  

It concludes with: 

This is how you will then in turn be able to assist others. For this is your calling! It is not the intention to create a divided community between those who have and those who have yet to choose.”

Also in ”Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values?” is some information regarding the intensity of the sun´s rays.

These are playing a part in upgrading our bioelectrical DNA and so creating the environment in which humanity evolves. 

On the 23rd in Libra, we will find ourselves at the moment of equal light and shadow.

Some 75 years ago, science confirmed that around each equinox the solar winds create cracks in Mother Earth´s magnetosphere. 

Meaning at each equinox it is possible to more easily receive information from higher dimensions. Hence, the indigenous practice of ceremonies at equinoxes.

For this is also the moment when our own personal energies come into alignment with the ebb and flow of Mother Earth and her seasons.

Libra´s scales reminding us of the importance of balance in our lives as we move from one identity into something else!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to challenge their identity and values.

To Knowing Your Identity And Values           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change👍

Life Beyond Your Self-sabotaging

Have you run from addressing your inner wounds?  

Do you have a sense of the direction you are heading?

Close your eyes for a moment and visualise you living life to the full, aligned with your Soul´s desires.

What do you feel?

What do you see?

Is the life you are sensing different from the one you are currently living?

The Law Of Attraction Is Self-sabotaging Your Life

The sad reality for many of us, is that at some point in our lives (sometimes on several occasions), we find ourselves feeling there is something we are lacking in our life.

Whether it is your physical health, career, relationships or even finances…

Rather than waking up grateful for each new day, we are immediately reminded of stress, dis-ease or an unshakable feeling there is something we are missing in our life.

For there is more

…only you need to find it and to do that you must look within.

Yes, it is difficult to accept you are the only one self-sabotaging your life, holding you captive in old beliefs and patterns.

Which is why I highlighted in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change the role of the much mis-understood Law of Attraction.

For, as our thoughts become things so we resonate with them – hence, we attract them. Our resonance, our energy signature is created primarily by our emotional patterning rather than just our mental, intellectual or conscious thoughts.

Which is why old patterns and beliefs must first be released to allow new inspirations to take up residence.

No one else is sabotaging you.

It is your own mind that is your master. However, it also makes an excellent servant.

So, really today is about choosing to regain control of your mind as much as it is about breaking down the walls of your own beliefs.

Ready To Demolish Your Tower? 

It is the Tower of our limiting beliefs we need to demolish in order to grow and become who we know we are.

Once we accept that and take responsibility for self-sabotaging ourselves, we have the power to change and release ourselves from the buried experiences that make us feel stuck and imprisoned.

I am often asked what to do with “negative” emotions around not knowing the next step to take. The solution I point them towards is not controlling or even treating the emotions they are having. They are valid and exist.

Instead, I point people towards a skillset they had when they were young – to adventure. This grew through our childhood.

More is in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change.

Should you feel stuck in any area of your life, I invite you to step into possibility. You have the ability to unlock the power of your inner wisdom through embodiment. This allows for greater transformation and healing, be it financial, health, relationship, stress, work, and much more.

Your destiny is to be in a state of joy, creativity, curiosity, and love because they are the vibrations of your Soul. The key is, you need to consciously embody this truth of who you are.

Whether you are ready to grasp the opportunity to initiate the lasting change your Soul is yearning, is your choice. As it is to face your shadow work.

Self-sabotaging What You Are Seeking To Manifest?

When not embodied, we lose our sense of self and the mind has to create a false sense of self by controlling the environment around us.

Should such arise, then feel into your body where the pain or dis-comfort sits. Hug that area or place your hands there so your spiritual body knows where the energy is not flowing.

This will allow you to free the energy circuits in your physical body.

You may need to do so more than once during September and early October. For many of us, this will have a focus on cleaning energy.

It may be within us, the outside world or a little bit of both. This is part of the transition process underway.

As I have mentioned before, our ancient wisdom is seeking to be remembered. This includes our sensory wisdom, both our psychic and physical senses.

You will feel this moving through you. In particular, in the solar plexus and third eye chakras.

Later in October, expect the sense everything is accelerating to return.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power, within ourself. That is the way to stop self-sabotaging the life you desire.

Remember support is always available.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the lasting change they desire in their life.

To Stopping Self-sabotaging Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready For Shining Your Light On Your Inner World Under This New Moon? 😆

For Shining Your Light

We will soon know the most probable paths ahead for Mother Earth and humanity!

Early on 16th August a new moon in Leo rose. Its message is to prioritise yourself and your own desires.

Our conditioning has been encouraging us to put other people’s wants before our own.

This Is The Moment For Shining Your Light 

This new moon is asking you to follow what feels good to you whilst setting boundaries and saying no to what does not light you up.

Leo the Lion is linked to confidence, a love of life and exuberance.

It also exudes confident optimism which refuses to accept failure.

All of which will help you manifest your dreams.

Though, remember manifesting starts from a place of feeling, not thought!

The latest Message From Source has this encouragement:

In many senses, the more different is what you are seeking, the easier it will be to create it – for nothing will need to be replaced!”

Remember, you are a participant in this collaborative Cosmos.

In this Universe you have the right to choose.

Therefore, the ability to write a new story for yourself.

And, to set the course for the direction you have chosen.

The Sun, the Moon, and Venus retrograde are square Uranus today, adding a strong sense of unpredictability to the mix. It might even lead you to do something completely different!

A new moon is a new beginning. This one may even empower you to take more risks and break free from established routines!

Be the courageous lion and follow your intuition.

Ready For Shining Your Light On Your Daily Practices 

In Ready For Shining Your Light On Your Inner World Under This New Moon? is mentioned how shining your light on your inner realm is the fastest way to affect change on Mother Earth.

It also contains the latest summary with regard to the current transition.

This suggests by the last few days of August, we will know the most probable paths ahead for Mother Earth and humanity!

Though there are another four stages before completion in December 2025.

Other key planetary shifts are outlined as well the different influences they will have on us all.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some assistance in shining their light.

To Shining Your Light           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It?💥

Your Turning Point Is Here

Our confidence and ability to lead will be at heights not experienced for almost two decades  

Seeking a deeper connection with the energetic realms?

This requires you live in singularity with all that is. Which we do through our heart. 

For this is the point of our connection to the Cosmos. 

A Turning Point To Awaken Your Heart Is Nigh

We have also been absorbing higher vibrations of photonic light. 

This flows from the increase in solar activity in terms of sunspots and solar flares from its minimum in December 2019.

The current solar cycle has already heated up more quickly than expected, with its sunspot activity more than 10% higher than the previous cycle.

Which has led experts to predict the peak will be a year earlier than usual, in 2024. This has also been visible in the auroras being seen across more of the planet´s night skies.

Another of the visible effects of moving through this period of transition!

Your emotional energy is also a vibration.

Vibrations are waves of energy. Which we speed up or slow down by our feelings.

These adjust our heart into a state of coherence or non-coherence with our Soul´s desires. So, influencing what we attract and experience in our lives.

As we enter the last half of 2023, so the cosmic energy is creating a turning point within ourselves.

We are also being guided to develop consciously and intentionally our intuition, our spiritual nature through complementing our extra sensory abilities. To accept we are the creator of our life and so live it. 

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It? outlines more on moving humanity´s consciousness from the past and present to being grounded in the present, with a dash of the future.

Which raises the question whether humanity will forever be moving between prosperity and ruin or, is at a turning point along a path of evolution?

The Turning Point To Singularity

There are some quotes from Peter Thiel´s “Zero to One” setting out four alternatives: recurrent collapse; plateauing; extinction; or, take-off. 

He admits in the book, the latter is hardest to imagine.

The super full moon in Capricorn on 3rd July offers an opportunity to re-evaluate, re-structure, re-configure your aspirations and so direction.

Particularly, as to what you desire to achieve during the months to 21st December. 

Reading this post, then probably you are unsure how you “fit in”. You have an awareness others do not. You have never been able to quite explain how you know, which has created much self-doubt.

You know this world is changing and the planetary movements are designed to help us move beyond our turning point.

Enabling us to create the new era, which we do through our heart.

The latest Message From Source contains this guidance: 

“All of Creation is continuing to shift. In that there is a process of remembering as well as evolving underway. This is going to bring you all closer to each other as you all embrace singularity rather than separation.”

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It? also contains two rules in life to assist you to live it well.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to move beyond their turning point.

To Moving Beyond Your Turning Point         


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Is This New Moon Ideal To Make Your Big Decisions And Commitments? 🙃

Making Your New Moon Decisions

An ideal moment to launch a new business, project or programme

Individually and society as a whole is at its fork in the road.

The old is fading and the more who trust themselves to jump into the unknown, so the faster we will travel down the new fork – both collectively and individually.

This New Moon Has An Important Message  

The few days upto the new moon early on Sunday 18th June are for reflecting on important matters, focusing on completing projects, and taking a serious look at where you have been, are, and are heading.

The influence of the idealistic Neptune may lead you to focusing on what is missing, or what you have NOT done as opposed to all you have achieved and are at that moment. 

Emotional energy is a key element of creative power.

Often, instead of listening we ignore our feelings. Preferring to numb and suppress them, allowing our triggers to turn into stress that cripples us.

Such misunderstandings can prevent us from creating what we desire in our lives. Rather anger, frustration, bitterness and disappointment replace it.

Which in turn means we lose trust in ourselves and so the Creator. 

Your feelings are not you, unless you choose to assimilate them into your identity.

For emotions are a frequency of energy.

Operating in waves, they are variable and fluctuate continuously.

Low frequency means the energy is moving slowly – which includes stress, fear, anxiety or despair.

High frequency moves quickly. Creating coherence across your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

The purpose of the emotion is to give you a signal something in your life is not aligned with your Soul´s intention. So, to take remedial action rather than just continue.

The frequency you emit calibrates your body and programmes your unconscious mind to notice and attract experiences and opportunities matching your emotional vibration.

Each Retrograde Will Lead You To Dig Deeper 

Which is why the process of manifesting is not just mindset and thought.

It is also a physiological process. The emotional and physical bodies have to also align.

To create change, you must start first with changing the stories you hold in your energetic and physical bodies. 

They contain the entire history of who you are and all the events that have ever happened to you, both in this, other lives and your ancestral lineage.

Meaning to effect change you have to also shift the habits and patterns of response you hold to such old stories.

Remember you have the power to choose how you are going to experience your world.

Is This New Moon Ideal To Make Your Big Decisions And Commitments? outlines the themes of the coming five retrogrades asking you to dig deeper into your own psyche.

For the purpose of retrogrades is to guide you to review or reflect your ‘inner-self’ as it relates to the past. To then make a choice as to which fork to take.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The New Moon Wants You To Plant New Seeds 

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance: 

Allow yourself to be free of any ties and so move into the new era with confidence, trusting it is in your highest purpose to be there at that moment, not before or after.”

Is This New Moon Ideal To Make Your Big Decisions And Commitments? also details some fascinating insights from geobiologist Rory Duff about the spreading energies of Mother Earth´s ley lines and the creation of harmony. 

The choice we all face is to allow ourselves to upgrade or leave.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to free their new beginnings.

To Your New Moon Beginnings         


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? 😁

Have you Found Your Objective?

This is one of the best weeks ever!   

Seeking a deeper meaning, purpose, or intention in your life just now, then pay close attention to more than what appears in your external world.

For it is in your internal world you will find most guidance.

The Objective Of This Full Moon Is A New Beginning   

Taurus is the sign of our physical bodies and the Jupiter/node and Mercury/Uranus conjunctions, are both, yes, in Taurus.

Our bodies are our teachers, constantly providing messages.

Initially as subtle hints, which should they be ignored will grow into symptoms and then pain and dis-comfort. 

Listening to your inner voice brings a wealth of guidance, including which way to head and with whom.

Early on 4th June the full moon in Sagittarius rises. It will provide you with an optimistic approach to life and a belief it will improve, even should you feel surrounded by challenges!

A full moon usually indicates completion. However, the influence of Mars on this one creates a sense of new beginnings.

Encouraging you to express yourself, to see yourself, to allow yourself to change. Developing new avenues, awareness, and techniques as you adapt to the flow of this transition.

When you embrace the courage of your convictions, there is no limitation to what you can accomplish. Take it in both hands and choose your own objective and then your mission!

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? has more on the energies and actions encouraged by this full moon.

As Mother Earth, and so humanity, adjust to higher frequencies, what was considered magical or coincidental, will once more be within our power to manifest.

Though remember you are either connected or in separation. You cannot be in both states at the same moment!      

Your Objective Is To Embody Greater Possibility  

June is a month infused with calming, grounding energy that facilitates a deep connection to your personal journey.

In numerology it is a 13 month, and both the moon and sun are at 13º. This is the number of the divine feminine.

Its energy is about love and nurturing, with a strong emphasis on change, support and connection.

None of which fit too comfortably into the hierarchical structure of the society we are leaving. June is also the month of the Solstice.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance: 

Be as the small child exploring a new toy. Free your imagination to create beyond your current desires. This is how each of you impacts the experience of all of creation. Which is the purpose of each and every soul.”

This full moon also conjuncts the Great Attractor, a supercluster of stars that contains our own Milky Way. Its energy is making this full moon even more potent with regard to our dreams and visions.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? also details the months, beginning with June, when the USA´s Pluto return will bring to the surface conflict with the energies of the transition underway.  

The polarised structure of what was is crumbling, a quantum leap in consciousness is unfolding.    

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in creating the objective and mission to give their life meaning.

To Your Life Having An Objective And Mission 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Something In Your Life Is About To Change – Ready To Embrace It?👉

Live What You Are About To Change

Willing to listen to your inspired ideas to create entrepreneurial success?  

Whilst these past few weeks have seemed calmer, much has been changing in the deeper layers.

Tomorrow Jupiter, the Benefic planet of growth, expansion, recognition and abundance, enters the grounded space of Taurus.

Our Relationship With Mother Earth Is About To Change 

Taurus, is the most steadfast and reliable Earth sign, offering a grounded energy that invites us to connect with our physical surroundings.

Encouraging us to appreciate the pleasures of the material world, whilst still maintaining an inner balance. 

This transit is considered to be one of the more important ones in 2023 as it could very well indicate that something in your life is about to change.

Taurus is also very influential at the moment as five planets, including the Moon and Sun are in it. Hence, the greater focus on humanity´s relationship with Mother Earth, Nature and the land. 

The expansive Jupiter also impacts inflation, suggesting it will not drop markedly during the coming year.  

The current astrological energies are dancing around whether you stay with the old world or are about to change and move into the new. 

This is the choice we are all facing, with the pace picking up in the last few days of May and into June. 

The new moon in Taurus rising on the 19th is a dreamy one, inspiring us to imagine new possibilities.

Its energy fostering creativity and inspiration – the ideal moment to delve into your dreams and aspirations.

Something In Your Life Is About To Change – Ready To Embrace It?    outlines more on the energies and actions encouraged by this new moon.     

Are You About To Change Or To Stay In The Old? 

The true power of this new moon lies in its encouragement to step out of your comfort zone and take action to realise your dreams.

To explore your inner gifts as the moon has an energy of rejuvenation about it.

Reminding me of guidance some months ago, this is a period of remembering rather than awakening per se! 

The moon is asking more to press their celestial reset button as they choose to allow change to unfold.

The main barrier to which is becoming caught in how to make it happen!

The latest Message From Source contains this guidance about using the current period of quiet: 

The coming days should be viewed as ones for reflection and so seeking to attune yourselves to what it is you desire in your life. Each of you is at a different point in your own evolution. Hence, why there is no one size fits all.”

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

I am in Copenhagen later this week holding half day workshops on the 22nd and 23rd should you wish to meet up, contact me for more details.

Whilst the eclipses are complete, remember their impact continues until 2024 as a result of Pluto flip flopping in and out of Aquarius.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in having the trust in themselves to live the life they are about to change.

To Embracing The Life You Are About To Change     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter