Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth? 😎

Your Heaven On Earth

Three steps to bring congruence into your life

Changing your direction can often be a challenge!


Because our unconscious mind is designed to react automatically. Habits such as walking or riding a bicycle use the neural pathways of your brain and nervous system to make them automatic.

 Ancient Practices Had Their Heaven On Earth

That is how we have evolved, creating space for our creative power to be applied.

However, the challenge with this elegant system is that it requires conscious effort to change the direction of your neurological highway.  

Hence, my repeated rejoinder to practice. For this is what helps create new neural pathways.

On how many occasions have you decided on a new course of action or direction and then critical thoughts have flowed in to make you question it?

Are the current energies and chaos making you feel lost, unsure, and searching for direction in life? 

Join the club! 

As the creator of your life, it is what you focus your thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

In “Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth?”  I have included more detail on some of the broader current influences creating our state of chaos. 

There is also a reminder our energy always seeks to create health, in spite of what we do to ourselves emotionally and physically. 

As we move from separation to acknowledging we are part of the unified field of all of creation, so the opportunities to do so increase.

Only, as I was reminded recently, we have to move beyond our established habits and thinking. 

Instead of focusing on what is broken, shifting our perspective to new creations and meanings for each of us. Changing the very words we use, or else we recreate the old patterns despite any action we may have taken.

Breathing Will Help Create Your Heaven On Earth 

Also included is an overview of the long-term decline in Mother Earth´s geomagnetic field. This has been associated with an increase in conflict.  Both internally and between each other.

As well, there is the timeline for the current solar cycle. The intensity of which is greater than last year, let alone in 2018!

Meaning, Mother Earth and all its inhabitants are going swiftly through an upgrade as higher densities of photonic light and Cosmic energy arrive with us.

The latest Message from Source summarises the process which is underway.  

Reminding us of the power of our feelings to create what we desire.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

“Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth?” also outlines a three step breathing practiceThis is designed to create greater congruence in your life by harmonising the neural networks of your heart and brain. 

So, helping to tune every cell in your body. 

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love and may need some help to create congruence in their life.

To Living Your Version Of Heaven On Earth 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

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