Is Instinct Directing Your Life Or Your Small Quiet Voice Leading You?🤞

Living Beyond Your Instinct

The male Y chromosome is disappearing    

Water is about to flow us into 2023.

As we do so we are being asked to accept responsibility for our lives. Only then can we create a new reality, the one we shape.

We have been moving toward this opportunity for more than a century.

Have You Cleaned Out What Is Clouding Your Vision? 

Thought leaders such as Einstein, Madame Blavatsky, Rudolph Steiner, Charles, Myrtle Fillmore, Ernest Holmes, Napoleon Hill, and many others date to the early 1900s.

They contributed to understanding our perspectives and thoughts create our life experiences, our reality.

Providing us with the opportunity to create a world that reflects who we truly are – individually and collectively.

Doing so requires you to first recognise and accept yourself. Hence, why many contacts and myself have been commenting on past feelings, images and moods surfacing.

For to create the new, means we must first wipe the slate clean of the limitations and constraints within each of us.

Only then can you step forward.

Permitting you to take back control of the story YOU decide is true about yourself.

Until then your human instincts remain in control.

Your Instinct Comes From The Stone Age

My suggestion is that as part of your reflection on this past year, you include remembering your unique, vital and irreplaceable role in the Cosmic plan.

The role only YOU can play.

Then you can open the next chapter in your life. The one no longer directed by the instinct of survival.

This was created in our hunter-gatherer past. As I was reminded in a Harvard Business Review article: “you can take the person out of the Stone Age, though you cannot take the Stone Age out of the person!”

”Is Instinct Directing Your Life Or Your Small Quiet Voice Leading You? details seven thoughts and emotions that best served our ancestors and so were programmed into their psyches. These continue to direct many aspects of human behaviour today.

Often perpetuated in the annual resolution setting, though usually phrased as goals.

Most of which are based on the non-sensical, non-existent, impossible, irrational idea that one day, when you achieve all you have set out to, you will feel good about yourself.

You will feel worthy and so loved.

Actually, only thoughts create our life experiences, our reality.

Think happy = Feel happy

Think crappy = Feel crappy

After reading the seven thoughts and emotions, you will understand why the process creates more self-sabotage, procrastination, self-flagellation limiting your potential.

This coming period is providing an opportunity to change the dynamic, the unconscious instinct/beliefs directing your life.

Dream Into Being Beyond Your Instinct

To do so means creating a new story about your life, one which includes what you dream about being and experience. Then your life will begin to change.

You will no longer be lost or dis-connected from your small quiet voice seeking to guide your next step.

Three key aspects to dreaming something into being are set out in ”Is Instinct Directing Your Life Or Your Small Quiet Voice Leading You?

There is also reference to a recent science journal article outlining how a new sex gene could be the future for men, and so continuation of the human species!

For, in case you did not know, for over a decade there has been a scientific debate about the disappearance of the male Y chromosome. The discussion being whether degradation will continue to extinction or it has reached a point of equilibrium.

The astrology of 2023 begins with four planets in the sign of external authorities such as governments and corporations squared to the wounded warrior Chiron, in Aries.

Venus is about to emerge renewed from Pluto´s underworld. Symbolising the rise of the feminine on the verge of liberation as she moves toward entering freedom loving Aquarius.

Mercury has just turned retrograde until 18th January, reminding us to think twice before speaking, committing, or signing agreements.

2023 promises to re-define our collective story, to move us toward creating a world of equity, sustainability and peace. The challenges facing humanity have the potential to be resolved in the coming ten years.

Accepting self-responsibility is one of the fundamental lessons to creating the life you desire. Everyone has their small quiet voice, following it is the sure path to fulfilment.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create trust in their life.

To Living Life Beyond Your Instinct


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

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