Are You WILLING To Create Your Life? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Willing To Create Your Life?

Is your choice to remain stuck or take action to accelerate your life?

As 2020 winds down it is tempting to think the new year is going to totally different. However, 2021 builds on what we have begun in 2020.

The symbolism of 2020 has been about experiencing challenges and difficulties. Pushing us to reach deep into our own inner resources: to build and develop and discover our inner strength.

We have been pushed to discover who we really are and how we respond to these challenges.

In essence are we willing to create our life or allow it to be created for us?

We are at a moment of memories and feelings, sorrow for the losses and separations, and a host of other emotions depending on how you have navigated these past years.

Some will feel anger and resentment, not wanting to move on from yesteryear. Others will receive their due and contentedly move forward whilst others may be chomping at the bit, trying to push on, or run away from something.

None of these is right or wrong. They simply reflect the choices we have to make.

Be Willing To Create Your Dreams

To be willing to make a change or remain in our comfort zone, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

My latest short story โ€“ โ€œAre You WILLING To Create Your Life?โ€ ย provides an approach to identify thoughts and habits holding you back.

It is here you will come to know and acknowledge your lessons for this life.

There is also an offer for you to use the next three days to make a list of all those beliefs stopping you from accelerating your life.

Send it to me and two days later, I will follow up and share with you how to proceed with the next step.

Once you are willing to change, transform and reinvent this day, and all other days, you will have begun to move beyond these obstacles.

At the coming solstice Jupiter and Saturn are going to be moving from Capricorn into the beginning of Air sign Aquarius.

They will join together as part of their 20-year cycle. Which means everything is going to feel different. Especially as they move from the last 200 years of Earth signs.

The last occasion these two planets met in Aquarius was in 1405. Ten years later the Portuguese “Navigators” began their voyages of world discovery.

In 2021 the beneath the surface work we have been doing continuesโ€” dismantling and beginning to re-structure and re-vision our systems and the way we live life.

All our political, financial, healthcare, education systems etc. will be impacted. This is because they are based in our past, in old ways of being. They are not fit for purpose in what is and will emerge.

Know Thyself

Your own internal systems, your own inner ways of being will also be part of this process. Questions such as โ€œwhat do you want to keep, what you want to build upon? What you want to let go of?โ€ will be present.

These are the kinds of choices many have made in 2020. They will continue as a background theme in 2021 because Pluto remains in Capricorn.

This is taking place within the Aquarian energy of a new vision for the future. Its energy is one of rebellion against the status quo, it is change oriented. Aquarius rejects the way things are in favour of the way they can be.

Hence โ€œAre You WILLING To Create Your Life?โ€ ย 

To Being Willing To Create Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

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