Have You Chosen Where Evolution Is Heading? 😁

Evolution Needs You To Know Who You Are

The challenges you place before you will guide you to know who and what you really are

There is much talk about how the world is falling apart, noticing life is no longer how they thought it used to be.

Have you noticed:

  • Time seems to be speeding up?
  • Your memories are no longer as reliable as you recall they used to be?
  • Beliefs you thought you had dealt with are suddenly re-surfacing?
  • Nothing seems to be working the way you recall it used to?

Might it even be falling apart on purpose?

Welcome to evolution!

To Create A New Evolution, You Must Look Outside The Box

A vast new energetic era is unfolding, creating opportunities for those who are ready to be who they are.

The potential is so far-reaching our current imagination cannot begin to grasp the changes we are experiencing.

Evolution itself can be defined as:

the description of a process that governs the development of life on Earth, dealing only with objects, events and processes in the material world.” 

However, what that ignores is the part we play in its creation.

Yes, there is the theme of humanity moving from the current belief it is separate from the Creator, to accepting we are all part of that collective – Creator Beings no less!

Destiny though is calling us all to be who we truly are.

The challenges you place before you have the purpose of guiding you to know who and what you really are. To know that through what you experience, not just as a concept, a belief, or an idea.

More is in my latest article, including the reminder to create something new, you must look outside the box of what you know.

Focus on what reminds you of who you really are, and gently and lovingly turn away from what does not. You will then find yourself operating in a higher frequency.

Higher dimensions have a broader understanding of reality because they are less focused than in the lower dimensions.

We can live a happy and fulfilling life free of pain and suffering in any dimension. The only requirement is to align with the vibration of the dimension and our soul’s purpose in this incarnation. Then there is no internal conflict.

The article updates the previous expectation of when one-half of humanity will be able to sustain their move into the Fifth Dimension.

Evolution Needs Harmony Between The Feminine And Masculine

The latest Message From Source contains an outline of the process underway. Adding:

There will be no fanfare announcing its impending arrival. Rather it just will. Hence, the need to be awake as to what events and ideas are floating around you. This is where you will discover the shift which is underway.”

Another of the cycles underway is to create harmony between the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

Such moves by the collective offer each person the opportunity to step from one level of consciousness to the next. This is how evolution unfolds!

So, find peace within yourself and state out loud: Yes to being the new human, homo luminous.

That said, Chiron in Aries until 2027 is reminding us of our wounds and pain. Especially when they may be running us, or we are running away from them!

Bringing us face-to-face with blockages to our courage in the past and present. Chiron´s purpose – to recover access to our heroic spirit.

Chiron is deeply connected to shame, with a tendency to convert into anger and aggression.

20th April brings the most intense day of 2024’s astrological calendar when Jupiter, expansion, and Uranus, sudden changes and disruptions, form a powerful conjunction in Taurus.

Taking place every 13 years or so, they seed new cycles of innovation, revolution, rebellion and change.

Often about waking up to something, something previously hidden being revealed or something unheard of happening.

The impact will continue throughout 2024 as we build the foundation for the new humanity.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to look outside of their box to create evolution.  

To Choosing Where Evolution Is Heading    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?🤔

Daydream Your Life

There is no more solid answer than you just have to do it!

All the trials and tribulations you went through to now were necessary to prepare you for the next phase of your journey.

Are you ready now to own who you came here to be and shed who you once were?

In which case, you are also probably showing some of those uncomfortable growth pains that often surface as we step further along our journey, to be who we really are.

The Fantasies Of Daydreams Lead To Taking Action  

Oftentimes old wounds, issues or difficulties make us feel really dis-empowered by everything. Or, perhaps you also feel you have lost your inner compass, your North Star? 

Such experiences are a reminder of the need to go deeper into owning yourself. Stripping away more layers of who you once were.

Doing so will most probably trigger an emotional re-action. My advice to several recently has been to just allow it to flow”.

For, now is the moment to take the chances you have only dreamt of upto now!

As you do so, one of the changes you may notice is in your relationships. For subtle energies are at work until August to remove conflict from them.

What I have noticed is that often it seems to be two steps forward and then one back. The inner critic surfacing to try and pull me back to where I have just left!

Such moments seem to be appearing ever more frequently as the higher consciousness seeks to pull us forward.

Spirit then rewarding you for stepping along the path of your life’s mission and staying true to yourself!

That is when you will be graced with one of the most important gifts of all: clarity.

This will enable you to make the connections you need and reveal hidden messages Spirit is sending you.

Though no matter how special this moment of clarity will be, it will not last forever.

Use it to see, observe, and absorb all the awareness and information you need. 

It will soon be required.

Which is where daydreams come in!

Use Daydreams To Enhance Your Creativity 

We have been taught they are just figments of our imagination.

Yes, daydreams are free thoughts and images unfettered from our active experience. They also are a brain function with great benefits.

Whilst daydreaming can reduce stress and anxiety, for me the main benefit is assisting with problem-solving and enhancing creativity.

In Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander? I have cited a Harvard study indicating on average we daydream almost half of our waking hours.

While teachers and adults usually discourage daydreaming, research into what is referred to in scientific circles as mind-wandering, argues it could be beneficial!

Daydreaming often centres on creating our future, which is why it is so prevalent in children. However, daydreaming is often viewed as a hallmark of those labelled as ADD/ADHD.

Yet, neurodiversity is on the rise as the new generation arrives.

Recent studies suggest creative thinking is enhanced when mind wandering lights up connections across a series of interacting brain regions.  

Which is why for many, deep and important truths about ourselves and the world around us seem to unfold from our daydreams.

Do What You Can With What You Have, Just The Way You Are 

That said, the very uncertainty of this transition is creating anxiety and doubt for almost all. 

However, what you cannot do is think your way out of self-doubt! Instead, just accept you are unsure and try anyway.

That is the message covered in more detail in Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?. 

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

Use the coming six months to refresh, rejuvenate and strengthen yourself for the major shifts ahead!

For January to July of 2024 will seem even more chaotic with another dose of Aquarian “wildness” of new twists and turns, global surprises and upheavals in society.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to have clarity in their life.

To Daydream Your Way Ahead


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How A Deeply Buried Belief Is Stopping You From Living The Life You Desire😎

Deeply Buried Belief

Jupiter is offering practical magic for entrepreneurial success  

Two weeks ago we experienced the new moon solar eclipse and tomorrow the full moon in Scorpio is eclipsed.

The energy of these past few weeks has been intense and revelational, as well as transformational! Several opening new chapters in their life.

To Evolve Uncover Your Deeply Buried Belief

This lunar eclipse will have a different feel to it as Scorpio, the archetypal sorceress within us all, intensifies the energies. Putting us in contact with our feelings and emotions!

Probably these will not only be those of the last few months. The challenges and difficulties over the last couple of years, let alone your life, will surface.

For Mercury has been retrograde in Taurus for also the last few weeks. Leading us into the darker recesses of our psyche.

To recognise its deeply buried beliefs, perhaps even arriving at a place that questions our Soul´s direction.

Are we truly being voices of our own truth and taking action in the world…

…or, are we hiding away from the world through fear of what others may think about us?

The Water sign Scorpio indicates: passion, emotion, willpower, psychic and determined.

Whilst the Earthy Taurus is: patient, pleasure-loving, material, determined and conservative.

The need to finish with the old will become even stronger with this lunar eclipse.

My sense is this is going to find even more seeking to breakthrough such restrictions. Perhaps even spreading out from the personal to the global.

Questioning are the restrictions on them healthy or ones that prevent progress, remove freedom, stop people’s wellbeing? 

This eclipse season is providing us all with an opportunity for liberation. Whilst it means we must change, it also requires we be comfortable with ourselves, knowing who we are. 

How A Deeply Buried Belief Is Stopping You From Living The Life You Desire also outlines how the lunar nodes influence your life.    

Pluto Will Challenge Your Deeply Buried Beliefs 

May began with Pluto going retrograde on the 1st. As the planet of destruction, death and re-birth, its influence has us experiencing major changes. 

Because the retrograde began in Aquarius, new energy and fresh perspectives will appear. In particular, it will motivate you to challenge yourself.

Which will be supported by Jupiter moving into Taurus to offer us all manner of practical magic such as inspired ideas into entrepreneurial success, financial growth etc..

Provided you beware of over-enthusiasm. It opens a beneficial period for start-up businesses aligned with the personal values of the entrepreneur.

The latest Message From Source contains this reminder about the energies floating around us:

It is essential to dis-engage from such distractions. Only then will you have the peace to have clarity. It is from here you will be able to create what you desire.”

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

I will be in Copenhagen from the 19th to 23rd of May. There is space on the  22nd and 23rd should you wish to meet up.   

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in having the trust in themselves to shake up their life.

To Being Free Of Deeply Buried Beliefs      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself?

Embrace Knowing Thyself

Six questions to help you make your next step

Have you experienced the conundrum of having so much you want to share, though something holds you back from sharing it?

The surprising truth? 

This is actually a GOOD sign.

Remove The Cobwebs To Knowing Thyself

For, it means you are at the crossroads of making a choice. Do you continue to play safe by hiding? Or, being seen by your audience for the very first time for who you truly are?

Source is encouraging you to bring all your abilities, gifts and skills into the open. Then you can complete the unique mission you incarnated to do.

Turning all the inner work you have been doing into an outward expression.

The self-doubt and fear you have been experiencing around showing up as your true self is completely usual.

You have personal experiences to support why being visible as your true self does not feel safe. It is not only you, this is a collective issue.

We are at a critical junction where all the decisions you make moving forward will be important.

Which in many senses is a return to what the great spiritual teachers and philosophers throughout history have emphasised – the importance of knowing thyself.

You have the opportunity to rewrite your story. To take back the torch and lead others through the current chaos.

The process of personal growth and evolution allows us to make course corrections in order to live fully as Source.

Our experience of life has always been an adventure – now even more so!

It is our thinking which keeps us stuck, along with our perception of being separate from Source.

Our true nature calls for unity with Mother Earth and Father Sky. Both are there to support us, provided we work in harmony with them.

It is your choice as to which path you choose.

Now Step Toward Knowing Thyself  

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself? has some insights as to the importance of being still in order to hear your Inner Wisdom.

Whilst events are going to require each of us to make a series of choices, the opportunity is immense.

The Message from Source outlines the steps to take with regard to the choices you will face.

Should an excuse surface as to why not to take the steps you desire, six questions are set out to help you identify its cause.

They will also help you identify the one action to take to begin to move toward your desire.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Knowing Thyself


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? 😙

Life Is Awakening For You

A breathing practice to reset your whole system     

It seems for several years we have been hearing the phrase “In these uncertain times.”

Many are having difficulty coping with each seemingly apocalyptic change we are facing. 

Some are lonely, anxious and grieving. 

Yet we are surviving.

The Moment Of Awakening Comes When You Know…

There is a part of us that believes in, and understands, the language of magic. To heal completely, we must engage all parts of ourselves in the process. 

That way we step more assuredly through the adventure which is our life. Always exploring so you can create the life you desire.

As you know, 2023 is the year for change.

Here in Portugal, spring is awakening. 

Birds have been arriving from Africa and roses and trees started to leaf. And, the mimosa is in flower, despite the recent snow we can see on the Serra da Estrela.

We are at the moment when the seeds burst open, and new life springs forth.

Three personal planets – Mercury, Venus and the Sun, are also indicating significant change is afoot. 

Which could be why humanity´s awakening is the subject of my latest article.

Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? is unusual in that a large part of the content was channelled.

The view received is that this transition is not a Great Awakening –  rather it is the Great Return. 

The essence of which is described as:

Coming back to the connection to all of yourselves. What has for many millennia been ignored or even hidden.”

The planets are marking the ending, finishing, completing, and resolving evolutionary intentions that began with the conjunctions a year ago.

Spring also provides us with the opportunity for planting new seeds/impulses/desires. Quite what is our choice.

The Message from Source highlights awareness of our infinite power to be one of the keys in this period of our Great Return.

These events are going to require you make a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense.

To help you live beyond the beyond, Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? includes a shamanic breathing practice to help you connect to your Inner Wisdom.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Awakening Your Life To Your Choices


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Trust Your Moment To Be Calm, Not Charging Into New Territory? 👉

Trust Your Moment

Six pointers to a lack of self-trust   

Struggling with the rain, the snow and whatever else the weather is throwing at you?

Have you noticed it all seems to be about an excess of Water?

Magic Happens When You Relax And Trust Yourself

Viewed by shamans as a female energy, it is the universal fuel of existence. Water symbolises growth by feeding all life forms on Mother Earth, it rules our emotional body.

It seeks to nurture through slowing down life in order to create balance. Hence, signifying emotions, intuition, healing and reflection.

These last few days of 2022 and for most of January 2023, we need to trust this is our moment to be calm. Surrendering to the flow rather than seeking to charge onward into new territory.

We are sitting in the void between the old and new chapters of our life. This is where you create magic.

Including initiating a new level of human experience!

To do so we are being assisted by four astrological events, one after another.

Tomorrow, 19th December, we are bathed in Galactic frequencies from the alignment of Mother Earth, the Sun and the Galactic centre along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy.

The Galactic centre is the source of our Soul’s highest desires and the evolutionary purpose our Soul has chosen for this lifetime.

In essence the alignment enables us to take the knowledge we have embodied through last year and transform it into wisdom. To love ourselves implicitly.

It will also help us gain visions and insights as to how to proceed over the coming year.

The next day, 20th December, Jupiter moves into the fiery and independent sign of Aries, where it will remain until May 2023.

This marks the beginning of a new twelve-year cycle, the seeds of which you have sown with feelings, thoughts, and deeds over this last year. It portends a growth in your sovereignty, personal power, and freedom.

However, Capricorn´s influence suggests you may experience some resistance to your plans and initiating new projects, relationships and ideas.

Six Pointers To A Lack Of Trust In Self

The day after marks the solstice, birthing the shortest and darkest day of the year.

Ancient mystics and astrologers have spoken of the days around the winter solstice as a season of initiation of new paths towards self-realisation.

This one initiating a massive shift in consciousness over the next 20 years.

Which is why in ”Ready To Trust Your Moment To Be Calm, Not Charging Into New Territory?” I have outlined the importance of self-trust.

Learning to trust yourself is one of the fundamental lessons to creating the life you desire. Everyone has their internal compass, following it is the sure path to long-term happiness.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

You have all arrived at this moment in order that you may begin to create the new one.

One which you have not experienced and yet will build the foundation for many millennia to come. Afterall this is why you all chose to incarnate at this point in terms of evolution, for your Soul, humanity and the Cosmos.”

For each of us is the creator of our own future. Which of the number of possibilities open to you at any one moment is your choice alone to take?

The choice for each of us is whether we learn to trust ourself or maintain the belief we should first focus on the needs of others?

Many feel challenged by self-trust. The cause of which mostly lies in our other lives and ancestral lineage. Our first task is to identify, examine and question any limiting beliefs we observe.

To Stepping Into New Territory

To help you in ”Ready To Trust Your Moment To Be Calm, Not Charging Into New Territory?” are six pointers to a lack of self-trust as well as how self-trust appears to me.

Finally, on 23rd December the new moon in Capricorn rises. The Sea Goat is perfectly satisfied, if not more comfortable, allowing events to unfold to reach the peak of whatever mountain they have set their sights on.

So, start the ball rolling in no matter how small though significant way.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create trust in their life.

To Trust In Yourself To Be Calm   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret? 😁


How do you make decisions? How do you know what to choose?  

Do you find though often busy you are just reacting to events? 

With no free moments to pursue the most important objectives and experiences?

As you move through your day, are you unsure whether your activity will achieve the results you deeply desire?

Making Decisions Based On Anxiety And Fear?

Are your days such they go by in a blur and you hit the pillow wondering where did the day go, feeling as though you have not completed what you really wanted or needed?

The life you are living at this moment is the result of every decision you have ever made.

For the course you choose to navigate moves you towards your future – choice, by choice, by choice.

Each of your small personal decisions provides an element to build the bigger choices that seem to direct our world.

However, it takes practice and support to remember your way of “choosing”.

Afterall, it is easy is it not when life moves out of control to try to “figure out” what to do? Feeling stress, panic and overwhelmed as a result.

That at least seems to be the case for many during this transition. Making choices based on the anxiety and fear created by your Lifeguard, your unconscious mind, rather than listening to your body and Soul.

Evidenced by the number of people who push too hard, too fast, too much in the wrong direction. 

This is because most have not learnt how to exercise our power. It comes from being aligned with our natural energy and being aware of our calling. The very reason for incarnating at this moment.

When we experience joy, harmony and sweetness in our lives, no matter how subtle, this lets us know we are on the path of our calling.

“Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” explores this more as well as outlining the importance of being in the moment. 

What Decisions To Make To Create The Life You Desire

For being at peace and calm will help you navigate successfully this period marking the end of an era.

The latest Message From Source included this perspective:

Your world is not going to disappear. Change its form yes, creating new opportunities and many other aspects which you will be able to look back on with joy.”

With regard to the coming eclipse cycle, we are already feeling its energy.

This moves up a notch on the 22nd when Venus joins the Sun whilst in the sign of the scales – Libra. The last such alignment was 250 years ago.

There is more in “Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” on the new moon solar eclipse on the 25th.

Eclipses are infamous for bringing new, strange elements, people, or events into our lives. They influence far more the collective, earthly, or at least geographically local than personal. Though do check where 2º and 16º of Scorpio/Taurus fall in your astrological chart.

And to prepare for the unexpected? Be flexible, do not resist/fight whatever is coming toward you. Feel into any re-action to identify the lesson for you.

Your Decisions Will Change Your Future 

Seek the support of others, this is not the moment to be stubborn and arrogantly go your own way without seeking resolution to what you feel.

Meaning relationships will be to the fore as we are pushed to break old patterns. Which indicates control and power issues will surface, as they are on the world stage.

As without, so within. 

My passion is to help you take action to bring joy into your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, click reply to contact me.

Your Soul is asking you to be the leader of your life.

The total lunar eclipse on 8th November is when all the unconscious fears and re-actions to the solar eclipse can either support or destroy the new impulses/paths created with the solar eclipse.

My summary is we will be shown what is needed to take back control of our life´s journey. So, then you will know what decisions to make to create the life you desire.

The guideline always being what brings you joy?

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Making Decisions That Bring You Joy


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Master Your Life To Learn How To Build Your Personal Success 😇

Master Your Life

Five questions to help master your life

My hope is this post finds you feeling successful?

Just at this moment, I am not!

It appears many others have similar impressions as in the past week I have been contacted by several seeking my perspective on their direction.

Most have been seeking to continue to push forward to an objective they have established. Instead procrastination and postponement have appeared.

For Magic, Balance And Harmony Are Essential 

Should any of you have been using Tarot to help you through this “created crisis”, it is quite probable the Hanged Man has appeared at least once!

His message is clear: you will meet with challenges and obstacles if you attempt to keep driving through the energy of this moment.

Society´s mantra is we must soldier on and push through challenges. As I have said to many, continue to do so and your body will ensure you are provided with a much needed ‘time-out’

Mine was back pain which forced me to stop and learn exactly what I needed to re-create success in my life.

My passion is to help you to take action to Master your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to Master your Life click reply to contact me.

Subsequently, what I have learnt is that whenever I grow, I have to look back and re-visit all the events I know are true.

Reviewing the themes of alignment, congruency, authenticity, empowerment, awareness and connection.

Evolution forces me to back to my basics as part of my internal re-calibration with my new, more evolved awareness. Which in turn brings a new slant and lesson on beliefs I considered to be closed.

Forming a new base for the next surge in your growth.

What I have learnt during this transition is that I continue to learn something new about myself on every occasion I dive in deeper into the basics of myself.

The constant reminder is that however much the mind may believe evolution is linear, it is not. Sometimes everything flows perfectly, other occasions it does not!

Five Questions To Help Master Your Life 

Each of us experiences cycles of re-alignment. The key is to use your more evolved perspective to seek the tweak to the lesson and then acknowledge it.

Only as I said to a recent visitor – please leave behind the stories about yourself and your life you have been telling. For until you do, that is what you will continue to attract into your life. 

In Master Your Life To Learn How To Build Your Personal Success” I have set out five questions to help Master your life.

It also contains an overview of the Libra new moon. I rises on the 25th to help us find our footing as we enter a new season following the equinox. 

This lunation occurs in the midst of Mercury retrograde, and some challenging connections to other powerful planets.

The new moon is asking you to plant the seeds of your next intention.

Dare to dream outside your knowns, outside the matrix of what you think is possible. Do so even though you may feel massive indecision. Not knowing where it will take you.

The numerology of 2022 is to re-weave the strands of our lives into a new home, a new experience of Mother Earth.

To “assist” in this evolution, we have the final eclipses of 2022 beginning at the end of October. The series in Taurus and Scorpio began at the end of 2021 and stay in these signs until October 2023.

Scorpio rules sex, death, and transformation, Taurus rules love, beauty, and money. Further insights are available in Master Your Life To Learn How To Build Your Personal Success”.

One Spirit World 

As you know already, we are transiting into a new era, a new Earth. Many different cultures have indicated this place metaphorically and literally for thousands of years.

Which means the transformation includes all on Earth as well as Mother Earth herself. The current seismic and solar activities and storms are portents of the physical shifts underway.

The messages from our ancestors across the globe let us know there would be this moment of Great Change. When people would join together on behalf of our Mother Earth. 

The power for transforming our current situation begins with you and me!

Which is why I am honoured to be speaking on Saturday the 24th in the New Humans • New Earth Summit!

I will be joined by indigenous shamans, storytellers, healers and others who are ready to inspire, support and give you the courage to participate in this Great Change our Earth and our collective has initiated.  

Do not miss this opportunity! Go here to learn more and register.

To Being The Master Of Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Walking The Windy Road To Success, Or Unwilling To Do So? 😕

Your Road To Success

Take responsibility for the form of your life

What stories about yourself and your life are you telling?

Are you a victim, surviving or successful?

Whatever the story you are telling, that is what you will attract into your life. 

Trapped in an old one or are you re-writing and creating new ones?

Create Your Dream For Your Road To Success 

We have the power to tell any story we choose.

The full moon in Pisces illuminates the night sky on 10th September and brings with it openness, creativity and culmination. One cycle is completing as another begins. 

You are asked to allow old identities, habits and stories to melt away so you can evolve. This moon is about embracing fantasy and the unseen world. Two themes central to Piscean energy that are only enhanced during this potent lunation.

This full moon calls you to step back from the physical bustle of life. To allow yourself to re-connect with the inspiration of your dream world, the hidden one created by your daydreams and visions.

It is here the clues to guide you to your success are hidden.

For many their only mark on the road to success is associated with climbing the corporate ladder or monetary wealth.

Others view success as focusing on what they love doing and gives them joy.

What works best for you will depend on your definition of success.

In Are You Walking The Windy Road To Success, Or Unwilling To Do So?” I have set out three actions to help you on your windy road to success.

Taking responsibility for what you are seeking to attain in your life is going to be essential during these remaining months of 2022. New possibilities are emerging.

This is true for all aspects of your life – relationships, family, career, business, health, personal growth etc..

Build Your New Road To Success 

Have old memories you denied or avoided been nudging you recently? Several I have spoken to recently have become aware of a recurring pattern in their life. One that continues to divert them from creating the success they desire.

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

For this is the moment to reflect on what matters to you, what your Soul desires? It needs you to choose to create it.

In other words, no matter your “history”, you can choose to shift your attention and awareness to creating your desires. Taking responsibility for the form of your life so it can unfold.  

An essential part of doing so is to use your words to shape your destiny.

For you have to tell a new story that sets the tone for the new direction you want you create in your world. 

 We all have the potential to experience an unlimited number of outcomes, depending on where we focus our energy and attention. 

When you do so, contemplate the future you want to create, the one where your greatest potential lies. 

As you make your choice, feel into each one and follow those which provide you with the greatest joy. 

One Spirit World 

Following the success of our first One Spirit event earlier this year, I am hosting with Marianne Lane and Havanna Luma another retreat – Create Your Space To Be Free.

This is for those experienced in energy work, yet sensing the current challenging energies and seeking to be free of whatever is restraining them from leading a life of fun and joy. There will be the opportunity to connect to your guides for assistance in having clarity as to your direction and the next steps to realise your greatest potential.

You will extend your awareness and experience into the unseen world to Create Your Space To Be Free of whatever is restraining your life. Included is a one on one shamanic journey with me.

Taking place at Quinta da Luz for five days from 25th Septemberclick here to learn more.

The day before, I have been invited to present at the free New Humans• New Earth Summit! 

I will be joining 20 other speakers, including Sandra Ingerman, of different paths who all know together we have the power to dream into creation the new Mother Earth, for humanity and all its inhabitants.

Do not miss this opportunity! Go here to learn more and register.

Walk On Your Road To Success   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Create Your Unlimited Future? Free Yourself Of Old Blocks And Patterns 🙄

Creating Your Unlimited Future

Four questions to help you create it  

Many of those I connect with, especially my clients discover at the root of their pain and dis-comfort is an event, experience or perception that causes them to doubt their value, self-worth or lovability.

Many seek to blame their parents or their upbringing. Though usually the parents did their very best with what they were given to give.

It is because of our different experiences we evolve as we do, along the path our soul guides us. It is these differences which we each of us adds as a vital piece of the puzzle of humanity.

Have you felt change in the air as we move through this eclipse portal? We are being led to be in the flow of creating our unlimited future.

To leave behind thoughts on what and how life must be based on your old beliefs, habits and patterns.

We are being encouraged to embrace ourselves as much more than just a person ‘in’ this world, rather you are a soul ‘of’ this world with an unlimited future. A theme which continues through the 18 months of this Taurus-Scorpio eclipse portal.

Scorpio induces transformation, and Taurus has us take meaningful, grounded and deliberate steps toward transformation. Which requires clearing away the resistance of established beliefs, habits and patterns.

The purpose – to create a different perspective, way of seeing life, being in relationship to life.

In “Want To Create Your Unlimited Future? Free Yourself Of Old Blocks And Patterns” is more detail on several of the themes which will be present during this 18 months.

Innovation Is Required To Create Your Unlimited Future 

 10th May is a busy day astrologically as first Jupiter moves into Aries, providing us with the confidence to create new experiences, using our own genius to do so. Second Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini.

Encouraging us to speak – the ideal period for recording perhaps? It then moves into Taurus on the 22nd to bring a call to slow down, reviewing all your plans, timelines etc..  

This will be a crucial part of the process of creating your unlimited future. Many recent conversations have indicated people feel overwhelmed and unsure in the vastness of the unlimited possibility of what we can create.

There are four questions to help you in Want To Create Your Unlimited Future? Free Yourself Of Old Blocks And Patterns” to help you do so.  

The answers will help you prepare for the intense energies of the upcoming full moon total lunar eclipse in Scorpio on 16th May. 

 As the latest Message From Source comments:

There will be exciting moments ahead for those who observe what is unfolding. Understanding their dreams and actions are what is creating the New Earth. It is the purpose of all to participate in the process. All dreams are part of the process of creation. Which is why tomorrow will always differ from today.”

Tonight, the first quarter moon in Leo rises to check on our foundations. What is it you feel you need to learn to succeed both personally and professionally? What are the skills you wish to acquire?

This lunation provides a learning opportunity, a moment to focus on your foundations – those key skills which will help ground and support you to create your unlimited future.

Its Leonine energy is also asking you erase old emotional patterns that are not part of your new foundations.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a fresh perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Creating Your Unlimited Future


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter