Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth? 😎

Your Heaven On Earth

Three steps to bring congruence into your life

Changing your direction can often be a challenge!


Because our unconscious mind is designed to react automatically. Habits such as walking or riding a bicycle use the neural pathways of your brain and nervous system to make them automatic.

 Ancient Practices Had Their Heaven On Earth

That is how we have evolved, creating space for our creative power to be applied.

However, the challenge with this elegant system is that it requires conscious effort to change the direction of your neurological highway.  

Hence, my repeated rejoinder to practice. For this is what helps create new neural pathways.

On how many occasions have you decided on a new course of action or direction and then critical thoughts have flowed in to make you question it?

Are the current energies and chaos making you feel lost, unsure, and searching for direction in life? 

Join the club! 

As the creator of your life, it is what you focus your thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

In “Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth?”  I have included more detail on some of the broader current influences creating our state of chaos. 

There is also a reminder our energy always seeks to create health, in spite of what we do to ourselves emotionally and physically. 

As we move from separation to acknowledging we are part of the unified field of all of creation, so the opportunities to do so increase.

Only, as I was reminded recently, we have to move beyond our established habits and thinking. 

Instead of focusing on what is broken, shifting our perspective to new creations and meanings for each of us. Changing the very words we use, or else we recreate the old patterns despite any action we may have taken.

Breathing Will Help Create Your Heaven On Earth 

Also included is an overview of the long-term decline in Mother Earth´s geomagnetic field. This has been associated with an increase in conflict.  Both internally and between each other.

As well, there is the timeline for the current solar cycle. The intensity of which is greater than last year, let alone in 2018!

Meaning, Mother Earth and all its inhabitants are going swiftly through an upgrade as higher densities of photonic light and Cosmic energy arrive with us.

The latest Message from Source summarises the process which is underway.  

Reminding us of the power of our feelings to create what we desire.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

“Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth?” also outlines a three step breathing practiceThis is designed to create greater congruence in your life by harmonising the neural networks of your heart and brain. 

So, helping to tune every cell in your body. 

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love and may need some help to create congruence in their life.

To Living Your Version Of Heaven On Earth 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Create Something New? First Focus On The State Of Of Your Mind 😕

Focus On The State Of Your Mind

Three pieces of karmic baggage limiting your life

All organisms have consciousness – meaning they are responsive to their environment. This is as true for bacteria as it is for humans. 

The difference though is our consciousness includes the ability to imagine.

Through use of our imagination, we can manifest whatever we desire. This is our innate power.

The State Of Your Mind Can Imagine Anything

Every moment we are writing our own stories, consciously or unconsciously.

Meaning as we have the power within us to manifest the life we desire, so we help shape life on Mother Earth.

This is the role you have chosen to play in creating the new era.

The first step of which requires you to have awareness of the “energetic nature” of your being. 

Then to grasp the role of consciousness in our human experience.

As the creator of your life, it is what you focus your thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

For your emotions influence the powerful electro-magnetic field in your heart. Which then draws into your life experiences that match its frequencies. 

Which is why we have been creating all our lives. Only not always what we perceive to be our desires!

When we experience pain or dis-comfort in our life, this means there is an internal conflict within our physical body. Letting go of limiting beliefs can heal our bodies and so bring our life back into alignment with our Soul´s desires.

When in alignment – physical, emotional, and mental health follows.

It is this alignment within ourselves that will help us contribute to the conscious evolution of humanity and Mother Earth.

Want To Create Something New? First Focus On The State Of Your Mind mentions changes to various premises upon which current society has been built. 

My belief is more will be questioned as the unity nature of all of Creation re-emerges.

Is Their Love In Your State Of Mind? 

Another example of the challenging of beliefs which have formed the foundations of current human society, is an article about the evidence for a Universe before the Big Bang.

Which raises once again where and what was the start point for the unified creation we are part of?

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

Want To Create Something New? First Focus On The State Of Your Mind also outlines three pieces of karmic baggage underlying our core habitual beliefs.

As you alter your story you will come back to the state of your mind. Raising the question of: “Do we love ourselves enough to accept what it means to be fully human?”

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To A Clear State Of Your Mind  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do You Know How To Bring Healing Into Your Life, So Creating What You Desire? 💥

Bring Healing Into Your Life

A simple process of healing and creation

Holistic healing is based on the idea that everything in all of Creation is made up of energy, including our physical bodies.

When this energy is flowing freely, we experience good health and well-being.

However, when the flow of energy is blocked or disrupted, it can lead to physical, emotional, or mental imbalances and even pain and dis-comfort.

Healing Is About Making Whole  

Healing in a holistic sense has faded from medical attention and today is rarely discussed in the medical literature.

Yet the very word has its root in making whole, not just to cure!

Healing though is not a one-off fix of any particular pain and dis-comfort. Rather it is at the very core of our evolution.

For the way we will begin to change our world is from the Inside Out, not from the outside in.

Many steer away from healing because they do not want to experience the “pain” of uncovering buried feelings, fears, and memories. Choosing to limp through life rather than walk the path of freedom from the past.

Finding this evolutionary path is one of the purposes of a shaman.

Knowing we are never locked in a stagnant state of creation.

We have already stepped beyond the threshold of heralding the start of the new era. Mother Earth is exhibiting the pangs of adjustment, just as we are.

Together we have the chance to master the ancient discipline known as Alchemy. To co-create with the Creator, your version of Heaven on Earth.

The choice facing each of us is to stay in the world as it is or take the reins of creation in our hands. 

Either way, we play a powerful role in co-creating with Spirit the world we choose to participate in. 

Which destiny will you choose?

Do You Know How To Bring Healing Into Your Life, So Creating What You Desire? has more insights on the actions to bring healing into your life.

Consciousness Is The Route To Your Healing 

The first step of which requires you have an awareness of the “energetic nature” of your being. 

Then to grasp the role of consciousness in our human experience.

It also outlines how our emotions influence a powerful electro-magnetic field in our heart. This is in turn draws into our lives experiences that match the heart´s frequencies.  

Which is why we have been creating all our lives. Only not always what we perceive to be our desires!

For as the creators of our life, it is what we focus our thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

The latest Message from Source continues to advise each of us to make  our choices: 

Taking responsibility for your life or, continuing to allow others to influence what is in your power.” 

We are being called to release the last threads of our belief systems that have kept us separate from our conscious awareness for lifetimes.

Reminding us that it is these choices which drive Creation.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

Do You Know How To Bring Healing Into Your Life, So Creating What You Desire? outlines a simple process of creation, you can follow again and again and again.

There is also a YouTube link to a talk by one of the most studied near death experiencers and what he discovered about healing his brain cancer.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Healing All Of Your Life  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do Your Energy And Consciousness Need To Be Cleared And Cleansed?🤞

Re-invent Yourself And So Your Energy

Three key components to mastering your world

On 7th March a powerful full moon crossed our skies.

After finishing writing Do Your Energy And Consciousness Need To Be Cleared And Cleansed? I went for a walk. Coming up a rise, I saw what seemed to be a light above the trees I was walking toward. Not recalling seeing one there before, I stopped at the next juncture.

There before me rising now above the trees was the beauty of our full moon in Virgo.

Just a few wisps of cloud were floating across her face. Making some salutations, I then turned toward home, walking further up the hill.

Have You Noticed Your Energy Rises When In Nature? 

Reaching the top, I turned to find the moon was now hidden by a large bank of dark cloud. 

Heading on home, I was now looking West. Enjoying the beauty of the strips of light blue sky, mixed with orange and shades of yellow as the sun had just set.

The timing of the two reminded me the equinox was not far away! 

Reaching home, the cicadas were competing with the evening frog chorus.

Such is the beauty of Mother Earth – the rhythms of the land were definitely calling. 

Virgo is the most introspective and soothing of the Earth signs. The messages whilst on my walk were certainly that.

Less than an hour after my connection with La Luna, the first of March´s three major transits began.  Saturn moved from Aquarius into Pisces.

Virgo means purification, Saturn represents being grounded and structured, whilst Pisces is asking us to trust in our connection to the Creator.

Saturn and Pisces will not finally part until February 2026.

Their message of trusting your inner guidance will take us through the period from the end of 2024 to July 2025, when all major planets change signs.

To Clear Your Energy, Start With The Old You

It is essential to continue to be the observer of yourself during this period, noting what beliefs are surfacing to be addressed.

Quite probably, one or more of these may appear:

Life is a burden? Are you at breaking point? Are you dealing with major change? Do you need help letting go of a relationship, job or living situation that has passed its sell by date? Have you had unexplained fears ever since you were born? Do you ‘numb out’ when feeling scared? Are you tense? Are you aware of anger or resentment within you?

Saturn is all about Mastery – which is said will take 10,000 hours of practice, whilst in Pisces, this is not going to be completed overnight!

Rather than push yourself to be further along than you are, set yourself up for continuous evolution by affirming where you are, and your vision of what you desire. 

Focus your steps on what you can do today, not the end game.

Yes, hold to your vision, though not the `how tos` of what you think needs to be done to reach it. 

Explore The New Energy Arriving 

Until the last week of April, we are in window when all planets are direct. The encouragement is to finish up and close what has been in order to prepare for stepping into new territory.

Do Your Energy And Consciousness Need To Be Cleared And Cleansed? has more detailed guidance as to the energies assisting you to not deny or avoid aspects of your life needing to be faced.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this transition…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance:

Stay centred in yourself so you can observe what is unfolding. Even by the middle of your year it will feel different!”

The message is to use the coming weeks to understand the themes of Saturn’s transit through Pisces for you and prepare for the work ahead.

In particular, to consider:

“What possibilities are held within the changes you are making?” 

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in the creation of their new life.

To Clear And Cleanse Your Energy        


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Being True To Who You Are? Only Then Is Everything Possible😄

Being True To Yourself

2023 is about to change our reality  

The first full moon of 2023 has brightened our sky – even if clouds have often obscured it! 

The past few years have been tumultuous, full of apparently conflicting and challenging themes. 

The astrology for the past three years has been calling us to release the deeply buried patterns and habits directing our lives. 

The purpose has been for each of us to discover who we truly are so we can be true to ourselves. Acknowledging our own desires rather than following the dictates of others. 

 Revolution Occurs When Being True To Yourself

This re-structuring beginning to dis-mantle the collective structures that do not support our new stories about who we are becoming. Especially as we begin to explore what else is truly possible.

This is also challenging as it requires us to learn to trust in the unfolding of events where we have little or no control.  

In 2023 the planets are bringing us to a fork along the path of our journey. This period is intended to change our reality. 

Making the year one of endings and beginnings. 

We can choose to remain holding tight to the old ways we have become accustomed to, or,…

…we trust ourselves enough to step onto a new path.

This question is at the heart of my latest article: “Are You Being True To Who You Are? Only Then Is Everything Possible”.

The attraction is to remain in the comfort zone of a life which is not truly energised. Believing authentic brings the risk of not being loved and accepted by those around us. 

2023 brings the arrival of new planetary cycles, downloading a new script for each of us.

Each planet also goes retrograde – making this a year for tuning in, revising, re-visioning and re-thinking the very essence of our lives.

In this we are being supported by Pluto making its first foray into Aquarius. Since 2008 it has been in Capricorn transforming our economy, the way business is done and government. 

The last occasion Pluto transited Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798. Amongst other events, this period saw people taking back their power in both America and France.   

Everything Is Possible When Being True To Yourself 

The latest Message From Source includes:

The task for all is to continue to create what each of you desires to initiate for your life. For many this may seem to be an insurmountable challenge should they remain in the grip of past events.”

Very often we do not realise better results only flow when you are being true to who you are or what you desire.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this beginning…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

2023 is a very important bridging year to prepare for what lies ahead.

Being authentic is a very different way of being and leading. Mostly we seem to focus on “improving ourselves, overlooking this will not happen unless you are true to who you are or what you desire.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Being True To Who You Are                                      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret? 😁


How do you make decisions? How do you know what to choose?  

Do you find though often busy you are just reacting to events? 

With no free moments to pursue the most important objectives and experiences?

As you move through your day, are you unsure whether your activity will achieve the results you deeply desire?

Making Decisions Based On Anxiety And Fear?

Are your days such they go by in a blur and you hit the pillow wondering where did the day go, feeling as though you have not completed what you really wanted or needed?

The life you are living at this moment is the result of every decision you have ever made.

For the course you choose to navigate moves you towards your future – choice, by choice, by choice.

Each of your small personal decisions provides an element to build the bigger choices that seem to direct our world.

However, it takes practice and support to remember your way of “choosing”.

Afterall, it is easy is it not when life moves out of control to try to “figure out” what to do? Feeling stress, panic and overwhelmed as a result.

That at least seems to be the case for many during this transition. Making choices based on the anxiety and fear created by your Lifeguard, your unconscious mind, rather than listening to your body and Soul.

Evidenced by the number of people who push too hard, too fast, too much in the wrong direction. 

This is because most have not learnt how to exercise our power. It comes from being aligned with our natural energy and being aware of our calling. The very reason for incarnating at this moment.

When we experience joy, harmony and sweetness in our lives, no matter how subtle, this lets us know we are on the path of our calling.

“Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” explores this more as well as outlining the importance of being in the moment. 

What Decisions To Make To Create The Life You Desire

For being at peace and calm will help you navigate successfully this period marking the end of an era.

The latest Message From Source included this perspective:

Your world is not going to disappear. Change its form yes, creating new opportunities and many other aspects which you will be able to look back on with joy.”

With regard to the coming eclipse cycle, we are already feeling its energy.

This moves up a notch on the 22nd when Venus joins the Sun whilst in the sign of the scales – Libra. The last such alignment was 250 years ago.

There is more in “Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” on the new moon solar eclipse on the 25th.

Eclipses are infamous for bringing new, strange elements, people, or events into our lives. They influence far more the collective, earthly, or at least geographically local than personal. Though do check where 2º and 16º of Scorpio/Taurus fall in your astrological chart.

And to prepare for the unexpected? Be flexible, do not resist/fight whatever is coming toward you. Feel into any re-action to identify the lesson for you.

Your Decisions Will Change Your Future 

Seek the support of others, this is not the moment to be stubborn and arrogantly go your own way without seeking resolution to what you feel.

Meaning relationships will be to the fore as we are pushed to break old patterns. Which indicates control and power issues will surface, as they are on the world stage.

As without, so within. 

My passion is to help you take action to bring joy into your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, click reply to contact me.

Your Soul is asking you to be the leader of your life.

The total lunar eclipse on 8th November is when all the unconscious fears and re-actions to the solar eclipse can either support or destroy the new impulses/paths created with the solar eclipse.

My summary is we will be shown what is needed to take back control of our life´s journey. So, then you will know what decisions to make to create the life you desire.

The guideline always being what brings you joy?

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Making Decisions That Bring You Joy


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Feeling Depressed? Trauma, Pain And Dis-comfort Unsettling Your Life? 😗

Which Is Your Pain and Dis-comfort?

Then exercise your personal power  

I am sure you have read in previous posts how any trauma you are experiencing can come from events in this life, other lives and your ancestral lineage. 

Exercise Your Power To Be Free Of Pain And Dis-comfort  

Tomorrow morning a powerful new moon in Virgo rises. Whilst it has a focus on work, service, health and well-being, it also offers important ancestral support and guidance. Meaning look within to align with the blessings of your lineage.

The cycle ahead is asking you to be more vigilant with your power – how you use it, why you use it, and what it means for you.

As I re-affirmed in “Feeling Depressed? Trauma, Pain And Dis-comfort Unsettling Your Life?”power is not what you may have been raised or conditioned to believe, that is force! Power is the amount of energy used to direct your body.

Force on the other hand is an action on a body or interaction of two bodies.

Your solar plexus plays a fundamental role in the development and exercise of your personal power.

Which is why those with a weak solar plexus chakra view themselves as victims.

Over the past few weeks there seems to have been a never-ending flow of contacts suffering from trauma induced pain and dis-comfort. 

This has been evident in the form of depression, financial problems, relationship issues, physical pain, creative blocks, suicide and even spiritual suffering. The common theme has been dis-connection from their true self. Living their life based on the limitation of their beliefs, rather than to their Soul´s desires.

Around 40% of your karma and trauma beliefs come from your ancestors. They have also passed to you many gifts, which is why indigenous peoples give thanks to their forebears. A practice that continues in most of the Western wisdom traditions.

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

Time Or No Time

The latest Message From Source had an interesting insight on what is evolving in the discussion as to time and no time. There is also this comment:

As we have indicated before, nothing is to be assumed as to the outcome. The only intent is to make the shift. How humanity and all other inhabitants of Mother Earth adapt is their choice. Even those plans which some have made will be subject to alteration as events unfold. Though what once may have taken a century to unfold can now be achieved in less than one year.”

The Virgo new moon has as its purpose to bring clarity to areas of your life that maybe out of balance with the natural flow.

Though a very pure and focused new moon and lunar cycle, it has an exact square to Mars.

As the warrior, this lunar cycle can exacerbate issues, arguments and conflicts – personally, interpersonally, between countries and more. As Mars is in Gemini, be aware words are akin to weapons. They can create or destroy, raise people up or cut them down.

Finding balance between speaking your truth and listening to others will be essential to find common ground and so resolution.

Also in “Feeling Depressed? Trauma, Pain And Dis-comfort Unsettling Your Life?”  are detailed six symptoms of depression itself.

Mars is heading into its uncomfortable retrograde at the end of October, though the shadow commences on 3rd September. Meaning it is heading into underworld territory. Uranus also went retrograde two days ago – more underworld disclosures!

These and other movements will create during September, October and November a sense of restlessness, an intense desire for change or have change imposed on you from external sources. The presence of Uranus means it often comes suddenly and fast.

 Move From Pain And Dis-comfort To Freedom 

Adding to this, two of the dominant aspects of the last two to three years are moving together again.

Their themes are fighting against elitism and inequality, preferring a society where everyone is heard. However, this is being opposed by the exercise of top down power and the centralised control of large organisations, corporations and governments.

The square between Saturn and Uranus is similar. Saturn is about the past, with rules and regulations for your protection. Uranus is about the creating a future where the freedom not to obey rules is enshrined. Where choices are made in community, not passed down from the centre. Individual rights and freedoms versus the power of the state.

Change sought by Uranus does not take place gradually, usually it occurs in quantum leaps! Whilst events may be the trigger, the process is internal. 

Just a reminder, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.

Broaden your horizons beyond what you think is possible, open to your intuition and trust your inner wisdom.

To Living Your Life Free Of Pain And Dis-comfort 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams? 👉

What Is Your Intention?

Five pointers on how to set your intention  

When you build your life from pull you go with the natural flow of all of Creation.

Even though not every day is going to be “your” day

Somedays, you feel inspired.

Somedays, you are not.

Can you “force” your way?

Of course.

Though when you do you increase the obstacles across your path.

Are Magic, Miracles And Luck Your Intention? 

For years, I thought I had to follow this path no matter how I felt.

That is until I built a closer connection to the natural flow of my body and rhythm of the season.

Once you acknowledge this and build your life around the seasons and rhythms, you have found the secret to living a life of fun and joy. For you are in the flow, not seeking to force it.

Then you will also find it easier to walk the path of your dreams, tackling obstacles and adjusting what you really desire to manifest in your life. Broadening your horizons beyond what you currently believe to be possible.

In Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?, I have outlined how the essence of effective intention setting is to remember: You are not of the world around you, it is of you.”

That is how we dream the world we desire into being. Pulling it with the natural flow rather than seeking to force it to manifest.

I was reminded of this during a recent client call. Francis was working part time so she had space to build her own business.

She knew her biggest issue was lack of belief in what she and her business were capable of.

Francis had launched her business and attracted clients. As she began to wind down the part time role, the panic set in.

For, now no-one seemed to be interested in what she was offering. She reached out to me and during that call we focused on:

Mindset – building a business has challenges. Especially when we increase them by being attached to an expected outcome and the results are not what was expected. Then we fall into paralysis and in-action.

Strategy – once the focus shifts to action rather than in-action, a world of possibilities open up to attract new prospects.

Five Pointers On How To Set Your Intention

Which is why in Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?  there are five pointers on how to set your intention. They include freeing yourself of limiting beliefs.

The most important step of which is to acknowledge what is holding you back, freeing your intuition and instincts. Then you move from trying to force to pulling. Freeing yourself to allow solutions to arrive.

For with every thought you are dreaming your world into being. That is how you can choose to walk a different timeline.

As this is a freewill Universe, we must first set the intention and act on it in order to create the beauty and healing we desire.

That is when you can begin to find the missing pieces of your puzzle so you start living life to your full potential, using your unique abilities, gifts and skills.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Setting And Speaking Your Intention 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Know How To Live Your Life As Who You Believe You Are? 🙂

Who You Believe You Are

Three-step process to clear old events and memories  

Today the first quarter moon in Scorpio rises. It will test of your will power, create interpersonal challenges and provide a key lesson on forgiveness. 

It will also test your patience. Meaning forgiveness will be needed to navigate successfully the choppy waters which are on the horizon.

The unforeseen challenges, personal or professional disputes or family drama in the coming week are to test your patience and kindness.

Freeing You To Be Who You Believe You Are

The same will be required as you begin to lay your new path, tackling obstacles and adjusting what you really desire to manifest in your life.

Broaden your horizons beyond what you currently believe to be possible. Acknowledge what is holding you back, freeing your intuition and instincts – solutions are about to arrive.

Perhaps your values, goals, and actions are not fully aligning with the desires of your Soul? Perhaps there are some deep-rooted desires you have neglected and only now appreciate they cannot wait any longer?

All of these questions and more exist in the space between the conscious and unconscious which Scorpio occupies. 

When we address this inner world, we re-define who we are. That is the way to give yourself a new identity – a new definition of who you believe you are. 

Quantum physics tells us that with every thought we are dreaming the world into being.

I have outlined in Want To Know How To Live Your Life As Who You Believe You Are? how in Shamanic tradition humanity´s purpose is to continue to co-create with Source. Dreaming the world we desire into being.

For as you know, our life is not fixed, rather several timelines exist for you to choose which to take. To me this is one of the main gifts of being incarnate at this moment in human evolution.

The purpose of this transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with our Soul.

For a shaman, re-connection is where all healing resides.

Take Action To Be Who You Believe You Are  

Many have said to me over the past few months, their thoughts have been full of old events and memories – ones which they thought had long gone.

Symptoms of pain and dis-comfort being brought on by holding onto the belief you are not sufficient to be WHO you are and HOW you are.

My advice is to allow the stories of any such events or memories to surface and note any feelings which also appear. Then complete the three-step process outlined in Want To Know How To Live Your Life As Who You Believe You Are?

Once you control your energy rather than allow the energy of the world to highjack your vibration, you give yourself permission to create the world you choose to live in. To Be who you believe you are. 

Do so from the beginner’s mind. Seeking answers in the unknown, the unfamiliar, and the novel pathways to discover your timeline to pursue.

Look beneath the surface, do not take the “obvious”, simple, or logical explanations for unexpected events in your life. Rather find a quiet space and ask Source to reveal the deeper forces at work creating events in your life. 

Even what may seem to be one small accident can initiate a series of change open new horizons to previously unseen possibilities.

Please reach out should you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Be Who You Believe You Are  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Your Vibration Is Shifting Time. Are You Creating What You Really Desire? 😜

Your Vibration Shifts Time

13 indications you are not exercising control of your energy   

Ready to release the powerful creator within you to cultivate the aspects of life on Mother Earth we long for? Time does not limit you.

For quantum physics tells us that with every thought we are dreaming the world into being.

Willing To Turn Up The Dimmer Switch To Shine Your Light?

Your life is a story and every story has a hero.

Though most of my clients struggle with feeling they are the “hero” in their story.

They are so caught in their story they cannot stand back to observe themselves and their story.

It was observing my physical body and the messages which it was sending me which led me to write The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony. For the body holds important clues to what stories you are holding onto.

When such stories do not align with the available unlimited abundance and our authentic self, pain, dis-comfort or lack of wellness appears in our bodies.

You become the real Hero in your own life story, when you learn to embrace your challenges, learn from your adventures and discover you can re-write your script.

Quantum physics now confirms what shamans have practised for millennia – at any given moment there is the potential to experience a number of outcomes. Our life is not fixed, rather several timelines exist for us to choose which to take.

In other words, no matter your “story”, other timelines exist even though you may not be consciously focusing on them. Meaning you can shift your attention and awareness to them, should you so choose.

As souls in human bodies we are tremendously creative beings. Though I suspect we have yet to appreciate or even understand the depth and breadth of our creativity.

The purpose of this transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with our soul.

Have You Time To Hear The Whisper Of Your Soul?

For a shaman re-connection is where all healing resides. It is how we relate to ourselves, to our body, to our pain, and to our journey on Mother Earth.

This is the theme of: Your Vibration Is Shifting Time. Are You Creating What You Really Desire? Dreaming into being a balanced existence in co-creation with the Creator.

This is how you write the script of your life. Live it abundantly, as life mirrors back your intent and actions.

For safety comes from within each of us, rather than the illusion which is external. 

The article details 13 indications you are not exercising control of your energy.

Please reach out should you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

We are now in the last quarter moon in Aries. Last quarter moons represent turning points or crossroads.

28th July the new moon in Leo rises to infuse enthusiasm and passion into your life. Be courageous and bold, remember life is best when you are having fun.

We are already feeling the energy of the coming very rare triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars and the north node in Taurus on 31st July/1st August. This is the latest astrological marker indicating we are entering a new phase of evolution.

Destruction of an old way of life and ushering in of the “Great Reset”. It will also create massive vibrational shifts as Mother Earth upgrades – Taurus influences our bodies.   

When you observe events you also have the space to look and view them as just experiences rather than good or bad. Once you allow your soul to guide you through it, you move into grace. That is the purpose of this transition.

To Having Time To Do What You Really Desire              


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter