Do Not Play To Win, Play To Have A Life Of Fun And Joy 🤣

Have Fun And Joy In Your Life

We cannot transform what we refuse to look at, or what we are unwilling to feel

2021 will NOT be a game-changing year in your business and your personal life, rather the game will change.

In fact all the games in town will change.

Business, relationships, government, technology all will experience rapid, accelerated and unexpected change.

Whilst uncomfortable, and at times maybe even a little unnerving, there is a grander vision unfolding that will bring to light a greater purpose by the time we reach the end of 2021.

I have set out more detailed indications in my latest story: Do Not Play To Win, Play To Have A Life Of Fun And Joy”.

The title itself provides a clue as to the direction we are being offered.

There is also an overview of the real power of 20th January.

And Then There Is Fun And Joy Of The #5

The Universal year number for 2021 is 5 – which relates to instability, change, volatility, exploration, freedom and daring adventure.

The number 5 enables expansion, the capacity to live life outside of the box, and to push the boundaries of a full 360º, through all directions of time and space. 

All of which requires as to stop looking backward and instead choose to step into the unknown. This will be the challenge for most during 2021.    

There will seem to be a tug-of-war underway.

On one side our desire to build a new society with fresh, radical ideals. And, on the other the wish to stay in the comfort of staying connected to the status quo. Holding on to what feels familiar, even if outdated.

The Message from Source has some insights as does another channelling.

“Do Not Play To Win, Play To Have A Life Of Fun And Joy” reminds each of us we alone have the power to choose whether or not we accept these infinite possibilities.

Should you be unsure as to how to be present to allow these opportunities appear, there is a process to help you do so.

In which direction have you chosen to gaze? 

To Creating Fun And Joy In Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

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Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life? 😋

Resist Change In Your Life

We resist change for a reason – it is trying to keep us safe

The effect of the year of transition, 2020, has been to raise worldwide the level of fear and anxiety. Afterall is that not what we expect when change comes along?

We have all been asked to pause and check in with our nervous system.

During a day do you ever pause and do a body scan to feel what is going on in your body? This is an easy way to build a closer connection with your body. It always has messages for you.

Especially in a period of change such as this.   

How We Resist Change

Many take all sorts of actions to disconnect completely from their feelings – space out, shut down, go elsewhere in their mind etc. All are classic actions taken to avoid addressing change.

Have I done so? Yes, which is why I can recognise both the symptom and its cause!

Transformation is the hallmark of 2021. There are aspects of your life that are demanding to be liberated from within. This requires you allow change to unfold, not resist it.

More about our resistance to change and how to overcome it is in my latest story “Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life?

2021 will be a dramatic year. Some months that will be more turbulent than others. We will also have times of humour, love, and joy.  

Each of us is being called to rebuild the foundations of our life better than before. To be true to ourselves.

This in itself will require us to change. Hence why on 13th January we have the first new moon of 2021 and then the next day Uranus goes direct.

Retrograde since 15th August last year it is the planet of technology, rebellion, electricity, and freedom. More change will be bubbling.

My latest story “Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life? has a process which will help you address your resistance to change. That way any inner conflicts causing pain and dis-comfort can be addressed.

To Stepping Through What You Resist


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter

Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? 😂

Taking Self-Care

Allowing yourself to feel rather than think will be essential in 2021

Quick question

Is there something in your life that you’re holding on to that you know this is the moment to let it go?

Maybe it’s a job that sucks you dry?

A business that no longer brings you any kind of excitement, fulfilment or joy?

Or, a relationship that was really over years ago.

Why is it that we continue to make the mistake of holding on?

These are just some of the patterns of behaviour we hold on to even though we know they no longer serve us. Rather they are preventing us from living life to its full potential.

And the reason we do this is because of fear.

Fear of stepping out of our comfort zone, the one based only on what we have experienced, not on what is the potential. 

Yet, when you let go, you create space for something better to settle into your life.

An act which is even more vital as we come to the end of 2020 and 2021 begins. Especially with today´s full moon in Cancer encouraging us to do so.


Because we need to create space within our bodies to lay the foundation for the next seven years.

As we do so we may begin to feel a heightened sense of what is or is not in harmony within us.

We are being asked to Trust in ourselves so we can create what we desire. Though we cannot do so whilst holding on to past beliefs and patterns – and they may not even be your own!

More can be read in my latest story: Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life?”

How to let go:

Every day, for nine days in a row, give away, throw away, or purge three items from your home or your office.

Yes, 27 items you will be giving up over the nine straight days!

When unsure about an item, hold it to your heart and ask if you want to bring the energy of the item into 2021 and your future.

Ask, ”Does it represent the ‘me’ as I see my ideal self in the future?

Be rid of clothes, books, and anything with messages that no longer speak to you.

Anything which is outdated, including food, vitamins and old medicines that may remind you of previous pain and/or dis-comfort.

As you let go, thank the item warmly for its previous use, and then say goodbye to it with gratitude.

After the nine days are over, take one final look around and ask if what remains represents who you are now and the new identity you will create over the coming five years.

Should you feel strange, odd, or out of place, just remember this is a passing influence. Observe a much greater ease when letting go of old ideas, feelings, positions, relationships, or anything that no longer serves you.

My story Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? also has a simple three step process to help you with your decision making.

Humanity oftentimes seems to prefer holding on to toxic habits, thoughts, people and environments because they are familiar. We never take the step to freedom – a core theme of 2021.  

So is your gaze on your past or towards your future in 2021 and beyond?  

To Creating Self-Care In Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter

Why Is Taking ACTION So Hard For Me? 😋

Take Action

Without action you will never create anything

Only one more week of 2020, so have you thought about ending this year differently? We have just turned the corner into the Age of Aquarius – did you sense anything different at the solstice?

Did you say farewell to the Piscean age you were born and grew up in? What lessons have you learned in 2020? Have you used its enforced “quiet time” to reflect on your own direction?

At a solstice ceremony we thanked, forgave and sent our love to the age that was leaving. This created space to welcome the new Aquarian energy. If you have not already done so, my suggestion is to complete something similar before the full moon on 30th December.

This will help you create your own Golden Path to walk in 2021 and beyond.

Our sky was completely obscured by cloud on the 21st. Whilst Jupiter and Saturn are beginning to separate, they will still be less than 1 degree apart on Christmas Day and exactly 1 degree on New Year´s Eve.

Meaning it is not too late to catch them in the evening sky, low on the south-west horizon about one hour after dusk.

Many I have spoken to are seeking to create their Golden Path. When unsure as to how that Path may look, my suggestion is to feel into what gives you most joy.

Action Taking To Create Your Golden Path

Writing down the top five objectives you have for 2021 and beyond. Then to feel into each one and reduce this to the three which feel to provide you with the most joy. Do not allow the mind to start questioning the “how tos”.

Rather the purpose is to begin the process of creation for the top three you desire.

Then decide the first steps you will take to move your desire from your dreams into creation.

More about the importance of the small steps to take is in my latest post:  “Why Is Taking ACTION So Hard For Me?“

Then should you be sitting down, stand up and walk. You are now walking on your Golden Path. You are not waiting until the end of 2021 to create what you desire. You are taking action to walk your path NOW!

Because without taking action you will never create anything, there are seven steps to help you take action in “Why Is Taking ACTION So Hard For Me?“

Do  contact me if  you need any help doing so.

To Celebrating Your Action Taking  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter

Are You Ready To Embrace Your New Era? 😂

Embracing the New

You are being urged to step forward, to take action, to speak loudly

Have your spirits lifted this week after the solar eclipse on Monday?

Sagittarius is clearing the way for renewed enthusiasm and a thirst for fresh experiences. This critical energy could affect the next 18 months of your life.

This is an opportunity not to be missed.

Eclipses always occur on the lunar nodes, which are associated with your destiny, past and future.

They often bring eras of your life to completion, and create irreversible changes to help you become who your soul desires you to be.

In my latest story Are You Ready To Embrace Your New Era?” I wrote “This is an era-defining week.”

Something this week will initiate a dramatic transition in your personal direction. It may happen smoothly, though there may be some turbulence along the way.

Life Is About The Choices We Make

We all know however hard we try it is not possible to hold something in our hands if when they are already full. This is true, not just for the physical. Space is needed for the energy of the new to land, settle and then grow.

There is never only one path we must tread. By choosing one person, one path, or one lifestyle, all other options become closed. Life for each of us is a series of choices, none of which is right or wrong.

Humanity oftentimes seems to prefer holding on to toxic habits, thoughts, people and environments because they are familiar. We never take the step to freedom.

This is what this solar new moon eclipse is offering. Not just a vision, an opportunity to experience greater freedom.

Creation is calling you forward into a direction you had thought was unattainable.

While the lunar nodes are in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis for the nest 18 months, your personal destiny will be fulfilled by learning through direct experience. Then creating more informed beliefs from the awareness you gain.

Do Not Make A Plan

You now have a choice to be free of resentment, doubt, suspicion, and feelings of being jaded. Your age does not matter, the opportunity for newness, exploration, and enthusiasm is presenting itself equally to all of humanity.

The changes coming into your life now will create this harmony. You are entering into brand new territory, where you can create your life of harmony, without the restrictions of a plan or a blueprint.

You will feel drawn to new experiences that stimulate and entertain you in exciting ways. Connection with your inner children will assist you to feel their enthusiasm to learn things you never tried or knew about before.

This is an opportunity for all of us to embrace. My story is intended to help you do so.

Embrace Your New Era


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter

Are You WILLING To Create Your Life? 😂

Willing To Create Your Life?

Is your choice to remain stuck or take action to accelerate your life?

As 2020 winds down it is tempting to think the new year is going to totally different. However, 2021 builds on what we have begun in 2020.

The symbolism of 2020 has been about experiencing challenges and difficulties. Pushing us to reach deep into our own inner resources: to build and develop and discover our inner strength.

We have been pushed to discover who we really are and how we respond to these challenges.

In essence are we willing to create our life or allow it to be created for us?

We are at a moment of memories and feelings, sorrow for the losses and separations, and a host of other emotions depending on how you have navigated these past years.

Some will feel anger and resentment, not wanting to move on from yesteryear. Others will receive their due and contentedly move forward whilst others may be chomping at the bit, trying to push on, or run away from something.

None of these is right or wrong. They simply reflect the choices we have to make.

Be Willing To Create Your Dreams

To be willing to make a change or remain in our comfort zone, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

My latest short story “Are You WILLING To Create Your Life?”  provides an approach to identify thoughts and habits holding you back.

It is here you will come to know and acknowledge your lessons for this life.

There is also an offer for you to use the next three days to make a list of all those beliefs stopping you from accelerating your life.

Send it to me and two days later, I will follow up and share with you how to proceed with the next step.

Once you are willing to change, transform and reinvent this day, and all other days, you will have begun to move beyond these obstacles.

At the coming solstice Jupiter and Saturn are going to be moving from Capricorn into the beginning of Air sign Aquarius.

They will join together as part of their 20-year cycle. Which means everything is going to feel different. Especially as they move from the last 200 years of Earth signs.

The last occasion these two planets met in Aquarius was in 1405. Ten years later the Portuguese “Navigators” began their voyages of world discovery.

In 2021 the beneath the surface work we have been doing continues— dismantling and beginning to re-structure and re-vision our systems and the way we live life.

All our political, financial, healthcare, education systems etc. will be impacted. This is because they are based in our past, in old ways of being. They are not fit for purpose in what is and will emerge.

Know Thyself

Your own internal systems, your own inner ways of being will also be part of this process. Questions such as “what do you want to keep, what you want to build upon? What you want to let go of?” will be present.

These are the kinds of choices many have made in 2020. They will continue as a background theme in 2021 because Pluto remains in Capricorn.

This is taking place within the Aquarian energy of a new vision for the future. Its energy is one of rebellion against the status quo, it is change oriented. Aquarius rejects the way things are in favour of the way they can be.

Hence “Are You WILLING To Create Your Life?”  

To Being Willing To Create Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

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