Where Is This Process Of Transition Leading Us? Who Might We Become? 😃

The Moment of Transition

A Shaman´s perspective

Up until now have you struggled with taking the next steps on your journey?

This is not your fault. It was the same for each of a group of bright-eyed visitors who have just departed after integrating the understanding from their plant medicine ceremony.

From now on they have gained insights as well as a willingness to take the next steps on their journey.

There was the whole emotional gamut of grief, despair, anger, and sadness, intermixed with joy. Though they are no longer emotionally connected to the specific events which had triggered them.

There was a realisation that no matter what we are struggling with, our soul thrives in the experience.

The shadow had been recognised and so fears healed. Often this means first loving yourself completely and unconditionally, not bypassing the emotions with “love and light”. Trying to fool yourself by pretending everything is okay.

The Eye Of The Storm

That way you cannot have a direct experience of who you are beyond the mind. The part of you your mind can never know.

Humanity is in that process of transition. For many it seems to be creating a deep sense of fear or even dread. This is an inevitable moment all of us have to face as we transition through.

When what is known as The Dark Night of the Soul appears, this to me is a good sign. The nearer to its completion, the greater the fear seems to grow. Meaning the end is almost nigh.

In “Where Is This Process Of Transition Leading Us? Who Might We Become?” I have set out choices we need to make to determine the ferocity of the coming eye of the storm set out in the now famous Hopi prophecies.

I have also mentioned a recent blog post by Seth Godin called “The end of the office”. To me this is an example of the current questioning of existing work practices and structures which is underway.

Of concern in terms of “Who Might We Become” is the reported decline since 1990 in the creative abilities of children in the USA. The most striking decline occurring in the youngest children.

Guidance as to the actions to help you is provided by another Message From Source.

The encouragement is to re-open our direct connection to Spirit. A facility we all possess, though currently only a few use.

As we live in a holographic universe where each action impacts everyone, how about using this interconnection so the world becomes as you desire it to be?

To A Calm Process of Transition


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?

Your Transition Is Underway

We alone have the choice which path to walk

Life is a cycle. We each have our ups and downs, otherwise life could become boring!

Sometimes you have cycles when you have to massage your mindset to guide it to where you want it to be. Sometimes there are cycles in your life when your mindset disappears and you just wallow in the misery of what is underway.

Anyone who tells you there is a magic meditation, a “zone” or a frequency that will instantly erase it all and make it better, is not being completely honest.

Life is not a line that goes straight up. Life has twists and turns and cycles in the plot outline. Mostly we are aligned with what is unfolding.

On other occasions you are going to swirl around in the mists of the story. Wondering what you did to arrive here and how in the world are you going to step out of it.

And it is all okay.

Usually it seems being stuck and hurting brings us the most vital lessons necessary for our evolution. What the soul desires to have healed.

The more you love yourself through it, the faster you will move through it taking the lessons you need to master the transition.

It is “just” a cycle.

The key though is to ensure you have expressed your choice as to what you desire in your life.

That said, we know the Cosmos provides an essential backdrop of guidance. Life is easier when we are aligned with its flow.  

Pandemics And Great Conjunctions

2021 is a 5 Universal year in Numerology, so change is inevitable. It is from this transition a new world will unfold.

This was heralded on 21st December 2020 by the dawning of the Age of Aquarius with the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This event takes place once every 20 years.

In my latest story – “Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” I have set out the parallels to an earlier pandemic – the Black Death.

Recognised as starting in Asia in 1346, it was preceded by another Grand Conjunction, also in Aquarius, in March of 1345. This was followed by what we know as the Renaissance – our resurgence will come to be called? 

An overview of humanity´s new focus is in“Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” 

In it the latest Message From Source includes:

“There is an event coming which will remind you all of the fragility of life as well as the hope which exists. This event will come as a reminder to all a transition is underway. The question is whether change is allowed to flow and assisted to do so, or humanity needs to be pushed to do so – prodding is no longer sufficient.”

August Could Change Your Life

As we begin the month of August, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde. Midway through the month, Uranus will join them, making four planets in retrograde.

The numerology of August suggests it is a month that could change your life.

For five days from 3rd August there will be an opportunity to know what or where to direct yourself towards.

Then Uranus goes retrograde, marking a powerful transition point in 2021. It will remain retrograde until 18th January 2022. Planets are especially powerful at the moment they change direction

This transition will mean leaving behind Uranus´ focus since 2018 on altering humanity´s perspective regarding economics, currency, and the environment.

The Aquarian influence is to encourage us all to be independent. Embracing the authentic vision you have for your life.

Please do reply should there be a specific area not detailed in “Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” you would like more insight about.

To Choosing What You Desire To Create


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? 💪

Sense Your Joy

How you move through your life is a choice, and an art

Last Friday at a birthday party I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people confirming they sense now is the moment to make changes.

There were new relationships, directions to their business, locations, approaches to life. In fact, the whole gamut of human life seemed to be in the process of seeking pastures new. 

Several were confronting they had learnt at an early age to shut down their voice – to not be the “centre of the room”. Questioning the belief they had learned in school and from the world, that to be successful they had to play the game. Be quiet. Sit down. Put your head down and go along with society´s norms.

This can also be seen in the reaction of others who push away compliments and stay out of the limelight for fear of being judged or shut down – again.

We bypass the truth of who we are with subtle phrases such as, it is not “because of me, it’s coming through me” when people thank us for our contribution to their lives. In business we fail to ask for testimonials or for feedback.

We struggle with a fear of visibility, causing us to not effectively market or let the world know about our unique, abilities, gifts and skills we are here to share with all.

Have you turned the page to begin writing the next chapter in your life? This is what each of us is being asked to do during this last part of 2021.

For some it will mean a complete change of direction, others just a tweak to the sails.

Ready To Tip Your First Domino?

The latest Message From Source in “You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? ends with the reminder:

“Step beyond what you believe you fear and allow yourself to know your own direction. It is here your fun and peace will be found.”

In this period each of us is being asked to be our first domino. Setting them up side by side and then tipping the first into the second to see the chain reaction. It is fun watching the effect tipping the first one and seeing the sequence that follows.

In much the same way, we can take one action that is equivalent to tipping that first domino.

This is what we are being asked to do. To create and lead our life based on our own values even though they may be at odds with existing social norms and structures.

The more you are who you are, the more you create space to lead others to do the same. This is the bottom up evolution which is emerging.  

Once connected to our soul we have direct connection to the Creator. Then we can appreciate the part each of us has incarnated to play in the new epoch we are creating on Mother Earth.

When we refuse to take our place, we are being arrogant, not humble. Afterall each of us agreed to play a certain role in the unfolding matrix – even if you cannot currently remember what it is.

Please do reply should there be a specific area not detailed in “You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? you would like more insight about.

To The Sense Of Joy In Your Life             


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? 😷

Lead Your Creative Energy

Between duty and freedom expect more conflict with people regarding rules imposed on you

Are you courageously exploring the evolving edges of who you are and practicing stretching those edges are far as you can?

Do you have a feeling you could or should be doing something more…

…something that has a greater impact on the lives of others?

When you were little you played “make-believe” with the energy of that passion inside you.

We were Queens and Kings, dancers on the stage, artists, super heroes, doctors, nurses, soldiers and sailors. We wore costumes, cool hats and saw our worlds through those eyes.

This period of transition is asking us to step outside of our current boxes and allow our passion to become the foundation of how we live our lives.

We admire people who live their passion. Athletes, wealthy entrepreneurs, leaders, artists…

we often believe we do not have what they have.

Which is true in terms of their unique abilities, gifts and skills. Though we all have that same passion inside of us.

Because it is important, read that again“We all have that same passion inside of us.”

Having something grander inside of you is normal, it is part of your creation.

Be In The Flow Of Your Creative Energy  

What sets people who live their grandness apart from the rest is their willingness to bring life to their passion. To take the risk…

…to do what so many dream of doing.

The encouragement in the Message From Source in Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? is to:

Bring forth your own skills and values rather than those of the old. This is where you will find the most fun in what is being created.”

For many of us, somewhere on our journey to expand into life, we learn that compared to others we cannot be “the best”, so we stop trying and learning.

Which means no longer evolving to be the Master of our own life.

Mastery means you have a practice that drives you, brings you joy and helps you bring your grand passion into the world.

As I wrote Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? I appreciated the cycles which have brought me to where I am. 

I have never met anyone who did not have that grander passion within them.

The message of this period is you were born to be YOU.

Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? has two questions to help you do so as we navigate the powerful though paradoxical Creative Energy of the moment.

Do let me know when you release your passion. 

To Living Your Creative Energy


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II, .

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Now Is The Moment To Move Your Life From Reaction To Evolution 😅

Change Your Life

  Themes or projects you start in mid February will be part of your life in 2021

The coming weeks are going to bring strong evolutionary pressures in every area of your life.

As February began, there were four planets in Aquarius and Venus joined them on the 1st. Aquarius brings the energy of re-structuring, change, and the freedom to explore new directions of thought and possibility.

February is a 7 Universal month, a moment where spiritual power and connection is at an all-time high!

We will all need to be supported through this year of massive change, progress and transformation – its new adventures, the business and career moves, the location changes, and the inner transformation in your life.

During this cycle, the ways you may have used previously to solve problems will no longer work. In fact your defences could also be your prison.

Where Is Your Life Heading?

The move of Venus into Aquarius is nudging you to break down limiting barriers and re-write your personal values from money to romance. 

More detailed indications and suggestions are in my latest story: Now Is The Moment To Move Your Life From Reaction To Evolution”.

The Message From Source indicates “There are as yet many avenues to be explored and actions taken to build firm foundations” 

Doing so requires us to address the causes of our internal conflict – which stem from our unconscious shadows.

17th February brings the first of the three most important planetary transits of the year. History will be made during this year-long transit of Saturn and Uranus.

Whatever themes or projects you start to develop around this date will be part of your life throughout 2021

My story “Now Is The Moment To Move Your Life From Reaction To Evolution” lists some actions which may indicate shadow is influencing your life as well as what to do about it.

To Your Life Evolving


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter


Are You WILLING To Create Your Life? 😂

Willing To Create Your Life?

Is your choice to remain stuck or take action to accelerate your life?

As 2020 winds down it is tempting to think the new year is going to totally different. However, 2021 builds on what we have begun in 2020.

The symbolism of 2020 has been about experiencing challenges and difficulties. Pushing us to reach deep into our own inner resources: to build and develop and discover our inner strength.

We have been pushed to discover who we really are and how we respond to these challenges.

In essence are we willing to create our life or allow it to be created for us?

We are at a moment of memories and feelings, sorrow for the losses and separations, and a host of other emotions depending on how you have navigated these past years.

Some will feel anger and resentment, not wanting to move on from yesteryear. Others will receive their due and contentedly move forward whilst others may be chomping at the bit, trying to push on, or run away from something.

None of these is right or wrong. They simply reflect the choices we have to make.

Be Willing To Create Your Dreams

To be willing to make a change or remain in our comfort zone, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

My latest short story “Are You WILLING To Create Your Life?”  provides an approach to identify thoughts and habits holding you back.

It is here you will come to know and acknowledge your lessons for this life.

There is also an offer for you to use the next three days to make a list of all those beliefs stopping you from accelerating your life.

Send it to me and two days later, I will follow up and share with you how to proceed with the next step.

Once you are willing to change, transform and reinvent this day, and all other days, you will have begun to move beyond these obstacles.

At the coming solstice Jupiter and Saturn are going to be moving from Capricorn into the beginning of Air sign Aquarius.

They will join together as part of their 20-year cycle. Which means everything is going to feel different. Especially as they move from the last 200 years of Earth signs.

The last occasion these two planets met in Aquarius was in 1405. Ten years later the Portuguese “Navigators” began their voyages of world discovery.

In 2021 the beneath the surface work we have been doing continues— dismantling and beginning to re-structure and re-vision our systems and the way we live life.

All our political, financial, healthcare, education systems etc. will be impacted. This is because they are based in our past, in old ways of being. They are not fit for purpose in what is and will emerge.

Know Thyself

Your own internal systems, your own inner ways of being will also be part of this process. Questions such as “what do you want to keep, what you want to build upon? What you want to let go of?” will be present.

These are the kinds of choices many have made in 2020. They will continue as a background theme in 2021 because Pluto remains in Capricorn.

This is taking place within the Aquarian energy of a new vision for the future. Its energy is one of rebellion against the status quo, it is change oriented. Aquarius rejects the way things are in favour of the way they can be.

Hence “Are You WILLING To Create Your Life?”  

To Being Willing To Create Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest and Twitter

The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed 😷

Revelations When Revealed

Imbalance in your life is created by absorbing the energies of others as well as their responsibilities

I am grateful for all the events and revelations of the past week because they have highlighted to me what I need to continue to address myself.
So being a more understanding father, friend, husband and person serving others.

External events bubble inner beliefs to the surface. Ones which have not changed and the bigger the external event the bigger the inner one.

When I choose to take 100% responsibility for what is going on, it can become a journey of transformation – no matter what happens externally. The transformation is not out of ignorance or blindness, rather it is my and mine alone choice.

Which is why earlier this week I asked another shaman on three occasions did he choose to initiate a change.  

This week has been wonderful to observe what appears within me. In particular to understand others more deeply. To show more love and compassion as well as allowing deeper guidance in serving others.

It has truly been inspiring.

Use your eyes to observe and the ears to hear the lessons. Then apply them so you do not need to repeat them in the coming period.

My latest story The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed outlines how Creation is using November to bring to the surface your deeply buried emotions.

For the move into the energy of 2021 is about to begin. In my story is an overview of the themes for 2021.

The essence is 2020 is to initiate re-structuring, especially of our beliefs and values. This enables 2021 to focus on the theme of personal freedom and changes.

Each of us will need to transform our old stories into a narrative that is truly worthy of our values and who we are.

Are you embracing this journey fully?

The greatest challenge ahead of us is learning to collaborate and co-create in a common direction even if our values are different. Our own inner guidance is going to be ever more important to guide us along our path.

As you do so would you like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality.

Schedule an  Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the contact tab to explore possibilities.

To Your Revealing Your Truth


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,PinterestandTwitter


You Know Your Purpose, Will More Pain Ensure You Reach It? ?

Your Purpose

Everything we experience is on the path of our soul – the good, the bad, and the ugly

We have been told many untruths about our soul´s purpose. In particular we have been led to believe when we are aligned with our soul’s purpose life will be easy. We will view our life through rose tinted spectacles. Our lives will be full of fun and joy as we float through it.

Not True

That said you have been preparing for this moment your whole life. Whatever it is – business creation, relationships, home…all of it.

For we bring into this life, challenges, fears, sadness and deeply painful experiences, as well as vows made in other lives – On Purpose!

You have some decisions to make that will change the course of your life.

Your soul has been and is asking you to take a chance on the path that feels the most rewarding rather than what your “mind” recognises as safe and secure.

Each soul has only one purpose in each life – to expand and evolve.

Which cannot be achieved by remaining the same. The structures we grew up with are dissolving so we can build new ones.

The only challenges which repeat are those which are incomplete or the lesson has yet to be accepted. Either way a pattern is established which will repeat in this life.

They repeat because your soul is triggering you to take action to change the pattern.

Such events appear to awaken us to our truth. To step beyond the beliefs, habits and patterns which our unconscious mind uses to direct our lives.

These limiting beliefs result from our individual experiences as well as group consciousness, including our ancestral lineage.

More insights are in my story “You Know Your Purpose, Will More Pain Ensure You Reach It?” .

Successful Yet Not Fulfilled?

Different paths appear for us to choose our own way forward.

To help you move through this process, there are five questions in the story you can ask yourself.

Your answers will help indicate your mindset – are you directing your purpose or have you passed this to others?

Identifying the message behind any pain and dis-comfort you are experiencing.

Once you address the most limiting beliefs you have about yourself, others, the world, and reality as a whole, your soul can then expand – which is its purpose!

Which is why so many who are called successful are not fulfilled.

They feel they are not on purpose, whereas in fact they are!

Only the soul´s purpose is to first unravel their limiting beliefs.

Which means this is the moment to rise above the idea of lack and failure as change continues to sweep through our lives.

Never before have opportunities for release, rebirth and breakthroughs been so easy and supported by Spirit.

As my joy is helping you expand and evolve, I have been wondering how to help you navigate through what is emerging.

These events are going to require a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense…

….need support? If you would like to work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to Master your Life schedule an Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the Contact tab to explore possibilities.

More insights on how your soul creates challenges to allow it to expand and evolve can be found in my story: “You Know Your Purpose, Will More Pain Ensure You Reach It?”

Please Share

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living Your Purpose


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

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