Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? 🐉

The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life

Tune in to your magic, mystery and material   

Over these past few weeks, and probably longer, I have been reminded on innumerable occasions to focus on peace during the day. 

It has seemed a perpetual cycle of waiting. Perhaps you are here as well? 

I want to assure you such cycles of rest are always dynamic and transformative.

Once we take action, not only will life seem different, it will improve.

It always does, for change will have taken place.

Are You Sitting In The Driver´s Seat To Create Your Future?

Use the period into 2023 to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life. There is a coherence in doing so.

Challenge yourself to sit in the driver´s seat of your life.

The current transition in the economy and global events are asking us to re-define our perceptions of the nature of humanity. 

As we move away from competition for material possessions to collaboration based on connection, people will no longer be viewed as commodities or numbers.

Uranus highlights the Earthly themes of Taurus until 2026. Meaning, events will change the emphasis to appreciating each individual for who they are.

As well as respecting their unique and irreplaceable role they have in the continuing evolution of humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos.

This shift will continue to raise awareness of our reliance on the health of this planet.

As I outlined in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire?, the recent new moon in Libra “is encouraging us to experiment, whether we like it or not! Thereby leaving our known, familiar, and more or less secure lives behind.” 

However, each of us has to choose whether or not we step into the driver´s seat of creation? 

As Seth Godin so succinctly reminded us:

It’s not about whether we have what it takes; it’s about whether we choose to pursue it.”           

Your choice is whether to spread your wings or remain bound where you are.

It will require change in how you think, what you value and in how you work. Most essentially it will require a shift in how you perceive yourself.

Unforeseen Changes Are Moving Into The Driver´s Seat 

For to enjoy living in a sustainable world, we must first become sustainable ourselves.

Taking action breeds confidence and courage even though we are unsure where we are heading! That is how we move into the flow of energy of creation.

It is here we will find fun and joy again.

My passion is to help you to take action to be in the driver´s seat of your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder about making a choice:

Once made the hologram will start to shift and so the sense of peace begin to be felt. This will in turn allow more choices to be made as events continue to unfold. 

This is the process of evolution you are all exploring and will continue to seek to do so.”

I have also mentioned in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? some possible turbulence regarding the EU and its currency, though the impact will be wider.

Our actions during these months will determine the form of the new which emerges by the end of December.

Just a reminder, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.

Using the coming period to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life will assist. There is a coherence in doing so. 

Then you will appreciate where you have been and so how you can embrace where you choose to head into the new era. 

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Sitting In The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams? 👉

What Is Your Intention?

Five pointers on how to set your intention  

When you build your life from pull you go with the natural flow of all of Creation.

Even though not every day is going to be “your” day

Somedays, you feel inspired.

Somedays, you are not.

Can you “force” your way?

Of course.

Though when you do you increase the obstacles across your path.

Are Magic, Miracles And Luck Your Intention? 

For years, I thought I had to follow this path no matter how I felt.

That is until I built a closer connection to the natural flow of my body and rhythm of the season.

Once you acknowledge this and build your life around the seasons and rhythms, you have found the secret to living a life of fun and joy. For you are in the flow, not seeking to force it.

Then you will also find it easier to walk the path of your dreams, tackling obstacles and adjusting what you really desire to manifest in your life. Broadening your horizons beyond what you currently believe to be possible.

In Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?, I have outlined how the essence of effective intention setting is to remember: You are not of the world around you, it is of you.”

That is how we dream the world we desire into being. Pulling it with the natural flow rather than seeking to force it to manifest.

I was reminded of this during a recent client call. Francis was working part time so she had space to build her own business.

She knew her biggest issue was lack of belief in what she and her business were capable of.

Francis had launched her business and attracted clients. As she began to wind down the part time role, the panic set in.

For, now no-one seemed to be interested in what she was offering. She reached out to me and during that call we focused on:

Mindset – building a business has challenges. Especially when we increase them by being attached to an expected outcome and the results are not what was expected. Then we fall into paralysis and in-action.

Strategy – once the focus shifts to action rather than in-action, a world of possibilities open up to attract new prospects.

Five Pointers On How To Set Your Intention

Which is why in Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?  there are five pointers on how to set your intention. They include freeing yourself of limiting beliefs.

The most important step of which is to acknowledge what is holding you back, freeing your intuition and instincts. Then you move from trying to force to pulling. Freeing yourself to allow solutions to arrive.

For with every thought you are dreaming your world into being. That is how you can choose to walk a different timeline.

As this is a freewill Universe, we must first set the intention and act on it in order to create the beauty and healing we desire.

That is when you can begin to find the missing pieces of your puzzle so you start living life to your full potential, using your unique abilities, gifts and skills.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Setting And Speaking Your Intention 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Willing To Engage With The Choices Unfolding For Your Life? 😷

What Is Unfolding In Your Life?

Three questions to help you imagine your future  

Tomorrow Saturday 16th April the full moon in Libra rises. The sun is in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, opposite the moon in Libra, balance. Both are squared by Pluto, the planet of death and re-birth – transformation. We are at the point of a course correction in the unfolding destiny of humanity.

Libra asks you to be fully conscious and present in your relationships. To bring them into balance.

It will also seek to unveil what was remained unseen until now. Bringing a deep calling to seek to find new ways of connection, resiliency, empathy and togetherness – Libra.

Whilst Libra is the sign of the peacemaker, Aries as the first sign of the zodiac exudes a pioneering spirit. It is also ruled by Mars, the god of war. Libra is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and harmony. Libra is about “Us” and what do “We” desire.

Meaning this is a full moon to acknowledge the world around you as well as being just a reflection of you. Recognising we are all the same and when united, we can make any change we desire on Mother Earth.  

The moon is also influenced by four planets being in the spiritual and transcendent sign of Pisces, including Jupiter and Neptune. It is their conjunction on 12th April which has initiated the huge shift unfolding over the coming weeks.

This conjunction brings a potential for feeling lost and confused, distracted by fantasy or illusion

…or, an opening to the ability to imagine and create the desires of your Soul.

Do You Know Who You Desire To Be?

In doing so we are being asked fundamental questions about our life purpose and future. To explore who you really are and who you desire to be. To help you move into what you can imagine for your future there are three questions in Are You Willing To Engage With The Choices Unfolding For Your Life?”

For as the latest Message From Source reminds us:

The choices each of you makes will determine how quickly or easily this period passes. Sitting on your hands in that sense is a choice, though it passes over your power to those who do choose. The nature of evolution itself is in transit.”   

In essence we have begun a month-long journey of intimate spiritual enquiry— and how deeply do we engage with the unfolding conversation?

To evolve and so continue to expand all of Creation requires us to increase the influence of the pre-frontal lobes of our human brain. So, reducing the control exercised by the earlier reptilian and mammalian parts.

Which is where our “fight or flight” controller sits, alongside the seat of the value judgements we make. The initiators of stress and so toxins in our bodies.

In Are You Willing To Engage With The Choices Unfolding For Your Life?” I mention the importance of the body´s natural process of using our stored fats to release stress and trauma toxins. Because they are fats, these can be stored for decades.

The end of April brings the second new moon and the return of the eclipse season. Solar eclipses mark brand new chapters, major new beginnings, and exciting opportunities unfolding. Shifting your horizon to the next stage of your evolution.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint, insights from a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Choosing What Is Unfolding For Your Life  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires?

Observe Who You Are

Connect to the three gifts of this Pisces new moon  

Do you feel discouraged and disheartened during periods such as this? When it looks as though humanity is taking the world in a direction that seems completely counter to what our hearts know as truth.

Logic and reasoning perpetuate what is already known, rather than encouraging creation of the new.

This requires we break apart the beliefs and patterns of our established behaviour. Only then can we be open to new ideas, new possibilities.

First though we need to ask “What else is possible?”

Once we have an answer, we can use our creativity to change our world.

Today´s new moon in Pisces is asking you to believe in your dreams even when they look impossible.

The energy of division seems to be directing us, even though other actions show most people want to be aligned together in truth.

When we observe what is unfolding in our lives rather than focusing on the attention grabbing headlines, we can begin to see themes emerging.

In particular the dance between oppression and the challenge to oppression. Then we can see how oppression is needed to raise the change energy of revolution.

Feeling oppressed or not listened to can also be present in our personal lives, in our intimate relationships.

And Then Be The Observer

Which is why global events are a mirror for our own lives, and vice versa. No matter how hard we may seek to ignore them, collective events are essential to creating the new era.

This is what I have written about in “Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires?”   

It outlines the key events flowing from today´s new moon in Pisces.  

The powerful latest Message From Source includes this guidance:

What is unfolding may seem to be horrific. Allow the events to unfold completely before you rush to make sense of them. There is much yet to appear and actions to be taken. Each will have its own consequence for each of you.

This current period is a tremendous one for releasing anything that is holding you back from living life to its highest potential.

Should any challenge surface, do not view it as a problem. Instead it is there as an opportunity for you to purge something that is still restraining you. You attracted it in order to facilitate your growth and evolution – your soul´s purpose.

“Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires? also contains three gifts of this Pisces new moon. 

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Being The Observer 




Do You Have A Favourite Of The Different Directions You Can Take?

Which Of The Different Directions Is Yours?

Three questions to give you a sense of purpose  

Do you listen to the words between your thoughts?

For what is not being “said”?

Do you listen for the belief behind the words?

Paying attention to the real belief, not the presenting one.

Very often we do not always mean what we say, or say what we mean. Let alone in our own thoughts.

It is your conscious task to decipher what is really going on.

Drawing out your secret desires and deepest fears.

Drawing out your gifts, your hidden gifts and the shadow side of those gifts.

Be curious about how you think, not just what you think. And what is beneath what you think.

Be curious about what is the motivation and feel into where the energy is coming from.

Listening to the content of your stories and then draw out the real context of the situation.

We are at what in astrology is known as a fixed Grand Cross. It is amplifying entrenched positions and unyielding desires or demands.  

What needs to change is being revealed to each of us as well as society as a whole. Whether we like it or not, the winds of change are blowing.

It is our choice how we set the sails, which of the different directions we choose to take.  

Making this choice is what I have written about in “Do You Have A Favourite Of The Different Directions You Can Take?”   

In it is outlined the fascinating current period we are in. Beginning at the Leo full moon on 16th February, we are in a series of astrological events every two days until the 22nd February.

Which in numbers is 2202-2022.

Which Of The Different Directions Will You Take?

The period has three events linked to the cycles of Pluto and Neptune which commenced with the birth of the USA on 4th July 1776.

Also covered is why the conjunction of Venus and Mars is not so far its usual good period for relationships and romance. This year´s conjunction is longer than usual, though it will not be until after early on 6th March its beneficial effect will be felt.   

The powerful latest Message From Source includes this guidance:

Hence the reminder to empower yourself, not allowing others to empower themselves.

Observe how events begin to shift as you do so. This is the fun aspect of your creative ability.”

The full moon in Leo on the 16th urged each of us to roar, wanting us to leave behind the restrictions of our beliefs, habits and patterning.

The real ones, not the presenting ones.  

Another reminder is that we are at the mid-point between eclipses. Events can therefore have a profound impact on your storyline and so your destiny.

Be the observer is a theme in Do You Have A Favourite Of The Different Directions You Can Take?” There are also three questions to help you gain clarity as to “who you are”, helping to give you a sense of purpose.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out to contact me.

To Choosing From The Different Directions


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So? 🤔

Forever Create Your Future

  Four steps guiding you to create your future  

Today a window opens for you to create your future. The one you truly desire.  

All planets are now awake. Meaning until the end of April is a period to enter into contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions that you want to last forever.

The only question is whether you will take action to use this opportunity?

Change is in the air.

The month began with the new moon in Aquarius, making seven planets now in signs ruled by Saturn. Their theme is “responsibility.”

This has two aspects to it. First take responsibility for your life, do not pass your power to others. And, secondly this is a chance for you to respond in a way that aligns with your desires.

This means working with the flow of life instead of letting it “work you!”

Which is what I have written about in “There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So?

The opportunity comes from the planetary alignment providing over 80 days without any retrogrades. Hence the window is open, only you need to use it!

To help you there are four steps guiding you to create your future. This is included as February 2022 is only occasion this century all the numbers in a date are the same, except for 0.  

The essence of the number 2 is unsurprisingly harmony, kinship, and co-operation. As such it represents making a choice between one path or another

Water Will Create Your Future

This was encouraged by the latest Message From Source with its guidance: ”The themes which are emerging all flow from freedom – to know, be and act from your own truth. Knowing your own truth is for many the hardest aspect to address.”

Only then will you able to live a fulfilled life.

As Aquarius is the water bearer and we are now in the year of the Water Tiger, we are going to feel Water´s ebb and flow. Reminding us Water is always moving and it takes on many different shapes and forms.

So, expect many emotional revelations, clearing old energies and opening you to new opportunities in love, abundance, and serenity.

Our own voice needs to be heard so we create harmony with those around us. Doing so will create the tone of this new era.  

That is how your actions create your future.   

“There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So?” also includes more on key dates in February, such as when to re-vitalise your online and social media profiles.    

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Creating Your Future  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter


Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want? 😊 I

Success Is So Elusive?

Four components necessary to create enduring success

29th January Venus moved direct, ending our focus on the chaotic mess that was 2021. Now we can take what we have learnt and use it to spring into 2022.

Venus retrograde has been asking us to question what we truly want out of our love and financial relationships. Helping us to see what we need to change in order for them to be more authentic and honest.

Its purpose being to enable you to pursue what excites you and aligns with your desires for 2022 and beyond. This retrograde had a particular focus on career and work, making us question does the existing relationship give us joy?

Which feeds into the new moon in Aquarius rising on 1st February. Aquarius is the sign of freedom, the future and breakthroughs. It is encouraging you to embrace surprising new directions.

Your Definition Of Success Is…?

For many the very notion of success is uncertain.

The last two years have brought reminders the traditional career paths have become pointless. The enforced separation of people and their place of work enabled many to question their focus and the stress of overworking, yet being under-satisfied.

Fortunately the re-structuring underway is re-emphasising once more success does not need to be one-dimensional. It does not need to be a tug-of-war between achievement and happiness.

This is the moment to adjust your focus from what is not working to focus upon the greater vision that is before you.

I have written “Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want?” with the intention to help you do so.

For many have found the offer we grew up with of work hard then success will follow” is false.  

Specifically, my story details a framework of four components necessary to create enduring success.

Encouraging you to consider your business or career as a means to manifest something into the world. Using your unique abilities, gifts and skills as the means to do so.

There is also the latest Message from Source indicating a new phase of evolution has begun. This is outlined as “Allow yourself to be in the flow of creation. Doing so will bring forth unknown events and meetings… The success you all seek can only flow from within and being aligned with all aspects of your being. Everything else is ephemeral and passing.”

Do You Really Deserve Your Success?

1st February also marks the start of the year of the Water Tiger, opening the door to taking action.

Which is why in “Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want?” I encourage you to review your definition of your success.

Also assess what is not working, because that is the best way to be unhappy and unfulfilled. Instead focus on what brings you joy and remember to consider the new patterns and rhythms which are emerging.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Bringing Success Into Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Re-structure Your Life Or Continue To Stand In Your Own Way?

To Re-structure Your Life

Three steps to re-structure your life

This week´s full moon in Cancer is triggering our emotions. It is focused on you taking action to re-structure your life.

January is a month for reflection, making this an ideal period to take control of your future,

The full moon is offering its emotional cleansing energies to enable you to unwrap those parts of your identity constraining you. Only then will you be able to head in your new direction.

Often it is our reaction to external comments, events etc. that trigger us so we see what we need to address within ourselves.

The key to unwrapping such emotional reactions is to first accept they are ours, no-one else´s.

For what is outside us reflects what is within. Should our vision be of a world with less control, less division, less conflict and a kinder society then that is the inner environment we have to create.

You cannot lead a fulfilled life should you feel that focusing on your personal growth and wholeness is selfish or self-indulgent.

Our own voice needs to be heard so we create harmony with those around us. Then the tone of this new era will resonate with our soul´s desires.

That is how your actions re-structure your life

We are all at a crossroads. In this past week I have needed to release what I thought was my direction to head in a new one.

Hence what I have written about in “Want To Re-structure Your Life Or Continue To Stand In Your Own Way?

Re-structure Your Life, Allow Connection To Source

There were intense challenges being guided/pushed to really go deeper into my own truth, into really living and embodying it.

So often we think we have to decide between one direction or another or two specific options. However, once we dis-engage from who we thought we were our truth can surface and re-connection be established. Other alternatives then appear.

Hence the three steps to enable you to re-structure your life and avoid focusing on such obstacles in this post.

This was encouraged by the latest Message From Source with its guidance: ”The knowing as to your truth will come with the commitment you make. Until then your own views are unclear or lack clarity.”

The day after the full moon, the lunar nodes shifted into the signs of Taurus (North) and Scorpio (South), where they will remain until July 2023.

They added further push to re-structure your life as the South represents your past and the foundation you are building upon. The North our destiny.

“Want To Re-structure Your Life Or Continue To Stand In Your Own Way? also includes more on the themes the year of the Water Tiger will introduce. I have added some example events from the last Tiger and the Water Tiger years. 

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Knowing How To Re-structure Your Life   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Accelerate Your Business And Align To The Vision For Your Life?🙂

Create Your Vision For 2022

Six ways to help you adjust your vision to 2022 and beyond

January is a month for reflection. Its purpose is to enable you to pursue what excites you and aligns with your desires for 2022.

It will enable you to create alignment in your life, even in moments where you do not feel aligned, as you are finding your way.

Should there be an aspect of your life that does not feel harmonious, then reflect on what much greater desire wants to be expressed.

Making The Most Of Your Vision For 2022

It is your indicator this is the moment to adjust your focus from what is not working to focus upon the greater vision that is before you.

I have written “Want To Accelerate Your Business And Align To The Vision For Your Life?” with the intention to help you do so.

Specifically, it outlines six ways to help you adjust your vision to what is emerging for 2022.

Yesterday the first quarter moon rose. Its focus is change and forward motion and is nicely complemented by the highly enthusiastic and free-spirited Sagittarius.

Grand objectives are achievable during this period and these changes will be positive – a welcome arrival in the context of all the present uncertainty and strife – the chaos transition creates.

Whether you have already started your own business, are thinking of doing so or are pursuing a career, the six ways will help you create your vision for 2022 and beyond.  

They are designed to fire up your manifestation engine. Encouraging you to stop doing and focus on creating.

So instead of thinking of your business or career as something to do, view it as manifesting something into the world. Using your unique abilities, gifts and skills as the means for manifesting, not what is being manifested.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Business?

View yourself as creating and running your business as a birthing/child rearing process. There is the excitement of the birth and then the physical demands kick in. They then alter as the child grows.

Also view your business as the independent being it is. For a healthy business is one which fosters a relationship. You can then choose its form – which should be one which is healthy and respectful of both parties.

The year of the Water Tiger begins on 1st February and opens the door to taking action.

“Want To Accelerate Your Business And Align To The Vision For Your Life?” also indicates some signs of the re-structuring which is underway.

Ask yourself “what do you long to share with the world?”

That is THE question for 2022.

And for the rest of your life.

Being a creator – a relentlessly authentic creator – often means liberating your true voice.

Ready to do so?

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply

To Creating and Living Your Vision


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Change Your Life And How You Desire To Live It?

Ready To Change Your Life To Full Of Joy?

Seven steps to help you change your life

You have an unique set of challenges…. as do I.

They are an essential part of being human, hence why we incarnate to gain the experience and so evolve. Though many take issue with the way this world seems to be evolving.

Shutting out the beauty and love that surrounds each of us. Mother Earth is a constant wonder, which I note especially on our evening walks watching the sunset. Yet do you allow yourself to see and enjoy what is there for all to enjoy?

2022 continues to work with the energy of Uranus in Taurus. Inviting each of us to dis-assemble structures that no longer support the idea all life is inherently valuable, precious and beautiful.

Continue to expect the cosmos to keep highlighting what needs to come apart before the sheet is clean enough to allow your re-birth to begin.

In “Want To Change Your Life And How You Desire To Live It?” are what I view as the key such points in 2022. My intention is you use them to guide you in making your choices as to what you need to do to continue to evolve.

They are not there to inform you “what” is going to happen, rather so you are aware of the emerging themes. Then you can take action to maximise your growth.

For our only constant is change and whether you view it as the cause of your suffering or assisting your evolution, will determine your response.

Change Your Life, Create Space For You

When we align with the cycles of the Cosmos, magic happens – though its magic runs in accord with Divine Time, not necessarily human time.

That said, be gentle with yourself as there is much unfolding. Whilst January began with a new moon ushering in new beginnings, it is a month to continue to reflect. To clear out what no longer serves you in this emerging new era.

Enabling you to use the retrogrades of Mercury and Venus to gain clarity as to your direction.

An inaction reiterated by the latest Message From Source:

The challenge for the coming days is to not charge into precipitate action. Sense the mists as to what is emerging rather than chasing what it might be.”

“Want To Change Your Life And How You Desire To Live It?” details the influence the eclipses will have, creating two different spans in 2022. The latter part of the year indicating tension, friction, and resistance to change – so expect the markets to wobble.

The influence of the Water signs and Pisces in particular, suggests 2022 will have a greater incidence of floods and storms, especially hurricanes. It may be such natural catastrophes will create a unity amongst humanity which has been sorely missing recently.

Floods were evident in 1856 when Jupiter and Neptune last met up in what is a rare and exceptional Cosmic occurrence known as the Fish. The next one takes place on 12th April.

Follow Your Dream, Choose Your Own Direction

The power of their energies will uplift humanity’s consciousness, ushering in the spiritual awakening at the heart of the Age of Aquarius.

To help you align to that “Want To Change Your Life And How You Desire To Live It? includes how to create in the fifth dimension as well as seven steps to help you create your new life.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Allowing You To Change Your Life            
