Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?🤔

Daydream Your Life

There is no more solid answer than you just have to do it!

All the trials and tribulations you went through to now were necessary to prepare you for the next phase of your journey.

Are you ready now to own who you came here to be and shed who you once were?

In which case, you are also probably showing some of those uncomfortable growth pains that often surface as we step further along our journey, to be who we really are.

The Fantasies Of Daydreams Lead To Taking Action  

Oftentimes old wounds, issues or difficulties make us feel really dis-empowered by everything. Or, perhaps you also feel you have lost your inner compass, your North Star? 

Such experiences are a reminder of the need to go deeper into owning yourself. Stripping away more layers of who you once were.

Doing so will most probably trigger an emotional re-action. My advice to several recently has been to just allow it to flow”.

For, now is the moment to take the chances you have only dreamt of upto now!

As you do so, one of the changes you may notice is in your relationships. For subtle energies are at work until August to remove conflict from them.

What I have noticed is that often it seems to be two steps forward and then one back. The inner critic surfacing to try and pull me back to where I have just left!

Such moments seem to be appearing ever more frequently as the higher consciousness seeks to pull us forward.

Spirit then rewarding you for stepping along the path of your life’s mission and staying true to yourself!

That is when you will be graced with one of the most important gifts of all: clarity.

This will enable you to make the connections you need and reveal hidden messages Spirit is sending you.

Though no matter how special this moment of clarity will be, it will not last forever.

Use it to see, observe, and absorb all the awareness and information you need. 

It will soon be required.

Which is where daydreams come in!

Use Daydreams To Enhance Your Creativity 

We have been taught they are just figments of our imagination.

Yes, daydreams are free thoughts and images unfettered from our active experience. They also are a brain function with great benefits.

Whilst daydreaming can reduce stress and anxiety, for me the main benefit is assisting with problem-solving and enhancing creativity.

In Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander? I have cited a Harvard study indicating on average we daydream almost half of our waking hours.

While teachers and adults usually discourage daydreaming, research into what is referred to in scientific circles as mind-wandering, argues it could be beneficial!

Daydreaming often centres on creating our future, which is why it is so prevalent in children. However, daydreaming is often viewed as a hallmark of those labelled as ADD/ADHD.

Yet, neurodiversity is on the rise as the new generation arrives.

Recent studies suggest creative thinking is enhanced when mind wandering lights up connections across a series of interacting brain regions.  

Which is why for many, deep and important truths about ourselves and the world around us seem to unfold from our daydreams.

Do What You Can With What You Have, Just The Way You Are 

That said, the very uncertainty of this transition is creating anxiety and doubt for almost all. 

However, what you cannot do is think your way out of self-doubt! Instead, just accept you are unsure and try anyway.

That is the message covered in more detail in Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?. 

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

Use the coming six months to refresh, rejuvenate and strengthen yourself for the major shifts ahead!

For January to July of 2024 will seem even more chaotic with another dose of Aquarian “wildness” of new twists and turns, global surprises and upheavals in society.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to have clarity in their life.

To Daydream Your Way Ahead


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? 😁

Have you Found Your Objective?

This is one of the best weeks ever!   

Seeking a deeper meaning, purpose, or intention in your life just now, then pay close attention to more than what appears in your external world.

For it is in your internal world you will find most guidance.

The Objective Of This Full Moon Is A New Beginning   

Taurus is the sign of our physical bodies and the Jupiter/node and Mercury/Uranus conjunctions, are both, yes, in Taurus.

Our bodies are our teachers, constantly providing messages.

Initially as subtle hints, which should they be ignored will grow into symptoms and then pain and dis-comfort. 

Listening to your inner voice brings a wealth of guidance, including which way to head and with whom.

Early on 4th June the full moon in Sagittarius rises. It will provide you with an optimistic approach to life and a belief it will improve, even should you feel surrounded by challenges!

A full moon usually indicates completion. However, the influence of Mars on this one creates a sense of new beginnings.

Encouraging you to express yourself, to see yourself, to allow yourself to change. Developing new avenues, awareness, and techniques as you adapt to the flow of this transition.

When you embrace the courage of your convictions, there is no limitation to what you can accomplish. Take it in both hands and choose your own objective and then your mission!

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? has more on the energies and actions encouraged by this full moon.

As Mother Earth, and so humanity, adjust to higher frequencies, what was considered magical or coincidental, will once more be within our power to manifest.

Though remember you are either connected or in separation. You cannot be in both states at the same moment!      

Your Objective Is To Embody Greater Possibility  

June is a month infused with calming, grounding energy that facilitates a deep connection to your personal journey.

In numerology it is a 13 month, and both the moon and sun are at 13º. This is the number of the divine feminine.

Its energy is about love and nurturing, with a strong emphasis on change, support and connection.

None of which fit too comfortably into the hierarchical structure of the society we are leaving. June is also the month of the Solstice.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance: 

Be as the small child exploring a new toy. Free your imagination to create beyond your current desires. This is how each of you impacts the experience of all of creation. Which is the purpose of each and every soul.”

This full moon also conjuncts the Great Attractor, a supercluster of stars that contains our own Milky Way. Its energy is making this full moon even more potent with regard to our dreams and visions.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? also details the months, beginning with June, when the USA´s Pluto return will bring to the surface conflict with the energies of the transition underway.  

The polarised structure of what was is crumbling, a quantum leap in consciousness is unfolding.    

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in creating the objective and mission to give their life meaning.

To Your Life Having An Objective And Mission 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Your Destiny is Never Still, Do You Want To Discover And Follow It?🙃

Your Destiny Ia Waiting For You

The inner world of your unconscious mind is activated way ahead of your conscious one

Do you know you have a destiny?

At several points in our lives, we tend to ask– if not question, what is our destiny and the truth about why we are here?

On days of frustration, it is more questioning of why we have yet to know it?

Whilst on days of reflection, it is more likely to be what serves us.

When you feel energy flowing through you, you feel that awareness in your bones. 

Your Destiny Wants To Be Discovered 

Then on the days when all is not progressing as you would like, you might wonder why all seems to be opposing you?

All of which probably means, your destiny is not clear?

You know you can create whatever you wish in your life? All you have to do is make a decision.

Though the mission to fulfil your destiny is probably not the same as it was when you were 20, or even the same as it was a year ago.

We humans so often become caught up in the how to do things. As in, you know what you want to receive yet, how will you make it happen?

This is a common trap, and it happens to everyone!

For our belief is that once we understand the “how” and the “probability” of something, then it is logical and so must happen!

The systems of society teach that unless we have all the details of how we make a dream or an idea manifest, the dream itself is not “logical.”

We learn that we must know how something is going to happen.

Should it seem to be magic outside the probable parameters we know, then it is not going to happen to or for us.

How often have you given up creating something you truly desired because you did not know “how” it was going to appear in your life?

More on this and the role of fate is set out in  “Your Destiny is Never Still, Do You Want To Discover And Follow It?” 

Is Destiny Or Fate Guiding Your Life?   

However, when you hesitate, waiting for something to change…this is when life is waiting for you to choose. Nothing will change until you do. 

When you choose, life follows. No need to worry about the how!

Your destiny is not a task or end point. Rather your destiny is always moving in the flow of evolution.

This period of transition is requiring everyone to review their destiny.


Because quite simply humanity has never been here before!  

We are being encouraged to exercise our courage to plant seeds to create the new.

Everyone has the opportunity to choose, and we do.

However, the outcomes of those choices are not necessarily what we expect. For, we do not have the control we imagine we have.

The latest Message from Source provides this insight:

Destiny has certainty as to its direction and the steps you will take. It is your Soul which prefers to set the direction, though many of you seem to prefer to follow the distractions rather than your Soul´s desires! Yet, both provide lessons from which you may learn.”

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

When we own our stories, we start to live in alignment with our destiny. We know we are in alignment when synchronicities show up everywhere. This is the magic of living your mission to create your destiny!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to free their destiny.

To Discovering Your Destiny   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?😄

What Direction To Head In?

Listen for the songs of your Soul to be sung again

Have you ever asked yourself on one occasion or another when it comes to changing your life:

Why is nothing working? 

Yes, you completed the class and are using the process you learnt. Then life steps in and you do not maintain the habit.

So, it no longer works. 

First Know Thyself To Know The Direction To Head In

Have you yet reached the point when enough is enough, where you wish to stop repeating the same patterns?

You need to change, and you need it now so you can stop experiencing what you do not want. Instead your life begins to head in the direction you desire. 

Once aligned with your Soul, every decision becomes easy for you.

Knowing exactly when to say yes or no to.

Because you know what choices you are making that are in alignment and those that are not.

Today I was talking to a woman who was angry at being that. The anger welled up whenever she was asked to do something she perceived as “woman´s work”!

She felt she did not have the freedom to make a choice as to whether she should do it or not.

How do you feel when doing something that is out of alignment, though you think you have to do it? How does your body react?

Perhaps it is the job you have to go to because it pays the bills? Or, the relationship not providing what you are seeking?

When alignment exists you experience inner peace, even when the external world appears to be in turmoil.

In order to be there, you have to quiet your monkey mind of everyone else’s opinion and be clear as to your direction to head in.

Then as the creator of your life, it is what you focus your thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

 How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?”  outlines how change can cause dis-connection to ourselves and those around us.

Trauma Will Help You Find The Direction To Head In 

However, it can also offer us the opportunity to refocus on what is truly important. Enabling us to heal past trauma, and step into a brighter, clearer future.

Then you will be able to stop and listen for the songs of your Soul to be sung again.

As the frequencies have risen, I have noticed the appearance of more sound healing. Another aspect of the changes underway.

The latest Message from Source summarises the action we are advised to take. 

As Charles Eisenstein reminds us, this change will not be obtained through force, fighting, or judging and convincing. That only reinforces the old paradigm of us/them separation.

Instead, it will be achieved through the loving, gentle shining of our light and nurturing education to a greater, brighter, bigger reality that we can all access.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

 How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?”  also has a reminder there is true power that can be harnessed by connecting more deeply with the Nature around you.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Knowing Your Direction To Head In 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want Fun And Joy In Your Life? Let Go Of What You Do Not Need Anymore🙃

Do Not Need Anymore

Complete any release, offer or launch before 20th April  

Do you feel stuck? Going through your day on autopilot, feeling disconnected from yourself?

Your soul is telling you there is a lack of coherence between your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. You need to re-align with yourself.

Do You Know What You Do Not Need Anymore?

Which means this is actually good news! Your Soul wants you to remember you have a greater purpose than just surviving. Instead to focus your drive and your ability to let things flow with grace versus force, to find your purpose again.

So, what do you do next?

Pay attention to the emotions you feel arising from within. Look inward, and connect to your Inner Wisdom. 

What truth is your Soul communicating to you?

It will help you find the limitations holding you back. 

They are restricting or even shutting down, one of the key aspects of being human – our power to create.

Often this internal conflict also has a physical impact. Manifesting in feeling physically exhausted and burnt out.

Want Fun And Joy In Your Life? Let Go Of What You Do Not Need Anymore, outlines the importance of letting go of such beliefs as well as the purpose of this 11 month.

Holding onto what has been will never serve your evolution.

Earlier today a rare full moon in Libra rose in the middle of two Aries new moons. It is shining its light on what is hidden within you.

April is about finding meaning and discovering your place in the global transition underway. 

Let Go Of All You Do Not Need Anymore   

Do you feel hesitant about the future? Sometimes it is difficult to discern your next step, especially should you have beliefs limiting your horizon and your own abilities.

When change arrives, we need to be able to take risks without worrying whether it turns out to be what we used to call a ‘mistake’. Or, how others might judge us.

This is not the moment to play safe. Rather, to initiate immense changes in your life. For with Pluto in Aquarius, you are being called to believe in your grandest dreams, and to manifest them. 

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance:

Chaos is still much in demand in order to leave behind the old structures and ways. The more who observe this and consciously choose to allow it to depart in peace, the smoother will be the transition.” 

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The second new moon in Aries on 20th April marks the return of the eclipse season. The first one in Aries since 2015, it provides a destiny-rousing, turbo-charged, change-compelling solar eclipse.

Then the retrogrades return! Meaning complete any planned release, offer or launch by 20th April.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in the creation of their new life.

To Letting Go Of All You Do Not Need Anymore      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself?

Embrace Knowing Thyself

Six questions to help you make your next step

Have you experienced the conundrum of having so much you want to share, though something holds you back from sharing it?

The surprising truth? 

This is actually a GOOD sign.

Remove The Cobwebs To Knowing Thyself

For, it means you are at the crossroads of making a choice. Do you continue to play safe by hiding? Or, being seen by your audience for the very first time for who you truly are?

Source is encouraging you to bring all your abilities, gifts and skills into the open. Then you can complete the unique mission you incarnated to do.

Turning all the inner work you have been doing into an outward expression.

The self-doubt and fear you have been experiencing around showing up as your true self is completely usual.

You have personal experiences to support why being visible as your true self does not feel safe. It is not only you, this is a collective issue.

We are at a critical junction where all the decisions you make moving forward will be important.

Which in many senses is a return to what the great spiritual teachers and philosophers throughout history have emphasised – the importance of knowing thyself.

You have the opportunity to rewrite your story. To take back the torch and lead others through the current chaos.

The process of personal growth and evolution allows us to make course corrections in order to live fully as Source.

Our experience of life has always been an adventure – now even more so!

It is our thinking which keeps us stuck, along with our perception of being separate from Source.

Our true nature calls for unity with Mother Earth and Father Sky. Both are there to support us, provided we work in harmony with them.

It is your choice as to which path you choose.

Now Step Toward Knowing Thyself  

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself? has some insights as to the importance of being still in order to hear your Inner Wisdom.

Whilst events are going to require each of us to make a series of choices, the opportunity is immense.

The Message from Source outlines the steps to take with regard to the choices you will face.

Should an excuse surface as to why not to take the steps you desire, six questions are set out to help you identify its cause.

They will also help you identify the one action to take to begin to move toward your desire.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Knowing Thyself


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Our Connection Will Help Free Us To Manifest Our Dreams This Year🖐️

Our Connection Will Free Us

Four steps to improve your connection with others    

The most important action we need to take for 2023 is not to be tempted to look back to the halcyon days we tell ourselves previously existed, that is not possible.

Whilst it may be familiar, it does not offer us growth. The only way to grow is to focus on the direction you desire, even though into unknown territory.

Being In Connection With Yourself Is Essential For 2023   

When you do, the change you initiate creates momentum because ultimately it invites you inward.

This is where all the teachings over the ages have invited us to come. Then we have connection with our inner guidance and can focus our energy.

Allowing us to move into and embody our heart and lower chakras so they meld and begin to operate as one.

Once they merge, you have access to the abundant wisdom that is constantly available, and you start to trust your gut feelings.

This Inner Wisdom knows the truth of who you are and there is a conscious connection to all parts of your being. Then you will have the courage to address what previously you sought to avoid.

When we go around or avoid something – an emotion or belief you do not choose to feel or a circumstance which triggers you – it creates a distortion or conflict in the flow of your energy. Dis-connecting you from the Inner Wisdom of your true self. 

Once connected as the true you, that energy flows through every aspect of your life and events unfold without effort.

Whenever your energy is dispersed, events take over.

When there is connection, our energy is organised and empowered, so manifesting our desires can happen.

2023 has the potential to be the moment your dreams begin to manifest.

It will also bring a taste of Pluto´s offering over the next 20 years.  

Pluto is the most intense planet in our solar system and often acts like a phoenix. Painfully destroying what is no longer working so humanity can evolve.

The only way to grow is to focus on the direction you desire.

In Our Connection Will Help Free Us To Manifest Our Dreams This Year there are two questions to assist you do so.

Strengthen Your Connection To All

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this beginning…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

Our current focus must be to nurture ourselves. Only then will we have a clear understanding of who we are, why we are here and so the direction to head in.

Once you do, then clarity as opposed to procrastination will be present.

In this we have been helped by Mars going direct on 12th January. Meaning you will begin to feel more motivated and not so frustrated, perhaps even less aggressive!

Mercury goes direct on the 18th and Uranus on the 22nd. The next retrograde is not until 21st April. Providing us all with the breathing space to sign contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions you intend to last forever.

21st January brings the Aquarian energy of the new moon. Encouraging you to embrace your independent nature rather than follow the status quo.

Aquarian energy is all about vision, creativity and new perspectives. It helps to facilitate curiosity and inspires you to consider different possibilities.

It will also urge you to question the routines, habits and status quo in your life no longer supporting your Soul´s desires.

Giving you space to improve your connection to all others.

Hence, why Our Connection Will Help Free Us To Manifest Our Dreams This Year also contains four steps to strengthen your capacity to stay in connection with others, especially in awkward or difficult conversations.

And Now For The Year Of The Rabbit

On 22nd January we hop into the year of the Water Rabbit, viewed as a symbol of good fortune – provided you exercise patience!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create connection in their life.

To Living Life Through Connection


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Trust Your Moment To Be Calm, Not Charging Into New Territory? 👉

Trust Your Moment

Six pointers to a lack of self-trust   

Struggling with the rain, the snow and whatever else the weather is throwing at you?

Have you noticed it all seems to be about an excess of Water?

Magic Happens When You Relax And Trust Yourself

Viewed by shamans as a female energy, it is the universal fuel of existence. Water symbolises growth by feeding all life forms on Mother Earth, it rules our emotional body.

It seeks to nurture through slowing down life in order to create balance. Hence, signifying emotions, intuition, healing and reflection.

These last few days of 2022 and for most of January 2023, we need to trust this is our moment to be calm. Surrendering to the flow rather than seeking to charge onward into new territory.

We are sitting in the void between the old and new chapters of our life. This is where you create magic.

Including initiating a new level of human experience!

To do so we are being assisted by four astrological events, one after another.

Tomorrow, 19th December, we are bathed in Galactic frequencies from the alignment of Mother Earth, the Sun and the Galactic centre along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy.

The Galactic centre is the source of our Soul’s highest desires and the evolutionary purpose our Soul has chosen for this lifetime.

In essence the alignment enables us to take the knowledge we have embodied through last year and transform it into wisdom. To love ourselves implicitly.

It will also help us gain visions and insights as to how to proceed over the coming year.

The next day, 20th December, Jupiter moves into the fiery and independent sign of Aries, where it will remain until May 2023.

This marks the beginning of a new twelve-year cycle, the seeds of which you have sown with feelings, thoughts, and deeds over this last year. It portends a growth in your sovereignty, personal power, and freedom.

However, Capricorn´s influence suggests you may experience some resistance to your plans and initiating new projects, relationships and ideas.

Six Pointers To A Lack Of Trust In Self

The day after marks the solstice, birthing the shortest and darkest day of the year.

Ancient mystics and astrologers have spoken of the days around the winter solstice as a season of initiation of new paths towards self-realisation.

This one initiating a massive shift in consciousness over the next 20 years.

Which is why in ”Ready To Trust Your Moment To Be Calm, Not Charging Into New Territory?” I have outlined the importance of self-trust.

Learning to trust yourself is one of the fundamental lessons to creating the life you desire. Everyone has their internal compass, following it is the sure path to long-term happiness.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

You have all arrived at this moment in order that you may begin to create the new one.

One which you have not experienced and yet will build the foundation for many millennia to come. Afterall this is why you all chose to incarnate at this point in terms of evolution, for your Soul, humanity and the Cosmos.”

For each of us is the creator of our own future. Which of the number of possibilities open to you at any one moment is your choice alone to take?

The choice for each of us is whether we learn to trust ourself or maintain the belief we should first focus on the needs of others?

Many feel challenged by self-trust. The cause of which mostly lies in our other lives and ancestral lineage. Our first task is to identify, examine and question any limiting beliefs we observe.

To Stepping Into New Territory

To help you in ”Ready To Trust Your Moment To Be Calm, Not Charging Into New Territory?” are six pointers to a lack of self-trust as well as how self-trust appears to me.

Finally, on 23rd December the new moon in Capricorn rises. The Sea Goat is perfectly satisfied, if not more comfortable, allowing events to unfold to reach the peak of whatever mountain they have set their sights on.

So, start the ball rolling in no matter how small though significant way.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create trust in their life.

To Trust In Yourself To Be Calm   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Embrace The Dark Night Of Your Soul? Change Only Happens When You Change 😆

Dark Night Of Your Soul

Acknowledge, thank and release what emerges   

Reading this post, then you know there is something moving within you and the world around us.

Almost everyone I have met, conscious or not has something in their past they are hiding, suppressing or unwilling to recognise. 

Some have gone through their “dark” past in order to reach the enlightened point they are now at.

Shining Light On The Dark Night Of Your Soul 

This phase in people’s lives is called many different things: facing the shadow, a dark night of the soul, mirror work, shadow work, and the list goes on…

Such experiences people are not always that willing to share. 

Often what they believe has happened they try to never think about again, suppressing them from their conscious experience. 

Though the feeling maybe triggered by an external event. Releasing once again the emotions from an unconscious learned behaviour from your past.

Whatever the case, the dark night of the soul or the shadow work that everyone unknowingly tries to avoid will bring it to light.

For this process is essential to manifesting your soul’s true longing.


Without facing the buried experiences we would rather not talk about, how can you truly know yourself?

What most miss in manifestation is that you must first take complete responsibility for where you currently are in your life. Only then can you to manifest the life your soul truly desires to experience.

That is how you will know what needs to be addressed in order to live to your full potential.

This is not easy. For our unconscious mind directs around 95% of our actions. Its purpose is to keep us safe, only it knows only what it has experienced. Meaning it cannot distinguish between what was enjoyable and what was not. 

Any possible action which is outside our experience is by definition deemed unsafe. Triggering a fight or flight response. 

In Ready To Embrace The Dark Night Of Your Soul? Change Only Happens When You Change I have outlined the three simple steps to take to complete this critical part of your soul´s path to evolve.

Shadows Will Emerge During The Dark Night Of Your Soul

 To make it even more inviting, there will never be just one of these “phoenix like moments”. As you address the various layers of their existence, so you will move closer to your higher self. The occupier of your eighth chakra.

My passion is to help you to take action to embrace the Dark Night Of Your Soul…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source adds some insight with regard to what is unfolding:

The key for each of you is to step beyond what has been restraining you. Then the new can arrive freely. Not removing the past will prevent the new from arriving, no matter how much you envision your desires. 

The effect of the rise in vibration will be to stop the processes which were of the past.”

I have also mentioned in Ready To Embrace The Dark Night Of Your Soul? Change Only Happens When You Change  some possible turbulence in the coming weeks. The period into 2023 will remain tumultuous with unforeseen changes continuing to re-structure our lives.

Using the coming period to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life will assist. There is a coherence in doing so. 

Then you will appreciate where you have been and so how you can embrace where you choose to head into the new era. 

Though also remind yourself that whilst incarnated in this realm, there will always be such work to do – for how else do we gain experiences?

Though I am assured they will be less intense! 

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Embracing The Dark Night Of Your Soul      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Have You Asked Your Soul To Help Guide You Grow Your Business? 😁

Ready To Help Guide You

Three steps to help you start and grow your soul-aligned business  

Do you feel powerful?

Actually, being empowered is essential to each of us. As children we go through two different developmental phases to teach us how to become powerful.

Though when we think of being powerful, most of us view it as the exercise of force. 

The Collins English dictionary defines power as the: “ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.”

When we do not use our power correctly, we burn out, feel stuck or have no control over our lives. So, we are unable to maintain our well-being.

To Succeed Ask Your Soul To Help Guide You

Most of us have not learnt how to exercise our power. It comes from being aligned with our natural energy and being aware of our calling. The very reason for incarnating at this moment.

When we experience joy, harmony and sweetness in our lives, no matter how subtle, this lets us know we are on the path of our calling.

On many occasions yesterday I asked a group of clients about their calling. Had they heard their quiet inner voice confirming their direction? Several doubted the voice or feeling they had received. Not trusting it was their guidance.

My indication was to be open to how the communication comes. Be it an image, a feeling, words, or simple knowing, all are valid.

Though it may require a deliberate pause to be made from your usual activity.   

There is often fear and tension around the idea of waiting. “How long? What if nothing happens?” “What if I “miss the boat?” “Where will the money come from?” “How will anything in my life happen?”

The root of this worry is really about our self-worth and the artificial value society places on us being busy. “Who am I if I am not doing?” And, “what is my value in the world if I am not busy doing something?”

The underlying cause of this worry is really about learning to trust Source. For it is terrifying to wait when you do not trust you are fully supported by Source. Often resulting in back pain.

This lack of trust is evidenced by the number of people who do not listen to, let alone follow their guidance. They therefore push too hard, too fast, too much in the wrong direction.

Then There Are Your Guides To Help Guide You 

Using our vital energy to hold up masks and maintain facades that demonstrate to society who we think we “should be” in order to be loved, feel valued or successful. The only result of which will be to burn ourselves out!

Which will not create success in starting and growing your soul-aligned business!

“Have You Asked Your Soul To Help Guide You Grow Your Business?” outlines three steps to help you make decisions aligned with your Soul´s desires.

Using our life force energy to try not to be that someone saying “yes” when we want to say “no”. Denying our connection to Source trying to express itself through us.

We burn out and so cannot connect to the energy necessary to implement our creative ideas. The ones which will accelerate our lives and so our business.

For the more aligned we are with our creative potential, the easier it will be to find the elegant solutions to the challenges facing humanity today.

My passion is to help you to take action to Master your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to Master your Life click reply to contact me.

In “Have You Asked Your Soul To Help Guide You Grow Your Business?  are also outlined actions to help you connect to your Guides.

Soul also leads how humanity evolves and the direction it is heading.

Though often, the problem is less the direction and more believing you can live it!

Humanity is moving from the ideology of me to we. Creating new success criteria to challenge the reputation of organisations, their executives and their customers. The recent pandemic has also had an influence.

Communicating with your Soul and connecting to your Guides will impact every aspect of your life.

To Asking Your Soul To Help Guide You


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter