Life Is Changing. Ready To Take This Opportunity To Lead Its Creation? 😉

Your Life Is Changing

   Four steps to help you dance into your future

We are on the cusp of a major shift on Mother Earth – which will therefore impact humanity!

To heal ourselves and live a truly good life, we must learn how to stop trying to change the world outside of us and instead transform our inner world.

Living our life based on insight instead of eyesight.

Life Is Changing – It Is An Opportunity  

To do that we must build a spiritual root structure strong enough to withstand the unfolding changes, yet deep enough to tap our greatest potential.

Living from connection to our Inner Source instead of relying on external resources.

Something of an apparent paradox as the emerging age is based on collaboration rather than being separate. No longer holding to the belief we must do everything ourselves.

The objective is that each of us is empowered, creative, productive, and manifesting abundance no matter what situations we face.

To do so we need to change the stories we tell, the words we use and the beliefs we hold. All have the power to influence your gene expression and so become part of the very structure of your being.

As are your ancestors, your Soul and your DNA. They are all core components to what you express in your life.

Earlier today I was with a client at a high energy location where she guided herself through a re-birth.

This is the essence of the shift which is underway.

My passion is to help you to take action to embrace the opportunity provided by your life changing…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source adds some insight with regard to this with:

We are now again at a transition point. There are three more before this phase completes. Each has its own emphasis, an adjustment needed for humanity and Mother Earth…

…The key for each of you is to step beyond what has been restraining you. Then the new can arrive freely. Not removing the past will prevent the new from arriving, no matter how much you envision your desires.” 

Gain Clarity For Your Life Is Changing

Stepping beyond such beliefs helps you override your old genetic programming. Helping you regulate your health, your well-being and even change the expression of your genetics.

For science shows us our DNA is far more malleable than we were taught in school. 

Great crises can easily mean we give up, give in, never try again, or even be more final.

Which is why in Life Is Changing. Ready To Take This Opportunity To Lead Its Creation? I have outlined a four step process to help you dance into the future, from the present, after first surrendering your past. 

Then cell by cell, step by step, you transform and create your Soul´s desires. 

This phase is an opportunity to create a new structure for yourself.

Experience though indicates whilst ready to leave behind the old, some are not yet willing to step into the unknown of the new. 

In this all will be helped by Mars going retrograde on the 30th. What previously was not accessible will now become so. Providing us with new strength to confront, cleanse, and chart our course correction.

1st November brings a further thinning of the veils between the physical and spirit worlds.

On the same day a first quarter moon in Aquarius rises. It will bring clarity, strength of will and confidence to help us. It will also urge you to look past social and cultural expectations about “success” in your life.

Instead asking what brings you joy. What do worthiness, ambition and success feel like to you?

Life Is Changing. Ready To Take This Opportunity To Lead Its Creation? contains further insights on what November has in store as well as the coming full moon eclipse in Taurus.

One Spirit World  

As you know already, we are transiting into a new era, a new Earth. Many different cultures have indicated this place metaphorically and literally for thousands of years.

Which means the transformation includes all on Earth as well as Mother Earth herself. The current seismic and solar activities and storms are portents of the physical shifts underway.

The power for transforming our current situation begins with you and me!

Which is why I am honoured to be speaking again on Friday the 4th in the Embrace The Woo: The Spirituality Experience. My subject on this occasion is: Shamanic Healing For Abundance And Money Freedom.

It is immersive, experiential day of healing and transformation for you, your relationships and your business. I will be providing some live healing at the end of my talk.

You will have a chance to meet individually with at least one, and possibly upto five Featured Practitioners in a 20-minute session on various healing modalities. Perhaps you always wanted to try though not yet had the chance to do so!!

Do not miss this opportunity! Go here to learn more and register

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Taking The Opportunity Of Your Life Is Changing


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter


The New Humans• Ready To Also Bring The New Earth Into Your Life? 😋

The new is rising, are you joining?

Are you fully tuned in to your most glorious way of living, creation and embodiment?

Knowing exactly how to materialise and embody your Soul´s desires and enjoy doing so?

Activating your Soul’s infinite potential through realising the full opportunity of your unique codes and experiences?

The old is crumpling, no longer functioning. The new is rising and here to assist you into the full expression of your abilities, gifts and skills.

To realise who you are and enjoy life to the full.

I observed sometime ago the pace of change is accelerating.

Not only on Mother Earth, also this Universe and the Cosmos as a whole. 

Which is why I am excited to lead one of over 20 sessions on:

The New Humans• New Earth Summit.

I will be joining 22 other speakers, including Sandra Ingerman, on this global online event.

The Opportunity To Bring The New Earth Into Your Life Is Now

Its purpose is to assist those who know together we have the power to dream into being the new Earth, for humanity and all its inhabitants.

For it is who we become that changes the world.

The topics being covered to bring the new Earth into your life, include:

  • Radiating Your Divine Truth and Power
  • Nature-Inspired Leadership
  • How to Adapt to Unexpected and Even Unwelcome Change
  • Shamanic Activism
  • Believe! ALL Things Are Possible
  • Growing Happiness, Organically
  • Healing Ourselves, We Heal The Planet
  • Healing with Spiritual Light

In all 27 free highly transformational sessions at your fingertips.

Including my topic on the 24thThe Shamanic Way To Success In Your Life. 

​Do you dare to dream in a new world where people connect beyond their illusionary “separations”?

Ready to do so, then join me in a week for: New Humans • New Earth Summit!

This is an opportunity not to be missed! Register below to access all the details.

Register for free here!

Replays will be available.

To Bring The New Earth Into Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

What Is Success To You? Have You Defined Its Meaning? ⬆️

What Is Success To You?

Three powerful measures of success

Pursuing success is like shooting at a series of moving targets. Every time you hit one, five more pop up from unknown directions.

As 2022 is about living the life you desire to live, it may require you to set out your own definition of success.

Once you do, this will begin to shift your belief systems to those that align with your own values, not those society has set for you.

This is when the dis-comfort of transformation appears.

The moment when your truth is being dis-mantled. Which will mean experiencing uncomfortable thoughts, old patterns, beliefs rising to the surface because of the light shining on us all.

During the past decade, traditional career paths were increasingly being questioned. Then the last three years have re-structured working practices and raised even more questions as to the accepted definition of success.

In the face of such instability, many assume success is still the winner-takes-all approach of the competitive era. The one that is migrating to collaboration, where achievement and happiness co-exist.

So, creating enduring success which is emotionally renewing, not anxiety provoking.

Which reminds me of this quote from Bo Bennett:

“Success is not in what you have, but who you are.”

Do you have clarity as to what you really desire in your life – have you defined what is success to you?

More on this theme is in “What Is Success To You? Have You Defined Its Meaning?” 

To Know Success, Connect To Your Inner Wisdom

Everything you yearn to achieve in your life must first be at peace within your heart.

For me the most rewarding place to do this is in Nature. That is where it is easiest to listen and receive.

Where you can discover all that has been withheld and suppressed. Until we choose to accept them and allow them to surface, in my experience real success cannot be sustained.

Especially as the current energy spotlight is on our oldest relationship wounds – beginning with the “union within”.

The recent move into grounding Taurus will encourage us to smell the flowers and simply enjoy the beauty Nature offers in every moment as we address the wounds.      

The latest Message from Source indicates the importance of our choices in terms of what is unfolding for us all:

“Continue to make your choices and so the progress you desire to make. What is unfolding at the moment is breaking the ice which has been holding humanity in its grip.”

From now until the end of May you will feel heightened energies as evolutionary change accelerates.

“What Is Success To You? Have You Defined Its Meaning? Outlines more of what to expect from the coming new moon and solar and lunar eclipses.

Your horizon is being shifted to the next stage of your evolution.

Reflecting on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced counterpoint, a fresh perspective and practical steps, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Creating Your Success


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Have You Faith In The Direction Your Life Is Heading? 😕

Have Faith In Your Direction

Six pointers on how to improve your intuition

March has urged us to go deeper.

To go beneath the turbulence and down into where your knowing insights can be found.

For many the reminder was in the repeating appearance of something difficult that had happened more than once before.

Each occasion becoming more intense until it cannot be ignored, much though we may try to!

Why? Because we are calling ourselves to meet bump, challenge, fatigue – even trigger – in ways that evolve us and how we desire to live. This is one of the big shifts we are calling ourselves to join.

We are being called because of what this period of transition needs from each of us.

That which only we can create.

April is going to urge us to go deeper too.

Overall, I see more people focused on connection and creation again. 

Many are breaking spells, leaving the past behind and applying what they learned as they focus on building the new. 

So again, if there was ever a moment for conscious cord cutting of a pattern, this is it!

The moment to let go of old ideas about how you thought life was going to be or who you are, this is it!

All the old titles, roles and past creations must loosen their grip so you can see what you maybe could not before.

Our outdated patterns and old comfort zones just cannot resonate in the Now any more.

And the inner map of your world is going through constant updating.

What has been is past, Now is the moment to be curious and walk into the great unknown.

More on such emerging themes is in “Have You Faith In The Direction Your Life Is Heading?”

Just before writing this email, I was guiding some guests through the last hours of their retreat here in Portugal.

Have You Faith In Your Intuition?

Guiding them to let go of the old to allow the new to create. The message for one was to focus on having fun and dancing in bare feet.

This transition is akin to a “course correction” in humanity´s destiny. Once we acknowledge the process and have faith in it, we move away from everything that leads to judgement, assumption, dis-information and separation.

Until then observe what is being mirrored in your life. No matter whether it is anger, fear, hurt, sadness, guilt or even war, look no further than what you are placing your attention on.

It is the path you have chosen, you are being reminded to address it.

The latest Message from Source reminds us to look through our actions. Namely: “Stand back and observe yourselves before you begin to focus on the actions of others. This is the current message – create what you desire and live it. Knowing your own actions are at the core of Creation.”

Each of us has incarnated during this period for a purpose. That purpose is an essential part of the creative process which is unfolding. It is our choice whether or not we participate consciously.

“Have You Faith In The Direction Your Life Is Heading?” also contains six pointers to improve your intuition. 

Only once the old has been acknowledged, thanked and released can the new start to arrive. Until then, however hard we may try, there is simply no room at the inn for the new to create. This applies to all aspects of our life.

Reflecting on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced counterpoint, a fresh perspective and practical steps, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Having Faith In The Direction Of Your Life  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

9 Indications You Need To Be In Your Power, Speaking Your Truth

Vision For Your Life

Secret #5 Answers The Question Why do I have trouble speaking up?”  

To take command of your will and sustain it against the controlling influences of others, of your fears and illusions you need to be in your power, speaking your truth.

Have instead voices of scepticism and doubt crept into your consciousness? Are they necessary? Do they truly serve you?

19th November´s  reflective full moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus began to shine on us all. As with all Lunar eclipses this energy is also about letting go, releasing, and setting free that which no longer serves you.

This one ushers in almost two years of eclipses that take place in Taurus and Scorpio.

Taurus governs self-worth, your values, financial flow, sensual pleasure, beauty, love, contentment and peace.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation, uncovering the unseen, empowerment and going straight to the heart of the matter.

This was the longest actual lunar eclipse in almost 500 years. Meaning we are all being directed to go deeper. To witness what is happening out in the world and within all of ourselves.
So have compassion for yourself, knowing you are not perfect, you have made mistakes and probably will again. Accepting ourselves is crucial for our evolution to happen.
Take pride in acknowledging yourself as you are, knowing it is the only way to work on them.

Welcome To The Domain Of The Throat Chakra!

This full moon eclipse wants you to return to feeling pleasure and contentment in your life. This is essential for your mental health and wellbeing.

November as a whole is releasing the desire to express our voice and the burning passions that make us feel alive, being in our power.⁠

At the heart of this is the need to express and follow your own conviction, not because you are being selfish.

Rather, when we claim our own voice this creates waves of change. When we follow our own conviction, it gives permission to others to do the same. So, amplifying the ripple effect of creation.

Your beliefs determine what and how you speak – to please others or being authentic to yourself?

The throat is the influencer of communication through self-expression, creativity and truth. When in balance, this energy vortex is a powerhouse of transformation and purification. For this you must speak with love and kindness.

It is through the use of our throat we make life harder than it has to be.

Which is why very often “We have trouble speaking up”. We are afraid of the impact of our words, on others and on ourselves. Preferring suppression to speaking our truth.

The energy of Taurus reminds us to pay attention to instinct, to what your body tells you before your mind has time to process it. This primal interaction with the world around you taps into a deeper, body-based wisdom.

For me part of the fun of being a Shaman is to observe Nature, the movement of the wind, the subtleties of temperature and light. All contain a message.

Such instincts will help you connect with the essence of who you are.

The Message When Speaking Your Truth Is….?

Hence the theme of my book The Seven Secrets, listen to the messages from your body – its experiences, needs, and signals.

In “Why do I have trouble speaking up?” published by Illumination Book Chapters, I have set out 9 indicators you have an imbalance or blockage of the throat chakra, many seem everyday!

The Taurus full moon is the perfect moment to nourish your senses while honouring the deeper mysteries of life. By feeding yourself in this way, you help to turn challenges into opportunities to bring healing and positive change to your life and the world around you.

The priority of this period of transition is to first meet your own needs, rather than being dishonest with yourself. True balance comes only from being in your power, speaking your truth.

Achieving it will require action to be taken by everyone. Which means we will need to use our voice to be in our power.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Harmony in Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Live The Change You Want To Create For Your Life And Humanity´s Future  

What Do You Want To Change?

Five Steps To Connect With Your Soul

You are unique.

Yet do you compare your own value to the attractiveness, wealth and success of others?

For most of human history, constant comparison actually kept us safe.

You did not stand out, nor did you rock the boat. You simply fitted in.

That way you stayed alive, emotionally and physically.

Which means whatever you are dreaming to create, you have to work hard to resist ages old urges to stay small and not be noticed.

On the other hand, Pluto is insisting you live according to your roots. According to who you really are, your dream, your soul´s desire.  

Which means your job today is to stand out.

To embrace it – which is the message of today´s first quarter moon.

As I wrote in my latest story, it has “A reminder to no longer delay taking action on something that is important to your personal and spiritual growth. Whatever it is for you, it represents a dream delayed.”

The events of the past couple of years have begun to re-structure our lives and so society. We have the opportunity to re-form every aspect of ourselves now.

The question is: HOW will we do so? What will we choose? Who will we become?

Any and all of which require us to first re-form our inner landscape.

When you question your value or you think what you want to bring to this world are not precious, valuable – or even possible to do – you are carrying some form of trauma.

Ancestral, this life, other lives, karmic, all play a part in our trauma. 

Trauma to me is any experience, event or circumstance that causes us to lose connection with our sense of value and with the unique gifts we are here to use.

What Do You Want To Create In Your Life?  

Often the trauma did not originate in some big, dramatic event. We can be traumatised by something as seemingly innocuous as being told repeatedly we cannot do what we dream of doing.

Many clients act and felt traumatised by such seemingly “smaller” events in life and their experience.

Our natural instinct when traumatised is to hide away who we really are, put on masks and protective identities that we believe keep us safe.  

We cannot create a New Earth when we continue to re-act to each other with our protective identities.  

The current re-structuring underway offers the opportunity to create a world where we are authentic expressions of our soul. To be in our power.

As the latest Message From Source put it:

“when you are at peace you come to sense who you truly are and so begin to glimpse what you are capable of achieving. This is how the new form of Earth and its people will be created. Until that moment the chaos of transition prevails because there is no direction, no desire for the new to emerge. What is now emerging for you all will in many senses create a new awareness of what it means to be human.”

Even though we know our world is changing, often our instinct is to hide behind our masks. Preferring this perceived safety to being visible.

Five Steps To Connect With Your Soul 

Instead handing our power to others.

In “Live The Change You Want To Create For Your Life And Humanity´s Future” I have set out some thoughts on what I sense is emerging.

There is also comment on the last of the Saturn, Uranus squares in December preparing us for the major shift in energy at the beginning of 2022.

To help you connect with your soul and its desires, a five step process is included to help you do so.

That is where you will meet your Inner Wisdom. 

Here you will find the rhythm that serves YOU, serves Gaia and fosters more fun and joy in all that you do.

As you take action and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out.

To Living The Life You Want To Create


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?

Your Transition Is Underway

We alone have the choice which path to walk

Life is a cycle. We each have our ups and downs, otherwise life could become boring!

Sometimes you have cycles when you have to massage your mindset to guide it to where you want it to be. Sometimes there are cycles in your life when your mindset disappears and you just wallow in the misery of what is underway.

Anyone who tells you there is a magic meditation, a “zone” or a frequency that will instantly erase it all and make it better, is not being completely honest.

Life is not a line that goes straight up. Life has twists and turns and cycles in the plot outline. Mostly we are aligned with what is unfolding.

On other occasions you are going to swirl around in the mists of the story. Wondering what you did to arrive here and how in the world are you going to step out of it.

And it is all okay.

Usually it seems being stuck and hurting brings us the most vital lessons necessary for our evolution. What the soul desires to have healed.

The more you love yourself through it, the faster you will move through it taking the lessons you need to master the transition.

It is “just” a cycle.

The key though is to ensure you have expressed your choice as to what you desire in your life.

That said, we know the Cosmos provides an essential backdrop of guidance. Life is easier when we are aligned with its flow.  

Pandemics And Great Conjunctions

2021 is a 5 Universal year in Numerology, so change is inevitable. It is from this transition a new world will unfold.

This was heralded on 21st December 2020 by the dawning of the Age of Aquarius with the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This event takes place once every 20 years.

In my latest story – “Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” I have set out the parallels to an earlier pandemic – the Black Death.

Recognised as starting in Asia in 1346, it was preceded by another Grand Conjunction, also in Aquarius, in March of 1345. This was followed by what we know as the Renaissance – our resurgence will come to be called? 

An overview of humanity´s new focus is in“Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” 

In it the latest Message From Source includes:

“There is an event coming which will remind you all of the fragility of life as well as the hope which exists. This event will come as a reminder to all a transition is underway. The question is whether change is allowed to flow and assisted to do so, or humanity needs to be pushed to do so – prodding is no longer sufficient.”

August Could Change Your Life

As we begin the month of August, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde. Midway through the month, Uranus will join them, making four planets in retrograde.

The numerology of August suggests it is a month that could change your life.

For five days from 3rd August there will be an opportunity to know what or where to direct yourself towards.

Then Uranus goes retrograde, marking a powerful transition point in 2021. It will remain retrograde until 18th January 2022. Planets are especially powerful at the moment they change direction

This transition will mean leaving behind Uranus´ focus since 2018 on altering humanity´s perspective regarding economics, currency, and the environment.

The Aquarian influence is to encourage us all to be independent. Embracing the authentic vision you have for your life.

Please do reply should there be a specific area not detailed in “Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” you would like more insight about.

To Choosing What You Desire To Create


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life? 😋

Resist Change In Your Life

We resist change for a reason – it is trying to keep us safe

The effect of the year of transition, 2020, has been to raise worldwide the level of fear and anxiety. Afterall is that not what we expect when change comes along?

We have all been asked to pause and check in with our nervous system.

During a day do you ever pause and do a body scan to feel what is going on in your body? This is an easy way to build a closer connection with your body. It always has messages for you.

Especially in a period of change such as this.   

How We Resist Change

Many take all sorts of actions to disconnect completely from their feelings – space out, shut down, go elsewhere in their mind etc. All are classic actions taken to avoid addressing change.

Have I done so? Yes, which is why I can recognise both the symptom and its cause!

Transformation is the hallmark of 2021. There are aspects of your life that are demanding to be liberated from within. This requires you allow change to unfold, not resist it.

More about our resistance to change and how to overcome it is in my latest story “Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life?“

2021 will be a dramatic year. Some months that will be more turbulent than others. We will also have times of humour, love, and joy.  

Each of us is being called to rebuild the foundations of our life better than before. To be true to ourselves.

This in itself will require us to change. Hence why on 13th January we have the first new moon of 2021 and then the next day Uranus goes direct.

Retrograde since 15th August last year it is the planet of technology, rebellion, electricity, and freedom. More change will be bubbling.

My latest story “Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life?“ has a process which will help you address your resistance to change. That way any inner conflicts causing pain and dis-comfort can be addressed.

To Stepping Through What You Resist


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Facebook,  Pinterest, Twitter

Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? 😂

Taking Self-Care

Allowing yourself to feel rather than think will be essential in 2021

Quick question

Is there something in your life that you’re holding on to that you know this is the moment to let it go?

Maybe it’s a job that sucks you dry?

A business that no longer brings you any kind of excitement, fulfilment or joy?

Or, a relationship that was really over years ago.

Why is it that we continue to make the mistake of holding on?

These are just some of the patterns of behaviour we hold on to even though we know they no longer serve us. Rather they are preventing us from living life to its full potential.

And the reason we do this is because of fear.

Fear of stepping out of our comfort zone, the one based only on what we have experienced, not on what is the potential. 

Yet, when you let go, you create space for something better to settle into your life.

An act which is even more vital as we come to the end of 2020 and 2021 begins. Especially with today´s full moon in Cancer encouraging us to do so.


Because we need to create space within our bodies to lay the foundation for the next seven years.

As we do so we may begin to feel a heightened sense of what is or is not in harmony within us.

We are being asked to Trust in ourselves so we can create what we desire. Though we cannot do so whilst holding on to past beliefs and patterns – and they may not even be your own!

More can be read in my latest story: “Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life?”

How to let go:

Every day, for nine days in a row, give away, throw away, or purge three items from your home or your office.

Yes, 27 items you will be giving up over the nine straight days!

When unsure about an item, hold it to your heart and ask if you want to bring the energy of the item into 2021 and your future.

Ask, ”Does it represent the ‘me’ as I see my ideal self in the future?

Be rid of clothes, books, and anything with messages that no longer speak to you.

Anything which is outdated, including food, vitamins and old medicines that may remind you of previous pain and/or dis-comfort.

As you let go, thank the item warmly for its previous use, and then say goodbye to it with gratitude.

After the nine days are over, take one final look around and ask if what remains represents who you are now and the new identity you will create over the coming five years.

Should you feel strange, odd, or out of place, just remember this is a passing influence. Observe a much greater ease when letting go of old ideas, feelings, positions, relationships, or anything that no longer serves you.

My story Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? also has a simple three step process to help you with your decision making.

Humanity oftentimes seems to prefer holding on to toxic habits, thoughts, people and environments because they are familiar. We never take the step to freedom – a core theme of 2021.  

So is your gaze on your past or towards your future in 2021 and beyond?  

To Creating Self-Care In Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Facebook,  Pinterest, Twitter

You Know Your Purpose, Will More Pain Ensure You Reach It? ?

Your Purpose

Everything we experience is on the path of our soul – the good, the bad, and the ugly

We have been told many untruths about our soul´s purpose. In particular we have been led to believe when we are aligned with our soul’s purpose life will be easy. We will view our life through rose tinted spectacles. Our lives will be full of fun and joy as we float through it.

Not True

That said you have been preparing for this moment your whole life. Whatever it is – business creation, relationships, home…all of it.

For we bring into this life, challenges, fears, sadness and deeply painful experiences, as well as vows made in other lives – On Purpose!

You have some decisions to make that will change the course of your life.

Your soul has been and is asking you to take a chance on the path that feels the most rewarding rather than what your “mind” recognises as safe and secure.

Each soul has only one purpose in each life – to expand and evolve.

Which cannot be achieved by remaining the same. The structures we grew up with are dissolving so we can build new ones.

The only challenges which repeat are those which are incomplete or the lesson has yet to be accepted. Either way a pattern is established which will repeat in this life.

They repeat because your soul is triggering you to take action to change the pattern.

Such events appear to awaken us to our truth. To step beyond the beliefs, habits and patterns which our unconscious mind uses to direct our lives.

These limiting beliefs result from our individual experiences as well as group consciousness, including our ancestral lineage.

More insights are in my story “You Know Your Purpose, Will More Pain Ensure You Reach It?” .

Successful Yet Not Fulfilled?

Different paths appear for us to choose our own way forward.

To help you move through this process, there are five questions in the story you can ask yourself.

Your answers will help indicate your mindset – are you directing your purpose or have you passed this to others?

Identifying the message behind any pain and dis-comfort you are experiencing.

Once you address the most limiting beliefs you have about yourself, others, the world, and reality as a whole, your soul can then expand – which is its purpose!

Which is why so many who are called successful are not fulfilled.

They feel they are not on purpose, whereas in fact they are!

Only the soul´s purpose is to first unravel their limiting beliefs.

Which means this is the moment to rise above the idea of lack and failure as change continues to sweep through our lives.

Never before have opportunities for release, rebirth and breakthroughs been so easy and supported by Spirit.

As my joy is helping you expand and evolve, I have been wondering how to help you navigate through what is emerging.

These events are going to require a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense…

….need support? If you would like to work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to Master your Life schedule an Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the Contact tab to explore possibilities.

More insights on how your soul creates challenges to allow it to expand and evolve can be found in my story: “You Know Your Purpose, Will More Pain Ensure You Reach It?”

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My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living Your Purpose


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

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