Waiting For Life To Catch You Up? Do You Trust Yourself To Create It?😉

Waiting To...

Move from separation to accepting everything is unified

The energy at the moment is encouraging us to be free of the old in order to start our walk along new pathways.

Paradoxically, to unstick ourselves we need to stop doing. Rather to enjoy the waiting, for only then can we begin to move forward.

Nothing is more frustrating than feeling stuck, whether in relationships, health, money, business, or life itself. The more stuck you feel, the more you struggle…

…and unfortunately, like quicksand, the more stuck you become!

The Cause Of Your Worry Is Not Trusting The Creator

How about viewing all those challenging moments are actually to help you step onto the new pathway? 

Only, it requires waiting for you to remember who you truly are.

Until you surrender, life will remain challenging even though we are here to continually meet it, embrace it, and allow us to expand.  

When you do, you open to a greater version of love and your Soul’s desires.

Are you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually ready to make a potentially rapid shift in your life, and to step along a pathway to a new beginning, by simply waiting? 

That destiny is what we are all here to live.

To me the only question is when are you going to allow it happen?

Later today, perhaps next month, next year, or perhaps in your last five minutes of this life…only you can make that choice.

Life is and always has been changing, only the intensity is greater at this moment.

All we can do is control our re-action to it rather than stop the inevitable change continuing. 

Waiting helps us to release the need for adrenaline and cortisol highs which keep us living in the re-active rather than creative mode of life. 

When we return to accepting our inherently divine nature, our vibration will rise. How any of us serve is how we most fully express our true self, our divine self – who we truly are.

You can read more about this in Waiting For Life To Catch You Up? Do You Trust Yourself To Create It?

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is a coherence between your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies, and your Soul´s desires.

Waiting Will Help You Regain Control Of Your Life 

Here is a surrender exercise to discover whether you are living out of alignment.

Be still, and focus your attention onto the centre of your being.

Then ask yourself: 

Is there any part of me that will benefit from relaxing at this moment to receive a higher vibration?”

Does any part of you feel tense? Allow that tension to be released, acknowledging any flow you sense.

As you release, what happens is your body opens itself to receive a greater flow of divine energy, a greater love, to move through you. This is always available to you. 

It is what I mean by surrender.

You are here to release any areas of tension and allow a greater flow of abundance, joy, and creativity to move through your body and so your life.

Healing is a natural by-product of trusting the flow of Cosmic energy.

Though often, we have to stand aside to allow us to receive it – hence the importance of waiting.

We also consciously and unconsciously create blocks when ignoring our inherently divine nature.

The latest Message From Source includes this guidance about trust: 

… will also require each of you to trust yourself and so the Creator. There is no difference, for each of you is one with the Creator. So, trust yourself and so trust the Creator, they are indivisible.” 

Once your attention is on your inner world, your perspective broadens to the entire reality you are here to serve.

Then you will regain control of what you create in your life.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to learn the value of waiting in their life.

To Enjoying Waiting


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? 😁

Have you Found Your Objective?

This is one of the best weeks ever!   

Seeking a deeper meaning, purpose, or intention in your life just now, then pay close attention to more than what appears in your external world.

For it is in your internal world you will find most guidance.

The Objective Of This Full Moon Is A New Beginning   

Taurus is the sign of our physical bodies and the Jupiter/node and Mercury/Uranus conjunctions, are both, yes, in Taurus.

Our bodies are our teachers, constantly providing messages.

Initially as subtle hints, which should they be ignored will grow into symptoms and then pain and dis-comfort. 

Listening to your inner voice brings a wealth of guidance, including which way to head and with whom.

Early on 4th June the full moon in Sagittarius rises. It will provide you with an optimistic approach to life and a belief it will improve, even should you feel surrounded by challenges!

A full moon usually indicates completion. However, the influence of Mars on this one creates a sense of new beginnings.

Encouraging you to express yourself, to see yourself, to allow yourself to change. Developing new avenues, awareness, and techniques as you adapt to the flow of this transition.

When you embrace the courage of your convictions, there is no limitation to what you can accomplish. Take it in both hands and choose your own objective and then your mission!

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? has more on the energies and actions encouraged by this full moon.

As Mother Earth, and so humanity, adjust to higher frequencies, what was considered magical or coincidental, will once more be within our power to manifest.

Though remember you are either connected or in separation. You cannot be in both states at the same moment!      

Your Objective Is To Embody Greater Possibility  

June is a month infused with calming, grounding energy that facilitates a deep connection to your personal journey.

In numerology it is a 13 month, and both the moon and sun are at 13º. This is the number of the divine feminine.

Its energy is about love and nurturing, with a strong emphasis on change, support and connection.

None of which fit too comfortably into the hierarchical structure of the society we are leaving. June is also the month of the Solstice.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance: 

Be as the small child exploring a new toy. Free your imagination to create beyond your current desires. This is how each of you impacts the experience of all of creation. Which is the purpose of each and every soul.”

This full moon also conjuncts the Great Attractor, a supercluster of stars that contains our own Milky Way. Its energy is making this full moon even more potent with regard to our dreams and visions.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? also details the months, beginning with June, when the USA´s Pluto return will bring to the surface conflict with the energies of the transition underway.  

The polarised structure of what was is crumbling, a quantum leap in consciousness is unfolding.    

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in creating the objective and mission to give their life meaning.

To Your Life Having An Objective And Mission 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Power Is For You To Exercise With Love, Not Give Away To Others 😁

The Power Within

Are you aware you might be terrified of being powerful?

Last Saturday we completed three days of ceremony guiding participants to be in their power to live an authentic life.

Each was an entrepreneur seeking to adjust to what is emerging and step into the next phase in their life. To know their truth and be aligned with their authentic self.

What I have come to appreciate over the years is that the single biggest cause of pain and dis-comfort is the dis-connect people experience when not living an authentic life.

This manifesting in financial problems, relationship issues, physical pain, creative blocks, and even spiritual suffering.

Once they acknowledge the power of who they truly are, they are able to relieve that pain, accelerate their personal fulfilment and create truly meaningful lives.

Ready To Discover Your Power And How Amazing You Are?   

Some of the group were fathers of young children. The concluding discussion moved to how it is becoming more and more common for  children to maintain a deeper and stronger connection with Source.

Also, how they seem to be more confident in “remembering” broader aspects of who they are spiritually.

Meaning they will probably be more compassionate, interdependent, community-oriented, loving and wise.

What is often ignored, is that whilst in the womb the foetus is absorbing the energy surrounding it. Impacting the child´s subsequent life.

Current research in the field of epigenetics indicates the foetus begins establishing belief systems on a neural-biological level as early as three months before birth. My experience is that it is earlier.

These “new” children are simply bringing into form the higher frequencies we all have the power to create.

Only what was once considered unusual, will now be considered commonplace. Memories from other lives, spiritual understandings and even stronger intuitive abilities will be the new “normal”.

Meaning today’s children are born with an awareness that took many at least half their lives to accept!

This new emerging state was confirmed for me in the guidance I noted sometime ago. Everyone over the age of two now has the opportunity to enter into a new soul contract.

This each of us has the power to effect when we choose to.

For, being in your power means you are aligned with your truth, being your authentic self.

More on how we are all designed to be powerful is set out inPower Is For You To Exercise With Love, Not Give Away To Others”

Allowing Others To Use Your Power?  

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

The latest Message from Source provides this guidance:

make your choice to create beyond your own desires. You can also exercise your power, for then 2+2 creates more than four.”

My passion is to help you take action to discover your power and how amazing you are

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

The secret to a happy and fulfilled journey is to live a life that feels fun and joy in the moment, allowing the outcome to emerge.

Then you will no longer be terrified of your power. For you are aligned with your truth, being your authentic self.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to live in their power.

To Exercising Your Power With Love


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself?

Embrace Knowing Thyself

Six questions to help you make your next step

Have you experienced the conundrum of having so much you want to share, though something holds you back from sharing it?

The surprising truth? 

This is actually a GOOD sign.

Remove The Cobwebs To Knowing Thyself

For, it means you are at the crossroads of making a choice. Do you continue to play safe by hiding? Or, being seen by your audience for the very first time for who you truly are?

Source is encouraging you to bring all your abilities, gifts and skills into the open. Then you can complete the unique mission you incarnated to do.

Turning all the inner work you have been doing into an outward expression.

The self-doubt and fear you have been experiencing around showing up as your true self is completely usual.

You have personal experiences to support why being visible as your true self does not feel safe. It is not only you, this is a collective issue.

We are at a critical junction where all the decisions you make moving forward will be important.

Which in many senses is a return to what the great spiritual teachers and philosophers throughout history have emphasised – the importance of knowing thyself.

You have the opportunity to rewrite your story. To take back the torch and lead others through the current chaos.

The process of personal growth and evolution allows us to make course corrections in order to live fully as Source.

Our experience of life has always been an adventure – now even more so!

It is our thinking which keeps us stuck, along with our perception of being separate from Source.

Our true nature calls for unity with Mother Earth and Father Sky. Both are there to support us, provided we work in harmony with them.

It is your choice as to which path you choose.

Now Step Toward Knowing Thyself  

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself? has some insights as to the importance of being still in order to hear your Inner Wisdom.

Whilst events are going to require each of us to make a series of choices, the opportunity is immense.

The Message from Source outlines the steps to take with regard to the choices you will face.

Should an excuse surface as to why not to take the steps you desire, six questions are set out to help you identify its cause.

They will also help you identify the one action to take to begin to move toward your desire.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Knowing Thyself


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Believe Your Life Is Limited Or Now To Return To The Joy Of Connection To All? 😗

Return To Connection

This is the moment to create something lasting     

Early on 20th February an auspicious new moon in Pisces rose. 

It provides an interesting contrast being the final sign of the zodiac, is associated with the sacred, mystical and magic as well as being the dreamer of the new!

Prepare To Return To The Original Forces Of Creation 

The vibrations of the Cosmos are changing and so are our Sun and Mother Earth. 

Our bodies and energy fields are part of this process of adaptation. Hence the disrupted sleep patterns, let alone the intensity from solar flares, seismic activity and cyclones!

Shaking us up in preparation to return us to align with the original forces of creation – rather than ignoring them!

This supermoon will give us the first real glimpse of what Saturn moving through Pisces will bring during the next three years. 

Which is why the choice we have to make is be in the flow of the return or hold tight to what we know? 

Until the last week of April we are in window when all planets are direct. The encouragement is to finish up and close what has been in order to prepare for our venture into new territory.

To assist us the Sun and Moon are together in Pisces, opening the door to all possibilities. Helping bring clarity on our dreams and visions.

Saturn is also giving the structure to build them and create the solid foundation to allow them to manifest.

“Believe Your Life Is Limited Or Now To Return To The Joy Of Connection To All?” has more detailed guidance. In particular, as to the energies assisting you to progress your new beginnings.

Return To The Deepest Sense Of Love, Relationships, Beauty

 My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this transition…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source includes this guidance:

The moment has arrived for all to make their choice. To head on or step back. Though to what, for yesterday has already gone and will never return!”

We have been watching in the evening sky our brightest stars, Venus and Jupiter moving together. The the beginning of March will be the moment when they will be only a full moon´s width apart. .

Details to locate them in your evening sky are in “Believe Your Life Is Limited Or Now To Return To The Joy Of Connection To All?”

There is also the spiritual meaning of this conjunction. You will have to wait until 2047 for the next viewing!.

2023 is preparing you to return to the state where everything is possible.

March brings the vortex of its three major transits to continue stirring your choice of when to hold on to something or when do you let go of it?

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to prepare for the creation of their life.

To Return To The Joy Of Connection                                       


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Remain Centred As You Prepare To Step Into The Energy Of Creation 😉

Prepare For Change

Two questions to guide you as to what to change

This weekend the full moon in Leo rises.

On 5th February, the moon will focus its light on the shining energies of the heart.

Illuminating your courage to express your deeply held truths, and finding resolution to what has been happening in your life over the last two years. 

      Prepare To Deepen Your Connection With Your Inner Wisdom  

My suggestion is to reflect on what occurred in your life during those years. Integrate and honour what was initiated. 

This is essential before you become caught in the winds of change that are blowing. 

For as you know, Uranus´ role is to challenge all the traditions, expectations and old ways of being and doing we have relied on.

Whilst freeing and liberating, the very process will create chaos and so anxiety. Meaning self-care will once again be to the fore.

Especially as we are moving towards “lift off” for our expansion into a heightened consciousness. 

With all planets now direct, we are being encouraged to finish up, close, and complete the past in preparation to venture into new territory.

However, life is not waiting for you to pack up and complete everything before sending some new opportunities your way! 

Hence, the chaos you may be feeling. Be clear on your priorities and trust. Knowing you are supported will help you relax, and move forward confidently.

Then you will be able to create a whole new reality—one you have sensed or dreamed of, though never fully believed to be possible.

For your unique creative work or business is already within you. 

Welcome to the new era which is emerging!

This maybe challenging. 

Which is why I am being constantly reminded – “trust in the unfolding momentum of events over which you have little or no control.” 

The Light Will Shine To Prepare You For Change

This full moon in Leo is also shining its light on our deeply held fears of scarcity, what could or might happen, illness, and of losing security. 

Both long and short planetary cycles are coming to an end between now and March. This is so you can prepare to choose what changes to make.

In “Remain Centred As You Prepare To Step Into The Energy Of Creation” are two questions to help you identify those changes.

Much of 2023 is about moving past your comfort zone into the realm of your Soul’s desires, into your destiny. Which means coming up against your fears of the unknown. 

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this transition…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source includes this guidance:

The message is to look within yourself to determine what are your desires, for yourself not others. They need to address their own. It does not matter whether they are a babe in arms or your grandparents.” 

My suggestion is to use these next few weeks to prepare for the steps the coming shifts will require. 

The day the new moon in Pisces rises offers one of 2023’s best days for receiving visions and purposeful inspiration.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to prepare for the creation of their life.

To Prepare To Step Into Creation        


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? 🙃

Which Path Do You Choose?

Five questions to help you choose your way forward    

Did you choose to live in this tumultuous, yet fascinating period?

2023 is the year for change as amongst several new cycles, we officially move into The Age of Aquarius.

Have Faith In The Direction You Choose

This period of new cycles and beginnings is once again going to test our strength, resilience, and courage. 

Yet, deep inside we recognise this is an unique opportunity for us to step onto our path. Confident we will uncover our true power to live a more meaningful, secure, successful and fulfilled life.

Doing so means taking responsibility for our own actions, having faith in yourself and your direction. Knowing your desires are aligned with those of the Creator. 

We are being asked to be fully in the world, though not of it.

To cross the threshold into the new cannot be achieved by remaining the same. The only challenges which repeat and so restrain us, are those which are incomplete or the lesson has yet to be accepted.

Which is why everything we experience is on the path of our Soul – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

To take this big step, we must heal and restore our relationship to the Creator, whilst uncovering the truth of who we really are.

Hence, why different paths appear so you choose your own way forward.

To help you do so, Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? details five questions you can ask yourself.

That said you have been preparing for this moment your whole life. Whatever it is – income creation, relationships, home…all of it.

For we bring into this life, challenges, fears, sadness and deeply painful experiences, as well as vows made in other lives – On purpose!

You Choose To Listen To Your Body Or Not

Your Soul is asking you to take a chance on the path that feels the most rewarding rather than what your “mind” recognises as secure.

Each soul has only one purpose in each life – to expand and evolve. It is not dependent upon what you have, do not have, want, or resent others for having.

Which is why so many who are called successful are not fulfilled. 

They feel they are not on purpose, whereas in fact they are! Only the Soul´s purpose is to unravel their limiting restraints.

For your Soul is triggering you to take action to change the pattern. It does not want to be doomed forever to live a life of poverty, restriction, struggle, or hard work.

Hence, pain and dis-comfort are created to make you take action. The body has found such messages to be almost the only way to effect change!

Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? has more insights to help you do so. 

Never before have opportunities for release, rebirth and breakthroughs been so easy and supported by all of Creation.

These events are going to require you make a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense.

Which is why you chose to incarnate at this moment, only you did not know how immense the opportunity!

Your Soul has some exciting prospects for you once you choose to listen.

What happens between now and the end of 2023 is upto each of us.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living The Life You Choose


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret? 😁


How do you make decisions? How do you know what to choose?  

Do you find though often busy you are just reacting to events? 

With no free moments to pursue the most important objectives and experiences?

As you move through your day, are you unsure whether your activity will achieve the results you deeply desire?

Making Decisions Based On Anxiety And Fear?

Are your days such they go by in a blur and you hit the pillow wondering where did the day go, feeling as though you have not completed what you really wanted or needed?

The life you are living at this moment is the result of every decision you have ever made.

For the course you choose to navigate moves you towards your future – choice, by choice, by choice.

Each of your small personal decisions provides an element to build the bigger choices that seem to direct our world.

However, it takes practice and support to remember your way of “choosing”.

Afterall, it is easy is it not when life moves out of control to try to “figure out” what to do? Feeling stress, panic and overwhelmed as a result.

That at least seems to be the case for many during this transition. Making choices based on the anxiety and fear created by your Lifeguard, your unconscious mind, rather than listening to your body and Soul.

Evidenced by the number of people who push too hard, too fast, too much in the wrong direction. 

This is because most have not learnt how to exercise our power. It comes from being aligned with our natural energy and being aware of our calling. The very reason for incarnating at this moment.

When we experience joy, harmony and sweetness in our lives, no matter how subtle, this lets us know we are on the path of our calling.

“Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” explores this more as well as outlining the importance of being in the moment. 

What Decisions To Make To Create The Life You Desire

For being at peace and calm will help you navigate successfully this period marking the end of an era.

The latest Message From Source included this perspective:

Your world is not going to disappear. Change its form yes, creating new opportunities and many other aspects which you will be able to look back on with joy.”

With regard to the coming eclipse cycle, we are already feeling its energy.

This moves up a notch on the 22nd when Venus joins the Sun whilst in the sign of the scales – Libra. The last such alignment was 250 years ago.

There is more in “Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” on the new moon solar eclipse on the 25th.

Eclipses are infamous for bringing new, strange elements, people, or events into our lives. They influence far more the collective, earthly, or at least geographically local than personal. Though do check where 2º and 16º of Scorpio/Taurus fall in your astrological chart.

And to prepare for the unexpected? Be flexible, do not resist/fight whatever is coming toward you. Feel into any re-action to identify the lesson for you.

Your Decisions Will Change Your Future 

Seek the support of others, this is not the moment to be stubborn and arrogantly go your own way without seeking resolution to what you feel.

Meaning relationships will be to the fore as we are pushed to break old patterns. Which indicates control and power issues will surface, as they are on the world stage.

As without, so within. 

My passion is to help you take action to bring joy into your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, click reply to contact me.

Your Soul is asking you to be the leader of your life.

The total lunar eclipse on 8th November is when all the unconscious fears and re-actions to the solar eclipse can either support or destroy the new impulses/paths created with the solar eclipse.

My summary is we will be shown what is needed to take back control of our life´s journey. So, then you will know what decisions to make to create the life you desire.

The guideline always being what brings you joy?

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Making Decisions That Bring You Joy


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? 🐉

The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life

Tune in to your magic, mystery and material   

Over these past few weeks, and probably longer, I have been reminded on innumerable occasions to focus on peace during the day. 

It has seemed a perpetual cycle of waiting. Perhaps you are here as well? 

I want to assure you such cycles of rest are always dynamic and transformative.

Once we take action, not only will life seem different, it will improve.

It always does, for change will have taken place.

Are You Sitting In The Driver´s Seat To Create Your Future?

Use the period into 2023 to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life. There is a coherence in doing so.

Challenge yourself to sit in the driver´s seat of your life.

The current transition in the economy and global events are asking us to re-define our perceptions of the nature of humanity. 

As we move away from competition for material possessions to collaboration based on connection, people will no longer be viewed as commodities or numbers.

Uranus highlights the Earthly themes of Taurus until 2026. Meaning, events will change the emphasis to appreciating each individual for who they are.

As well as respecting their unique and irreplaceable role they have in the continuing evolution of humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos.

This shift will continue to raise awareness of our reliance on the health of this planet.

As I outlined in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire?, the recent new moon in Libra “is encouraging us to experiment, whether we like it or not! Thereby leaving our known, familiar, and more or less secure lives behind.” 

However, each of us has to choose whether or not we step into the driver´s seat of creation? 

As Seth Godin so succinctly reminded us:

It’s not about whether we have what it takes; it’s about whether we choose to pursue it.”           

Your choice is whether to spread your wings or remain bound where you are.

It will require change in how you think, what you value and in how you work. Most essentially it will require a shift in how you perceive yourself.

Unforeseen Changes Are Moving Into The Driver´s Seat 

For to enjoy living in a sustainable world, we must first become sustainable ourselves.

Taking action breeds confidence and courage even though we are unsure where we are heading! That is how we move into the flow of energy of creation.

It is here we will find fun and joy again.

My passion is to help you to take action to be in the driver´s seat of your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder about making a choice:

Once made the hologram will start to shift and so the sense of peace begin to be felt. This will in turn allow more choices to be made as events continue to unfold. 

This is the process of evolution you are all exploring and will continue to seek to do so.”

I have also mentioned in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? some possible turbulence regarding the EU and its currency, though the impact will be wider.

Our actions during these months will determine the form of the new which emerges by the end of December.

Just a reminder, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.

Using the coming period to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life will assist. There is a coherence in doing so. 

Then you will appreciate where you have been and so how you can embrace where you choose to head into the new era. 

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Sitting In The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

The End Of An Era Is Nigh, Do You Want To Step Into The New? ⬆️

Toward The End Of An Era

Slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life  

As a species, we are past masters at tolerating dis-comfort. 

Whilst the news has been full of fear and worry for a very long period…

… there are also multiple stories of how incredibly adaptable, resilient and tough human beings are as a species.

In fact, even though you may not feel like it right now, I know you are too!

Look Back On The End Of An Era  

What is interesting about this is…

…whilst being resilient and tough are absolutely essential traits for us to develop, especially in chaotic periods such as this, they can also sabotage our lives!

Because when we focus too much on being tough, and tolerating pain, dis-comfort and dis-content…

… we can lose touch with the fact our dis-content is a message we need to change something in our lives

… and more importantly, it is something we can change when we acknowledge it and set the intention to effect the change!

Which is why I wanted to post this today about what is unfolding for each of us, Mother Earth and the Cosmos – for we are all in the same boat!

We all sense something is afoot, though we are unsure quite what and how it will change our lives. For it is/will!

Amongst September´s themes is an invitation to start the process of clearing away the residue of the weight we have been carrying in our mind.

So, enabling us to become free to step into joy.

The last quarter moon rises on 17th September. Challenging you to communicate from the heart, re-establish connection with your Soul, and placing your faith in your senses.

You may have recently been focusing on a certain person, living situation, occupation, or way of life, believing that this is what you “need” in your life in order to feel happy, content or successful.

This though is merely an illusion of the ego. You have so much beauty and potential inside of you, this is what you must focus on. This is where you will find spiritual fulfilment, confidence, and a greater sense of well-being.

Turbulence Will Mark The End Of An Era

 The last quarter moon is all about turning points and crossroads. In Gemini, you are asked to look within, to communicate with your Soul, and recognise what you already have at your fingertips.

This moon will encourage you to be receptive, to receiving insight and direction from unexpected sources within, from your instincts and intuition.

In The End Of An Era Is Nigh, Do You Want To Step Into The New? I have outlined how the current six retrograde planets are emphasising we need to clear what we have not allowed to surface.                    

Only then can we enjoy freedom from what has been directing our lives.

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

I have also reminded readers the rest of 2022 and into 2023 will be tumultuous with unforeseen changes continuing to re-structure our lives

… and how the coming equinox on 23rd September in many senses marks its beginning. 

We Need To Be Still To Mark The End Of An Era

The latest Message From Source concluded with following:

“The speed of that transition will surprise you all. There is much yet to be created, so step forward confident there is no way you can fail or fall.”

These and other movements will create during September, October and November a sense of restlessness, an intense desire for change or have change imposed on you from external sources.

The presence of Uranus will create sudden surges in evolution.

I have also mentioned in The End Of An Era Is Nigh, Do You Want To Step Into The New? some possible impacts of this turbulence. For the old is crumpling, and the new is rising.

Our actions during these months will determine the form of the new which emerges by the end of December.

Just a reminder, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.  

Slowing down, reflecting and looking back on our lives will be essential in choosing what we initiate. It is not the moment to even try to tough out any dis-comfort.

To Creating Joy Following The End Of An Era   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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