Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want? 😊 I

Success Is So Elusive?

Four components necessary to create enduring success

29th January Venus moved direct, ending our focus on the chaotic mess that was 2021. Now we can take what we have learnt and use it to spring into 2022.

Venus retrograde has been asking us to question what we truly want out of our love and financial relationships. Helping us to see what we need to change in order for them to be more authentic and honest.

Its purpose being to enable you to pursue what excites you and aligns with your desires for 2022 and beyond. This retrograde had a particular focus on career and work, making us question does the existing relationship give us joy?

Which feeds into the new moon in Aquarius rising on 1st February. Aquarius is the sign of freedom, the future and breakthroughs. It is encouraging you to embrace surprising new directions.

Your Definition Of Success Is…?

For many the very notion of success is uncertain.

The last two years have brought reminders the traditional career paths have become pointless. The enforced separation of people and their place of work enabled many to question their focus and the stress of overworking, yet being under-satisfied.

Fortunately the re-structuring underway is re-emphasising once more success does not need to be one-dimensional. It does not need to be a tug-of-war between achievement and happiness.

This is the moment to adjust your focus from what is not working to focus upon the greater vision that is before you.

I have written “Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want?” with the intention to help you do so.

For many have found the offer we grew up with of work hard then success will follow” is false.  

Specifically, my story details a framework of four components necessary to create enduring success.

Encouraging you to consider your business or career as a means to manifest something into the world. Using your unique abilities, gifts and skills as the means to do so.

There is also the latest Message from Source indicating a new phase of evolution has begun. This is outlined as “Allow yourself to be in the flow of creation. Doing so will bring forth unknown events and meetings… The success you all seek can only flow from within and being aligned with all aspects of your being. Everything else is ephemeral and passing.”

Do You Really Deserve Your Success?

1st February also marks the start of the year of the Water Tiger, opening the door to taking action.

Which is why in “Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want?” I encourage you to review your definition of your success.

Also assess what is not working, because that is the best way to be unhappy and unfulfilled. Instead focus on what brings you joy and remember to consider the new patterns and rhythms which are emerging.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Bringing Success Into Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Re-structure Your Life Or Continue To Stand In Your Own Way?

To Re-structure Your Life

Three steps to re-structure your life

This week´s full moon in Cancer is triggering our emotions. It is focused on you taking action to re-structure your life.

January is a month for reflection, making this an ideal period to take control of your future,

The full moon is offering its emotional cleansing energies to enable you to unwrap those parts of your identity constraining you. Only then will you be able to head in your new direction.

Often it is our reaction to external comments, events etc. that trigger us so we see what we need to address within ourselves.

The key to unwrapping such emotional reactions is to first accept they are ours, no-one else´s.

For what is outside us reflects what is within. Should our vision be of a world with less control, less division, less conflict and a kinder society then that is the inner environment we have to create.

You cannot lead a fulfilled life should you feel that focusing on your personal growth and wholeness is selfish or self-indulgent.

Our own voice needs to be heard so we create harmony with those around us. Then the tone of this new era will resonate with our soul´s desires.

That is how your actions re-structure your life

We are all at a crossroads. In this past week I have needed to release what I thought was my direction to head in a new one.

Hence what I have written about in “Want To Re-structure Your Life Or Continue To Stand In Your Own Way?

Re-structure Your Life, Allow Connection To Source

There were intense challenges being guided/pushed to really go deeper into my own truth, into really living and embodying it.

So often we think we have to decide between one direction or another or two specific options. However, once we dis-engage from who we thought we were our truth can surface and re-connection be established. Other alternatives then appear.

Hence the three steps to enable you to re-structure your life and avoid focusing on such obstacles in this post.

This was encouraged by the latest Message From Source with its guidance: ”The knowing as to your truth will come with the commitment you make. Until then your own views are unclear or lack clarity.”

The day after the full moon, the lunar nodes shifted into the signs of Taurus (North) and Scorpio (South), where they will remain until July 2023.

They added further push to re-structure your life as the South represents your past and the foundation you are building upon. The North our destiny.

“Want To Re-structure Your Life Or Continue To Stand In Your Own Way? also includes more on the themes the year of the Water Tiger will introduce. I have added some example events from the last Tiger and the Water Tiger years. 

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Knowing How To Re-structure Your Life   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

What Is NOT Working In Your Life, Personal And Business?

What Is Not Working?

Seven steps to identify your soul´s desires

Personal and collective transformation will be the essence of the next three years.

In this environment, revolutionary changemakers will create beyond what currently exists, particularly in 2023 and 2024.

Alignment with the Creator and ourselves is vital for us to evolve our soul connection into action on this planet.

The timelines for the next step in our evolution are now emerging, only we have to observe and listen to the messages.

As I commented in “What Is NOT Working In Your Life, Personal And Business?”, this provides an opportunity to view what emerges with fresh eyes.

Do you know what is NOT working in your relationships, finances, career and business practices?

The same light is shining on what is NOT working in society – government, corporations, traditions, patriarchal institutions and dogmas. All our habits, frameworks, mindsets and conditioning are being challenged.

All You Know Is Past Its Sell-by Date

The more out of alignment with your True Self your life is, the more pain you will be experiencing in all areas of your life.

Adding to which the intensity is increasing due to the Light is now returning to where it was in the Atlantean age. It will shake the fabric of the worlds of many.

“What Is NOT Working In Your Life, Personal And Business?” the latest Message From Source indicate:

The era which is emerging will do so more succinctly than previous occasions. The task now is to focus on the internal change each of you need to make. Not doing so will only provide painful reminders to make your choice.”

For these past few weeks these seem to have had a special focus on pain in people´s ribs.

There is a direct correlation between any pain you are experiencing in your life and the degree to which you are living inauthentically.

In other words, the more out of alignment with your True Self your life is, the more pain you will be experiencing in all areas of your life.

Hence the importance of your answer to the question:who are you willing to allow yourself to become?” To enable you to do so, also included are seven steps to identify what your soul desires.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Leaving Behind What Is Not Working In Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

10 Indications You Have An Imbalance Or Blockage Of Your Heart Chakra

Vision For Your Life

Secret #4 Answers The Question “What do I feel in my heart?”

The current planetary transits are reminding us of the power of love to transform.

To bring change and to give us the fuel to endure and take action on our dreams and visions that promise to change the world.

Love is so essential, without it we die.

Welcome To The Domain Of The Heart Chakra!

The challenge of our lives is to learn to first love ourselves and then to discover how to best love those in our life and all on Mother Earth.

Love is so powerful that it determines the direction we take our life and what we attract into it.

Who we are – our identity – is rooted in our personal narrative, giving us direction in our life. The story we tell about who we are, and the feelings generated in response to those thoughts programme the magnetic field of our heart.

Very often we seek to protect our hearts. In “What do I feel in my heart?” published by Illumination Book Chapters, I have set out 10 indicators you have an imbalance or blockage of the heart chakra.

When there is an imbalance in your heart chakra, your body will be calling for your attention by creating at least one of the five types of message also detailed in: “What do I feel in my heart?”.

Do you have a sense your heart is calling you more than ever before?

Calling you to come out of any last vestiges of you hiding?

The heart significantly affects how we perceive and react to the world.

Which is why having a balanced heart chakra is vital as we navigate this period of transition.

Love experienced through the heart chakra is not just about romance, rather about going beyond the limitations of the ego and its personal preoccupations.

November is a month about dramatic endings and beginnings.

The Sun is in Scorpio for the first three weeks of November. Mercury and Mars are in this soulful sign for most of the month as well. Scorpio’s nature is to connect you to the depths of your psyche and transform difficult emotions.

The Heart Of Your Death And Re-Birth

It is the sign of death, transformation and rebirth.

The essential process we all experience was summed up by Gandhi as:

“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”

The themes throughout November are going to be about waking up and bringing your awareness to the unseen. Perhaps to what you are afraid of.

Which is why over the next few days we have Halloween, the Day of the Dead and All Souls day.

19th November brings another reminder to change your paradigm when there is a full moon in Taurus followed by an almost complete lunar eclipse. It is more than 500 years since the last such eclipse.

Together they will boost your courage and inner resources to free yourself to step forward in renewed ways. To replace old habits, frameworks, mindsets, conditioning, etc., particularly in relation to money and wealth.

To usher in this new paradigm in your life requires three steps:

1. Uncoupling or dis-connecting from all that formed your life, especially assuming everything is linear and so your need to follow your established thinking process to figure it out; 

2. Allowing yourself to receive what has never existed before; and

3. Birthing it with trust and confidence in yourself and what unfolds.

Would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.  

The priority of this period of transition is to first meet your own needs, rather than being dishonest with yourself. True balance comes only from being your most authentic self.

Achieving it will require action to be taken by everyone. Which means we will need to follow the lead of our hearts as well as being in our power.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Harmony in Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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Lion´s Gate – Feel The Embrace Of Eternal Life And Infinite Possibilities?

Lion´s Gate - a state of flux

To move through this state of flux, make your intentions real and follow your passion

The transition we are all experiencing is reflecting in the state of flux we see around us with its flow of the unexpected. Being in the process of leaving one state and preparing for the new is also evident in the planets.

Today we are at the mid-point between the unusual two consecutive full moons in Aquarius – the sign of our new age.

The Triple Alignment To Free Your Life

Adding to this state of flux, on 8th August the Sun will also be at the mid-point of its annual transit through Leo. This is known as the Lion´s Gate because it is the day the star Sirius rises.

The brightest of the stars, it becomes visible in the Eastern sky about 8th August each year. Sirius’ appearance coincides with the Orion constellation aligning perfectly to the Pyramids of Giza. This triple alignment was celebrated by the ancient Egyptians as the opening of the Lion’s Gate portal.

In numerology eight is known as the number of balance and harmony. It also represents infinity, the mathematical symbol for a number greater than any assigned number – i.e. anything that can be foreseen.

Eight represents an ultimate form of achievement that many will spend their lives striving to fulfil.

In Chinese culture, the number eight is considered the luckiest number of all, and is purposely worked into wedding dates, birth dates, addresses, and finances.

88 is said to represent DNA activations. So on 8th August, you can activate your DNA with light codes sent by the star, Sirius – which is considered our spiritual Sun.

All of which makes 8th August a particularly happy and fortunate day for manifesting success and turning your dreams into reality. That is you choosing to move through this state of flux toward a new life – hence the new moon!

The new moon in Leo on 8th August has one major planetary aspect, a challenging alignment with the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus.

Leo governs the heart, and the powerful square from the Sun and Moon to Uranus symbolises tremendous change and upheaval.

In A State Of Flux Everything Is In Constant Change

They exert evolutionary pressure to push us out of our comfort zone. Forcing you to free your life so you can access new perspectives, tapping into deeper levels of courage in your authentic self-expression.

The impact of the Saturn and Uranus alignment is to do more than you imagining what is possible and “hope for the best”. You are being pushed to take action to move beyond this state of flux to create the future you desire for yourself and so all of humanity.

The spiritual meaning of this Leo new moon indicates – react to unexpected changes with flexibility and self-awareness. Remaining fixed is an option, though a painful one!

The square to Uranus activates the ruling planet of Aquarius, making thrilling breakthroughs and brilliant `Aha´ moments a normal occurrence.

Everything is the way it is, and everything is in constant change.

Nothing is going to remain the same.

Meaning this is a really good moment to create space to notice whether you are reacting to the emotions of those around you, or your own. Step back and observe whether it is your body or your mind that is reacting to events.

The energy of today, 8th August is ideal for you to set intentions for the months to come.

This Lion´s Gate opens a highly auspicious period for making your intentions real, to enable you to follow your passion. Take action to make new changes ideally during the waxing phase of the moon – before  the full moon on 22nd August.

Trust Yourself To Take A Risk And Do Something New

You are infused with a passionate desire to succeed and enthusiastically embrace life.

The Lion’s Gate and Leo new moon on 8th August celebrate the embrace of eternal life, immortality and the enhancement of infinite possibilities.

Everything is evolving at an all-new speed. Causing dis-orientation and emotional reaction that can seemingly come from nowhere. Hence the need for simple practices to help you reset.

Remembering our emotional reactions are not just about what we see in front of our face. These reactions usually have history in them, often ancestral.

Now is the moment to allow yourself to do something new. Trusting yourself to take that risk, and you will be supported to free your life. Allow yourself to acknowledge your passion and to follow it.

Please DO share and pass this link to others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Moving Through Your State Of Flux


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?

Your Transition Is Underway

We alone have the choice which path to walk

Life is a cycle. We each have our ups and downs, otherwise life could become boring!

Sometimes you have cycles when you have to massage your mindset to guide it to where you want it to be. Sometimes there are cycles in your life when your mindset disappears and you just wallow in the misery of what is underway.

Anyone who tells you there is a magic meditation, a “zone” or a frequency that will instantly erase it all and make it better, is not being completely honest.

Life is not a line that goes straight up. Life has twists and turns and cycles in the plot outline. Mostly we are aligned with what is unfolding.

On other occasions you are going to swirl around in the mists of the story. Wondering what you did to arrive here and how in the world are you going to step out of it.

And it is all okay.

Usually it seems being stuck and hurting brings us the most vital lessons necessary for our evolution. What the soul desires to have healed.

The more you love yourself through it, the faster you will move through it taking the lessons you need to master the transition.

It is “just” a cycle.

The key though is to ensure you have expressed your choice as to what you desire in your life.

That said, we know the Cosmos provides an essential backdrop of guidance. Life is easier when we are aligned with its flow.  

Pandemics And Great Conjunctions

2021 is a 5 Universal year in Numerology, so change is inevitable. It is from this transition a new world will unfold.

This was heralded on 21st December 2020 by the dawning of the Age of Aquarius with the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This event takes place once every 20 years.

In my latest story – “Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” I have set out the parallels to an earlier pandemic – the Black Death.

Recognised as starting in Asia in 1346, it was preceded by another Grand Conjunction, also in Aquarius, in March of 1345. This was followed by what we know as the Renaissance – our resurgence will come to be called? 

An overview of humanity´s new focus is in“Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” 

In it the latest Message From Source includes:

“There is an event coming which will remind you all of the fragility of life as well as the hope which exists. This event will come as a reminder to all a transition is underway. The question is whether change is allowed to flow and assisted to do so, or humanity needs to be pushed to do so – prodding is no longer sufficient.”

August Could Change Your Life

As we begin the month of August, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde. Midway through the month, Uranus will join them, making four planets in retrograde.

The numerology of August suggests it is a month that could change your life.

For five days from 3rd August there will be an opportunity to know what or where to direct yourself towards.

Then Uranus goes retrograde, marking a powerful transition point in 2021. It will remain retrograde until 18th January 2022. Planets are especially powerful at the moment they change direction

This transition will mean leaving behind Uranus´ focus since 2018 on altering humanity´s perspective regarding economics, currency, and the environment.

The Aquarian influence is to encourage us all to be independent. Embracing the authentic vision you have for your life.

Please do reply should there be a specific area not detailed in “Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?” you would like more insight about.

To Choosing What You Desire To Create


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? 💪

Sense Your Joy

How you move through your life is a choice, and an art

Last Friday at a birthday party I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people confirming they sense now is the moment to make changes.

There were new relationships, directions to their business, locations, approaches to life. In fact, the whole gamut of human life seemed to be in the process of seeking pastures new. 

Several were confronting they had learnt at an early age to shut down their voice – to not be the “centre of the room”. Questioning the belief they had learned in school and from the world, that to be successful they had to play the game. Be quiet. Sit down. Put your head down and go along with society´s norms.

This can also be seen in the reaction of others who push away compliments and stay out of the limelight for fear of being judged or shut down – again.

We bypass the truth of who we are with subtle phrases such as, it is not “because of me, it’s coming through me” when people thank us for our contribution to their lives. In business we fail to ask for testimonials or for feedback.

We struggle with a fear of visibility, causing us to not effectively market or let the world know about our unique, abilities, gifts and skills we are here to share with all.

Have you turned the page to begin writing the next chapter in your life? This is what each of us is being asked to do during this last part of 2021.

For some it will mean a complete change of direction, others just a tweak to the sails.

Ready To Tip Your First Domino?

The latest Message From Source in “You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? ends with the reminder:

“Step beyond what you believe you fear and allow yourself to know your own direction. It is here your fun and peace will be found.”

In this period each of us is being asked to be our first domino. Setting them up side by side and then tipping the first into the second to see the chain reaction. It is fun watching the effect tipping the first one and seeing the sequence that follows.

In much the same way, we can take one action that is equivalent to tipping that first domino.

This is what we are being asked to do. To create and lead our life based on our own values even though they may be at odds with existing social norms and structures.

The more you are who you are, the more you create space to lead others to do the same. This is the bottom up evolution which is emerging.  

Once connected to our soul we have direct connection to the Creator. Then we can appreciate the part each of us has incarnated to play in the new epoch we are creating on Mother Earth.

When we refuse to take our place, we are being arrogant, not humble. Afterall each of us agreed to play a certain role in the unfolding matrix – even if you cannot currently remember what it is.

Please do reply should there be a specific area not detailed in “You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? you would like more insight about.

To The Sense Of Joy In Your Life             


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them? 😒

What Are Your Dreams

Activate your truth, be the creator of your own experience,  follow your soul’s desires

Wednesday is market day for us, followed by a coffee or tea at one of the local cafés. During conversation with a fellow visitor yesterday, she said the night before she had experienced a very unusual dream.

Adding to similar stories I have heard over the past few weeks. My own dreams have certainly contained many different strands and been more vivid than usual.

Their purpose?

The unconscious mind´s way of clearing out recollections that no longer serve us.

Why now?

The recent eclipses served to disrupt and shake things up so that you can finally release what no longer serves you.

Yes, to help you let go of beliefs and patterns of thinking so there is space for those relating to new, unknown experiences.

A Crossroads Of Transition And Evolution

Yes, to move forward in ways that you once felt impossible…

…or may even still feel so!

2021 is a “5” Universal Year, the number of challenge, freedom, and transformation.

2nd July is the exact mid-point of the year.

The latest Message From Source in “Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them?” includes the reminder:

even though to many they hanker to return to the old. This is not possible and never has been, despite the efforts of many to do so.”

The story itself is to remind you the actions taken now will shape the rest of the year and so lay the foundation for the years to come.

This is how we all evolve to be the Master of our own life.

Mastery means you are following what brings you joy and helps you bring your grand passion into creation.

In “Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them?” there is more detail as to the unseen support for doing so. For this is the month to speak, share or create that passion, project or something your dreams are about.

There are also three action steps to assist you make the most of the powerful creative energies present to realise your dreams.

We are all in transition between the dying of the old and the birthing of a new world.

Which resonates more with you?

Do you align with the consciousness of the dying world?

Included in the article is a link to a blog post about how our understanding and use of money is being re-shaped.

To Realising Your Dreams


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II, .

Follow me on: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? 😷

Lead Your Creative Energy

Between duty and freedom expect more conflict with people regarding rules imposed on you

Are you courageously exploring the evolving edges of who you are and practicing stretching those edges are far as you can?

Do you have a feeling you could or should be doing something more…

…something that has a greater impact on the lives of others?

When you were little you played “make-believe” with the energy of that passion inside you.

We were Queens and Kings, dancers on the stage, artists, super heroes, doctors, nurses, soldiers and sailors. We wore costumes, cool hats and saw our worlds through those eyes.

This period of transition is asking us to step outside of our current boxes and allow our passion to become the foundation of how we live our lives.

We admire people who live their passion. Athletes, wealthy entrepreneurs, leaders, artists…

we often believe we do not have what they have.

Which is true in terms of their unique abilities, gifts and skills. Though we all have that same passion inside of us.

Because it is important, read that again“We all have that same passion inside of us.”

Having something grander inside of you is normal, it is part of your creation.

Be In The Flow Of Your Creative Energy  

What sets people who live their grandness apart from the rest is their willingness to bring life to their passion. To take the risk…

…to do what so many dream of doing.

The encouragement in the Message From Source in Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? is to:

Bring forth your own skills and values rather than those of the old. This is where you will find the most fun in what is being created.”

For many of us, somewhere on our journey to expand into life, we learn that compared to others we cannot be “the best”, so we stop trying and learning.

Which means no longer evolving to be the Master of our own life.

Mastery means you have a practice that drives you, brings you joy and helps you bring your grand passion into the world.

As I wrote Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? I appreciated the cycles which have brought me to where I am. 

I have never met anyone who did not have that grander passion within them.

The message of this period is you were born to be YOU.

Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? has two questions to help you do so as we navigate the powerful though paradoxical Creative Energy of the moment.

Do let me know when you release your passion. 

To Living Your Creative Energy


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II, .

Follow me on: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want A Gateway To Your Higher Wisdom? Let Go Of Old Habits And Patterns 😎

Your Higher Wisdom

Your notion of the unfamiliar will stop being hypothetical and become your reality

Remember love?
It is there the moment before your vibration rises, when you experience a collapse of the habits and patterns of your old paradigm.
From the tarot, a Tower moment removing everything and everyone whose vibration will not match where you are heading.
So, trust what is crumbling, has fully crumbled, or is about to crumble.
Allowing you to make room for the next step on your path of evolution.
It is the moment to be in Nature and activity that inspires you — be in the very places that support the opening of your heart, soul, and mind.
Feeling the small joys and wonder at the beauty of your life.
Nature that calls you. Music that knows you. Art that melts you. Poetry and stories bringing you through adventures and understandings…
…to connect to your higher wisdom.
The next three years will be intense as we experience the emotion of the current re-structuring of all aspects of our life.
Our willingness to feel compassion, joy and love and express our truth will determine our experience of these years.
The current movements in the Cosmos will help you complete a karmic cycle.
More on the life changing nature of what is unfolding is in my latest story: “Want A Gateway To Your Higher Wisdom? Let Go Of Old Habits And Patterns”.
There is also another Message From Source providing indications as to the role you are being asked to play.

Allow Your Vision To Be Guided

Now is therefore the moment to re-vision a future that reflects where you desire to be.
All of these have initiated the desire to complete Vision Quests. The next group one starts on 17th September, in the meantime I am facilitating personal ones.
Know blessings are on their way to you…
,,,love yourself and trust in the timing. Keep doing your work.

To Opening To Your Higher Wisdom


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II, .

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