Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life? ?


Your Heart Chakra Sending You A Message?

Have you made your choice how to keep thriving and expanding in the midst of current affairs?

Have they made you feel separated?

Or, perhaps you have felt a change in the harmony of your relationships?

Your heart is where you will feel the choices you made.

The main meanings associated with the heart involve connecting and relating. Both with yourself and others.

When the heart is open, you may feel being deeply connected, expanding and thriving with an appreciation of the beauty life offers.

However, when a blockage exists, you may experience difficulties in relating with others, such as excessive jealousy, co-dependency, or being closed down, withdrawn.

It is hurt that causes your heart chakra to close.

Love experienced through the heart chakra is not just about romance. Rather it is about going beyond the limitations of the ego and its personal preoccupations. To open more fully to compassion and acceptance of all that is, as it is without making judgements.

Which in turn influences your ability to thrive and expand.

More is in my post Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life?” It also provides access to Secret #4 – “What Do I Feel In My Heart?”

Opening Your Heart Chakra

Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dull… even ill.

I certainly had placed many such ‘layers’ of protection around my heart.

A person with an open heart chakra respects others as well as having an easy going peace that emanates outward, no matter the external circumstances.

Included in the post Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life?” are three techniques designed to inspire you to open your heart.

To Loving Yourself


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

How to Stay Focused on What You Desire? ?


A Focused Third Eye Will Create Harmony In Your Life

As we move our thought patterns beyond fear and integrate the new practice of navigating our way around with masks etc., sheltering at home is still the norm.

A new paradigm though is emerging.

This is your mission for 2020. For the seeds planted in 2020 will determine the nature of your life for at least the rest of the decade.

Which means of all the years we have or will experience, this is the one where clarity and focus is vital.

Yes we need a vision for our life, we become excited about setting the outcome. Then as I know myself all too often…

life happens.

And in the midst of the chaos, the outcome or objective we have set is forgotten.

When you forget to focus on what it is you desire, then slowly stop completing the daily habits that will carry you there.

Your desired outcome is as simple as staying FOCUSED on it, and having CLARITY as to the actions needed to reach it.

Which is where your third eye plays a crucial role.

It is responsible for the link between your mind and the outer world. Embodying your ability to see both your inner and outer worlds. Allowing you to experience clarity of thought and self-reflection.

When your 6th chakra, or third eye, is blocked or underactive, it can adversely affect your ability to concentrate, process information, or remain calm under pressure. When blocked, it can often cause fear of the unknown.

I have written the story How to Stay Focused on What You Desire?” to inspire you to access Secret #6, which answers the question: “How do I achieve clarity and focus.”

Your Ears, Eyes and Nose Will Let You Know

The lack of a sense of purpose could manifest in issues of seeing or hearing clearly, life seeming to be a perpetual mental whirligig of distraction!

The third eye is associated with: the brain, forehead, brow, eye, nose, pineal and pituitary glands, and the carotid nerve plexus. Hence why apart from issues with the brain, physical symptoms often include the ears, eyes, and nose.

One of the most painful being cluster headaches.

These are messages from your body you need to take action to bring it into alignment.

In my story “How to Stay Focused on What You Desire?” is a link to a video I have made to help you gain greater clarity.

There are also some ways to enable you achieve alignment with the potential your third eye offers.

Then with clarity and focus you can begin creation of your new paradigm.

To Clarity and Focus in Your Life


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

How To Live A Life Of Harmony ?️

Life Of Harmony

We have chosen to live during this period of transformation. It provides an incredible opportunity for each of us to pause, go slower, cultivate simplicity in our lives.

Yes it is also creating frustration. That though is because to effect a change we needed to stop. Whilst I believe completely in the phrase: “This too shall pass,” that is not to say it will return to what we recall as “normal.”

Before rushing back to re-create the way you recall life as it was in December 2019, I invite you to stop. Reflect a little longer and contemplate what you have learned about yourself in this period of pause.

Already I note some businesses are announcing changes they will make to their organisation and structure. For example not centralising in large office blocks. Some countries are also seeking ways to maintain their cleaner air.

My suspicion is the popular demand for change could radicalise politics faster than it did after the financial crisis in 2007-09.

Our ability to be in the flow of this change rather than reacting to it because of its perceived adverse effect is going to challenge many.

The key I have learnt is to listen to my body. It always has messages for me as to whether or not there is harmony in my life.

Lack of harmony indicates stress somewhere in our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

These blocks create a lack of harmony between what you are doing and your values and mission. Often manifesting in a pain or illness, usually as inflammation in a part of your body.

This correlates to a block or imbalance in the energy flowing around it. To help ensure you can identify their cause as the ”new normal” emerges, I decided to write a series of stories based on my The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony.

“How To Live A Life Of Harmony is the first one. It sets out part of the story as to how I came to write the book and my purpose in doing so.

When we have harmony in our life we no longer are controlled by our turbulent mind.

When the mind is in a turbulent situation…

…emotion runs high, it will lead you to react impulsively

…to be easily carried away with emotions and your awareness at the present moment is lost…

…for its uncontrolled thoughts drain out the life force energy in you, leaving you completely tired, frustrated and exhausted.

My intent is the first post and the coming seven help you discover your inner peace and strength ahead of the return of forced change in December.

They will also help you alter your own mindset. Perhaps from one of scarcity to one of abundance.

In addition to reading the post you can assist the process by reflecting on these two questions:

  1. Where am I now? What have I learned about my body, my needs, my joy?
  2. What feels important for my life and my mission?

Something important is emerging right now – for your body, your path, your soul.

It is your choice whether you remain in its flow or seek to hold it back.

ReadingHow To Live A Life Of Harmony” may help prepare you. You will be amazed at the power not following the turbulent mind has on your ability to gain access to answers from Source.

Never before have opportunities for release, rebirth and breakthroughs been so easy and so supported by all of Creation.

Guard against distractions, drama or being complacent.

Your Light is here to Shine, not to be hidden!


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

Is It Fear Of The Corona Virus Or Toward Your Excitement?

Fear or Excitement?

Have you felt fear as you heard or read about the corona virus?

How more and more people are being infected each and every day.

How it is destroying the global stock markets as it disrupts the global economy.

What you probably do not realise is…

…even if you are not one of the very few that have been infected by the actual virus you are being affected by its negative energy of fear.

Reflect on its impact for a moment.

Living in fear and control of a virus that you have not caught and probably, once you read the facts in my article published in, you probably never will.

Interested to learn more, you can read the whole article HERE.

Fear affects our physical wellbeing because it creates a back door for illness to take hold. Negative beliefs and emotions weaken our immune system and lower our body´s defences.

Are you going to continue to allow fear that is not yours to cause you anxiety and discomfort?

Because I do not want to happen to you, I have written this article…

…it summarises my view of the situation as well as what I believe are pertinent facts. I have also included some suggestions to strengthen your immune system.

You can read it HERE

You are NOT weak, vulnerable, and so need somebody or something to protect you. The virus is only more powerful than you if you choose it to Be.

Want help in taking any actions then contact me to arrange a discovery call. I have a few openings left before my next event starts on 17th March, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

If you like what you read, share it with someone it may help, comment on it, and let me know what you think.

To You Living In Harmony


P.S. – Do not allow another day to pass where the coronavirus (or anything else for that matter) robs you of the inner peace and clarity you deserve.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.
