Are You WILLING To Create Your Life? 😂

Willing To Create Your Life?

Is your choice to remain stuck or take action to accelerate your life?

As 2020 winds down it is tempting to think the new year is going to totally different. However, 2021 builds on what we have begun in 2020.

The symbolism of 2020 has been about experiencing challenges and difficulties. Pushing us to reach deep into our own inner resources: to build and develop and discover our inner strength.

We have been pushed to discover who we really are and how we respond to these challenges.

In essence are we willing to create our life or allow it to be created for us?

We are at a moment of memories and feelings, sorrow for the losses and separations, and a host of other emotions depending on how you have navigated these past years.

Some will feel anger and resentment, not wanting to move on from yesteryear. Others will receive their due and contentedly move forward whilst others may be chomping at the bit, trying to push on, or run away from something.

None of these is right or wrong. They simply reflect the choices we have to make.

Be Willing To Create Your Dreams

To be willing to make a change or remain in our comfort zone, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.

My latest short story “Are You WILLING To Create Your Life?”  provides an approach to identify thoughts and habits holding you back.

It is here you will come to know and acknowledge your lessons for this life.

There is also an offer for you to use the next three days to make a list of all those beliefs stopping you from accelerating your life.

Send it to me and two days later, I will follow up and share with you how to proceed with the next step.

Once you are willing to change, transform and reinvent this day, and all other days, you will have begun to move beyond these obstacles.

At the coming solstice Jupiter and Saturn are going to be moving from Capricorn into the beginning of Air sign Aquarius.

They will join together as part of their 20-year cycle. Which means everything is going to feel different. Especially as they move from the last 200 years of Earth signs.

The last occasion these two planets met in Aquarius was in 1405. Ten years later the Portuguese “Navigators” began their voyages of world discovery.

In 2021 the beneath the surface work we have been doing continues— dismantling and beginning to re-structure and re-vision our systems and the way we live life.

All our political, financial, healthcare, education systems etc. will be impacted. This is because they are based in our past, in old ways of being. They are not fit for purpose in what is and will emerge.

Know Thyself

Your own internal systems, your own inner ways of being will also be part of this process. Questions such as “what do you want to keep, what you want to build upon? What you want to let go of?” will be present.

These are the kinds of choices many have made in 2020. They will continue as a background theme in 2021 because Pluto remains in Capricorn.

This is taking place within the Aquarian energy of a new vision for the future. Its energy is one of rebellion against the status quo, it is change oriented. Aquarius rejects the way things are in favour of the way they can be.

Hence “Are You WILLING To Create Your Life?”  

To Being Willing To Create Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest and Twitter

Acknowledge What And Who Is In Your Life ?️

What And Who Are You?

Clarity as to your desire will provide what you are seeking in your relationships

The full moon in Aquarius on 3rd August called us to question what and who are in your life.

We are all being pushed to create space for the new to enter.

Perhaps a particular relationship no longer matches what and who you are becoming?

The air sign Aquarius embodies individuality, independence, fringed with eccentricity, as well as divinely humanitarian.

We are being asked to sit at the point of infinite potential, neither looking back or forward, to visualise our next step.

In numerology August is a three month. The three is about expressing yourself and speaking up. Finding what inspires you and gives you joy, then expressing it to others.

Relationships On Fire

Until then there can be no focus and certainly no support to provide what it is you are seeking.

“Acknowledge What And Who Is In Your Life” has more insights as to the changes being called for in all our relationships.

Five planets are currently in Fire signs. Fire indicates transformation, water the underlying emotions of relationships. Observe the weather!

My story Relationships And Money Troubles, No Control Of Your Life” indicates messages from your body connected to fear of being controlled by another or of losing control of others, your money, or your authority.

Uranus also features with this Aquarius full moon. Uranus in Taurus brings the essential need to accelerate and innovate in our practical life and survival needs – often through shocks or unexpected twists.

The previous Uranus in Taurus was from 1934 to 1942. Which includes the Great Depression and the so called dustbowl in the USA.

Taurus represents matter. Included in “Acknowledge What And Who Is In Your Life” are my insights as to its impact on food and money.

With the energy of the Lion´s Gate peaking on 8th August, there are some insights as to opportunity this provides for entrepreneurs.

There is also another Message From Source.

Please Share

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Being Who You Are


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter

Your New Beginning Is Now, Not Tomorrow ?

New Beginning

Release any attachment you may have to events unfolding in a certain way

The new beginning is taking shape.

Though release any attachment you may have to events unfolding in a certain way.

The alignment of the Moon, Sun and Saturn on 20th July asked you to not place your trust in others – rather listen only to your inner voice for answers and guidance.

This is the only voice that can enliven and enrich your life.

Tense opposition to Saturn means one of our lessons is about having healthy boundaries and learning to live within restriction.⁠

Yes travel and movement is now possible, though are the chains of society being released or re-imposed? Free to pursue your own calling or only what others allow you?

⁠We are at the pivot point in the shifts underway where we know there is no return to life as it was at December 2019. Saturn always reminds us about patience, steady progress, honesty and diligence.

My story “Your New Beginning Is Now, Not Tomorrow” has more insights for the coming months.

Open The Door To Your New Beginning

There is also another Message From Source.

25th July was the Day Out Of Time in the Mayan calendar. It provides the most opportune day to make shifts in your life — mindset. beliefs, in who and what you may think yourself to be.

In many cases, the old not giving way to or supporting the growth of the new is, in some ways, asking for it.

Those in authority (including you) not supporting the unfolding of the new, individuated, diverse forms of expression.

Over the coming six months we are going to be asked to question any activities which provide us with personal gain at the expense of the gain of others.

Missed making shifts on the Day Out Of Time, then I invite you to a discovery call to free you to create your next steps. I have a few openings left in the two weeks from 26th July, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

When full, this moon will add another twist with regard to forging a new path. One which is spiral in nature rather than the linear thinking we grew up with.

More on the emerging themes as well as questions to help you navigate through them are in my story “Your New Beginning Is Now, Not Tomorrow”.

To Your New Beginning,


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter

Are You Ready To Enter A New World? ?

Your New World

The structures of our life are being destroyed so we can re-build them more attuned to our desires

The full moon and lunar eclipse on 5th July opened the gates to a new world.

It is going to force us to disrupt essential patterns and re-align the direction we thought life is taking us.

Until we know our direction we cannot move out of the void of creation we are in.

Saturn is retrograde to 29th September. It governs the structures of our life and what we build – whether a home, a business or a dream.

During this retrograde, your future plans will probably take a step backwards.

Are You Ready To Enter A New World?” has more insights for the six months to December.

There is also another Message From Source.

As well as explanation as to our first taste of rebellion and revolution from Saturn in Aquarius. This will be nothing compared to what is initiated come December.

Two keys to realising the potential of July are amongst the many other points in Are You Ready To Enter A New World?”

Not sure the actions to take, I invite you to a discovery call to free you to gain insights into your vision. I have a few openings left in the two weeks from 7th July, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

To Creating Your New World,


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: Linkedin, Pinterest: Shamanic CEO and Twitter

Lacking Your Vision? No Connection To The Creator? ?

Your Vision Is To...?

Unable to think clearly, apathetic, depression, many ideas yet no action taken? Your crown chakra is probably not open

The current eclipse portal is asking whether you choose to allow yourself the vision to create the New Earth? In that trusting the unknown while finding the answers within.

Do you have lots of ideas and yet never take any action?

Suffer from migraines and tension headaches?

Feel lost and alone, trying to fit purpose into your work rather than work being a joyful expression of your true purpose?

Constantly feel the need to seek approval from others in making any choices, especially money?

Have emotional fears of no connection to the Creator, loss of identity, and lack of connection with yourself and people around you?

Welcome to some of the signs of an unbalanced or blocked crown chakra.

Others following from a lack of vision and inspiration, include confusion about what you want to do in your life.

I have written the story Lacking Your Vision? No Connection To The Creator?” to inspire you to open your crown chakra to its full potential.

The crown chakra is the energy centre that is responsible for thought, awareness, wisdom, and our connection to the Creator.

Being open is vital to enable you to access the vision of the seeds to plant during this last half of 2020. Their germination will determine the nature of your life for at least the rest of the decade.

The vision for your life needs to have a buzz to it. Then we become excited about running towards our desired outcome.

Which is where your crown chakra plays a crucial role.

It is responsible for the link between you and the Creator. Physical symptoms when blocked include poor co-ordination, chronic tension headaches and exhaustion.

And yes, there are also apathy, self-destructive addictive tendencies and mental confusion.

In my story “Lacking Your Vision? No Connection To The Creator?” there is a link to a video I have made to help you clear the mental fog.

There are also six practices to rejuvenate your perspectives, create inner peace and clarity as to your vision. Opening to the full potential your crown chakra offers.

Then you can begin to create your New Earth.

To Being Connected To Your Vision


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

You Are At The Zero Point Of Creation

Zero Point

The choice is whether to try to return to what has been completed or birth a new life, a new society, the New Earth

The new moon eclipse on 21st June showed us we have come full circle, arriving at the zero point of creation. We are in a place of wholeness and nothingness in the same moment.

It is from this zero point all of creation is born.⁠⁠

The choice we face is whether to try to return to what has been completed or birth a new life, a new society.

It is for each of us alone to choose the values and principles on which it is to be based.

This six week long eclipse portal, plus the retrogrades, seems to have the effect of requiring more sleep. Whether in dreams or flashbacks, past events have been re-appearing. They indicate what needs to be accepted and acknowledged.

To me it feels there is a call to bring forth the ability we all have as humans to care for one another. Though in a different way to that society has directed us to this moment.

This path which will lead us through the eye of the needle into the Age of Aquarius.

The next six months being the period in which we can envision the framework for our New Earth.

As detailed in the Message From Source in You Are At The Zero Point Of Creation:

“It is for all to create not to be given or allow others to create it for them. This is the moment for creation to be co-operative, and most importantly recognised as such.”

Then Comes The Sixth Retrograde

Five planets are already retrograde and Venus becomes the sixth on the 24th. Its focus though is to re-set our values and how we view our world through our hearts. .

The combination with Mercury will re-envision our cultural norms and so assist in creating a new kind of humanity.

More details are in You Are At The Zero Point Of Creation as well as eight ways to help you navigate the last six months of 2020 with ease.

Not sure the actions to take, I invite you to a discovery call to free you to grow in the direction of your choice. I have a few openings left in the two weeks from 22nd June, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

To Creating From Your Zero Point


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

Now Is The Moment To Open Your Doorway To Destiny ☝️


June is the moment for new beginnings, and the question is, which part of your life do you want to focus on first?

It maybe you would like to make some small changes? Starting slow and not rushing anything?

The Cosmos has other ideas for us all!

Hence the current extra long eclipse cycle with three eclipses back to back over four weeks.

For this is a period of great change for humanity. Including the call for all to be treated equally.

The quantum of the change underway is evidenced by three planetary movements helping move us beyond the tipping point. Details are in Now Is The Moment To Open Your Doorway To Destiny”.

Push Open The Door To Your Destiny

The full moon in Sagittarius reveals something to us about what we believe, how we operate, and how all is subject to change. Other planetary alignments mean it will bring frustration and conflict to a head.

We are being invited to heal and transform by seeing new perspectives rather than repeating old stories.

The first of the three eclipses offers us the opportunity to imagine, and initiate creation of new realities.

Making the most of what is being offered requires each of us to initiate Our Vision.

In Now Is The Moment To Open Your Doorway To Destiny” is a four step formula to help you to create this and so evolve.

A lunar eclipse helps us speed up the inevitable! This one is asking you to dismantle the story of all your relationships – with yourself and so all of humanity.

June is one of the best periods in 2020 for taking action. The energy of July is to set the wheels in motion as your destiny can only evolve as you Take Action.

As set out in the Message from Source the form of the New Earth is emerging, though: “The greater is the action, then the sooner will the new be initiated.”

Not sure the actions to take, I invite you to a discovery call to free you to grow in the direction of your choice. I have a few openings left in the two weeks from 8th June, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

To Your Destiny


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

Lost Your Power, Want Money To Flow To You? ?

Personal Power

Your Solar Plexus Indicates The Power You Have To Create Your Life

Have you ever had one of those “gut feelings” which has stopped you or guided you as to a choice to be made?

Did you wonder why you felt the choice in your gut rather than head?

That is because the neuro-transmitters in the brain have the same configuration as those in the digestive system.

Meaning, what we feel in our gut influences our brain and so our mood and mindset.

The main function of your solar plexus is to provide the energy to create momentum in your life. To move forward and realise your personal desires and intentions.

Digestives Issues? What Is The Message About Your Personal Power?

As such the solar plexus plays a fundamental role in the development and exercise of your personal power.

Which is why those with a weak solar plexus chakra view themselves as victims.

They have nothing to run toward, they put up with poor treatment.

Their lack of harmony in the solar plexus is likely to manifest in problems of digestion and metabolism. Hence why in addition to issues of weight, I have listed in the story on Lost Your Power, Want Money To Flow To You?”, a variety of symptoms from poor energy flow through this chakra in the centre of the body.

When imbalanced you will face financial challenges such as finding it difficult to earn and also save money!

When your chakra is balanced and active, then you will easily become a money magnet. As an entrepreneur, customers are attracted to you as well as sales closed.

The state of this chakra indicates whether you become fabulously rich, or falter and fail.

For the message of the third chakra is: “You have the power to choose”.

More is set out in my post Lost Your Power, Want Money To Flow To You?” as are some suggestions to inspire you to create harmony in your solar plexus chakra.

To Standing In Your Power


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

The Revolution In Your Lifetime Has Begun ?

Revolution In Your Lifetime

Felt stalled or uninspired, the full moon rising on 7th May wants to help you envision a better future, to initiate a revolution in your lifetime.

To enable you to tease into creation the objectives and actions that will help you manifest it.

Yes, this seems the most uncertain era any of us can recall. Uncertainty exists everywhere we turn.

That said, I am certain that I have the power every day to wake up, work in the way I desire, have a positive attitude, and make a difference in this world.

This moon in the water sign Scorpio is the most positive full moon of 2020. It puts us into connection with unseen intelligences.

“The Revolution In Your Lifetime Has Begun” is my summary of what is emerging and what each of us needs to address during this period of reset, renewal, and revitalisation.

Find A Quiet, Safe Place

Allow yourself to simply “be” during this revolution in your world. It is in the quiet safe space you will consolidate the step you have just made.

This will help many who are experiencing for the first time the “Dark Night of the Soul”. Others are adjusting to a greater depth of presence as they embody a higher level of awareness and connection.

In addition to deep emotional security, the Sun in Taurus brings a flow of money owed to you. There is also support for you writing, to express yourself.

There is also a focus on your responsibilities, particularly your duties as they relate to your dependents and career.

A further Message From Source in this story “The Revolution In Your Lifetime Has Begun” provides a sense as to our direction.

To Creating Your Change


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

Afraid To Speak Your Truth? ?

Speak Your Truth

Your beliefs determine what and how you speak — to please others or being authentic to yourself?

We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel of separation. Though that does not mean there is no concern about how we move forward.

You do not have to fear that uncertainty. Yes, stay vigilant. However, do not let the unknown keep you from unlocking all you enjoy about life and incarnated to experience.

To me this is the moment when each of us can step into our full potential. Which is exactly what the world needs right now.

The energetic shifts of 2020 have begun their offering of its unique opportunities for leaving the “old normal” for something remarkably beautiful.

The first step is always to identify where we are now. Only then can we open the door for structural changes to the way we live and work.

We therefore need to stay grounded and thrive during these periods by going deeper to know who you really are.

This will raise the question as to whether you are speaking your truth or simply following the directions of others?

Or, perhaps you are more concerned about pleasing others than speaking your truth?

Unless we speak our truth we will never discover our soul’s true love in this life. This is the only voice we need to pay attention to in order to thrive in this world.

Once we are aware of the emotional patterns, energetic blocks and limiting beliefs directing our life we can change them and so thrive.

Now is the moment to recognise and live in the infinite possibilities being offered.

The key I have learnt is to listen to my body. It always has messages for me as to whether or not there is harmony in my life. Then I can change it.

My story “Afraid to Speak your Truth?” is available so you can access Secret #5 to answer the question: “Why do I have trouble speaking up?”

Whilst you are not speaking your truth you will be unable to live a life of harmony and thrive.

When you do so you set in motion that very life.

To Speaking Your Truth


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.