The Consciousness Emerging Will Change Your Life – Will You Allow It?💪

Consciousness Emerging

Move from the hierarchy of control to the freedom of creativity

Are you interested in living in a world within the consciousness emerging for humanity?

That will begin once you give yourself permission to feel. Or, did you already dismiss it as inappropriate or, are not good enough to do so?

When you allow yourself to embrace the sensations of feeling, energy begins to move in a more integrated way.

You Can Accelerate The Consciousness Emerging

Until early 2025, it is essential you maintain balance in your life. This will require you to be the observer of events, not caught up in their emotional drama. When you stay present and feel, events resolve and so you find yourself in a win-win world.

For, such cycles of disruption are simultaneously cycles of initiation, bringing in new aspects and consciousness in the evolution of your life.

Which changes in each moment as you feel, breath by breath, whatever it is you have been avoiding feeling.

Then you begin to free yourself to make your unique contribution to the consciousness emerging. For it is only from within you influence the hologram of the world around you.

Its sole purpose is to reflect back to you the unseen aspects of your own consciousness, until you feel and acknowledge them.

Encouraging you to then address the conflict limiting you from the evolution you incarnated to achieve.

Being human means our consciousness has its ups and downs as a result of our emotions and thoughts. This is the case whatever your purpose for incarnating.

In “The Consciousness Emerging Will Change Your Life – Will You Allow It? are some indicated timelines as to when phases will conclude. 

These will make more visible the de-construction of the pyramid structures of the current finance sector. As well as emergence of localisation to democratise fund raising.   

This will provide essential support for the new businesses, economies and structures appearing within society.

Though do remember, we determine its pace by the steps we each take to create, generate and experience Light on Mother Earth.

  Expect Re-structuring From The Fire Of 2024

 That is how each of us helps to raise our planet´s vibration, and so that of humanity.  

This is also how we re-kindle humanity´s creativity. An essential foundation to help us move beyond the world where we have lost touch with our truest essence.

This is the opportunity being offered by the consciousness emerging.

To welcome the magic back into our lives.

Enabling us to experience the full spectrum of emotions, experiences, challenges, and triumphs that make us human.

When embracing our magic, we recognise all of the shadow and all of the light that is within us.

It is from this point of balance, we begin to live the fullest life as we return to the wholeness of singularity.

Then we can harness the power of our inner wisdom and faith to provide solutions.

Helping us to move from the old hierarchy of control to the new freedom of creativity. To nurture ourselves and renew our connection to Source.

The latest Message From Source includes this insight: 

Notice what disturbs your peace and then ask yourself – `for what purpose did you create the disturbance?´ This will provide you with the opportunity to be free of it and so continue by taking the steps.” 

For your Light is here to be seen, not to be hidden!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to allow consciousness to emerge in their life.

To Feeling The Consciousness Emerging      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? 🐉

What Have You Dreamed Of Becoming?

More extreme weather, radio signal disruption and geomagnetic activity is on its way  

Everything you have dreamed of becoming and creating is about to come rushing toward you!

2023 and 2024 provide opportunity for us to finally break free from old patterns and stuck places.

Yes, there will be challenges as intensity, turbulence and shadows escalate. The silver lining though is they will also bring awareness, breakthroughs and new opportunities. 

In doing so they bring forth our freedom to create the future we have always dreamed of.

Are you ready to receive it???

Free To Be All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming?

The challenges and the opportunities are two sides of the same coin of evolution. 

We are being offered the choice to embrace and fully live our own magic!

Whilst no-one knows exactly what is going to emerge, the world will be very different from the one we grew up in and have inhabited since our conception.

Which is why giving ourselves the freedom to dream our desires is essential to play our part in creating what emerges.

This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? outlines where humanity is in terms of approaching the tipping point in humanity´s consciousness. 

As with all new moons, this one on the 17th asks us to embrace new beginnings. Freeing you to be who you have dreamed of becoming.

In this, on the same day a new 18 month cycle begins for the lunar nodes.

The North, where we are heading toward, moves into Aries, and the South, the karma we are seeking to leave behind, into Libra.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries seeks new beginnings and is adventurous, spirited, and pioneering with a determination to push independently forward against all odds.

Libra is fascinated by balance and symmetry, always seeking justice and equality. This it knows will only come from within.

The old paradigm of the only way to create what you desire in life is through working hard, is leaving. 

However, unless you are an active participant in your life, how can Source direct to you the opportunities to create what you desire?

Ready To Be Who You Have Dreamed Of Becoming?

The essence of this transition is freeing each of us to be ourselves, taking responsibility for our life. 

Meaning take the reins of your life into your own hands to create opportunity and magic! Only then will clarity exist as to what you desire! 

For each of us is unique. And, humanity is inherently adaptable!

Should you be unclear as to your desires, how do you know which road to take, what choices to make, and what door to walk through?

My suggestion to help you gain clarity is to take these three steps:

  1. Reflect on your life, on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being there), how close are you to living your dream? Should you have more than one dream, then focus on which one feels the most exciting!
  2. Ask for guidance as to the three next steps to move you toward your dream.
  3. Take action in the next 24 hours on one of those steps.

The latest Message From Source offers this support:

Maintain your own progress, in doing so you create the field of energy which encourages others to follow their feelings and so consciousness of what is their own path”

In addition to insights as to the astrology for the last part of July, This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? also contains an overview on the emerging themes.

These will help you adapt to the new era, which you will create through your heart.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to be who they have dreamed of becoming.

To Being Who You Have Dreamed Of Becoming          


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It?💥

Your Turning Point Is Here

Our confidence and ability to lead will be at heights not experienced for almost two decades  

Seeking a deeper connection with the energetic realms?

This requires you live in singularity with all that is. Which we do through our heart. 

For this is the point of our connection to the Cosmos. 

A Turning Point To Awaken Your Heart Is Nigh

We have also been absorbing higher vibrations of photonic light. 

This flows from the increase in solar activity in terms of sunspots and solar flares from its minimum in December 2019.

The current solar cycle has already heated up more quickly than expected, with its sunspot activity more than 10% higher than the previous cycle.

Which has led experts to predict the peak will be a year earlier than usual, in 2024. This has also been visible in the auroras being seen across more of the planet´s night skies.

Another of the visible effects of moving through this period of transition!

Your emotional energy is also a vibration.

Vibrations are waves of energy. Which we speed up or slow down by our feelings.

These adjust our heart into a state of coherence or non-coherence with our Soul´s desires. So, influencing what we attract and experience in our lives.

As we enter the last half of 2023, so the cosmic energy is creating a turning point within ourselves.

We are also being guided to develop consciously and intentionally our intuition, our spiritual nature through complementing our extra sensory abilities. To accept we are the creator of our life and so live it. 

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It? outlines more on moving humanity´s consciousness from the past and present to being grounded in the present, with a dash of the future.

Which raises the question whether humanity will forever be moving between prosperity and ruin or, is at a turning point along a path of evolution?

The Turning Point To Singularity

There are some quotes from Peter Thiel´s “Zero to One” setting out four alternatives: recurrent collapse; plateauing; extinction; or, take-off. 

He admits in the book, the latter is hardest to imagine.

The super full moon in Capricorn on 3rd July offers an opportunity to re-evaluate, re-structure, re-configure your aspirations and so direction.

Particularly, as to what you desire to achieve during the months to 21st December. 

Reading this post, then probably you are unsure how you “fit in”. You have an awareness others do not. You have never been able to quite explain how you know, which has created much self-doubt.

You know this world is changing and the planetary movements are designed to help us move beyond our turning point.

Enabling us to create the new era, which we do through our heart.

The latest Message From Source contains this guidance: 

“All of Creation is continuing to shift. In that there is a process of remembering as well as evolving underway. This is going to bring you all closer to each other as you all embrace singularity rather than separation.”

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It? also contains two rules in life to assist you to live it well.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to move beyond their turning point.

To Moving Beyond Your Turning Point         


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Your Destiny is Never Still, Do You Want To Discover And Follow It?🙃

Your Destiny Ia Waiting For You

The inner world of your unconscious mind is activated way ahead of your conscious one

Do you know you have a destiny?

At several points in our lives, we tend to ask– if not question, what is our destiny and the truth about why we are here?

On days of frustration, it is more questioning of why we have yet to know it?

Whilst on days of reflection, it is more likely to be what serves us.

When you feel energy flowing through you, you feel that awareness in your bones. 

Your Destiny Wants To Be Discovered 

Then on the days when all is not progressing as you would like, you might wonder why all seems to be opposing you?

All of which probably means, your destiny is not clear?

You know you can create whatever you wish in your life? All you have to do is make a decision.

Though the mission to fulfil your destiny is probably not the same as it was when you were 20, or even the same as it was a year ago.

We humans so often become caught up in the how to do things. As in, you know what you want to receive yet, how will you make it happen?

This is a common trap, and it happens to everyone!

For our belief is that once we understand the “how” and the “probability” of something, then it is logical and so must happen!

The systems of society teach that unless we have all the details of how we make a dream or an idea manifest, the dream itself is not “logical.”

We learn that we must know how something is going to happen.

Should it seem to be magic outside the probable parameters we know, then it is not going to happen to or for us.

How often have you given up creating something you truly desired because you did not know “how” it was going to appear in your life?

More on this and the role of fate is set out in  “Your Destiny is Never Still, Do You Want To Discover And Follow It?” 

Is Destiny Or Fate Guiding Your Life?   

However, when you hesitate, waiting for something to change…this is when life is waiting for you to choose. Nothing will change until you do. 

When you choose, life follows. No need to worry about the how!

Your destiny is not a task or end point. Rather your destiny is always moving in the flow of evolution.

This period of transition is requiring everyone to review their destiny.


Because quite simply humanity has never been here before!  

We are being encouraged to exercise our courage to plant seeds to create the new.

Everyone has the opportunity to choose, and we do.

However, the outcomes of those choices are not necessarily what we expect. For, we do not have the control we imagine we have.

The latest Message from Source provides this insight:

Destiny has certainty as to its direction and the steps you will take. It is your Soul which prefers to set the direction, though many of you seem to prefer to follow the distractions rather than your Soul´s desires! Yet, both provide lessons from which you may learn.”

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

When we own our stories, we start to live in alignment with our destiny. We know we are in alignment when synchronicities show up everywhere. This is the magic of living your mission to create your destiny!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to free their destiny.

To Discovering Your Destiny   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?😄

What Direction To Head In?

Listen for the songs of your Soul to be sung again

Have you ever asked yourself on one occasion or another when it comes to changing your life:

Why is nothing working? 

Yes, you completed the class and are using the process you learnt. Then life steps in and you do not maintain the habit.

So, it no longer works. 

First Know Thyself To Know The Direction To Head In

Have you yet reached the point when enough is enough, where you wish to stop repeating the same patterns?

You need to change, and you need it now so you can stop experiencing what you do not want. Instead your life begins to head in the direction you desire. 

Once aligned with your Soul, every decision becomes easy for you.

Knowing exactly when to say yes or no to.

Because you know what choices you are making that are in alignment and those that are not.

Today I was talking to a woman who was angry at being that. The anger welled up whenever she was asked to do something she perceived as “woman´s work”!

She felt she did not have the freedom to make a choice as to whether she should do it or not.

How do you feel when doing something that is out of alignment, though you think you have to do it? How does your body react?

Perhaps it is the job you have to go to because it pays the bills? Or, the relationship not providing what you are seeking?

When alignment exists you experience inner peace, even when the external world appears to be in turmoil.

In order to be there, you have to quiet your monkey mind of everyone else’s opinion and be clear as to your direction to head in.

Then as the creator of your life, it is what you focus your thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

 How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?”  outlines how change can cause dis-connection to ourselves and those around us.

Trauma Will Help You Find The Direction To Head In 

However, it can also offer us the opportunity to refocus on what is truly important. Enabling us to heal past trauma, and step into a brighter, clearer future.

Then you will be able to stop and listen for the songs of your Soul to be sung again.

As the frequencies have risen, I have noticed the appearance of more sound healing. Another aspect of the changes underway.

The latest Message from Source summarises the action we are advised to take. 

As Charles Eisenstein reminds us, this change will not be obtained through force, fighting, or judging and convincing. That only reinforces the old paradigm of us/them separation.

Instead, it will be achieved through the loving, gentle shining of our light and nurturing education to a greater, brighter, bigger reality that we can all access.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

 How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?”  also has a reminder there is true power that can be harnessed by connecting more deeply with the Nature around you.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Knowing Your Direction To Head In 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Live Your Life And Do Something You Have Never Done Before? 🤔

Something You Have Never Done Before

A new contract is awaiting you

Adding to the change being initiated by the current transits, today I began a new journey around the sun.

The collective stage is being set for the next step in our unending growth and evolution.

Yesterday the new moon rose, inviting us to explore how to deepen our alignment with our intentions. Also asking us to focus on what we desire to evolve and expand in our lives.

Trust Yourself To Do Something You Have Never Done Before

Encouraging each of us to create the new by sharing our abilities, gifts and skills as we have never done before.

This will bring us lessons in re-birth and renewal. Reminding us that whilst the message is to co-create something grander than ourselves, it depends on us to fulfil our part.

Ready To Live Your Life And Do Something You Have Never Done Before? outlines how each of us is being encouraged to stretch the edges of the human story. 

For, in exploring what else is possible, we are stepping beyond the patterns of the past.

Very often these are based on judgements we have made about actions we perceive as “done to us” – being the victim.

Instead, seek the lesson you have learnt as a result of what has triggered your re-action.

Tomorrow, the 23rd, Pluto leaves Capricorn, where it has been since 2008, for a few months´ flirtation with collective minded Aquarius.

Pluto teaches us life is an unstoppable force. Providing opportunities for renewal, new beginnings and spiritual and financial growth.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, the previous more widespread financial crisis unfolded. Its impeding departure from Capricorn for Aquarius, is being marked  by the current banking crisis emerging.

Suggesting a cycle of what is in decay and in need of elimination is nearing completion!    

Speak Your Truth As You Have Never Done Before 

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance:

The practice of continuing to create the new is one you all need to maintain, for there is no end point, only the next horizon to look toward.”

This was complemented by guidance most existing soul contracts no longer support what is emerging.

Make sure everything possible is launched, finalised or in motion prior to 21st April. From then on, the remainder of 2023 will experience some form of retrograde energy, slowing us down and causing us to dance with the past.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by these transitions…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

We have begun to make the steps to return us to the state where everything is possible. Doing something you have never done before is a key part of this process!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in the creation of their new life.

To Doing Something You Have Never Done Before      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Change Your Life So You Live It From Your Heart? 😊

Live From Your Heart

Be silent to hear your Inner Wisdom

Waiting for an “event” to catapult you through this transition?

Or, perhaps you think you could just snap your fingers?

Yes, we are on the cusp of a new cycle.

One that promises to bring the potential for peace and creativity to a level we have not experienced for many an aeon!  

Awareness Of What To Change Will Free Your Heart 

Individually, together with Mother Earth, humanity is shifting, even though we may not know the form and structure of the new.

Each of us is being encouraged to bring all our abilities, gifts and skills into the open. Then you can complete the unique mission you incarnated to do.

Though as I know, this is not always plain sailing!

In fact, there are always going to be rough patches in your life – otherwise you are not growing and evolving. Which is a choice open to us at any moment!

These last evenings, I have been watching the evolving beauty of the Venus and Jupiter conjunction as the last of the sunset fades from the sky. These two benefics were closest on 2nd March, bringing a feeling of joy, being in love with life.

The 2nd March also saw a conjunction between Mercury and Saturn. Helping us to focus on the positive.

So, the 2nd was quite a day for the heart, helping us to feel what really matters to each of us – and so our priorities!  

For the way we will begin to change our world is from the Inside Out, not from the outside in.

Which is why we need to continue to say goodbye to anything that does not fit with the higher vibrations arriving. 

Want To Change Your Life So You Live It From Your Heart? has more insights on the role of being silent in order to hear your Inner Wisdom.

That is the way to obtain greater clarity as to what is unfolding for you.

It will also be essential to connect to your heart to help birth the new Earth.

Only When Silent Will You Hear Your Heart  

The latest Message from Source continues to advise each of us as to the choices each of us will need to make as we move through this period of transition.

Reminding us that it is these choices which will drive all of Creation.

There is also an explanation as why despite so much potential being available to us, many choose victimhood, struggle and limiting their creative expression?

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this beginning…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

With both Mercury and Saturn moving into Pisces this week and Pluto on the edge of Capricorn/Aquarius, this is a month of change.

Perhaps even the moment to consider “changing the course of your life?” 

Learning experiences and opportunities for self-discovery will be surfacing. Allow your feelings to act as your guides and teachers.

I will be writing shortly more about these transits, leading us into April´s eclipses! 

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living Life From Your Heart


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself?

Embrace Knowing Thyself

Six questions to help you make your next step

Have you experienced the conundrum of having so much you want to share, though something holds you back from sharing it?

The surprising truth? 

This is actually a GOOD sign.

Remove The Cobwebs To Knowing Thyself

For, it means you are at the crossroads of making a choice. Do you continue to play safe by hiding? Or, being seen by your audience for the very first time for who you truly are?

Source is encouraging you to bring all your abilities, gifts and skills into the open. Then you can complete the unique mission you incarnated to do.

Turning all the inner work you have been doing into an outward expression.

The self-doubt and fear you have been experiencing around showing up as your true self is completely usual.

You have personal experiences to support why being visible as your true self does not feel safe. It is not only you, this is a collective issue.

We are at a critical junction where all the decisions you make moving forward will be important.

Which in many senses is a return to what the great spiritual teachers and philosophers throughout history have emphasised – the importance of knowing thyself.

You have the opportunity to rewrite your story. To take back the torch and lead others through the current chaos.

The process of personal growth and evolution allows us to make course corrections in order to live fully as Source.

Our experience of life has always been an adventure – now even more so!

It is our thinking which keeps us stuck, along with our perception of being separate from Source.

Our true nature calls for unity with Mother Earth and Father Sky. Both are there to support us, provided we work in harmony with them.

It is your choice as to which path you choose.

Now Step Toward Knowing Thyself  

Are You Ready To Embrace The Moment For Knowing Thyself? has some insights as to the importance of being still in order to hear your Inner Wisdom.

Whilst events are going to require each of us to make a series of choices, the opportunity is immense.

The Message from Source outlines the steps to take with regard to the choices you will face.

Should an excuse surface as to why not to take the steps you desire, six questions are set out to help you identify its cause.

They will also help you identify the one action to take to begin to move toward your desire.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Knowing Thyself


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? 🙃

Which Path Do You Choose?

Five questions to help you choose your way forward    

Did you choose to live in this tumultuous, yet fascinating period?

2023 is the year for change as amongst several new cycles, we officially move into The Age of Aquarius.

Have Faith In The Direction You Choose

This period of new cycles and beginnings is once again going to test our strength, resilience, and courage. 

Yet, deep inside we recognise this is an unique opportunity for us to step onto our path. Confident we will uncover our true power to live a more meaningful, secure, successful and fulfilled life.

Doing so means taking responsibility for our own actions, having faith in yourself and your direction. Knowing your desires are aligned with those of the Creator. 

We are being asked to be fully in the world, though not of it.

To cross the threshold into the new cannot be achieved by remaining the same. The only challenges which repeat and so restrain us, are those which are incomplete or the lesson has yet to be accepted.

Which is why everything we experience is on the path of our Soul – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

To take this big step, we must heal and restore our relationship to the Creator, whilst uncovering the truth of who we really are.

Hence, why different paths appear so you choose your own way forward.

To help you do so, Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? details five questions you can ask yourself.

That said you have been preparing for this moment your whole life. Whatever it is – income creation, relationships, home…all of it.

For we bring into this life, challenges, fears, sadness and deeply painful experiences, as well as vows made in other lives – On purpose!

You Choose To Listen To Your Body Or Not

Your Soul is asking you to take a chance on the path that feels the most rewarding rather than what your “mind” recognises as secure.

Each soul has only one purpose in each life – to expand and evolve. It is not dependent upon what you have, do not have, want, or resent others for having.

Which is why so many who are called successful are not fulfilled. 

They feel they are not on purpose, whereas in fact they are! Only the Soul´s purpose is to unravel their limiting restraints.

For your Soul is triggering you to take action to change the pattern. It does not want to be doomed forever to live a life of poverty, restriction, struggle, or hard work.

Hence, pain and dis-comfort are created to make you take action. The body has found such messages to be almost the only way to effect change!

Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? has more insights to help you do so. 

Never before have opportunities for release, rebirth and breakthroughs been so easy and supported by all of Creation.

These events are going to require you make a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense.

Which is why you chose to incarnate at this moment, only you did not know how immense the opportunity!

Your Soul has some exciting prospects for you once you choose to listen.

What happens between now and the end of 2023 is upto each of us.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living The Life You Choose


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Will You Allow The New Momentum To Create The Life Of Your Dreams? 😙

The New Momentum To Create Your Life

Your breath will help you connect to your inner wisdom    

At some point in your life, it is likely you had to choose whether to listen to your head or your heart. 

Along the way you also likely dealt with many different internal dialogues creating conflicting thoughts and emotions… 

… most of which reflected back or affirmed your belief systems, fears, judgements, and distortions, rather than a focus on truth.

How did you know, in the end, that you made the decision that was best for you growth and evolution?

The Momentum Is Freeing You To Take Action

The new moon a few days ago once again highlighted new beginnings.

To step beyond what our mind has known.

Encouraging us to be independent and come together as a community using our individual uniqueness.

Each following our own Inner Wisdom rather than being directed as to the actions we can take.

The magic happens when everything you do reinforces why you are unique and the best option within your own evolutionary path.

We are now in an almost three-month period when we can choose to join with the momentum which has begun.

The new moon in Aquarius will be offering each of us insights to create opportunities. Only we will need to exercise our courage to grasp some of them.

Others, though exciting, will be temptations. We will need to connect with our Inner Wisdom to make our choice – head or heart?

This maybe challenging as it requires us to learn to trust in the unfolding momentum of events over which we have little or no control.  

We will need to create a regular practice to be in the moment. One where there is no mental chatter about the past or the future.

Working as the ancients and indigenous peoples, with our mind rather than controlled by it.

This action is at the heart of my latest article: “Will You Allow The New Momentum To Create The Life Of Your Dreams?”.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this beginning…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

Add Your Momentum To The Process Of Creation

22nd January was also the start of another of the cycles influencing our lives – the Chinese New Year. It heralded the Water Rabbit, viewed as the luckiest of all the 12 signs. It is a harbinger of hope, longevity, peace, and prosperity.

The latest Message From Source adds this guidance:

Now is the moment to act as a new born, seeking all you desire as you curiously explore what is around you. You will soon find the desire to step beyond even that – to explore beyond the horizon of your own awareness.”

As a bridging year, 2023 is preparing you for what lies ahead. Where everything is possible. You need to make your choice whether to join?

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to creating momentum in their life.

To The New Momentum Creating Your Dreams   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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