The Consciousness Emerging Will Change Your Life – Will You Allow It?💪

Consciousness Emerging

Move from the hierarchy of control to the freedom of creativity

Are you interested in living in a world within the consciousness emerging for humanity?

That will begin once you give yourself permission to feel. Or, did you already dismiss it as inappropriate or, are not good enough to do so?

When you allow yourself to embrace the sensations of feeling, energy begins to move in a more integrated way.

You Can Accelerate The Consciousness Emerging

Until early 2025, it is essential you maintain balance in your life. This will require you to be the observer of events, not caught up in their emotional drama. When you stay present and feel, events resolve and so you find yourself in a win-win world.

For, such cycles of disruption are simultaneously cycles of initiation, bringing in new aspects and consciousness in the evolution of your life.

Which changes in each moment as you feel, breath by breath, whatever it is you have been avoiding feeling.

Then you begin to free yourself to make your unique contribution to the consciousness emerging. For it is only from within you influence the hologram of the world around you.

Its sole purpose is to reflect back to you the unseen aspects of your own consciousness, until you feel and acknowledge them.

Encouraging you to then address the conflict limiting you from the evolution you incarnated to achieve.

Being human means our consciousness has its ups and downs as a result of our emotions and thoughts. This is the case whatever your purpose for incarnating.

In “The Consciousness Emerging Will Change Your Life – Will You Allow It? are some indicated timelines as to when phases will conclude. 

These will make more visible the de-construction of the pyramid structures of the current finance sector. As well as emergence of localisation to democratise fund raising.   

This will provide essential support for the new businesses, economies and structures appearing within society.

Though do remember, we determine its pace by the steps we each take to create, generate and experience Light on Mother Earth.

  Expect Re-structuring From The Fire Of 2024

 That is how each of us helps to raise our planet´s vibration, and so that of humanity.  

This is also how we re-kindle humanity´s creativity. An essential foundation to help us move beyond the world where we have lost touch with our truest essence.

This is the opportunity being offered by the consciousness emerging.

To welcome the magic back into our lives.

Enabling us to experience the full spectrum of emotions, experiences, challenges, and triumphs that make us human.

When embracing our magic, we recognise all of the shadow and all of the light that is within us.

It is from this point of balance, we begin to live the fullest life as we return to the wholeness of singularity.

Then we can harness the power of our inner wisdom and faith to provide solutions.

Helping us to move from the old hierarchy of control to the new freedom of creativity. To nurture ourselves and renew our connection to Source.

The latest Message From Source includes this insight: 

Notice what disturbs your peace and then ask yourself – `for what purpose did you create the disturbance?´ This will provide you with the opportunity to be free of it and so continue by taking the steps.” 

For your Light is here to be seen, not to be hidden!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to allow consciousness to emerge in their life.

To Feeling The Consciousness Emerging      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

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