Have You Asked Your Soul To Help Guide You Grow Your Business? 😁

Ready To Help Guide You

Three steps to help you start and grow your soul-aligned business  

Do you feel powerful?

Actually, being empowered is essential to each of us. As children we go through two different developmental phases to teach us how to become powerful.

Though when we think of being powerful, most of us view it as the exercise of force. 

The Collins English dictionary defines power as the: “ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.”

When we do not use our power correctly, we burn out, feel stuck or have no control over our lives. So, we are unable to maintain our well-being.

To Succeed Ask Your Soul To Help Guide You

Most of us have not learnt how to exercise our power. It comes from being aligned with our natural energy and being aware of our calling. The very reason for incarnating at this moment.

When we experience joy, harmony and sweetness in our lives, no matter how subtle, this lets us know we are on the path of our calling.

On many occasions yesterday I asked a group of clients about their calling. Had they heard their quiet inner voice confirming their direction? Several doubted the voice or feeling they had received. Not trusting it was their guidance.

My indication was to be open to how the communication comes. Be it an image, a feeling, words, or simple knowing, all are valid.

Though it may require a deliberate pause to be made from your usual activity.   

There is often fear and tension around the idea of waiting. “How long? What if nothing happens?” “What if I “miss the boat?” “Where will the money come from?” “How will anything in my life happen?”

The root of this worry is really about our self-worth and the artificial value society places on us being busy. “Who am I if I am not doing?” And, “what is my value in the world if I am not busy doing something?”

The underlying cause of this worry is really about learning to trust Source. For it is terrifying to wait when you do not trust you are fully supported by Source. Often resulting in back pain.

This lack of trust is evidenced by the number of people who do not listen to, let alone follow their guidance. They therefore push too hard, too fast, too much in the wrong direction.

Then There Are Your Guides To Help Guide You 

Using our vital energy to hold up masks and maintain facades that demonstrate to society who we think we “should be” in order to be loved, feel valued or successful. The only result of which will be to burn ourselves out!

Which will not create success in starting and growing your soul-aligned business!

“Have You Asked Your Soul To Help Guide You Grow Your Business?” outlines three steps to help you make decisions aligned with your Soul´s desires.

Using our life force energy to try not to be that someone saying “yes” when we want to say “no”. Denying our connection to Source trying to express itself through us.

We burn out and so cannot connect to the energy necessary to implement our creative ideas. The ones which will accelerate our lives and so our business.

For the more aligned we are with our creative potential, the easier it will be to find the elegant solutions to the challenges facing humanity today.

My passion is to help you to take action to Master your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to Master your Life click reply to contact me.

In “Have You Asked Your Soul To Help Guide You Grow Your Business?”  are also outlined actions to help you connect to your Guides.

Soul also leads how humanity evolves and the direction it is heading.

Though often, the problem is less the direction and more believing you can live it!

Humanity is moving from the ideology of me to we. Creating new success criteria to challenge the reputation of organisations, their executives and their customers. The recent pandemic has also had an influence.

Communicating with your Soul and connecting to your Guides will impact every aspect of your life.

To Asking Your Soul To Help Guide You


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Want To Create Your Own Reality Or Continue To Let Others Direct You?

Creating Your Own Reality

Three questions to help create your own reality

Planetary cycles create an ever-changing backdrop against which our day-to-day lives play out.

Some of these cycles are very long and others quite short, though all have an influence.

The lunar cycle is one we are all familiar with, as we watch the moon wax and wane across our sky.

Action Is Needed To Create Your Own Reality 

You probably know new moons symbolise the beginning of a new cycle. That in Leo last Thursday brought more than just any new beginning – its spotlight illuminates creative expression, star quality, flamboyance and heightened dramas.

This astrological energy is about aligning your ego and your conscious self – symbolised by the Sun,

Leo’s ruler – with your inner knowing and your soul’s destiny, symbolised by the Moon.

You have a choice to make – to follow the path of your ego and the norms created for you or to go deeper and fulfil the promise your Soul yearns.

Your choice is to continue to respond re-actively to situations or create based on your inner calling?

Want To Create Your Own Reality Or Continue To Let Others Direct You? expands on this.

Achieving it needs a clear alignment between your body, mind and spirit. Any conflict as to direction will simply put manifestation on hold.

The invitation of this new moon is to focus on deeply feeling what is going on within you, clearing away old patterns that distort your own reality.

Jupiter adds its retrograde energy to that of the new moon to set the scene for today 31st July´s very rare triple conjunction between Uranus and Mars, joined by the North node tomorrow, 1st August – all in Taurus.

The North node represents our future and when Mars and Uranus come together, surprises and breakthroughs happen.

Three Questions To Help Create Your Own Reality 

The greatest effect will be on our relationship with ourselves. Which is why as society moves from the belief we only have one life and so must take as much as we can from it, three different questions have risen to the top of the list clients ask for assistance to address.

August can be highly productive once you seize the day to pursue what makes you truly joyful.

The latest Message From Source includes a reminder for each of us of the importance of our choices:

…resistance may distract and slow the process of transition, it will not stop it. For what is unfolding is doing so on the grandest possible scale. This is why the change seems so intensive. It is clearing the old to embrace the new. How wholeheartedly depends on each of you and how you observe what is unfolding.”

Cosmic storms change the energy from September onward as October and November will bring challenging eclipses.

Earlier today when “kitchen coaching” with a guest, I was reminded of the importance of loving yourself first and foremost. None of you here can save the world when you are depleted, run down or burnt out.

Part of our learning as a Soul is often to experience how our wounds are triggered and so what we need to avoid. Only then can we create a reality of joy flowing into our life.  

A reflective first quarter Moon in Scorpio rises on 5th August. It brings with it tests of your will power, interpersonal challenges and a key lesson about forgiveness.

Reminding you to broaden your horizons beyond what you think is possible. Open up your intuition and instincts — solutions are about to arrive.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Your Own Reality


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Desire To Take Forward Your Life, What Is Holding You Back?

Take Forward What You Desire

The technological change emerging will create new leaders

The purpose of the recent eclipse cycle was to help us all break free of what was restraining us. Allowing us to take forward only what we desire.

Healing us of any lower density frequencies so that we could incorporate the higher ones. Moving in step with the acceleration which is taking place across all of Creation.  

The benefit for each of us is that as we clear our own value story, embrace our authentic identity and amplify our resilience and alignment, our life improves.

Yesterday the 30th May, the new moon in Gemini rose to create opportunities for us all.

The eclipses were a reminder we are in an 18 month cycle of the dragon nodes moving through the Taurus/Scorpio axis, stripping away deeply cherished connections whilst seeding new ones. The cycle completes in July 2023.

It is though just one of the cycles in play at this moment. Hence why we have needed to be inwardly digesting and then integrating – itself no small task as I said on many occasions to those attending last week´s retreat at our Quinta.

June will entail stepping up and stepping out with the resulting newfound clarity of self and purpose.

In Desire To Take Forward Your Life, What Is Holding You Back?, I have set out the periods when the intensity will continue.

The Mother Earth we knew pre-2020 has changed forever, and many have been left feeling – “What’s next?

Followed by “Can I make it there?”

Yesterday´s new moon in Gemini brought opportunities for us all. One of which was for new leaders to step forward. They will be required to take forward the emerging technological change.        

Ready To Take Forward Your Dreams?

The latest Message From Source includes advice on how to take forward this process of creation:

many new technologies are in the process of emerging, as are the means to communicate them to all of humanity…. bring forth from your own consciousness what are the desires in the moment and trust your feeling, not your thoughts.”   

June is the month to express yourself, to be true to who you are and rekindle your passions. To be in alignment with your soul´s mission. This though assumes you have let go of what no longer serves you and so allowed your frequency to rise.

This will be necessary to be free to manifest your desires over the next two years.

Mercury goes direct on 3rd June, though it will only be free of its post-shadow sludge on the 18th. During these two weeks expect a fair amount of confusion. Initially around how we communicate and in our day-to-day lives.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with a fresh perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Taking Forward Your Life                       


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed 😷

Revelations When Revealed

Imbalance in your life is created by absorbing the energies of others as well as their responsibilities

I am grateful for all the events and revelations of the past week because they have highlighted to me what I need to continue to address myself.
So being a more understanding father, friend, husband and person serving others.

External events bubble inner beliefs to the surface. Ones which have not changed and the bigger the external event the bigger the inner one.

When I choose to take 100% responsibility for what is going on, it can become a journey of transformation – no matter what happens externally. The transformation is not out of ignorance or blindness, rather it is my and mine alone choice.

Which is why earlier this week I asked another shaman on three occasions did he choose to initiate a change.  

This week has been wonderful to observe what appears within me. In particular to understand others more deeply. To show more love and compassion as well as allowing deeper guidance in serving others.

It has truly been inspiring.

Use your eyes to observe and the ears to hear the lessons. Then apply them so you do not need to repeat them in the coming period.

My latest story The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed outlines how Creation is using November to bring to the surface your deeply buried emotions.

For the move into the energy of 2021 is about to begin. In my story is an overview of the themes for 2021.

The essence is 2020 is to initiate re-structuring, especially of our beliefs and values. This enables 2021 to focus on the theme of personal freedom and changes.

Each of us will need to transform our old stories into a narrative that is truly worthy of our values and who we are.

Are you embracing this journey fully?

The greatest challenge ahead of us is learning to collaborate and co-create in a common direction even if our values are different. Our own inner guidance is going to be ever more important to guide us along our path.

As you do so would you like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality.

Schedule an  Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the contact tab to explore possibilities.

To Your Revealing Your Truth


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Facebook,  PinterestandTwitter