These Last Days Of April Will Shape The Form Of Our Future 💪

We Choose The Form Of Our Future

This full moon is an opportunity to see your Phoenix rising out of the ashes   

Have you been able to make sense of the many experiences, realisations, lessons and timelines altered over the six weeks since the eclipses began?

Based on my own experience and that of many others who have connected with me, do not push the process of integration. Your physical body will move at the pace it knows is best in terms of integrating the changes.

Make the necessary adjustments and reflect on all that has been learnt as you move forward in this new way, possibly even in a new direction!

The Winds Of Change Are Questioning The Form Of Our Future        

Remember, you will always be in a place where there is more for you to access. There will always be more opportunities to grow for you to experience.

Be kind to yourself and others as you explore the accessing and offering of your unique abilities, gifts and skills. Doing so in a conscious way is a big step forward for humanity and will shape the form of our future.

The Scorpio full moon rose early on the 24th, it is about accessing your inner power and self-trust. The more you have made sense of your experiences over the last six weeks, the more confident and trusting you will be in what you shape.

In addition to providing clarity, you will also experience a newfound sense of energy and vitality. Stepping beyond any fear, shame, grief etc. which has been keeping you in a “safe” place.

Then you are free to create your destiny.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet that governs both destruction and transformation. Pluto represents power and empowerment.

View this as the opportunity to see your Phoenix rising out of the ashes. This is when we discover how strong we are and how we will never succumb or give up taking back our power.

This full moon is therefore the moment to forgive and release all that surfaced before and as a result of the recent eclipses.

Allow it to shine its full light on all such beliefs and patterns. Listen to the messages from your body.

To help, perhaps ask yourself:

“What stories from my past need to be forgiven for you to regain trust in myself?”

Community And Collaboration Are The Form Of Our Future 

The astrology for the next few months is far more calm!

That said, there may be a resurgence of the situations and drama we faced during the eclipse season and the retrograde itself. Its purpose is to assist us continue shaping the form of our future.

Pluto offering its further assistance by going retrograde on 2nd May!

The retrograde offers a period of introspection to revisit unresolved issues from the past year and work towards healing. However, watch out for potential resistance to change as we pass through the last degrees of the old world, Capricorn, and birth the new, Aquarius.

Particularly, as its themes of community, collaboration and people coming together are going to emerge more strongly over the coming years.

The latest Message From Source included asking whether we had noticed how the colours and the very essence of Mother Earth seem more vibrant? Adding:

This is one of the effects of her move into the Fifth Dimension last December. Now she is consolidating ahead of the next moves. Each will bring its own unique sense of being. This is how you may track your own move. Sensing and feeling the difference in the vibration. Then congratulate yourself on completing the move.”

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to shape the form of their future.

To Creating The Form Of Our Future            


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Can You Find The Revelation Needed To Create The New You? ⬆️

Your Revelation Is Going To Be?

Strive for something that seems to be beyond your horizon of possibility

We are almost to the end of Imbolc and the appearance of the new moon in, yes Aquarius.

It is a significant period for personal and collective revelation. Providing indications of what Pluto’s 20 year journey through Aquarius will bring.

This though is not the only game in town! Other cycles are playing out, as are more fundamental shifts!

Another Revelation About Human Rights Needed?

I was reminded of this when channelling the latest Message From Source.

Further exploration as to what was meant by new energies and fields arriving, led to the conclusion all of Creation is about to jump a timeline – moving into another reality.

Combine this with knowing we are no longer confined to a pre-birth script or blueprint we must follow, leads to unknown horizons for the evolution of cosmic consciousness underway.

Hence, why it is an exciting moment to be incarnate!

For, we all have the choice to move onto whichever timeline you feel will give you the most joy. 

fMHO, the most important reminder from Pluto in Aquarius is – we cannot know what to expect!

We live in an epoch marked by unprecedented, exponential technological change. Analysts indicate in the 21st century, we will not experience 100 years of evolution, it will be more like 20,000 years!

This estimate though is based on the current growth rate, which we know to be accelerating!

Added to this, in my article I outlined how within a month of the storming of the Bastille, the French National Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Meaning, social change can also happen swiftly when a consensus exists – in the same period the Declaration of Independence by the USA was drafted!

Will this period witness another such revelation about personal freedom and human rights? 

How Deeply Buried Is Your Greatest Gift?

What matters most on your soul’s journey is not the event itself, it is how you act when faced with challenging circumstances. In particular, who you become as a result of the experience.

This is the part each of us is playing in the revelation of the new humanity, Mother Earth and so all of Creation.   

Then we will re-connect with our true self and the purpose of this life. For we incarnated to live a life of joy, not to just survive!

The latest Message From Source added this overview:

Very soon the new sense of direction will begin to emerge. Even though you have all experienced many of the cycles of evolution, this is not the case with regard to what is about to emerge.”

Ten days after the new moon brings a rare alignment between Chiron and the North Node. Its revelation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sense, understand and re-write your karmic patterns.

As well as an opportunity to discover your greatest gift.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to reveal what is deeply buried.

To Finding The Revelation For The New You


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

To Transform Your Life You Need To First Know Yourself 🌄

Believe And Know Yourself

Understanding who you are will allow you to make choices based on your power  

How did you feel over the last two weeks?

For me and many others, there was a need to slow down. Some being forced to by physical pain!

Was this triggered by Pluto´s move into Aquarius, or your own stuff calling to be addressed? It might have even been both!

Then a few days ago all planets moved direct and life seems far lighter!

Welcome to the twists and turns of 2024!

As I have written before, its focus is to enable us all to grasp self-empowerment. This will enable you to regain your power and live with the freedom to be yourself.   

Have You Ever Wondered Who You Are?

As we move deeper into the collaborative Age of Aquarius, there will be an emphasis on accepting the Creator, God, Source is within each of us, not outside.

The purpose is to know yourself as the whole being you are, not just the one you have grown up with! Rather to know yourself as a multidimensional being that is part of all of Creation. 

This is the message I was asked to communicate in my latest article.

In it is my overview of the key steps in the evolution of the Cosmos from which Mother Earth and so humanity have emerged!

What science has been unable to confirm is how and why stardust and life came into existence. Perhaps there is a guiding hand somewhere in play?

The 99.9% of the DNA of humans, our genome, is the same in every person. It is only the 0.1% variation that makes each of us slightly different from one another!

The coming month will bring more of your different pieces back together again. Helping you to know yourself more thoroughly, so you have the freedom to live your life as such.

Nine indicators are provided to help you determine whether or not your internal identity is directing your life, so slowing down this process. 

   Key Signs You Know Yourself            

The latest Message From Source reminded us the Cosmos as a whole is accelerating. It also broadened the message with this outline:   

We are noticing more choosing to step into leadership of their life, so allowing this to expand to include all of humanity. The coming two years will have moments of challenge for each of you, though that will be intense should you not know who you are.” 

To help you do so, some key signs you know yourself are detailed, as well as a process to help you resolve any barriers to you doing so.

Each of us has been given the opportunity to incarnate during this transition. This is not simply to clear away any karmic debt etc.. 

We are also being given the opportunity to add to our abilities, gifts and skills. Which is why it is essential you first know yourself as the whole being you are. 

Then you will have the peace and calm within you to hear your inner wisdom, and trust it!

This will have an impact on all your relationships. For, the act of communicating your experiences breeds compassion.

Compassion helps raise consciousness for it reminds you we are all part of the Creator’s energy! 

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to know themselves.

To Know Yourself     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

To Step Into The Fifth Dimension You Must First Know Yourself🤞

Be And Know YourSelf

The game has changed from separation to integration   

We have all had moments of anxiety, doubt, fear and worry. 

Be grateful you became aware of it because some spend their whole lives in those states of being.

Evolution is about gaining experience and so you create the opportunities to do so.

That is how you come to know yourself.

                Nine Symptoms Of Not Knowing Yourself 

Crisis and chaos are normal phases in evolutionary cycles. Periods of disruption and upheaval dismantle old infrastructures we have outgrown.

The one constant in such periods is ourself.

However, to find the solutions to the challenges facing us today we need to be creative in cultivating a new form of creative energy.

To do so you need to know yourself, who you really are. Allowing yourself the freedom to live life on your own terms – knowing what you seek from life.

For not knowing yourself, leads to confusion, a wastage of effort and possibly important opportunities.

Which is why To Step Into The Fifth Dimension You Must First Know Yourself details nine symptoms of not knowing yourself. There are also two indicators you know yourself.

To step into the fifth dimension means no longer holding onto resentment, anger, fear, and hatred. Yes, these and other emotions were experiences you intended for you to have. 

However, the game has changed from one of separation to that of integration.

Your destiny is to be in a state of joy, creativity, curiosity, and love because they are the vibrations of your Soul.

To achieve that you need to consciously know yourself so you can embody this truth of who you are.

The alternative is to remain on the hamster wheel you have created for your life.

Should you only look to linear, scientific formulae for the answers, you run the risk of missing the possibility of genuine change available to us all.

Instead, make a promise to yourself you will take one baby step today and everyday towards knowing you are the Creator of your life. 

For, you are here to experience yourself as such. Nothing will be more satisfying than to come to know yourself.  

Mastery And Wisdom Come From Knowing Who You Are     

Everywhere on Mother Earth people are awakening individually. This is already beginning to spread to a collective awakening.

Which will lead to singularity and so, further change.

For cycles of disruption are simultaneously cycles of initiation. Bringing in new consciousness and new aspects of the evolving human story.

In this regard, earlier this week my guidance was that 25% of humanity is now consciously aware. This has initiated a shift in global consciousness. 

Meaning you may feel more tired than usual as your body adjusts to the higher vibrations flowing during this week.

On Saturday, the equinox, I will be outlining my insights on “Where are we Heading, and will we make it?” as part of the RISE Up Summit.

To join me at 9:10 pm (GMT+01:00) Lisbon time, register at the Rise Up Summit above.

The latest Message From Source suggests you be the observer of the events unfolding, and: 

Dwell upon them and reflect do they bring you a sense of fun and joy. When they do not, then seek alternatives. They are also always present. Only it is your thoughts and feelings which attract the energy of those events into your life.”

Remember support is always available. 

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to come to know themselves.

To Know Yourself  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are?😄

Back to the Future You Desire

Next week Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension

These past few weeks have seemed heavier than the usual. Yes, it could be the summer heat, though it has been cooler than last year!

My sense is that for several reasons we are turning a corner – back to the future!

               Back To The Future To Create The Life You Desire 

The question then becomes what form do we desire it to take?

Which is where I prefer the metaphor of many seeds rather than just one for our infinite potential. 

This is because we tend to focus our growth in certain aspects of ourselves, while others are ignored.

We are moving through a period when we either awaken the dormant seeds of our greatest potential, or encourage those that have already begun to germinate and grow.

To me part of the purpose of a daily practice is to cultivate the seeds in our day-to-day lives. Taking responsibility for your life means no longer waiting for the wisdom to sprout on its own without any personal effort.

Events then transpire to support our actions, or encourage us to review our chosen direction!

Though these past few weeks have felt heavy, there have also been many encouraging signs as to the connected nature of the evolution underway.

In part this is the reason I highlighted in Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? the benefits many who have journeyed deepest into the land of depression, terror, or death have obtained.

Rather than remaining in a pattern of victimhood and suffering, they can return exuding great compassion, gratitude, ease, and often joy.

To me, this illuminates beautifully the opportunity in humanity´s current transition.

What I have learnt is that when it comes to spiritual evolution, everything can change in a heartbeat. 

As I continuously remind myself, everything is accelerating.

Or, is it? 

Perhaps it is our view of the linear and third-dimensional constraint of time which is changing? 

                 Back To The Future Without Structures 

The idea that time is an illusion is a common theme in Buddhist and Taoist scripts. Their concept is that all moments exist as a single, unified whole and that time is a mere human construct.

Which is why Atlantis is still influencing our lives.

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? has a summary of information received about the reasons for Atlantis´ demise.

The key takeaway from which is that as energetic beings, all our actions are not constrained to a location or a time and space.

Next week another stage in the process underway completes. That is when Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension again, before completing the move to the fifth dimension in December 2025.

The latest Message From Source includes the advice to be the observer as:

The same will be true for the coming weeks as momentum increases to the next moment in the cycle of evolution.”

There are also some indications as to how the fifth dimension will re-shape our lives. 

For our spiritual evolution just is. Though more patience will be required as we come to accept the nature of the transition as the new begins to take form.

For, our seeds need just the right amount of water and sunlight to reach their full potential.

The fifth dimension is timeless and everything happens instantaneously.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power – within ourself.  And, within the now, where each moment brings a different vibration.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step back to the future.

To Step Back To The Future     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? 🐉

What Have You Dreamed Of Becoming?

More extreme weather, radio signal disruption and geomagnetic activity is on its way  

Everything you have dreamed of becoming and creating is about to come rushing toward you!

2023 and 2024 provide opportunity for us to finally break free from old patterns and stuck places.

Yes, there will be challenges as intensity, turbulence and shadows escalate. The silver lining though is they will also bring awareness, breakthroughs and new opportunities. 

In doing so they bring forth our freedom to create the future we have always dreamed of.

Are you ready to receive it???

Free To Be All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming?

The challenges and the opportunities are two sides of the same coin of evolution. 

We are being offered the choice to embrace and fully live our own magic!

Whilst no-one knows exactly what is going to emerge, the world will be very different from the one we grew up in and have inhabited since our conception.

Which is why giving ourselves the freedom to dream our desires is essential to play our part in creating what emerges.

This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? outlines where humanity is in terms of approaching the tipping point in humanity´s consciousness. 

As with all new moons, this one on the 17th asks us to embrace new beginnings. Freeing you to be who you have dreamed of becoming.

In this, on the same day a new 18 month cycle begins for the lunar nodes.

The North, where we are heading toward, moves into Aries, and the South, the karma we are seeking to leave behind, into Libra.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries seeks new beginnings and is adventurous, spirited, and pioneering with a determination to push independently forward against all odds.

Libra is fascinated by balance and symmetry, always seeking justice and equality. This it knows will only come from within.

The old paradigm of the only way to create what you desire in life is through working hard, is leaving. 

However, unless you are an active participant in your life, how can Source direct to you the opportunities to create what you desire?

Ready To Be Who You Have Dreamed Of Becoming?

The essence of this transition is freeing each of us to be ourselves, taking responsibility for our life. 

Meaning take the reins of your life into your own hands to create opportunity and magic! Only then will clarity exist as to what you desire! 

For each of us is unique. And, humanity is inherently adaptable!

Should you be unclear as to your desires, how do you know which road to take, what choices to make, and what door to walk through?

My suggestion to help you gain clarity is to take these three steps:

  1. Reflect on your life, on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being there), how close are you to living your dream? Should you have more than one dream, then focus on which one feels the most exciting!
  2. Ask for guidance as to the three next steps to move you toward your dream.
  3. Take action in the next 24 hours on one of those steps.

The latest Message From Source offers this support:

Maintain your own progress, in doing so you create the field of energy which encourages others to follow their feelings and so consciousness of what is their own path”

In addition to insights as to the astrology for the last part of July, This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? also contains an overview on the emerging themes.

These will help you adapt to the new era, which you will create through your heart.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to be who they have dreamed of becoming.

To Being Who You Have Dreamed Of Becoming          


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? 😁

Have you Found Your Objective?

This is one of the best weeks ever!   

Seeking a deeper meaning, purpose, or intention in your life just now, then pay close attention to more than what appears in your external world.

For it is in your internal world you will find most guidance.

The Objective Of This Full Moon Is A New Beginning   

Taurus is the sign of our physical bodies and the Jupiter/node and Mercury/Uranus conjunctions, are both, yes, in Taurus.

Our bodies are our teachers, constantly providing messages.

Initially as subtle hints, which should they be ignored will grow into symptoms and then pain and dis-comfort. 

Listening to your inner voice brings a wealth of guidance, including which way to head and with whom.

Early on 4th June the full moon in Sagittarius rises. It will provide you with an optimistic approach to life and a belief it will improve, even should you feel surrounded by challenges!

A full moon usually indicates completion. However, the influence of Mars on this one creates a sense of new beginnings.

Encouraging you to express yourself, to see yourself, to allow yourself to change. Developing new avenues, awareness, and techniques as you adapt to the flow of this transition.

When you embrace the courage of your convictions, there is no limitation to what you can accomplish. Take it in both hands and choose your own objective and then your mission!

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? has more on the energies and actions encouraged by this full moon.

As Mother Earth, and so humanity, adjust to higher frequencies, what was considered magical or coincidental, will once more be within our power to manifest.

Though remember you are either connected or in separation. You cannot be in both states at the same moment!      

Your Objective Is To Embody Greater Possibility  

June is a month infused with calming, grounding energy that facilitates a deep connection to your personal journey.

In numerology it is a 13 month, and both the moon and sun are at 13º. This is the number of the divine feminine.

Its energy is about love and nurturing, with a strong emphasis on change, support and connection.

None of which fit too comfortably into the hierarchical structure of the society we are leaving. June is also the month of the Solstice.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance: 

Be as the small child exploring a new toy. Free your imagination to create beyond your current desires. This is how each of you impacts the experience of all of creation. Which is the purpose of each and every soul.”

This full moon also conjuncts the Great Attractor, a supercluster of stars that contains our own Milky Way. Its energy is making this full moon even more potent with regard to our dreams and visions.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by the transitions underway…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

Have You Agreed Your Objective? Does Its Mission Give Your Life Meaning? also details the months, beginning with June, when the USA´s Pluto return will bring to the surface conflict with the energies of the transition underway.  

The polarised structure of what was is crumbling, a quantum leap in consciousness is unfolding.    

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in creating the objective and mission to give their life meaning.

To Your Life Having An Objective And Mission 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Power Is For You To Exercise With Love, Not Give Away To Others 😁

The Power Within

Are you aware you might be terrified of being powerful?

Last Saturday we completed three days of ceremony guiding participants to be in their power to live an authentic life.

Each was an entrepreneur seeking to adjust to what is emerging and step into the next phase in their life. To know their truth and be aligned with their authentic self.

What I have come to appreciate over the years is that the single biggest cause of pain and dis-comfort is the dis-connect people experience when not living an authentic life.

This manifesting in financial problems, relationship issues, physical pain, creative blocks, and even spiritual suffering.

Once they acknowledge the power of who they truly are, they are able to relieve that pain, accelerate their personal fulfilment and create truly meaningful lives.

Ready To Discover Your Power And How Amazing You Are?   

Some of the group were fathers of young children. The concluding discussion moved to how it is becoming more and more common for  children to maintain a deeper and stronger connection with Source.

Also, how they seem to be more confident in “remembering” broader aspects of who they are spiritually.

Meaning they will probably be more compassionate, interdependent, community-oriented, loving and wise.

What is often ignored, is that whilst in the womb the foetus is absorbing the energy surrounding it. Impacting the child´s subsequent life.

Current research in the field of epigenetics indicates the foetus begins establishing belief systems on a neural-biological level as early as three months before birth. My experience is that it is earlier.

These “new” children are simply bringing into form the higher frequencies we all have the power to create.

Only what was once considered unusual, will now be considered commonplace. Memories from other lives, spiritual understandings and even stronger intuitive abilities will be the new “normal”.

Meaning today’s children are born with an awareness that took many at least half their lives to accept!

This new emerging state was confirmed for me in the guidance I noted sometime ago. Everyone over the age of two now has the opportunity to enter into a new soul contract.

This each of us has the power to effect when we choose to.

For, being in your power means you are aligned with your truth, being your authentic self.

More on how we are all designed to be powerful is set out inPower Is For You To Exercise With Love, Not Give Away To Others”

Allowing Others To Use Your Power?  

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

The latest Message from Source provides this guidance:

make your choice to create beyond your own desires. You can also exercise your power, for then 2+2 creates more than four.”

My passion is to help you take action to discover your power and how amazing you are

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

The secret to a happy and fulfilled journey is to live a life that feels fun and joy in the moment, allowing the outcome to emerge.

Then you will no longer be terrified of your power. For you are aligned with your truth, being your authentic self.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to live in their power.

To Exercising Your Power With Love


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Life Is Changing. Ready To Take This Opportunity To Lead Its Creation? 😉

Your Life Is Changing

   Four steps to help you dance into your future

We are on the cusp of a major shift on Mother Earth – which will therefore impact humanity!

To heal ourselves and live a truly good life, we must learn how to stop trying to change the world outside of us and instead transform our inner world.

Living our life based on insight instead of eyesight.

Life Is Changing – It Is An Opportunity  

To do that we must build a spiritual root structure strong enough to withstand the unfolding changes, yet deep enough to tap our greatest potential.

Living from connection to our Inner Source instead of relying on external resources.

Something of an apparent paradox as the emerging age is based on collaboration rather than being separate. No longer holding to the belief we must do everything ourselves.

The objective is that each of us is empowered, creative, productive, and manifesting abundance no matter what situations we face.

To do so we need to change the stories we tell, the words we use and the beliefs we hold. All have the power to influence your gene expression and so become part of the very structure of your being.

As are your ancestors, your Soul and your DNA. They are all core components to what you express in your life.

Earlier today I was with a client at a high energy location where she guided herself through a re-birth.

This is the essence of the shift which is underway.

My passion is to help you to take action to embrace the opportunity provided by your life changing…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source adds some insight with regard to this with:

We are now again at a transition point. There are three more before this phase completes. Each has its own emphasis, an adjustment needed for humanity and Mother Earth…

…The key for each of you is to step beyond what has been restraining you. Then the new can arrive freely. Not removing the past will prevent the new from arriving, no matter how much you envision your desires.” 

Gain Clarity For Your Life Is Changing

Stepping beyond such beliefs helps you override your old genetic programming. Helping you regulate your health, your well-being and even change the expression of your genetics.

For science shows us our DNA is far more malleable than we were taught in school. 

Great crises can easily mean we give up, give in, never try again, or even be more final.

Which is why in Life Is Changing. Ready To Take This Opportunity To Lead Its Creation? I have outlined a four step process to help you dance into the future, from the present, after first surrendering your past. 

Then cell by cell, step by step, you transform and create your Soul´s desires. 

This phase is an opportunity to create a new structure for yourself.

Experience though indicates whilst ready to leave behind the old, some are not yet willing to step into the unknown of the new. 

In this all will be helped by Mars going retrograde on the 30th. What previously was not accessible will now become so. Providing us with new strength to confront, cleanse, and chart our course correction.

1st November brings a further thinning of the veils between the physical and spirit worlds.

On the same day a first quarter moon in Aquarius rises. It will bring clarity, strength of will and confidence to help us. It will also urge you to look past social and cultural expectations about “success” in your life.

Instead asking what brings you joy. What do worthiness, ambition and success feel like to you?

Life Is Changing. Ready To Take This Opportunity To Lead Its Creation? contains further insights on what November has in store as well as the coming full moon eclipse in Taurus.

One Spirit World  

As you know already, we are transiting into a new era, a new Earth. Many different cultures have indicated this place metaphorically and literally for thousands of years.

Which means the transformation includes all on Earth as well as Mother Earth herself. The current seismic and solar activities and storms are portents of the physical shifts underway.

The power for transforming our current situation begins with you and me!

Which is why I am honoured to be speaking again on Friday the 4th in the Embrace The Woo: The Spirituality Experience. My subject on this occasion is: Shamanic Healing For Abundance And Money Freedom.

It is immersive, experiential day of healing and transformation for you, your relationships and your business. I will be providing some live healing at the end of my talk.

You will have a chance to meet individually with at least one, and possibly upto five Featured Practitioners in a 20-minute session on various healing modalities. Perhaps you always wanted to try though not yet had the chance to do so!!

Do not miss this opportunity! Go here to learn more and register

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Taking The Opportunity Of Your Life Is Changing


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter


Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret? 😁


How do you make decisions? How do you know what to choose?  

Do you find though often busy you are just reacting to events? 

With no free moments to pursue the most important objectives and experiences?

As you move through your day, are you unsure whether your activity will achieve the results you deeply desire?

Making Decisions Based On Anxiety And Fear?

Are your days such they go by in a blur and you hit the pillow wondering where did the day go, feeling as though you have not completed what you really wanted or needed?

The life you are living at this moment is the result of every decision you have ever made.

For the course you choose to navigate moves you towards your future – choice, by choice, by choice.

Each of your small personal decisions provides an element to build the bigger choices that seem to direct our world.

However, it takes practice and support to remember your way of “choosing”.

Afterall, it is easy is it not when life moves out of control to try to “figure out” what to do? Feeling stress, panic and overwhelmed as a result.

That at least seems to be the case for many during this transition. Making choices based on the anxiety and fear created by your Lifeguard, your unconscious mind, rather than listening to your body and Soul.

Evidenced by the number of people who push too hard, too fast, too much in the wrong direction. 

This is because most have not learnt how to exercise our power. It comes from being aligned with our natural energy and being aware of our calling. The very reason for incarnating at this moment.

When we experience joy, harmony and sweetness in our lives, no matter how subtle, this lets us know we are on the path of our calling.

“Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” explores this more as well as outlining the importance of being in the moment. 

What Decisions To Make To Create The Life You Desire

For being at peace and calm will help you navigate successfully this period marking the end of an era.

The latest Message From Source included this perspective:

Your world is not going to disappear. Change its form yes, creating new opportunities and many other aspects which you will be able to look back on with joy.”

With regard to the coming eclipse cycle, we are already feeling its energy.

This moves up a notch on the 22nd when Venus joins the Sun whilst in the sign of the scales – Libra. The last such alignment was 250 years ago.

There is more in “Do The Decisions You Make Bring You Joy Or Regret?” on the new moon solar eclipse on the 25th.

Eclipses are infamous for bringing new, strange elements, people, or events into our lives. They influence far more the collective, earthly, or at least geographically local than personal. Though do check where 2º and 16º of Scorpio/Taurus fall in your astrological chart.

And to prepare for the unexpected? Be flexible, do not resist/fight whatever is coming toward you. Feel into any re-action to identify the lesson for you.

Your Decisions Will Change Your Future 

Seek the support of others, this is not the moment to be stubborn and arrogantly go your own way without seeking resolution to what you feel.

Meaning relationships will be to the fore as we are pushed to break old patterns. Which indicates control and power issues will surface, as they are on the world stage.

As without, so within. 

My passion is to help you take action to bring joy into your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, click reply to contact me.

Your Soul is asking you to be the leader of your life.

The total lunar eclipse on 8th November is when all the unconscious fears and re-actions to the solar eclipse can either support or destroy the new impulses/paths created with the solar eclipse.

My summary is we will be shown what is needed to take back control of our life´s journey. So, then you will know what decisions to make to create the life you desire.

The guideline always being what brings you joy?

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Making Decisions That Bring You Joy


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter