To Step Into The Fifth Dimension You Must First Know Yourself🤞

Be And Know YourSelf

The game has changed from separation to integration   

We have all had moments of anxiety, doubt, fear and worry. 

Be grateful you became aware of it because some spend their whole lives in those states of being.

Evolution is about gaining experience and so you create the opportunities to do so.

That is how you come to know yourself.

                Nine Symptoms Of Not Knowing Yourself 

Crisis and chaos are normal phases in evolutionary cycles. Periods of disruption and upheaval dismantle old infrastructures we have outgrown.

The one constant in such periods is ourself.

However, to find the solutions to the challenges facing us today we need to be creative in cultivating a new form of creative energy.

To do so you need to know yourself, who you really are. Allowing yourself the freedom to live life on your own terms – knowing what you seek from life.

For not knowing yourself, leads to confusion, a wastage of effort and possibly important opportunities.

Which is why To Step Into The Fifth Dimension You Must First Know Yourself details nine symptoms of not knowing yourself. There are also two indicators you know yourself.

To step into the fifth dimension means no longer holding onto resentment, anger, fear, and hatred. Yes, these and other emotions were experiences you intended for you to have. 

However, the game has changed from one of separation to that of integration.

Your destiny is to be in a state of joy, creativity, curiosity, and love because they are the vibrations of your Soul.

To achieve that you need to consciously know yourself so you can embody this truth of who you are.

The alternative is to remain on the hamster wheel you have created for your life.

Should you only look to linear, scientific formulae for the answers, you run the risk of missing the possibility of genuine change available to us all.

Instead, make a promise to yourself you will take one baby step today and everyday towards knowing you are the Creator of your life. 

For, you are here to experience yourself as such. Nothing will be more satisfying than to come to know yourself.  

Mastery And Wisdom Come From Knowing Who You Are     

Everywhere on Mother Earth people are awakening individually. This is already beginning to spread to a collective awakening.

Which will lead to singularity and so, further change.

For cycles of disruption are simultaneously cycles of initiation. Bringing in new consciousness and new aspects of the evolving human story.

In this regard, earlier this week my guidance was that 25% of humanity is now consciously aware. This has initiated a shift in global consciousness. 

Meaning you may feel more tired than usual as your body adjusts to the higher vibrations flowing during this week.

On Saturday, the equinox, I will be outlining my insights on “Where are we Heading, and will we make it?” as part of the RISE Up Summit.

To join me at 9:10 pm (GMT+01:00) Lisbon time, register at the Rise Up Summit above.

The latest Message From Source suggests you be the observer of the events unfolding, and: 

Dwell upon them and reflect do they bring you a sense of fun and joy. When they do not, then seek alternatives. They are also always present. Only it is your thoughts and feelings which attract the energy of those events into your life.”

Remember support is always available. 

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to come to know themselves.

To Know Yourself  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values? 😁

You Are Your Identity And Values

What you seed during this new moon will bloom into something wonderful  

As I write this post we are in the dark phase of the moon. The moment to turn within and let go as this last lunar cycle is completed.

The new moon in Virgo rises early 15th September, until then find moments to be still, feel, listen and release. Be prepared for your identity and values to be challenged. 

   Your Identity And Values Are Hiding Who You Really Are 

This is a fascinating new moon as only 19 hours after she rises, Mercury, who rules Virgo, stations direct.

Together they set into motion what we have been re-thinking, reviewing and revising these last few weeks. Once Mercury has gained forward momentum is the moment to begin to take action – suggesting late Saturday on!

As this moon has an emphasis on drawing us within and to the identity and values of our past, my encouragement is to review your experiences.

In particular, to ensure you fully understand where you have been before you take the next step.

Anything new you set into motion around your health and physical activity is supported. 

The goddess that is Virgo is reminding us all we are sovereign beings. As such to stand in our power, to be who we are.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and change, is influencing this new moon to challenge our identity and values.

Should we continue to view life through our old stories, we will be confronted by them during this lunar cycle. 

Their purpose is to eventually spark an awakening – though not just yet!

As I have set out in ”Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values?, seven planets are currently retrograde.

Of the major planets, only Mars is moving fast and directly! He is the action planet of the zodiac, symbolising desire, drive and energy. Beware though of acting impulsively from ego!

This new moon will perhaps bring up beliefs that are seeking awareness, then healing. Then you will be free to discover who you really are! 

Virgo is encouraging healing by integrating our past experiences, feeling them, accepting and forgiving them at their root cause. Freeing us to then step onward. 

      The September Equinox Marks A Major Point Of Choice 

The latest Message From Source indicates this transition is proceeding faster than was expected. It also provides a sign you too are moving toward a different dimension.  

It concludes with: 

This is how you will then in turn be able to assist others. For this is your calling! It is not the intention to create a divided community between those who have and those who have yet to choose.”

Also in ”Ready For The Challenge Of This New Moon To Your Identity And Values?” is some information regarding the intensity of the sun´s rays.

These are playing a part in upgrading our bioelectrical DNA and so creating the environment in which humanity evolves. 

On the 23rd in Libra, we will find ourselves at the moment of equal light and shadow.

Some 75 years ago, science confirmed that around each equinox the solar winds create cracks in Mother Earth´s magnetosphere. 

Meaning at each equinox it is possible to more easily receive information from higher dimensions. Hence, the indigenous practice of ceremonies at equinoxes.

For this is also the moment when our own personal energies come into alignment with the ebb and flow of Mother Earth and her seasons.

Libra´s scales reminding us of the importance of balance in our lives as we move from one identity into something else!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to challenge their identity and values.

To Knowing Your Identity And Values           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change👍

Life Beyond Your Self-sabotaging

Have you run from addressing your inner wounds?  

Do you have a sense of the direction you are heading?

Close your eyes for a moment and visualise you living life to the full, aligned with your Soul´s desires.

What do you feel?

What do you see?

Is the life you are sensing different from the one you are currently living?

The Law Of Attraction Is Self-sabotaging Your Life

The sad reality for many of us, is that at some point in our lives (sometimes on several occasions), we find ourselves feeling there is something we are lacking in our life.

Whether it is your physical health, career, relationships or even finances…

Rather than waking up grateful for each new day, we are immediately reminded of stress, dis-ease or an unshakable feeling there is something we are missing in our life.

For there is more

…only you need to find it and to do that you must look within.

Yes, it is difficult to accept you are the only one self-sabotaging your life, holding you captive in old beliefs and patterns.

Which is why I highlighted in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change the role of the much mis-understood Law of Attraction.

For, as our thoughts become things so we resonate with them – hence, we attract them. Our resonance, our energy signature is created primarily by our emotional patterning rather than just our mental, intellectual or conscious thoughts.

Which is why old patterns and beliefs must first be released to allow new inspirations to take up residence.

No one else is sabotaging you.

It is your own mind that is your master. However, it also makes an excellent servant.

So, really today is about choosing to regain control of your mind as much as it is about breaking down the walls of your own beliefs.

Ready To Demolish Your Tower? 

It is the Tower of our limiting beliefs we need to demolish in order to grow and become who we know we are.

Once we accept that and take responsibility for self-sabotaging ourselves, we have the power to change and release ourselves from the buried experiences that make us feel stuck and imprisoned.

I am often asked what to do with “negative” emotions around not knowing the next step to take. The solution I point them towards is not controlling or even treating the emotions they are having. They are valid and exist.

Instead, I point people towards a skillset they had when they were young – to adventure. This grew through our childhood.

More is in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change.

Should you feel stuck in any area of your life, I invite you to step into possibility. You have the ability to unlock the power of your inner wisdom through embodiment. This allows for greater transformation and healing, be it financial, health, relationship, stress, work, and much more.

Your destiny is to be in a state of joy, creativity, curiosity, and love because they are the vibrations of your Soul. The key is, you need to consciously embody this truth of who you are.

Whether you are ready to grasp the opportunity to initiate the lasting change your Soul is yearning, is your choice. As it is to face your shadow work.

Self-sabotaging What You Are Seeking To Manifest?

When not embodied, we lose our sense of self and the mind has to create a false sense of self by controlling the environment around us.

Should such arise, then feel into your body where the pain or dis-comfort sits. Hug that area or place your hands there so your spiritual body knows where the energy is not flowing.

This will allow you to free the energy circuits in your physical body.

You may need to do so more than once during September and early October. For many of us, this will have a focus on cleaning energy.

It may be within us, the outside world or a little bit of both. This is part of the transition process underway.

As I have mentioned before, our ancient wisdom is seeking to be remembered. This includes our sensory wisdom, both our psychic and physical senses.

You will feel this moving through you. In particular, in the solar plexus and third eye chakras.

Later in October, expect the sense everything is accelerating to return.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power, within ourself. That is the way to stop self-sabotaging the life you desire.

Remember support is always available.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the lasting change they desire in their life.

To Stopping Self-sabotaging Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

This Full Moon Wants You To Be Calm And Seek Peace, Trusting In Its Flow 😃

Be Calm And Seek Peace

Follow your gut and step back to notice how you feel

Very early on 31st August the brightest full moon of 2023 will loom large in the sky. We have been watching it grow these last few evenings as it rises up over the Sera – quite an enthralling sight!

Usually a supermoon in a water sign such as Pisces will create inner stirrings as well as cascading emotions. 

This Full Moon Brings Emotion, Inspiration And Creativity 

This one will illuminate the skies with emotion, inspiration and creativity. It has though a deeper purpose to highlight lessons necessary for our evolution.

For this moon is connected to Saturn, the Lord of Karma.

It is encouraging us all to move beyond superficiality into something more meaningful and soulful. 

Its call to fully face your feelings continues until May 2025. Before dipping back in again and finally leaving Pisces in February 2026.

Adding to this need for reflection is that not until after 10th October will there be fewer than five planets retrograde.

Everything appears to slow down when five or more planets are retrograde simultaneously – Uranus made the sixth earlier this week! Whilst Venus goes direct on 3rd September, Jupiter goes retrograde the next day.

Whilst each of the planets has a different focus, the purpose of these retrogrades is to encourage us to reflect, be calm and seek peace.

Only then will it be possible to identify the internal changes in attitude or behaviours necessary to make possible the change you desire.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this reminder: 

Be present with regard to your own desires. This is what is needed to maintain the momentum. Do not be afraid to have clarity as to what your feelings are seeking to create – all is possible!”

However, we must first face a decision or transition from which there will be no turning back!

Yes, new opportunities will surface, though it will mean the last goodbyes to what once brought you comfort and safety.

This full moon initiates a period of inner restructuring on the emotional level so that you can become more of who you desire to be.

You Need To Be Calm And Seek Peace 

Why not heed the call of Pisces to listen to the whispers of your dreams to help you?

In This Full Moon Wants You To Be Calm And Seek Peace, Trusting In Its Flow is more on the influences of this moon, as well as the length of the planetary cycles. 

As I was writing this email, a lady contacted me about some recent shocks she had been receiving. More detail as to the reason for such awakenings is also in the article.

When you allow yourself to feel the truth, so you raise the vibration of consciousness.

This is the process we are all taking part in, and the effect is evident in the further proportion of humanity that is now consciously aware.

What you cling onto in the third and fourth dimensions will prevent you, at least temporarily, from experiencing the lightness of being that you are destined to experience as your fifth-dimensional self, your higher self.

Once singularity is embraced, whatever you see out there you know is also part of you. What is often viewed as the mirror effect! 

That is the way you lighten your load and feel the way that you want to feel. 

It has never been easier than now to accept thoughts that are going to serve you and those that will not.

With that awareness you can let go what does not serve you. Remembering, it was not random. 

Feel what lies behind such thoughts. Feel the vibration, breathe into it. 

Is it a vibration that gives you a good feeling or not? Discard one and enjoy the other.

That is a simple way to change your life and so your world.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some assistance to be calm and seek peace.

To Be Calm And Seek Peace           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are?😄

Back to the Future You Desire

Next week Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension

These past few weeks have seemed heavier than the usual. Yes, it could be the summer heat, though it has been cooler than last year!

My sense is that for several reasons we are turning a corner – back to the future!

               Back To The Future To Create The Life You Desire 

The question then becomes what form do we desire it to take?

Which is where I prefer the metaphor of many seeds rather than just one for our infinite potential. 

This is because we tend to focus our growth in certain aspects of ourselves, while others are ignored.

We are moving through a period when we either awaken the dormant seeds of our greatest potential, or encourage those that have already begun to germinate and grow.

To me part of the purpose of a daily practice is to cultivate the seeds in our day-to-day lives. Taking responsibility for your life means no longer waiting for the wisdom to sprout on its own without any personal effort.

Events then transpire to support our actions, or encourage us to review our chosen direction!

Though these past few weeks have felt heavy, there have also been many encouraging signs as to the connected nature of the evolution underway.

In part this is the reason I highlighted in Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? the benefits many who have journeyed deepest into the land of depression, terror, or death have obtained.

Rather than remaining in a pattern of victimhood and suffering, they can return exuding great compassion, gratitude, ease, and often joy.

To me, this illuminates beautifully the opportunity in humanity´s current transition.

What I have learnt is that when it comes to spiritual evolution, everything can change in a heartbeat. 

As I continuously remind myself, everything is accelerating.

Or, is it? 

Perhaps it is our view of the linear and third-dimensional constraint of time which is changing? 

                 Back To The Future Without Structures 

The idea that time is an illusion is a common theme in Buddhist and Taoist scripts. Their concept is that all moments exist as a single, unified whole and that time is a mere human construct.

Which is why Atlantis is still influencing our lives.

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? has a summary of information received about the reasons for Atlantis´ demise.

The key takeaway from which is that as energetic beings, all our actions are not constrained to a location or a time and space.

Next week another stage in the process underway completes. That is when Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension again, before completing the move to the fifth dimension in December 2025.

The latest Message From Source includes the advice to be the observer as:

The same will be true for the coming weeks as momentum increases to the next moment in the cycle of evolution.”

There are also some indications as to how the fifth dimension will re-shape our lives. 

For our spiritual evolution just is. Though more patience will be required as we come to accept the nature of the transition as the new begins to take form.

For, our seeds need just the right amount of water and sunlight to reach their full potential.

The fifth dimension is timeless and everything happens instantaneously.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power – within ourself.  And, within the now, where each moment brings a different vibration.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step back to the future.

To Step Back To The Future     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready For Shining Your Light On Your Inner World Under This New Moon? 😆

For Shining Your Light

We will soon know the most probable paths ahead for Mother Earth and humanity!

Early on 16th August a new moon in Leo rose. Its message is to prioritise yourself and your own desires.

Our conditioning has been encouraging us to put other people’s wants before our own.

This Is The Moment For Shining Your Light 

This new moon is asking you to follow what feels good to you whilst setting boundaries and saying no to what does not light you up.

Leo the Lion is linked to confidence, a love of life and exuberance.

It also exudes confident optimism which refuses to accept failure.

All of which will help you manifest your dreams.

Though, remember manifesting starts from a place of feeling, not thought!

The latest Message From Source has this encouragement:

In many senses, the more different is what you are seeking, the easier it will be to create it – for nothing will need to be replaced!”

Remember, you are a participant in this collaborative Cosmos.

In this Universe you have the right to choose.

Therefore, the ability to write a new story for yourself.

And, to set the course for the direction you have chosen.

The Sun, the Moon, and Venus retrograde are square Uranus today, adding a strong sense of unpredictability to the mix. It might even lead you to do something completely different!

A new moon is a new beginning. This one may even empower you to take more risks and break free from established routines!

Be the courageous lion and follow your intuition.

Ready For Shining Your Light On Your Daily Practices 

In Ready For Shining Your Light On Your Inner World Under This New Moon? is mentioned how shining your light on your inner realm is the fastest way to affect change on Mother Earth.

It also contains the latest summary with regard to the current transition.

This suggests by the last few days of August, we will know the most probable paths ahead for Mother Earth and humanity!

Though there are another four stages before completion in December 2025.

Other key planetary shifts are outlined as well the different influences they will have on us all.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some assistance in shining their light.

To Shining Your Light           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

This Full Moon Is Going To Influence You To Live Your Life Differently🖐️

Influence Your Life Differently

The next two decades will bring massive transformation  

Do you recall what was happening in your life from December 2004 to June 2006? 

What did you learn then that you can revisit and approach now with a new perspective and vantage point? 

It will make the coming 18 months easier to navigate!


Because this is the period the lunar nodes take to move through each astrological sign before returning to where they were almost 19 years ago.

Be Free To Influence Yourself To Be Re-born

It is as though there is a DNA thread connecting each period. So, every occasion the node returns to the same position in your astral chart you have an opportunity to move to the next level of evolution for that house.

The north node has just moved into Aries and the south to Libra.

The influence of Pluto means you are being asked to stop, look and listen at what you are doing in your life that you love and what you really need to release so you can have a life 

With the result many recent conversations have been about “I do not know what to do; what should I do?”

In This Full Moon Is Going To Influence You To Live Your Life Differently I mentioned a lady who had gained a new perspective on the belief she was not worthy to love herself, resulting from an event in her early 20s.

The process used to recognise her feelings and know she is worthy of loving herself, is also outlined.

Once she had integrated the feeling, she could then allow her direction to unfold. Another example of how sometimes we just have to wait until we receive the all clear to proceed! 

With the north node in Aries opposing Pluto, the planet facilitating transformation, evolution and re-birth, we first must face our shadows and address our past.

Meaning we must listen to our feelings for guidance as to the actions to take.

The super moon rising on 1st August will ask you to take a look at your habits and ask which no longer serves you? 

Humanity´s Consciousness Continues To Rise

For the essence of this period is to stop sitting on the fence waiting for others to make choices for you. That said, exercise a tad of caution as they could bring lifelong changes!

Especially as Venus, the planet of love, sex, beauty, money and what we value, remains retrograde until 3rd September.

You could use the thinning of the veils around the Lion´s Gate peaking on 8th August, to receive guidance from higher consciousness.

Whatever choice you make, remember to focus on taking small steps in order to build firm foundations.  

The latest Message From Source begins with this message:

This is the moment to bring forth all you desire to create in your life – be it a home, a workplace, or relationship, all is now waiting for you to choose which path to take. For there are various timelines available for each of you to explore. Only you need to choose which one you first step along.”

This Full Moon Is Going To Influence You To Live Your Life Differently updates on the progress toward the tipping point of at least 25% of humanity being consciously aware.

We are participating in creating this momentum by the actions and practice we take to enjoy inner peace in our lives. 

Which means you now have greater access to the vibration you desire!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help some help to influence their life differently.

To Influence Your Life Differently           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

The Consciousness Emerging Will Change Your Life – Will You Allow It?💪

Consciousness Emerging

Move from the hierarchy of control to the freedom of creativity

Are you interested in living in a world within the consciousness emerging for humanity?

That will begin once you give yourself permission to feel. Or, did you already dismiss it as inappropriate or, are not good enough to do so?

When you allow yourself to embrace the sensations of feeling, energy begins to move in a more integrated way.

You Can Accelerate The Consciousness Emerging

Until early 2025, it is essential you maintain balance in your life. This will require you to be the observer of events, not caught up in their emotional drama. When you stay present and feel, events resolve and so you find yourself in a win-win world.

For, such cycles of disruption are simultaneously cycles of initiation, bringing in new aspects and consciousness in the evolution of your life.

Which changes in each moment as you feel, breath by breath, whatever it is you have been avoiding feeling.

Then you begin to free yourself to make your unique contribution to the consciousness emerging. For it is only from within you influence the hologram of the world around you.

Its sole purpose is to reflect back to you the unseen aspects of your own consciousness, until you feel and acknowledge them.

Encouraging you to then address the conflict limiting you from the evolution you incarnated to achieve.

Being human means our consciousness has its ups and downs as a result of our emotions and thoughts. This is the case whatever your purpose for incarnating.

In “The Consciousness Emerging Will Change Your Life – Will You Allow It? are some indicated timelines as to when phases will conclude. 

These will make more visible the de-construction of the pyramid structures of the current finance sector. As well as emergence of localisation to democratise fund raising.   

This will provide essential support for the new businesses, economies and structures appearing within society.

Though do remember, we determine its pace by the steps we each take to create, generate and experience Light on Mother Earth.

  Expect Re-structuring From The Fire Of 2024

 That is how each of us helps to raise our planet´s vibration, and so that of humanity.  

This is also how we re-kindle humanity´s creativity. An essential foundation to help us move beyond the world where we have lost touch with our truest essence.

This is the opportunity being offered by the consciousness emerging.

To welcome the magic back into our lives.

Enabling us to experience the full spectrum of emotions, experiences, challenges, and triumphs that make us human.

When embracing our magic, we recognise all of the shadow and all of the light that is within us.

It is from this point of balance, we begin to live the fullest life as we return to the wholeness of singularity.

Then we can harness the power of our inner wisdom and faith to provide solutions.

Helping us to move from the old hierarchy of control to the new freedom of creativity. To nurture ourselves and renew our connection to Source.

The latest Message From Source includes this insight: 

Notice what disturbs your peace and then ask yourself – `for what purpose did you create the disturbance?´ This will provide you with the opportunity to be free of it and so continue by taking the steps.” 

For your Light is here to be seen, not to be hidden!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to allow consciousness to emerge in their life.

To Feeling The Consciousness Emerging      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? 🐉

What Have You Dreamed Of Becoming?

More extreme weather, radio signal disruption and geomagnetic activity is on its way  

Everything you have dreamed of becoming and creating is about to come rushing toward you!

2023 and 2024 provide opportunity for us to finally break free from old patterns and stuck places.

Yes, there will be challenges as intensity, turbulence and shadows escalate. The silver lining though is they will also bring awareness, breakthroughs and new opportunities. 

In doing so they bring forth our freedom to create the future we have always dreamed of.

Are you ready to receive it???

Free To Be All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming?

The challenges and the opportunities are two sides of the same coin of evolution. 

We are being offered the choice to embrace and fully live our own magic!

Whilst no-one knows exactly what is going to emerge, the world will be very different from the one we grew up in and have inhabited since our conception.

Which is why giving ourselves the freedom to dream our desires is essential to play our part in creating what emerges.

This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? outlines where humanity is in terms of approaching the tipping point in humanity´s consciousness. 

As with all new moons, this one on the 17th asks us to embrace new beginnings. Freeing you to be who you have dreamed of becoming.

In this, on the same day a new 18 month cycle begins for the lunar nodes.

The North, where we are heading toward, moves into Aries, and the South, the karma we are seeking to leave behind, into Libra.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries seeks new beginnings and is adventurous, spirited, and pioneering with a determination to push independently forward against all odds.

Libra is fascinated by balance and symmetry, always seeking justice and equality. This it knows will only come from within.

The old paradigm of the only way to create what you desire in life is through working hard, is leaving. 

However, unless you are an active participant in your life, how can Source direct to you the opportunities to create what you desire?

Ready To Be Who You Have Dreamed Of Becoming?

The essence of this transition is freeing each of us to be ourselves, taking responsibility for our life. 

Meaning take the reins of your life into your own hands to create opportunity and magic! Only then will clarity exist as to what you desire! 

For each of us is unique. And, humanity is inherently adaptable!

Should you be unclear as to your desires, how do you know which road to take, what choices to make, and what door to walk through?

My suggestion to help you gain clarity is to take these three steps:

  1. Reflect on your life, on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being there), how close are you to living your dream? Should you have more than one dream, then focus on which one feels the most exciting!
  2. Ask for guidance as to the three next steps to move you toward your dream.
  3. Take action in the next 24 hours on one of those steps.

The latest Message From Source offers this support:

Maintain your own progress, in doing so you create the field of energy which encourages others to follow their feelings and so consciousness of what is their own path”

In addition to insights as to the astrology for the last part of July, This New Moon Offers All You Have Dreamed Of Becoming – Want To Receive It? also contains an overview on the emerging themes.

These will help you adapt to the new era, which you will create through your heart.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to be who they have dreamed of becoming.

To Being Who You Have Dreamed Of Becoming          


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You The Master Of Creating Harmony In Your Life? 😄

Being In Harmony In Your Life

Two simple steps to being the master of your harmony

We have chosen to be on Mother Earth during this period of transformation. It provides an incredible opportunity for each of us to pause, go slower and cultivate simplicity in our lives.

Yet, it is also creating frustration. That though is because to effect a change we needed to stop. 

Does Harmony Have A Place In Your Life?

Whilst I believe completely in the phrase: “This too shall pass”, that is not to say it will return to what we recall as “normal.”

Before rushing back to re-create the way you recall life as it was, I invite you to pause. Reflect a little longer and contemplate what you have learned about yourself in this period of pause.

Already I note some businesses are announcing changes they will make to their organisation and structure. For example, seeking ways to be sustainable and maintain cleaner air.

My suspicion is the popular demand for change could radicalise politics faster than it did after the financial crisis in 2007-09.

Our ability to be in the flow of this change rather than reacting to it because of its perceived adverse effect is going to challenge many.

The key I have learnt is to listen to my body. It always has messages for me as to whether or not there is harmony in my life.

Lack of harmony indicates stress somewhere in our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

These blocks create a lack of harmony between what you are doing and your values and mission. Often manifesting in a pain or illness, usually as inflammation in a part of your body. 

This correlates to a block or imbalance in the energy flowing around it. To help ensure you can identify their cause as the ”new normal” emerges, I have added “Are You The Master Of Creating Harmony In Your Life?” to my articles.

Its essence is when we have harmony in our life we no longer are controlled by our turbulent mind. 

  Willing To Be The Master Of Your Life?  

When the mind is in a turbulent situation

…emotion runs high, it will lead you to react impulsively

…to be easily carried away with emotions and your awareness at the present moment is lost

…for its uncontrolled thoughts drain out the life force energy in you, leaving you completely tired, frustrated and exhausted.

My intent is to help you discover your inner peace and strength as the pace of change begins increasing in this second half of 2023. 

In addition to the two simple steps to being the master of your harmony in the article, you can assist the process by reflecting on these two questions: 

  1. Where am I now? What have I learned about my body, my needs, my joy?
  2. What feels important for my life and my mission?

Something important is emerging right now – for your body, your path, your Soul.

It is your choice whether you remain in its flow or seek to hold it back.

You will be amazed at the power not following the turbulent mind has on your ability to gain access to guidance from Source. 

Never before have opportunities for release, re-birth and breakthroughs been so easy and so supported by all of Creation.

The latest Message From Source includes this insight: 

For many this will be a challenge because it is of unknown memories, though they are part of each of you. It is these experiences which contribute to making you, you.”

Guard against distractions, drama or being complacent.

Once your attention is on your inner world, your perspective broadens to the entire reality you are here to serve.

Harmony Slows The Decline In Your Brain Volume

“Are You The Master Of Creating Harmony In Your Life?” also has details on research about the second brain, the brain-gut axis. The findings of the study have implications for many inflammatory dis-eases in the skin, liver, lungs as well as the gut.

There is also a link to research on the difference between the rate of decline in our brain volume and/or its weight after the age of 40 compared to the slower rate for indigenous peoples in Amazonia. 

Your Light is here to be seen, not to be hidden!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Being At Harmony In Your Life    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter