Four Steps To Guide You In Balancing And Aligning Your Chakras

Vision For Your Life

Secret #6 Answers The Question “How do I achieve clarity and focus?” 

These past few weeks we have all been experiencing the impact of the acceleration in energy which is underway. The immediate effect has been a loss of clarity and focus.

As the amplitude has strengthened so has the dis-comfort of our physical symptoms. Whether ringing in the ears, insomnia, aches and pains, extreme fatigue or headaches.

Our energy fields are needing to adapt quickly to the fast-changing amplitude of light which is underway. It is unprecedented.

Very high frequency light and low frequency energy cannot co-exist for long in the same space before the lower energy starts to become less stable. Meaning the ensuing chaos allows the emotions it is attached to will surface.

Has that been the case with you these past few weeks? It has for me.

The purpose – to allow us to shift from our old paradigm of lack, fear, hierarchy etc. to one of abundance, love, co-creation and community.

Yes, this transition is happening across the Cosmos, though its speed here on Mother Earth is dependent on our individual choices and actions -hence, our individual reactions.

As I have explained to many these past few weeks as they consider leaving one country, they need to first leave before they can arrive in the new country. Whilst they have a foot in both camps, expect disruption.

Often their mindset is about what they have left behind rather than exploring where they desire to arrive.

And, when you forget to focus on what it is you desire, then you slowly stop completing the daily habits that will carry you there.

Achieving your desired outcome is as simple as staying FOCUSED on it, and having CLARITY as to the actions needed to reach it.

Welcome To The Domain Of The Third Eye Chakra!

Your third eye is responsible for the link between your mind and the outer world, it embodies your ability to see both your inner and outer worlds. Allowing you to experience clarity of thought and self-reflection.

When this chakra is blocked or underactive, it can adversely affect your ability to concentrate, process information, or remain calm under pressure. Often resulting in a fear of the unknown.

Awakening your third eye, allows you to open to an intuitive sensibility and inner perception.

As the most perceptive part of the human body and spirit, it governs self-awareness, higher wisdom, visualisation, clarity, discernment, imagination, and creative dreaming.

A lack of harmony in this chakra, means you suffer from poor memory and have difficulty in thinking abstractly.

You feel stuck in one truth or reality, and lack imagination. You can also be insensitive and demonstrate sociopathic behaviour.

2022 of all the years we experience is the one where clarity and focus are most essential. For the seeds being planted now will determine the nature of your life for at least the rest of the decade.

The end of November full moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus ushered in almost two years of eclipses that take place in Taurus and Scorpio.

In How do I achieve clarity and focus?, I have set out more indicators on the third eye as well as the importance of clarity and focus.

Included are also four steps to guide you in balancing and aligning your chakras.

There is also an extract from another article outlining how “Humanity is currently transiting from the throat to the third eye chakra, from isolation and separation to the unity of connection.”

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Harmony in Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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