Focus Your Will To Create Your Reality 🙂

What Is Your Focus?

The quality of what we focus on impacts the quality of our lives

Do you ever find yourself grappling with frustration, overwhelm, disappointment, or fuzzy thinking?

Such feelings are not mere nuisances, they are messages waiting to be heard and transformed so we can take our next step.

However, very, very often we do not listen because it is coming from within us. Whereas our body is attempting to call our attention to an internal conflict which is preventing us from taking that step.

The one your Soul wants to make so it can continue to evolve.

Is Your Focus On The Past, Present Or Future?  

Your authentic path, your true calling, is not something you must go searching for outside of yourself. Rather, it grows organically from the very symptoms you believe block your way.

Each feeling, each emotion, is a clue guiding you towards your destiny and fulfilment. Their message is the solution you seek is in the same pattern of beliefs as the challenge you face.

March´s energy is asking us to take a breath to align yourself with what is emerging. The essence of which is to answer the question of where do you put your focus?

On the past, the present or what you choose to create?

For, what you focus on is what you become. What you push against, you vibrate in harmony with.

This is why so many keep repeating what they do not want and to their surprise, that is what manifests!

Whether you feel anger, fear, hurt or any such emotion, or any resistance you have to others, all contribute to the creation of your world. It also means there is something inside you do not want to activate.

So, instead of dismissing these emotions, listen to them. What are they trying to tell you? How can you harness their energy to propel yourself to take the next step along the path that leads to fulfilment?

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

Each of you will have the opportunity to choose what you desire to create in your life. Do not be timid when you do so.”

Three Steps To Alter Your Focus

Part of my passion and purpose in being recalled to be a shaman in this life is to help you remember the wild call of your inner wisdom, to help you cultivate a trust and confidence in your own inner authority.

Then you will continue to take the bold steps essential to focus your will on freeing your soul to create the opportunities it desires in this incarnation.

Quite probably the messages in this regard will be associated with your sacral. Asking you to follow your own feelings rather than the expectations of others – or thoughts from your unconscious mind!

My latest article cites a study indicating the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of all those thousands, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before.

This constant barrage of negative and repetitive thoughts can significantly impact our health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

For, our inner state of mind is the main factor influencing why we do what we do, how we live our life, and what we achieve. In short, the quality of what we focus on impacts the quality of our lives.

Focus is how we exercise our will and so the power we all hold as individuals to create the life we desire.

Three steps to help you achieve this are in the article.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to focus their will.   

To Focus And Create Your Reality    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Twitter

Where Do My Beliefs Come From, Why Do I Allow Them To Direct My Life?☝️

To Dis-connect From Your Beliefs, Simply Breathe

You attract what you focus on and what you expect  

Tired of feeling driven by the same patterns, behaviour, habits, and thought forms?

How about instead allowing your full potential to shine as you release the old patterns of the past? 

Your Beliefs May Not Be True 

The difference is the beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world around us. 

A belief is simply something you believe or accept as true. You believe it because you have read about it, perhaps someone you respect mentioned it, or, that is your experience.

Often beliefs are established by our perception of the way we believe our life to be and what we believe to be true. 

Which does not mean they are actually true!

The beliefs could have been created from conception, in another life or inherited through our ancestral lineage.

Which is why we are almost always not aware of these beliefs, for they are unconscious – though direct all aspects of your life.

They could also be sending you in a direction that does not align with your needs, values and Soul´s desires! 

That said, we need our beliefs, for as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote:

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is”.

Also, our beliefs determine what we focus on and what we expect, and so what we attract. 

We create our beliefs, consciously as well as unconsciously, holding onto them very tightly. For they create our identity and link to our values.

Honesty and integrity are values and never beliefs, even though they guide your decision-making.

Included in “Where Do My Beliefs Come From, Why Do I Allow Them To Direct My Life?” is an overview of the role of our unconscious mind and why it is so resistant to change.

The subsequent stress often causes a block in the physical body which creates inflammation.

The resulting pain and/or dis-comfort being a message from the body about beliefs needing to be addressed!

Regularly Challenge Your Beliefs

The good news is you can identify the sources of these blocks and so clear them. That way, you will be free of the old paradigms and create space for what you truly desire in your life.

No matter how many beliefs you may have altered, more are almost certainly in the process of creation. That is the nature of our human life!

The challenge lies in acknowledging this is the moment to recognise and honour what has served its purpose and to express gratitude before releasing the belief.

8th August, was the peak of the Lion´s Gate as well as the beginning of the last quarter moon. A phase synonymous with release and letting go. 

This one is in Taurus, the bull known for its staunch unwillingness to change!

The Lion´s Gate helps you to strip away all that is not yours, as well as unburdening yourself both physically and energetically. The energy continues until 12th August.

Once you choose not to continue to hold onto any belief, other paths will open to you. Ones that align your head, your heart and your Soul where previously there were blocks.

“Where Do My Beliefs Come From, Why Do I Allow Them To Direct My Life?” outlines how to move to the next level of consciousness through conscious breathwork.

Taurus energy is about connecting with the physical world. It is in this space of quiet and calm, with your feet firmly rooted in the soul of your own truth, you can access a clearer sense of where you are and where you are heading.

Allow the seemingly insignificant moments of each day to be reminders of the joy of being present, of celebrating the simple pleasures that life gifts us every day. 

Welcome magic back into your life and to work with it.

To finish with this reminder from von Goethe:

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.”

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to recognise their beliefs.

To The Beliefs You Want To Direct Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter