Do You Want Destiny Or Free Will To Direct Your Life? 🙃

How To Find Your Destiny

 When you do discover it, you reclaim your power, your true abilities, your magic

As humans we tend to form our beliefs around the memory of our experiences.  

Then you are trusting your own feelings as to whether something resonated with you or not.

In doing so, your destiny is revealed by the slowly unfolding, underlying story of your life. It underscores your reason for incarnating – which is to evolve through gaining experiences.

To achieve that you need to follow your feelings to create your own reality, not anyone else´s.

                  The Experiences We Seek Create Our Destiny       

The Quantum field indicates there are multiple realities, timelines, and even pasts from where you are at this very moment. These also offer experiences you may choose to explore.

Just having a conversation with someone can open a door to you seeking your own version of their experience – should you choose to!

This is how the ripple effect of experiences expands, for yours will differ from theirs. Adding to the infinite possibilities in Creation.

As you make the choice, you adapt your destiny. For, your attention has shifted in that direction, even though it may have seemed far-fetched before you had the conversation and made the choice.

In that sense, you have adapted your current reality.

The latest Message From Source brought this insight as to what is flowing:

The various timelines you are all living are beginning to combine to allow the coming transition to be effected simultaneously across them all. This is another of those cycles of Creation. Do not be disturbed should you come into contact with yourself living another timeline. It is the result of the choices each of you make in each incarnation. Which means there are multiple layers to what each of you consider to be your life.

For me, all realities exist, and all are accessible to those willing to take a leap of faith and believe it is actually a possibility for them.

Which requires trust in yourself and your abilities, gifts and skills. The only limitations that exist are those we place on ourselves.

                Your Unconscious Mind Directs Your Free Will              

This is part of the process of recognising your untapped potential to create your destiny.

When you do, you reclaim your power, your true abilities, your magic.

Accepting you are an individual in a mutual relationship within the Oneness of the invisible world. 

How does free will fit into what is unfolding?

The term itself was introduced by Christian philosophy in the 4th century AD. Though the first discussion of our current interpretation was identified in ancient Greek philosophy. 

The term free will has come to question the nature and existence of control we have over our lives. For example, does it require and do we have the freedom to choose our own path, to create our destiny?

Which comes back to, how do we make choices? As over 90% come from our unconscious mind, it is our past experiences that dictate our future path!

Which suggests free will is therefore almost illusory! Unless we consciously choose which path to walk!      

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create their destiny.

To Create And Live Your Destiny    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

This Full Moon Is Calling You To Be Human and Spirit😅

Being Human And Spirit

Pay attention to every small detail of your life

On the surface, February appears to be proving a relatively quiet month.

Deeper analysis though suggests themes are appearing which will test our resilience and our humanity.

The Cosmos is reminding us that metamorphosis is not the same as simple change, especially when viewed from the wider perspective of evolution.

It may even lead you to question your decision-making ability when the coming crossroads appear.

Most of humanity has relied on figuring out their decisions, never realising our body is an essential part of the decision-making process.

Chiron And The North Node Will Help You Be Human And Spirit     

For, when presented with choices and options, the feeling response from our bodies provides awareness of what is truly in our highest good.

Our physical body offers messages from our spiritual and emotional bodies, using connections our mental body does not possess.

Meaning, when not listening to your physical body, you will probably miss vital information that can improve your life.

My own experience is that pain and dis-comfort then appear to grab our attention. The intensity increasing the more one does not listen to the message – the decision you are about to make is not in your highest good.

As outlined in my article, the recent combination of Chiron and the North node, brought a unique opportunity to understand how your deepest wound – and its healing, aligns with the broader context of your Soul´s desires.

Your deepest wound also offers your greatest gift. The one you incarnated at this moment to use as you play your part in the creation of the new humanity, being human and spirit.

Whilst the wound lingers in your unconscious, it is directing your life. Usually, the origin lies in your ancestral lineage, with the core flowing from a fear of being abandoned and rejected.   

The more you clear such old energy patterns, the more your natural decision-making ability can function. Which in turn will increase trust in your inner wisdom and the senses of your body.

Your Higher Consciousness Is Both Human And Spirit

The full moon in Virgo rises on the 24th. The moon is almost at its furthest point from Mother Earth and so is known as a micro moon – the only one in 2024.

Its call is for you to clean up and restore order in whatever has become messy in your life. Being an Earth sign, it is reminding you about self-care, as well as being in Nature.

On the 28th, Mercury conjuncts Saturn. This will create a reality check, asking you to evaluate whether you are on track to meet your desires. The impact of the full moon will be to reveal something you were not aware of before in that area of your life.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

The act of choosing will always be present for each of you. Life is not for you, it is of you. This is the fundamental change in mind shift which is underway. Each of you has the ability to choose which path you walk. There is also the choice as to whether you work alone and in part of the new, or in all that is available to you?”

This does not mean you need to focus on trying to figure out which path to walk. Instead, radiate love and know you are having the impact you want to have whilst opening yourself to more inspiration.

Attempting to figure out the nature of your path, means you are stuck in your head rather than opening to what is available to your multidimensional self – being human and spirit!

That is where your higher consciousness exists.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to help to move beyond separation.

To Living As Human And Spirit           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Can You Find The Revelation Needed To Create The New You? ⬆️

Your Revelation Is Going To Be?

Strive for something that seems to be beyond your horizon of possibility

We are almost to the end of Imbolc and the appearance of the new moon in, yes Aquarius.

It is a significant period for personal and collective revelation. Providing indications of what Pluto’s 20 year journey through Aquarius will bring.

This though is not the only game in town! Other cycles are playing out, as are more fundamental shifts!

Another Revelation About Human Rights Needed?

I was reminded of this when channelling the latest Message From Source.

Further exploration as to what was meant by new energies and fields arriving, led to the conclusion all of Creation is about to jump a timeline – moving into another reality.

Combine this with knowing we are no longer confined to a pre-birth script or blueprint we must follow, leads to unknown horizons for the evolution of cosmic consciousness underway.

Hence, why it is an exciting moment to be incarnate!

For, we all have the choice to move onto whichever timeline you feel will give you the most joy. 

fMHO, the most important reminder from Pluto in Aquarius is – we cannot know what to expect!

We live in an epoch marked by unprecedented, exponential technological change. Analysts indicate in the 21st century, we will not experience 100 years of evolution, it will be more like 20,000 years!

This estimate though is based on the current growth rate, which we know to be accelerating!

Added to this, in my article I outlined how within a month of the storming of the Bastille, the French National Assembly published the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Meaning, social change can also happen swiftly when a consensus exists – in the same period the Declaration of Independence by the USA was drafted!

Will this period witness another such revelation about personal freedom and human rights? 

How Deeply Buried Is Your Greatest Gift?

What matters most on your soul’s journey is not the event itself, it is how you act when faced with challenging circumstances. In particular, who you become as a result of the experience.

This is the part each of us is playing in the revelation of the new humanity, Mother Earth and so all of Creation.   

Then we will re-connect with our true self and the purpose of this life. For we incarnated to live a life of joy, not to just survive!

The latest Message From Source added this overview:

Very soon the new sense of direction will begin to emerge. Even though you have all experienced many of the cycles of evolution, this is not the case with regard to what is about to emerge.”

Ten days after the new moon brings a rare alignment between Chiron and the North Node. Its revelation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sense, understand and re-write your karmic patterns.

As well as an opportunity to discover your greatest gift.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to reveal what is deeply buried.

To Finding The Revelation For The New You


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

To Transform Your Life You Need To First Know Yourself 🌄

Believe And Know Yourself

Understanding who you are will allow you to make choices based on your power  

How did you feel over the last two weeks?

For me and many others, there was a need to slow down. Some being forced to by physical pain!

Was this triggered by Pluto´s move into Aquarius, or your own stuff calling to be addressed? It might have even been both!

Then a few days ago all planets moved direct and life seems far lighter!

Welcome to the twists and turns of 2024!

As I have written before, its focus is to enable us all to grasp self-empowerment. This will enable you to regain your power and live with the freedom to be yourself.   

Have You Ever Wondered Who You Are?

As we move deeper into the collaborative Age of Aquarius, there will be an emphasis on accepting the Creator, God, Source is within each of us, not outside.

The purpose is to know yourself as the whole being you are, not just the one you have grown up with! Rather to know yourself as a multidimensional being that is part of all of Creation. 

This is the message I was asked to communicate in my latest article.

In it is my overview of the key steps in the evolution of the Cosmos from which Mother Earth and so humanity have emerged!

What science has been unable to confirm is how and why stardust and life came into existence. Perhaps there is a guiding hand somewhere in play?

The 99.9% of the DNA of humans, our genome, is the same in every person. It is only the 0.1% variation that makes each of us slightly different from one another!

The coming month will bring more of your different pieces back together again. Helping you to know yourself more thoroughly, so you have the freedom to live your life as such.

Nine indicators are provided to help you determine whether or not your internal identity is directing your life, so slowing down this process. 

   Key Signs You Know Yourself            

The latest Message From Source reminded us the Cosmos as a whole is accelerating. It also broadened the message with this outline:   

We are noticing more choosing to step into leadership of their life, so allowing this to expand to include all of humanity. The coming two years will have moments of challenge for each of you, though that will be intense should you not know who you are.” 

To help you do so, some key signs you know yourself are detailed, as well as a process to help you resolve any barriers to you doing so.

Each of us has been given the opportunity to incarnate during this transition. This is not simply to clear away any karmic debt etc.. 

We are also being given the opportunity to add to our abilities, gifts and skills. Which is why it is essential you first know yourself as the whole being you are. 

Then you will have the peace and calm within you to hear your inner wisdom, and trust it!

This will have an impact on all your relationships. For, the act of communicating your experiences breeds compassion.

Compassion helps raise consciousness for it reminds you we are all part of the Creator’s energy! 

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to know themselves.

To Know Yourself     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Are You Bold Enough To Allow Your Light To Be Seen?😌

Ready To Shine Your Light On What Is Hidden?

 The moment for renewal, new beginnings, spiritual and financial growth

Is there a great mystery to being human and having a human experience?

At birth, our 10 trillion cells contain the instructions to be abundantly healthy, wealthy, happy, fulfilled, etc. And, yet for some reason we choose to make our life a challenge!

More than that, we seem to have created a collective reality which supports this belief.

Pluto Will Shed Light On What To Compost

It is as though collectively we have forgotten the truth of who we are and the power we have to create all we desire. With the result, many spend a lifetime trying to remember.

The current transition is effecting a change to this scenario!!

One of the purposes of visiting Egypt was to be part of re-opening the libraries of information which have been closed over the millennia, both on Mother Earth and elsewhere.

Children born within the last decade arrive remembering they have unlimited capacity to create. Meaning we are in the process of reclaiming our creative potential.

In this, we are being guided by our dreams to remember we create the unlimited possibilities available to us all.

However, repetition is needed to build new neural pathways supporting our new dreams and belief system. Only then will our physical body and unconscious mind adapt to create a new comfort zone.

In the meantime, as I wrote in this article “expect to be confronted with your own beliefs about power, and how you, or do not, have the capacity to make important changes in your life.”

To grow your desires and dreams you need to catch these old limiting thought patterns and immediately return your focus to your new ones.

It does not need you to know the event which created them, simply thank it and shift your perspective onto your new creation.

Pluto is assisting you to shed light on that which is hidden and buried, both metaphorically and literally. Its purpose is to compost all that needs composting. Then new life emerges.

 February Will Light Up Your Creativity And Passion

To dream beyond the horizon, and take steps towards bringing those dreams into your world.

Tomorrow´s full moon in Leo and other planetary movements are supporting your journey into the unknown that is emerging. The bravery and boldness of Leo are calling you to allow your inner light to shine brightly for all to see. 

That way you will allow yourself to adapt in co-operation with what is emerging, rather than holding to the Darwinian view with its emphasis on competition.

For, it is the environment within the body that controls the genetics and behaviour of your body’s cells and organs.

The body’s internal environment is controlled by our unconscious mind’s “interpretation” of its external environment. And, Quantum science recognises “consciousness” as the creator of our reality. 

One of the ways to help successfully navigate the current transition is provided in the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

My conclusion is that what matters most is not the events themselves, instead it is how you act when they appear. This will determine who you become as a result.

Therefore, be curious and open to the insights and what they reveal for you.

The latest Message From Source contained this overview:

The coming three months will set the tone for the remainder of this year and almost all of the following six years. Do not be afraid to allow yourself to explore rather than take no action. For, this will leave you where you are as all else evolves around you!”

February brings the Chinese New Year of the wood dragon. Said to be one of the luckiest and most prosperous of years, full of unprecedented opportunities

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to allow their light to be seen.     

To Your Light Being Seen           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Do You Know Who Are You And What You Need To Clear?😇

Being Clear As To Your Dream

Your inner work will initiate a shift in your external world      

What does it mean to know who you are?

At this very moment, you have the power within you to craft the story of your life the way you desire it?

Are you ready to claim it?

My epiphany came many years ago when I was the CEO of a technology group I had taken public.

Intense lower back pain stopped me from driving to work and leading what most would consider a “normal life”.

A space for reflection had been created – only through the pain I did not view it as such

Clear Within To Shift To A Different Reality

 One afternoon, moving slowly along a country path I had walked many times before, smelling the recent rain in the air, and looking at the large, fluffy white clouds moving across the sky, my head was full of Position: Purpose; Position: Purpose; Position: Purpose. 

As I began the slow walk home, my choice had been made. 

To no longer allow my life to be directed by a belief I had held since the age of seven. 

My story had been to attract the love of my father, I needed to be a successful businessman. And, here I was breaking down under the pain of achieving it!

Later, I came to realise my experience was a metaphor for my life.

My body was sending me a vital message about the story I had been living.

So, began the process of re-connecting with my energy to re-calibrate and begin the process of creating a new story for my life.

One aligned with my desires and passion. One that brought fun and joy into my life rather than a sense of obligation.

2024 is about allowing us to release what is no longer working.

This new energy is calling us to look within ourselves. For, doing the inner work will initiate a shift in your external world.

This is the message I was asked to communicate in my latest article.

Each of us has the power to step forward as the master that is within us, following the call to change our lives and so change this world. Our choice is how we answer the call. 

The focus of 2024 is self-empowerment, enabling you to regain your power and find a way to live with freedom.

        Three Questions To Being Clear On Your Dreams

Doing so requires you to be clear of all that is draining you, all the old energies your body knows need transformation and healing.

This broadened in the latest Message From Source to remind us:  

Soon you will become more aware of your connection to all that is. This is not only to other humans, it includes your planet, its other inhabitants and so all that is present in your galaxy.”

Once we clear the stories and the shackles of our beliefs and patterning, our fight, flight or freeze re-action will relax. To the benefit of our parasympathetic system, and so our overall health.

Remember, even though you may not agree with something, it exists for a purpose, or else it would not exist! And, everything is the Creator, it is love and everything is you.

What may help in knowing where to put your energy, are your answers to three questions posed in my latest article

Yes, there is at present much uncertainty in life, so creating a sense of chaos. However, chaos also opens us to possibility for it is from here the new can be created far more easily!

Chaos also means that anything can emerge – what you focus on is what you will create.

That is how you will know who you are. 

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to clear what they no longer need in their life.       

To Knowing Who You Are     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

This New Beginning Will Create Your Direction For 2024🤔

Your seeds of the new beginning

Embrace simplicity in your life

January´s new moon can be viewed as seeding our approach to all of 2024.

Therefore, be curious and open to the insights and what they reveal for you.

The easiest way to do so is to observe what you are putting your attention on?

Does it lead you to raise your vibration or lower it? That will help you determine whether it is serving you, or not.

Perhaps you are just following a habit rather than opening up to the awareness of what is emerging?

 A New Beginning Requires You To Be Flexible  

When you notice your vibration rising, then what you are focusing on is serving you. Remember you have the ability to shift perspective, as well as your focus.

These are abilities which will help as you move closer to the Fifth Dimension. For at the end of this month, everything will start to move faster as you continue into higher-frequency energies.

Pay attention, and make your choice as to what exactly is it you want to achieve in 2024?

In it Pluto and Saturn are straddling between worlds and 2024 is more of a deeper journey into the new world emerging in response to your choices.

As an eight year, it is full of infinite potential, karmic return and finding renewal within ourselves.

2024 will either deplete you or inspire you to begin to create something new, more dynamic and aligned with who you desire to become.

However, be aware of Capricorn’s tendency to make us too rigid and set in our ways. Meaning it is important to remain flexible and open to other points of view.

Especially as this month is going to be fast-moving!

The Capricorn new moon is gently reminding you that you already have everything you need!

The latest Message From Source finished with this reminder:

The pace on Mother Earth will begin to accelerate again in a few more weeks, so use this period of quiet to look inward and choose what you desire to create.”

New moons are usually hopeful in nature, bearing the promise of light to come. This one provides an opportunity to assess the intentions supporting your long-term objectives and ambitions.

   The Phoenix Will Rise From The Old         

This window for you to plant the seeds of what you truly desire to manifest runs from 27th January until the end of April.

In this article is more on the key moves by the planets in January and beyond. 

On 20th January Pluto re-enters Aquarius after spending most of 2023 backtracking into late Capricorn. Pluto indicates where power lies and how it can be powerfully creative or intensely destructive.

When in the last degree, the shadow side of that sign will surface. Expect this to keep appearing during the last four occasions Pluto is in Capricorn during 2024.

As an Earth sign, Capricorn is rooted in common sense, practicality and stability.

It is also the most business-like of the zodiac signs.

New projects begun under a Capricorn new moon therefore stand an excellent chance of a strong start.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post..

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to change their direction.

To Create Your New Beginning           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Under This Full Moon Set Your Intentions To Create Your Dreams

Dream Your Intentions Into Being

You have until April 2024 to plant your seeds

As the festive season begins to wind down, now is the moment to contemplate what 2024 will bring for you.

As upheaval and chaos in the world around us continue, to me this is the moment to ensure that old, outdated energies are purged.

For, only then can you free your Soul to head in the direction of the intentions you choose. 

2023 may have felt challenging, even unbalancing as our souls continue their evolution, using the energies of this period to evolve in ways not possible before. 

            Do Your Intentions Include Taking Responsibility?

The full moon in Cancer provides a poignant moment, beckoning us to explore the intricate dance between our hearts and minds. It also marks a cosmic crossroads, in which you need to choose which path is for you.

It is asking you to make a conscious choice.

The energy of 2024 will help us all take another step in this process of evolution.

To navigate the challenges and opportunities this transformative year holds it will be essential you have clarity as to what your Soul is seeking.

Will it change as the year unfolds – quite possibly for as the latest Message From Source confirms:

The actions you are all taking continue to accelerate this transition at a rate faster than was expected. You are all to be complimented for those actions and those you have yet to make. Whilst you may not see an immediate benefit, you will be able to sense the change is underway.”

The year will require strength and resilience in the way you embrace its unique and challenging nature.

For, only when life becomes intolerable do we accept the need to change. This is the period we have entered.

To me, this is not a year for setting goals in the old sense they were understood. Rather, it is essential to set your intentions to build toward in the year ahead – especially before June.

This is the period to plant your seeds of intention, especially for the coming four years. 

      2024 Will Enhance Your Ability To Create Your Intentions     

Though remember, what you believe shapes your actions, and so, your life!

I have set out in this article more on why it will be necessary for you to choose what you desire and then ask for its creation!

It also details why the first months of 2024 are essential in this process.

As an eight universal year, 2024 offers unlimited potential and the unlimited energy to realise it.

Eight is the number of power, material and financial gain, achievement, reward, status and satisfaction. Though accuracy will be required.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help with dreaming their intentions into creation.      

To Living Your Intentions           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

For 2024 You Need To Create Something New And Aligned With Who You Are

Light Up The New You

It will be dangerous to play by the old rules     

Greetings from my view of the Great Pyramid at Giza.

I arrived here a few days ago to complete a ceremony on the 20th to free Mother Earth from the debris of its decline from the Fifth Dimension during Lemurian times. From the 21st she will have returned.

Ahead of that, the seven of us will re-assemble on the 21st to guide Mother Earth and the Cosmos to ensure they can enter the era of light.

Prepare To Become The New You Human

Many seem to be engaged in similar exercises during this December solstice. 

This occurred very early (UTC) on 22nd December. It provides an opportunity to take stock, re-centre yourself and set your intentions.

The day before the Capricorn season commenced, Mercury continues its retrograde and re-enters Sagittarius, offering us another opportunity to re-write our story as we retrace our steps.

The purpose being to release you from trauma holding you back from enjoying the full opportunities about to appear. 

At the beginning of the Capricorn season, we are gifted an opportunity to bow our heads to the cycle of nature and our own internal ones. The purpose being to ask yourself where is the new you heading as the page turns? 

Mother Earth is beginning again, the Sun is beginning again, humanity is beginning again. What seeds do you wish to plant? What dreams are you ready to devote yourself to? Who is the new you ready to become?

My latest article sets out more on the themes underlying the shift taking place as well as how they will influence 2024 and on.

There are also some highlights from the previous two cycles of the coming year of the Wood Dragon.

      Five Months To Move, Relocate, Change Careers And Be The  New You     

Remember, you always have a choice as to what you focus on.

For, probably you could find lots to focus on that is not of the light, that does not affirm life and certainly not provide that feeling love and joy do. 

It is your choice as to whether you choose the feeling of what gives you love and joy, or the thought what you are doing is for the greatest and highest good of all.

The latest Message From Source includes this advice with regard to 2024:  

The coming year will be for you to plant the seeds of what you desire to create. The action to be taken is to look inward as to what it is you desire. Focusing on what gives you joy, will assist you to make the greater strides into its creation.” 

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus suggests a month of reform and rehabilitation in 2024. This will bring to an end five months to move, relocate, change careers, or take your business up another notch.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to be aligned with the new being they desire to become.

To Being The New You     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Taking The Next Step Requires You To Know Your Truth

Know Your Truth

There are four different forms and feelings of love present     

The energies of 2024 are already with us.

Many I have been talking to continue to identify resistance to what seems to be appearing for them.

Several have inklings as to their new direction, though cannot seem to quite make the first step toward it.

                            In Truth, Love Is Always Present        

A conversation earlier today highlighted the fear of rejection – so stopping the step being taken, even though there is excitement in doing so?

Currently, the main thrust of the lessons for humanity is about love and fear. 

You might think as souls come from love, are created of love, and live in a loving state they do not need to experience it.

However, love takes different forms, which raises questions about what is the soul seeking to experience.

My latest article sets out the current four different forms and feelings of love present. Each has a different tone and feeling to it.

The focus is on what it feels like to be without each, a mix or, all of these forms of love.

Even though love resonates at a level many times that of fear, we seem to all act from fear rather than love! Which is where any resistance sits. 

It does not matter whether it is rational or irrational, emotionally we are triggered into a re-action.   

Which then inadvertently defers your progress, even though love is always present – even when we believe we are unworthy to receive it!

However, should we choose to step beyond the limitation of beliefs such as fear, the consciousness of love comes to the fore.

                     A Chakra Upgrade Is On Its Way       

To help us do so, earlier this year the presence of the higher heart, the harmonic heart, became more evident.

My guidance has indicated another step will take place around the coming Solstice with an upgrade to your chakras.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this advice:  

Each of you has the ability to create your own dreams and so lives. 

Once you accept there is unlimited potential, once you step away from your limitations and concerns. This is the current focus for all of you.” 

It is your choice as to whether you choose the feeling of what gives you joy, or the thought what you are doing is for the greatest and highest good of all.

For, this is the moment to let go. Then feel within to know what is your truth and so the action to take. 

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to know where to look to find their truth.

To Knowing Your Truth     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter