How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change👍

Life Beyond Your Self-sabotaging

Have you run from addressing your inner wounds?  

Do you have a sense of the direction you are heading?

Close your eyes for a moment and visualise you living life to the full, aligned with your Soul´s desires.

What do you feel?

What do you see?

Is the life you are sensing different from the one you are currently living?

The Law Of Attraction Is Self-sabotaging Your Life

The sad reality for many of us, is that at some point in our lives (sometimes on several occasions), we find ourselves feeling there is something we are lacking in our life.

Whether it is your physical health, career, relationships or even finances…

Rather than waking up grateful for each new day, we are immediately reminded of stress, dis-ease or an unshakable feeling there is something we are missing in our life.

For there is more

…only you need to find it and to do that you must look within.

Yes, it is difficult to accept you are the only one self-sabotaging your life, holding you captive in old beliefs and patterns.

Which is why I highlighted in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change the role of the much mis-understood Law of Attraction.

For, as our thoughts become things so we resonate with them – hence, we attract them. Our resonance, our energy signature is created primarily by our emotional patterning rather than just our mental, intellectual or conscious thoughts.

Which is why old patterns and beliefs must first be released to allow new inspirations to take up residence.

No one else is sabotaging you.

It is your own mind that is your master. However, it also makes an excellent servant.

So, really today is about choosing to regain control of your mind as much as it is about breaking down the walls of your own beliefs.

Ready To Demolish Your Tower? 

It is the Tower of our limiting beliefs we need to demolish in order to grow and become who we know we are.

Once we accept that and take responsibility for self-sabotaging ourselves, we have the power to change and release ourselves from the buried experiences that make us feel stuck and imprisoned.

I am often asked what to do with “negative” emotions around not knowing the next step to take. The solution I point them towards is not controlling or even treating the emotions they are having. They are valid and exist.

Instead, I point people towards a skillset they had when they were young – to adventure. This grew through our childhood.

More is in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change.

Should you feel stuck in any area of your life, I invite you to step into possibility. You have the ability to unlock the power of your inner wisdom through embodiment. This allows for greater transformation and healing, be it financial, health, relationship, stress, work, and much more.

Your destiny is to be in a state of joy, creativity, curiosity, and love because they are the vibrations of your Soul. The key is, you need to consciously embody this truth of who you are.

Whether you are ready to grasp the opportunity to initiate the lasting change your Soul is yearning, is your choice. As it is to face your shadow work.

Self-sabotaging What You Are Seeking To Manifest?

When not embodied, we lose our sense of self and the mind has to create a false sense of self by controlling the environment around us.

Should such arise, then feel into your body where the pain or dis-comfort sits. Hug that area or place your hands there so your spiritual body knows where the energy is not flowing.

This will allow you to free the energy circuits in your physical body.

You may need to do so more than once during September and early October. For many of us, this will have a focus on cleaning energy.

It may be within us, the outside world or a little bit of both. This is part of the transition process underway.

As I have mentioned before, our ancient wisdom is seeking to be remembered. This includes our sensory wisdom, both our psychic and physical senses.

You will feel this moving through you. In particular, in the solar plexus and third eye chakras.

Later in October, expect the sense everything is accelerating to return.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power, within ourself. That is the way to stop self-sabotaging the life you desire.

Remember support is always available.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the lasting change they desire in their life.

To Stopping Self-sabotaging Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are?😄

Back to the Future You Desire

Next week Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension

These past few weeks have seemed heavier than the usual. Yes, it could be the summer heat, though it has been cooler than last year!

My sense is that for several reasons we are turning a corner – back to the future!

               Back To The Future To Create The Life You Desire 

The question then becomes what form do we desire it to take?

Which is where I prefer the metaphor of many seeds rather than just one for our infinite potential. 

This is because we tend to focus our growth in certain aspects of ourselves, while others are ignored.

We are moving through a period when we either awaken the dormant seeds of our greatest potential, or encourage those that have already begun to germinate and grow.

To me part of the purpose of a daily practice is to cultivate the seeds in our day-to-day lives. Taking responsibility for your life means no longer waiting for the wisdom to sprout on its own without any personal effort.

Events then transpire to support our actions, or encourage us to review our chosen direction!

Though these past few weeks have felt heavy, there have also been many encouraging signs as to the connected nature of the evolution underway.

In part this is the reason I highlighted in Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? the benefits many who have journeyed deepest into the land of depression, terror, or death have obtained.

Rather than remaining in a pattern of victimhood and suffering, they can return exuding great compassion, gratitude, ease, and often joy.

To me, this illuminates beautifully the opportunity in humanity´s current transition.

What I have learnt is that when it comes to spiritual evolution, everything can change in a heartbeat. 

As I continuously remind myself, everything is accelerating.

Or, is it? 

Perhaps it is our view of the linear and third-dimensional constraint of time which is changing? 

                 Back To The Future Without Structures 

The idea that time is an illusion is a common theme in Buddhist and Taoist scripts. Their concept is that all moments exist as a single, unified whole and that time is a mere human construct.

Which is why Atlantis is still influencing our lives.

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? has a summary of information received about the reasons for Atlantis´ demise.

The key takeaway from which is that as energetic beings, all our actions are not constrained to a location or a time and space.

Next week another stage in the process underway completes. That is when Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension again, before completing the move to the fifth dimension in December 2025.

The latest Message From Source includes the advice to be the observer as:

The same will be true for the coming weeks as momentum increases to the next moment in the cycle of evolution.”

There are also some indications as to how the fifth dimension will re-shape our lives. 

For our spiritual evolution just is. Though more patience will be required as we come to accept the nature of the transition as the new begins to take form.

For, our seeds need just the right amount of water and sunlight to reach their full potential.

The fifth dimension is timeless and everything happens instantaneously.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power – within ourself.  And, within the now, where each moment brings a different vibration.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step back to the future.

To Step Back To The Future     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter