Where Do My Beliefs Come From, Why Do I Allow Them To Direct My Life?☝️

To Dis-connect From Your Beliefs, Simply Breathe

You attract what you focus on and what you expect  

Tired of feeling driven by the same patterns, behaviour, habits, and thought forms?

How about instead allowing your full potential to shine as you release the old patterns of the past? 

Your Beliefs May Not Be True 

The difference is the beliefs we hold about ourselves and the world around us. 

A belief is simply something you believe or accept as true. You believe it because you have read about it, perhaps someone you respect mentioned it, or, that is your experience.

Often beliefs are established by our perception of the way we believe our life to be and what we believe to be true. 

Which does not mean they are actually true!

The beliefs could have been created from conception, in another life or inherited through our ancestral lineage.

Which is why we are almost always not aware of these beliefs, for they are unconscious – though direct all aspects of your life.

They could also be sending you in a direction that does not align with your needs, values and Soul´s desires! 

That said, we need our beliefs, for as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote:

Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is”.

Also, our beliefs determine what we focus on and what we expect, and so what we attract. 

We create our beliefs, consciously as well as unconsciously, holding onto them very tightly. For they create our identity and link to our values.

Honesty and integrity are values and never beliefs, even though they guide your decision-making.

Included in “Where Do My Beliefs Come From, Why Do I Allow Them To Direct My Life?” is an overview of the role of our unconscious mind and why it is so resistant to change.

The subsequent stress often causes a block in the physical body which creates inflammation.

The resulting pain and/or dis-comfort being a message from the body about beliefs needing to be addressed!

Regularly Challenge Your Beliefs

The good news is you can identify the sources of these blocks and so clear them. That way, you will be free of the old paradigms and create space for what you truly desire in your life.

No matter how many beliefs you may have altered, more are almost certainly in the process of creation. That is the nature of our human life!

The challenge lies in acknowledging this is the moment to recognise and honour what has served its purpose and to express gratitude before releasing the belief.

8th August, was the peak of the Lion´s Gate as well as the beginning of the last quarter moon. A phase synonymous with release and letting go. 

This one is in Taurus, the bull known for its staunch unwillingness to change!

The Lion´s Gate helps you to strip away all that is not yours, as well as unburdening yourself both physically and energetically. The energy continues until 12th August.

Once you choose not to continue to hold onto any belief, other paths will open to you. Ones that align your head, your heart and your Soul where previously there were blocks.

“Where Do My Beliefs Come From, Why Do I Allow Them To Direct My Life?” outlines how to move to the next level of consciousness through conscious breathwork.

Taurus energy is about connecting with the physical world. It is in this space of quiet and calm, with your feet firmly rooted in the soul of your own truth, you can access a clearer sense of where you are and where you are heading.

Allow the seemingly insignificant moments of each day to be reminders of the joy of being present, of celebrating the simple pleasures that life gifts us every day. 

Welcome magic back into your life and to work with it.

To finish with this reminder from von Goethe:

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.”

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to recognise their beliefs.

To The Beliefs You Want To Direct Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You The Master Of Creating Harmony In Your Life? 😄

Being In Harmony In Your Life

Two simple steps to being the master of your harmony

We have chosen to be on Mother Earth during this period of transformation. It provides an incredible opportunity for each of us to pause, go slower and cultivate simplicity in our lives.

Yet, it is also creating frustration. That though is because to effect a change we needed to stop. 

Does Harmony Have A Place In Your Life?

Whilst I believe completely in the phrase: “This too shall pass”, that is not to say it will return to what we recall as “normal.”

Before rushing back to re-create the way you recall life as it was, I invite you to pause. Reflect a little longer and contemplate what you have learned about yourself in this period of pause.

Already I note some businesses are announcing changes they will make to their organisation and structure. For example, seeking ways to be sustainable and maintain cleaner air.

My suspicion is the popular demand for change could radicalise politics faster than it did after the financial crisis in 2007-09.

Our ability to be in the flow of this change rather than reacting to it because of its perceived adverse effect is going to challenge many.

The key I have learnt is to listen to my body. It always has messages for me as to whether or not there is harmony in my life.

Lack of harmony indicates stress somewhere in our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

These blocks create a lack of harmony between what you are doing and your values and mission. Often manifesting in a pain or illness, usually as inflammation in a part of your body. 

This correlates to a block or imbalance in the energy flowing around it. To help ensure you can identify their cause as the ”new normal” emerges, I have added “Are You The Master Of Creating Harmony In Your Life?” to my articles.

Its essence is when we have harmony in our life we no longer are controlled by our turbulent mind. 

  Willing To Be The Master Of Your Life?  

When the mind is in a turbulent situation

…emotion runs high, it will lead you to react impulsively

…to be easily carried away with emotions and your awareness at the present moment is lost

…for its uncontrolled thoughts drain out the life force energy in you, leaving you completely tired, frustrated and exhausted.

My intent is to help you discover your inner peace and strength as the pace of change begins increasing in this second half of 2023. 

In addition to the two simple steps to being the master of your harmony in the article, you can assist the process by reflecting on these two questions: 

  1. Where am I now? What have I learned about my body, my needs, my joy?
  2. What feels important for my life and my mission?

Something important is emerging right now – for your body, your path, your Soul.

It is your choice whether you remain in its flow or seek to hold it back.

You will be amazed at the power not following the turbulent mind has on your ability to gain access to guidance from Source. 

Never before have opportunities for release, re-birth and breakthroughs been so easy and so supported by all of Creation.

The latest Message From Source includes this insight: 

For many this will be a challenge because it is of unknown memories, though they are part of each of you. It is these experiences which contribute to making you, you.”

Guard against distractions, drama or being complacent.

Once your attention is on your inner world, your perspective broadens to the entire reality you are here to serve.

Harmony Slows The Decline In Your Brain Volume

“Are You The Master Of Creating Harmony In Your Life?” also has details on research about the second brain, the brain-gut axis. The findings of the study have implications for many inflammatory dis-eases in the skin, liver, lungs as well as the gut.

There is also a link to research on the difference between the rate of decline in our brain volume and/or its weight after the age of 40 compared to the slower rate for indigenous peoples in Amazonia. 

Your Light is here to be seen, not to be hidden!

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Being At Harmony In Your Life    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?🤔

Daydream Your Life

There is no more solid answer than you just have to do it!

All the trials and tribulations you went through to now were necessary to prepare you for the next phase of your journey.

Are you ready now to own who you came here to be and shed who you once were?

In which case, you are also probably showing some of those uncomfortable growth pains that often surface as we step further along our journey, to be who we really are.

The Fantasies Of Daydreams Lead To Taking Action  

Oftentimes old wounds, issues or difficulties make us feel really dis-empowered by everything. Or, perhaps you also feel you have lost your inner compass, your North Star? 

Such experiences are a reminder of the need to go deeper into owning yourself. Stripping away more layers of who you once were.

Doing so will most probably trigger an emotional re-action. My advice to several recently has been to just allow it to flow”.

For, now is the moment to take the chances you have only dreamt of upto now!

As you do so, one of the changes you may notice is in your relationships. For subtle energies are at work until August to remove conflict from them.

What I have noticed is that often it seems to be two steps forward and then one back. The inner critic surfacing to try and pull me back to where I have just left!

Such moments seem to be appearing ever more frequently as the higher consciousness seeks to pull us forward.

Spirit then rewarding you for stepping along the path of your life’s mission and staying true to yourself!

That is when you will be graced with one of the most important gifts of all: clarity.

This will enable you to make the connections you need and reveal hidden messages Spirit is sending you.

Though no matter how special this moment of clarity will be, it will not last forever.

Use it to see, observe, and absorb all the awareness and information you need. 

It will soon be required.

Which is where daydreams come in!

Use Daydreams To Enhance Your Creativity 

We have been taught they are just figments of our imagination.

Yes, daydreams are free thoughts and images unfettered from our active experience. They also are a brain function with great benefits.

Whilst daydreaming can reduce stress and anxiety, for me the main benefit is assisting with problem-solving and enhancing creativity.

In Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander? I have cited a Harvard study indicating on average we daydream almost half of our waking hours.

While teachers and adults usually discourage daydreaming, research into what is referred to in scientific circles as mind-wandering, argues it could be beneficial!

Daydreaming often centres on creating our future, which is why it is so prevalent in children. However, daydreaming is often viewed as a hallmark of those labelled as ADD/ADHD.

Yet, neurodiversity is on the rise as the new generation arrives.

Recent studies suggest creative thinking is enhanced when mind wandering lights up connections across a series of interacting brain regions.  

Which is why for many, deep and important truths about ourselves and the world around us seem to unfold from our daydreams.

Do What You Can With What You Have, Just The Way You Are 

That said, the very uncertainty of this transition is creating anxiety and doubt for almost all. 

However, what you cannot do is think your way out of self-doubt! Instead, just accept you are unsure and try anyway.

That is the message covered in more detail in Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?. 

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

Use the coming six months to refresh, rejuvenate and strengthen yourself for the major shifts ahead!

For January to July of 2024 will seem even more chaotic with another dose of Aquarian “wildness” of new twists and turns, global surprises and upheavals in society.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to have clarity in their life.

To Daydream Your Way Ahead


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter