Is It Fear Of The Corona Virus Or Toward Your Excitement?

Fear or Excitement?

Have you felt fear as you heard or read about the corona virus?

How more and more people are being infected each and every day.

How it is destroying the global stock markets as it disrupts the global economy.

What you probably do not realise is…

…even if you are not one of the very few that have been infected by the actual virus you are being affected by its negative energy of fear.

Reflect on its impact for a moment.

Living in fear and control of a virus that you have not caught and probably, once you read the facts in my article published in, you probably never will.

Interested to learn more, you can read the whole article HERE.

Fear affects our physical wellbeing because it creates a back door for illness to take hold. Negative beliefs and emotions weaken our immune system and lower our body´s defences.

Are you going to continue to allow fear that is not yours to cause you anxiety and discomfort?

Because I do not want to happen to you, I have written this article…

…it summarises my view of the situation as well as what I believe are pertinent facts. I have also included some suggestions to strengthen your immune system.

You can read it HERE

You are NOT weak, vulnerable, and so need somebody or something to protect you. The virus is only more powerful than you if you choose it to Be.

Want help in taking any actions then contact me to arrange a discovery call. I have a few openings left before my next event starts on 17th March, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

If you like what you read, share it with someone it may help, comment on it, and let me know what you think.

To You Living In Harmony


P.S. – Do not allow another day to pass where the coronavirus (or anything else for that matter) robs you of the inner peace and clarity you deserve.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.



The Four Habits You Need To Make Your Life Thrive

Make Your Life Thrive

Intuition is one of the core habits you need to make your life thrive, though it has its quirks…

We are all born with this quality, which is, by definition, an instinctive feeling — an instinct that flows naturally to us and through us yet so many of us actively resist it…

ignoring our intuitive inklings, we mistrust the guidance that comes to us via our intuition (dismissing it as being “just in our head”), or we simply feel disconnected completely from such guidance.

We have built the habit of not seeking these insights. Even though your guides are always there speaking to you — you just have to make a new habit to listen in

to help you I wrote this article which has been published on – The Four Habits to Make Your Life Thrive.

It is designed to enable you to step back from the emotions generated by your beliefs, allowing you to connect with your inner voice and its guidance.

No longer being one of the over 85% of people who are not thriving in their life because they are not living to their highest potential.

Your Soul Is Seeking More Than You Know

Because each of us is unique, wealth, health, good relationships, and happiness are different for each of us. We have our own criteria for what to thrive means for us, so determining the success we desire. Our habits block or support this.

The article sets out how to gain control over your habits so you thrive. The Four Habits cover.

  1. Resistance
  2. Setting Intent to Thrive
  3. Connection with your Guides; and
  4. Gratitude.
As my passion is to make your life thrive in the 2020s, please read this article.

To Your Thriving Life


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

Podcast 8th March – Terri Britt interviews Gregory

Readers of The Harmonising Times know I have been invited to give a podcast on 8th March on Terri Britt´s – Leading with Love radio show.

Episode 27 of her show, goes out live at noon PST/3.00 EST on Thursday. My presentation is entitled “Are you Who you Think you Are?” This happens to be the title of my second book currently being edited by the publisher, though the talk will be much, much broader! Quite how broad we will only discover on Thursday.

Interestingly the interview falls a few hours after the shadow starts for Mercury´s first retrograde of 2018. As you know the effect of each retrograde is often felt more in the shadow period than the retrograde itself!

All three Mercury retrogrades in 2018 begin in Fire signs. This one also ends in Fire. Fire initiates change, it wants to be at the creative edges. Fire has passion, with it the extraordinary happens – in-the-moment creativity.

This retrograde is going to ask of each of us “Do our actions/does our behaviour speak the truth about ourselves? Do our actions reflect and demonstrate what we know to be true?”

I am excited to find out what transpires on Thursday. If you cannot listen live, a replay will be available.

