Still Need To Make The Choice As To What To Be In Your Life?

Our Choice

Now is the moment to put your entrepreneurial plans into motion!

As we head into December we will be standing on the cusp of a creative revolution. 

This will take humanity a step beyond the drastic change in scientific thought that took place during the 16th and 17th centuries. 

When, a new view of Nature emerged during this so-called scientific revolution, replacing the Greek view that had dominated human understanding for almost 2,000 years.

               It Is Your Choice To Re-write Your Story?     

To continue our evolution, we must return to living in the energy of inspiration and possibility thinking. 

Each of us has an innate creative power that helps us stay connected to the Creator, only we need to activate it! 

The last part of November continues the call for endings and letting go to allow space for such new beginnings.

The few days leading to the full moon on Monday the 27th will bring a heightened desire for freedom and expansion. 

Use them to make the bold choice for your life, claiming your power to take action to let go and re-write your story?

This will prepare you for December, which brings the energy of new beginnings, independence, leadership, and ambition.

Beginning the creative process to deliver the solutions to the challenges facing a rapidly evolving humanity and Mother Earth.

For, creativity is the ability to transform an inspiration into a manifested idea.

Each of us needs to re-connect to our true creative power so we form the new era we desire.

That way you will be able to complete what your Soul desires of you in this life.

Being a source of inspiration that keeps us all aligned with a future that is worthy of being ourselves.

Included in this article are some questions to help you make a choice that aligns with your passion.

                     Some Thoughts On The Flow of 2024   

 2024 will mark the start of re-building all aspects of human life – not a small task!

In numerology, it is an eight, which represents infinity. Indicating this is a period in which to develop your personal power, to achieve balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

It is also a year to unleash your creativity and passion and pursue your dreams with courage and confidence.

Two key astrological movements are outlined as well as some other pointers about 2024.

The latest Message From Source adds various reminders, including this short one: 

The new era will have newer energies and so need new artefacts and solutions you can create.” 

2024 is a turning point towards a new era, inviting individuals to prepare and navigate the coming changes.

It is your choice as to how these manifest.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help on help on how to make their own choice.

To Making Your Choice As To What To Be


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Master Your Life To Learn How To Build Your Personal Success 😇

Master Your Life

Five questions to help master your life

My hope is this post finds you feeling successful?

Just at this moment, I am not!

It appears many others have similar impressions as in the past week I have been contacted by several seeking my perspective on their direction.

Most have been seeking to continue to push forward to an objective they have established. Instead procrastination and postponement have appeared.

For Magic, Balance And Harmony Are Essential 

Should any of you have been using Tarot to help you through this “created crisis”, it is quite probable the Hanged Man has appeared at least once!

His message is clear: you will meet with challenges and obstacles if you attempt to keep driving through the energy of this moment.

Society´s mantra is we must soldier on and push through challenges. As I have said to many, continue to do so and your body will ensure you are provided with a much needed ‘time-out’

Mine was back pain which forced me to stop and learn exactly what I needed to re-create success in my life.

My passion is to help you to take action to Master your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to Master your Life click reply to contact me.

Subsequently, what I have learnt is that whenever I grow, I have to look back and re-visit all the events I know are true.

Reviewing the themes of alignment, congruency, authenticity, empowerment, awareness and connection.

Evolution forces me to back to my basics as part of my internal re-calibration with my new, more evolved awareness. Which in turn brings a new slant and lesson on beliefs I considered to be closed.

Forming a new base for the next surge in your growth.

What I have learnt during this transition is that I continue to learn something new about myself on every occasion I dive in deeper into the basics of myself.

The constant reminder is that however much the mind may believe evolution is linear, it is not. Sometimes everything flows perfectly, other occasions it does not!

Five Questions To Help Master Your Life 

Each of us experiences cycles of re-alignment. The key is to use your more evolved perspective to seek the tweak to the lesson and then acknowledge it.

Only as I said to a recent visitor – please leave behind the stories about yourself and your life you have been telling. For until you do, that is what you will continue to attract into your life. 

In Master Your Life To Learn How To Build Your Personal Success” I have set out five questions to help Master your life.

It also contains an overview of the Libra new moon. I rises on the 25th to help us find our footing as we enter a new season following the equinox. 

This lunation occurs in the midst of Mercury retrograde, and some challenging connections to other powerful planets.

The new moon is asking you to plant the seeds of your next intention.

Dare to dream outside your knowns, outside the matrix of what you think is possible. Do so even though you may feel massive indecision. Not knowing where it will take you.

The numerology of 2022 is to re-weave the strands of our lives into a new home, a new experience of Mother Earth.

To “assist” in this evolution, we have the final eclipses of 2022 beginning at the end of October. The series in Taurus and Scorpio began at the end of 2021 and stay in these signs until October 2023.

Scorpio rules sex, death, and transformation, Taurus rules love, beauty, and money. Further insights are available in Master Your Life To Learn How To Build Your Personal Success”.

One Spirit World 

As you know already, we are transiting into a new era, a new Earth. Many different cultures have indicated this place metaphorically and literally for thousands of years.

Which means the transformation includes all on Earth as well as Mother Earth herself. The current seismic and solar activities and storms are portents of the physical shifts underway.

The messages from our ancestors across the globe let us know there would be this moment of Great Change. When people would join together on behalf of our Mother Earth. 

The power for transforming our current situation begins with you and me!

Which is why I am honoured to be speaking on Saturday the 24th in the New Humans • New Earth Summit!

I will be joined by indigenous shamans, storytellers, healers and others who are ready to inspire, support and give you the courage to participate in this Great Change our Earth and our collective has initiated.  

Do not miss this opportunity! Go here to learn more and register.

To Being The Master Of Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter