Focus Your Will To Create Your Reality 🙂

What Is Your Focus?

The quality of what we focus on impacts the quality of our lives

Do you ever find yourself grappling with frustration, overwhelm, disappointment, or fuzzy thinking?

Such feelings are not mere nuisances, they are messages waiting to be heard and transformed so we can take our next step.

However, very, very often we do not listen because it is coming from within us. Whereas our body is attempting to call our attention to an internal conflict which is preventing us from taking that step.

The one your Soul wants to make so it can continue to evolve.

Is Your Focus On The Past, Present Or Future?  

Your authentic path, your true calling, is not something you must go searching for outside of yourself. Rather, it grows organically from the very symptoms you believe block your way.

Each feeling, each emotion, is a clue guiding you towards your destiny and fulfilment. Their message is the solution you seek is in the same pattern of beliefs as the challenge you face.

March´s energy is asking us to take a breath to align yourself with what is emerging. The essence of which is to answer the question of where do you put your focus?

On the past, the present or what you choose to create?

For, what you focus on is what you become. What you push against, you vibrate in harmony with.

This is why so many keep repeating what they do not want and to their surprise, that is what manifests!

Whether you feel anger, fear, hurt or any such emotion, or any resistance you have to others, all contribute to the creation of your world. It also means there is something inside you do not want to activate.

So, instead of dismissing these emotions, listen to them. What are they trying to tell you? How can you harness their energy to propel yourself to take the next step along the path that leads to fulfilment?

The latest Message From Source included this reminder:

Each of you will have the opportunity to choose what you desire to create in your life. Do not be timid when you do so.”

Three Steps To Alter Your Focus

Part of my passion and purpose in being recalled to be a shaman in this life is to help you remember the wild call of your inner wisdom, to help you cultivate a trust and confidence in your own inner authority.

Then you will continue to take the bold steps essential to focus your will on freeing your soul to create the opportunities it desires in this incarnation.

Quite probably the messages in this regard will be associated with your sacral. Asking you to follow your own feelings rather than the expectations of others – or thoughts from your unconscious mind!

My latest article cites a study indicating the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of all those thousands, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before.

This constant barrage of negative and repetitive thoughts can significantly impact our health, happiness, and overall quality of life.

For, our inner state of mind is the main factor influencing why we do what we do, how we live our life, and what we achieve. In short, the quality of what we focus on impacts the quality of our lives.

Focus is how we exercise our will and so the power we all hold as individuals to create the life we desire.

Three steps to help you achieve this are in the article.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to focus their will.   

To Focus And Create Your Reality    


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Live Your Truth, Or Your Deeply Buried, Irrational Emotions? 😄

Be At Peace With Your Emotions

Trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience    

Do you know someone who continually refers to their same story of childhood trauma?

Perhaps they have visited a therapist more than once, and yet it never healed.

We all know what this feels like.

                     Your Shadow Holds Your Deepest Emotions  

For the stories we tell ourselves can seem so inescapably real. They are part of who we are, our identity. 

When I hear such stories, to me they indicate the person is living in the emotional beliefs of their shadow.

Most are afraid of our shadow for it contains all the unwanted trauma, pain and dis-comfort we would rather avoid. 

Yet, as a shaman I know these vulnerable parts of us possess some of our most powerful gifts.

Only it requires courage to go there!

In my latest article I used David Hawkins´ Levels of Consciousness to list the eight emotions within the third dimension and below. He describes this overall consciousness as that of the victim/abuser.

The next seven levels rise from courage to bring about the self-empowered human, ready to step into the fifth dimension. This is the point in the process of evolution humanity is entering.

The eclipses and Samhain have brought many insightful dreams and conversations.

Lunar eclipses make visible our collective and personal shadow, providing an opportunity to reset the emotions of the beliefs held in our shadow realms.

Which leads back to trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience. It will mirror your inner beliefs, your emotions about yourself and all of creation. 

Hence, the influence of your shadow.

For our inner journey precedes the next cycle of our creative expansion.

Only then can we move on to what we really desire, rather than clinging to the emotions of our history, fears or past wounds. 

            Courage Is Needed To Create The Self-empowered Human 

Changing our response to what is presented to us. Then we arm ourselves with the awareness to move more gracefully through the turbulence continuing through next year!

The latest Message From Source includes this advice:  

As you take the first little step, so you will open more doorways for you to explore. Be willing to step into each with curiosity. That way you will unfold more of the potential you have exposed.” 

The question we all face, is whether we will allow the next level of our soul´s evolution into our everyday human existence?

For many, simply contemplating the choice will bring forth fear, hesitation, or trepidation from their shadow.

Between now and 2025, the process will accelerate, becoming more evident in our lives.

So, the question for you is whether you have the courage to step through any fears or past ancestral wounding? 

That is where you will find peace within and so help create it without.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to live beyond their emotional re-actions.

To Live In The Truth Of Your Emotions     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

This Turning Point Brings You The First Inkling Of Your New Life🐉

Beyond Your Turning Point Lies..?

Use this moment to make lifetime choices

Most will probably experience the effects and change of the coming lunar eclipse on the exact day it takes place—or perhaps in the surrounding week.

Others may feel its echoes weeks before or after.

Whichever, it is setting up profound themes within all of our lives.

It may take at least six months for the new beyond the turning point to settle.

This Turning Point Is For You To Free Yourself  

Under the light of the full moon, lunar eclipses illuminate our deeply buried emotions. The ones we have previously ignored, or avoided.

Conversations this past week or so have all been about people facing their underlying feelings and fears.

Only then has it been possible for the new they desire to create to begin to take form.

The path of this lunar eclipse on the 28th is quite broad and will have an impact wider than us individually.

In particular, taking account of the planets linked to this partial eclipse, I have set out in my article the countries which will feel the tectonic shifts of Uranus.

Pluto, the planet of death, destruction, and the underworld, will influence another set of countries.

The tension Pluto creates will continue until next November when Pluto finally moves into Aquarius until 2044.

The eclipse´s link with Saturn will ensure plans and projects launched or initiated now have staying power.

My suggestion is to focus on your feelings as to what needs to be recognised and only then, on what you desire – no matter how far out it may seem! 

Whilst it may seem difficult to be making decisions at this moment, we are being pushed to do so – it really is a most opportune moment!

Growth And Renewal Are Passed This Turning Point

The influence of Scorpio encouraging us to face our shadow continues into November.

It is also supporting the pursuit of projects you are passionate about.

Scorpio’s genius comes from the heart, the gut, the internal organs and the genitals. The messages from your body will let you know, one way or another, its feelings.

On the other hand, Taurus wants you to find peace through connecting with the physical – especially Nature.

This will help you acknowledge the changes you make.

The latest Message From Source includes this call to explore ourselves: 

“It is from here you will find responsibility for all in your life has shifted. There will be greater awareness of the support which has always been present. There will also be a new aspect you probably cannot quite identify. This is the first inkling of your new life taking shape.”

A few days after the eclipse, the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain arrives at nightfall on 31st October and continues until sunset on 1st November.

As such it marks the moment when the veils between the worlds, that of the living and the dead, is at its thinnest.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help them step through the turning point in their life.                     

To Stepping Beyond Your Turning Point         


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Human Adaptability Is Being Challenged, Ready To Trust In Yourself? 😅

Adaptability Needs Inner Peace

Faith in yourself can move mountains

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant stress and demands of current events?

You are not alone.

Nurturing your inner peace is probably the single most important action we all can take.

Survival Requires Adaptability To Change    

As a reader of my articles, you will recognise a continuous theme of the cycles influencing our lives.

This is because they transcend our linear thinking and indicate a power outside of rational thoughts. On many occasions I have referred to be in the flow of life.

Yet, humanity seems to prefer resisting the flow of life!

Instead preferring conflict, confusion, being defensive, and self-defeating.

In the Vedic tradition, the key to being in the flow is to stop resisting it! Left to itself, life is an unbroken flow of creative exploration.

Yet our re-action is often to fall back on old, hurtful experiences, stubborn habits, fear of change, and the memory of past failure. So, resisting being in the flow of what is unfolding.

Whereas life and its infinite possibilities are actually a timeless flow. It is these experiences which drive all of Creation.

It just needs each of us to remember this when we become aware of our resistance and the illusions it creates. Above all, not judging ourselves, rather trusting our feelings to discover the trigger.

For anybody over the age of 16, these all have a basis in mankind seeking to emancipate itself from Spirit – separation.

This cycle began around 6,500 years ago when alignment to Natural laws began to gave way to man-made ones.

Now the cycle is swinging back. Which is why our adaptability is once more being called to the fore.

The latest Message From Source  finishes with the reminder:

Continue to be present and not distracted by the events being created. Others will soon appear!”

Look Within To Challenge Your Adaptability

The flow of change on Mother Earth has been and will remain continuous. Because of its adaptability, humanity has done more than survive, it has evolved. We have evolved, collectively and individually.

Various of the cycles influencing the natural ebb and flow of our daily lives are covered in my latest article. In particular, those which have and are impacting Mother Earth´s climate.

They will continue as long as this Universe exists. Our forebears used them to explore and create new structures and technology.

Hence, why adaptability to being in the flow is essential to evolution.

It will provide the experiences we are seeking whilst on Mother Earth. For our purpose is to grow from them.

Being present and having faith in ourselves, knowing we are all connected.

Knowing how we react to the experiences will determine the reality we create.

One which reflects our power of adaptability to step through challenges, rather than being the victim of any struggle.

So, remember always to choose your timeline. Perhaps the one of joy, freedom, creativity and that we are all one?

That is where you will find peace within and so help create it without.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to become more adaptable.

To Trusting In Your Adaptability     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change👍

Life Beyond Your Self-sabotaging

Have you run from addressing your inner wounds?  

Do you have a sense of the direction you are heading?

Close your eyes for a moment and visualise you living life to the full, aligned with your Soul´s desires.

What do you feel?

What do you see?

Is the life you are sensing different from the one you are currently living?

The Law Of Attraction Is Self-sabotaging Your Life

The sad reality for many of us, is that at some point in our lives (sometimes on several occasions), we find ourselves feeling there is something we are lacking in our life.

Whether it is your physical health, career, relationships or even finances…

Rather than waking up grateful for each new day, we are immediately reminded of stress, dis-ease or an unshakable feeling there is something we are missing in our life.

For there is more

…only you need to find it and to do that you must look within.

Yes, it is difficult to accept you are the only one self-sabotaging your life, holding you captive in old beliefs and patterns.

Which is why I highlighted in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change the role of the much mis-understood Law of Attraction.

For, as our thoughts become things so we resonate with them – hence, we attract them. Our resonance, our energy signature is created primarily by our emotional patterning rather than just our mental, intellectual or conscious thoughts.

Which is why old patterns and beliefs must first be released to allow new inspirations to take up residence.

No one else is sabotaging you.

It is your own mind that is your master. However, it also makes an excellent servant.

So, really today is about choosing to regain control of your mind as much as it is about breaking down the walls of your own beliefs.

Ready To Demolish Your Tower? 

It is the Tower of our limiting beliefs we need to demolish in order to grow and become who we know we are.

Once we accept that and take responsibility for self-sabotaging ourselves, we have the power to change and release ourselves from the buried experiences that make us feel stuck and imprisoned.

I am often asked what to do with “negative” emotions around not knowing the next step to take. The solution I point them towards is not controlling or even treating the emotions they are having. They are valid and exist.

Instead, I point people towards a skillset they had when they were young – to adventure. This grew through our childhood.

More is in How To Stop Self-sabotaging To Grasp This Opportunity For Lasting Change.

Should you feel stuck in any area of your life, I invite you to step into possibility. You have the ability to unlock the power of your inner wisdom through embodiment. This allows for greater transformation and healing, be it financial, health, relationship, stress, work, and much more.

Your destiny is to be in a state of joy, creativity, curiosity, and love because they are the vibrations of your Soul. The key is, you need to consciously embody this truth of who you are.

Whether you are ready to grasp the opportunity to initiate the lasting change your Soul is yearning, is your choice. As it is to face your shadow work.

Self-sabotaging What You Are Seeking To Manifest?

When not embodied, we lose our sense of self and the mind has to create a false sense of self by controlling the environment around us.

Should such arise, then feel into your body where the pain or dis-comfort sits. Hug that area or place your hands there so your spiritual body knows where the energy is not flowing.

This will allow you to free the energy circuits in your physical body.

You may need to do so more than once during September and early October. For many of us, this will have a focus on cleaning energy.

It may be within us, the outside world or a little bit of both. This is part of the transition process underway.

As I have mentioned before, our ancient wisdom is seeking to be remembered. This includes our sensory wisdom, both our psychic and physical senses.

You will feel this moving through you. In particular, in the solar plexus and third eye chakras.

Later in October, expect the sense everything is accelerating to return.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power, within ourself. That is the way to stop self-sabotaging the life you desire.

Remember support is always available.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the lasting change they desire in their life.

To Stopping Self-sabotaging Your Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do Your Energy And Consciousness Need To Be Cleared And Cleansed?🤞

Re-invent Yourself And So Your Energy

Three key components to mastering your world

On 7th March a powerful full moon crossed our skies.

After finishing writing Do Your Energy And Consciousness Need To Be Cleared And Cleansed? I went for a walk. Coming up a rise, I saw what seemed to be a light above the trees I was walking toward. Not recalling seeing one there before, I stopped at the next juncture.

There before me rising now above the trees was the beauty of our full moon in Virgo.

Just a few wisps of cloud were floating across her face. Making some salutations, I then turned toward home, walking further up the hill.

Have You Noticed Your Energy Rises When In Nature? 

Reaching the top, I turned to find the moon was now hidden by a large bank of dark cloud. 

Heading on home, I was now looking West. Enjoying the beauty of the strips of light blue sky, mixed with orange and shades of yellow as the sun had just set.

The timing of the two reminded me the equinox was not far away! 

Reaching home, the cicadas were competing with the evening frog chorus.

Such is the beauty of Mother Earth – the rhythms of the land were definitely calling. 

Virgo is the most introspective and soothing of the Earth signs. The messages whilst on my walk were certainly that.

Less than an hour after my connection with La Luna, the first of March´s three major transits began.  Saturn moved from Aquarius into Pisces.

Virgo means purification, Saturn represents being grounded and structured, whilst Pisces is asking us to trust in our connection to the Creator.

Saturn and Pisces will not finally part until February 2026.

Their message of trusting your inner guidance will take us through the period from the end of 2024 to July 2025, when all major planets change signs.

To Clear Your Energy, Start With The Old You

It is essential to continue to be the observer of yourself during this period, noting what beliefs are surfacing to be addressed.

Quite probably, one or more of these may appear:

Life is a burden? Are you at breaking point? Are you dealing with major change? Do you need help letting go of a relationship, job or living situation that has passed its sell by date? Have you had unexplained fears ever since you were born? Do you ‘numb out’ when feeling scared? Are you tense? Are you aware of anger or resentment within you?

Saturn is all about Mastery – which is said will take 10,000 hours of practice, whilst in Pisces, this is not going to be completed overnight!

Rather than push yourself to be further along than you are, set yourself up for continuous evolution by affirming where you are, and your vision of what you desire. 

Focus your steps on what you can do today, not the end game.

Yes, hold to your vision, though not the `how tos` of what you think needs to be done to reach it. 

Explore The New Energy Arriving 

Until the last week of April, we are in window when all planets are direct. The encouragement is to finish up and close what has been in order to prepare for stepping into new territory.

Do Your Energy And Consciousness Need To Be Cleared And Cleansed? has more detailed guidance as to the energies assisting you to not deny or avoid aspects of your life needing to be faced.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this transition…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this guidance:

Stay centred in yourself so you can observe what is unfolding. Even by the middle of your year it will feel different!”

The message is to use the coming weeks to understand the themes of Saturn’s transit through Pisces for you and prepare for the work ahead.

In particular, to consider:

“What possibilities are held within the changes you are making?” 

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help in the creation of their new life.

To Clear And Cleanse Your Energy        


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter