Desire To Take Forward Your Life, What Is Holding You Back?

Take Forward What You Desire

The technological change emerging will create new leaders

The purpose of the recent eclipse cycle was to help us all break free of what was restraining us. Allowing us to take forward only what we desire.

Healing us of any lower density frequencies so that we could incorporate the higher ones. Moving in step with the acceleration which is taking place across all of Creation.  

The benefit for each of us is that as we clear our own value story, embrace our authentic identity and amplify our resilience and alignment, our life improves.

Yesterday the 30th May, the new moon in Gemini rose to create opportunities for us all.

The eclipses were a reminder we are in an 18 month cycle of the dragon nodes moving through the Taurus/Scorpio axis, stripping away deeply cherished connections whilst seeding new ones. The cycle completes in July 2023.

It is though just one of the cycles in play at this moment. Hence why we have needed to be inwardly digesting and then integrating – itself no small task as I said on many occasions to those attending last week´s retreat at our Quinta.

June will entail stepping up and stepping out with the resulting newfound clarity of self and purpose.

In Desire To Take Forward Your Life, What Is Holding You Back?, I have set out the periods when the intensity will continue.

The Mother Earth we knew pre-2020 has changed forever, and many have been left feeling – “What’s next?

Followed by “Can I make it there?”

Yesterday´s new moon in Gemini brought opportunities for us all. One of which was for new leaders to step forward. They will be required to take forward the emerging technological change.        

Ready To Take Forward Your Dreams?

The latest Message From Source includes advice on how to take forward this process of creation:

many new technologies are in the process of emerging, as are the means to communicate them to all of humanity…. bring forth from your own consciousness what are the desires in the moment and trust your feeling, not your thoughts.”   

June is the month to express yourself, to be true to who you are and rekindle your passions. To be in alignment with your soul´s mission. This though assumes you have let go of what no longer serves you and so allowed your frequency to rise.

This will be necessary to be free to manifest your desires over the next two years.

Mercury goes direct on 3rd June, though it will only be free of its post-shadow sludge on the 18th. During these two weeks expect a fair amount of confusion. Initially around how we communicate and in our day-to-day lives.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with a fresh perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

To Taking Forward Your Life                       


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Have You Chosen To Create Your Life Or Allow Destiny To Direct It?

Destiny To Direct Your Life

Is your choice to continue as the victim or be the master of your destiny?

is there a difference between the fate of creating your life and destiny?

To me fate is more of a moment when an event alters the trajectory of your life

…destiny, on the other hand, is grander. It is the underlying story of your life. It is full of fated moments which happen within your slowly unfolding story.

In many senses, the question represents a continuing contradiction between the Western belief our life is in our own hands and the karma of the Eastern traditions. My articles have often referred to my belief every soul shares the same purpose – to evolve.

The path we choose to do it though is unique.

We are always evolving, growing and changing.

Cycles of growth are often initiated by experiences that can feel as though our life is “falling apart”. The key is to recognise you are in a cycle of evolution – i.e. growth.

Which means disruption so we can re- define who we think we are – creating anxiety because it is uncertain.

Growth cycles and disruption are a natural part of your Soul calling you into an expanded, more wise expression of who you are.

Influenced as we are by the transition humanity, Mother Earth and all of Creation are undergoing at the moment.

That said, the question is whether we believe our journey here on Mother Earth is the result of allowing destiny to direct it? Or, whether we truly have complete freewill to choose what we create?

More on this theme is in “Have You Chosen To Create Your Life Or Allow Destiny To Direct It?”  

Have You Allowed Destiny To Direct Your Life?

The last two days of April and beginning of May provide us all with a change in planetary influences.  

Pluto goes retrograde on the 29th, followed by the Taurus new moon solar eclipse on the 30th. The next day Venus connects with Pluto followed by Jupiter doing the same on 3rd May.

Pluto is known for shaking up current dynamics and pushing them to crumble. Empowering you to create the life you desire. Helping you see the unseen, making the invisible visible, so you are fully conscious of your truth.

The solar eclipse is about shifting your horizon to the next stage of your evolution.

Followed on 16th May by the total lunar full moon eclipse in Scorpio.

Its energy of destined endings, turning points, and achievements has been building since the middle of the month. As a Water sign, this will have a strong influence.

When the choice we make aligns with the Cosmos, we find it supported; when not, we find the way blocked.

An overview of this is provided in the latest Message from Source, which includes this reminder: “There is a hierarchy of planetary influences guiding all in Creation. These cycles are a reminder life evolves in the flow rather than dis-connected from it.”

From now until the end of May you will feel heightened energies as evolutionary change accelerates.

“Have You Chosen To Create Your Life Or Allow Destiny To Direct It?”  outlines more of these planetary influences as well as some predictions from Nostradamus about current events this year and next.

Reflecting on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced counterpoint, a fresh perspective and practical steps, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Creating Your Own Destiny To Direct Your life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Ready To Step Beyond The World Of Your Current Desire?

Living Beyond My Current Desire

Four steps to guide you to light the way for others  

The first of April´s two new moons has risen. Together they at least double the call to take action to fulfil your dream.
That said, many people ask me: “What is my purpose in this life?”
My answer always begins with: “every soul has the purpose to evolve, the path to achieve that is unique to you.”
This is a big question and when it is asked their voices often become soft or have an almost pleading tone.
Others often question whether they have the ability to create such an adventure, or the path they have taken is the “wrong one.”
To which my answer is “there is no right or wrong”, each is a choice we make to gain experiences. These create a foundation on which you can build your dreams.
Maybe you relate to this?
Research shows that people who feel their life has a meaning are happier, more productive, generate higher incomes and live longer.
Conversely, when there is no meaning, you struggle in some area of your life. Which will impact your health, wealth and happiness.
Why? Because it influences the joy you experience in your life.
Then you realise the importance of what you do, and most importantly, of who you are.
You therefore take responsibility for yourself. Setting boundaries by valuing yourself. Your decisions keep taking you in a direction that brings you more and more fulfilment. You feel deeply connected to Spirit and you know how to access all the resources you need to fulfil your full potential.

Do You Know Your Current Desire?

Do you procrastinate, avoiding actions you know you need to take? Instead watching TV, You Tube, surf the internet or play on social media? Do you feel disconnected from your life, business, relationships, Spirit…?
Then how do you instead take action to stop avoiding life and what your soul is seeking?
In essence you have to open the gate to listen to your soul!
Then you will be fully engaged with your life, living it boldly, abundantly and making choices that are going to bring you your dream, the one Beyond The World Of Your Current Desire.
For as the latest Message From Source indicates:
”Continue to create what you desire in and for your life. There is far more available than anyone considers possible. Only it needs each of you to open to exploring what is impossible, or at least so you view it.”
In numerology, April is a 1 Universal month – the moment for fresh starts and new beginnings. The number is also the reminder to believe in yourself!
This new moon in Aries is accompanied by four planets in Aries – the first sign of the Zodiac, encouraging us to dream of new pathways and destinations.
Doing so requires each of us to take three actions:
1. Clear unresolved issues which are restraining you;
2. Understand who you REALLY are and the objectives your soul is seeking; and
3. Structure your life and your business to support that.
To help you make a brand new set of choices that keep you enthused and focused on ensuring you lead a life of fun and joy, Beyond The World Of Your Current Desire contains a four step guide to illuminate your light.
As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality.

To Stepping Beyond The World Of Your Current Desire   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires?

Observe Who You Are

Connect to the three gifts of this Pisces new moon  

Do you feel discouraged and disheartened during periods such as this? When it looks as though humanity is taking the world in a direction that seems completely counter to what our hearts know as truth.

Logic and reasoning perpetuate what is already known, rather than encouraging creation of the new.

This requires we break apart the beliefs and patterns of our established behaviour. Only then can we be open to new ideas, new possibilities.

First though we need to ask “What else is possible?”

Once we have an answer, we can use our creativity to change our world.

Today´s new moon in Pisces is asking you to believe in your dreams even when they look impossible.

The energy of division seems to be directing us, even though other actions show most people want to be aligned together in truth.

When we observe what is unfolding in our lives rather than focusing on the attention grabbing headlines, we can begin to see themes emerging.

In particular the dance between oppression and the challenge to oppression. Then we can see how oppression is needed to raise the change energy of revolution.

Feeling oppressed or not listened to can also be present in our personal lives, in our intimate relationships.

And Then Be The Observer

Which is why global events are a mirror for our own lives, and vice versa. No matter how hard we may seek to ignore them, collective events are essential to creating the new era.

This is what I have written about in “Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires?”   

It outlines the key events flowing from today´s new moon in Pisces.  

The powerful latest Message From Source includes this guidance:

What is unfolding may seem to be horrific. Allow the events to unfold completely before you rush to make sense of them. There is much yet to appear and actions to be taken. Each will have its own consequence for each of you.

This current period is a tremendous one for releasing anything that is holding you back from living life to its highest potential.

Should any challenge surface, do not view it as a problem. Instead it is there as an opportunity for you to purge something that is still restraining you. You attracted it in order to facilitate your growth and evolution – your soul´s purpose.

“Observe The Transition. Are You Focused On The Headlines Or Creating Your Desires? also contains three gifts of this Pisces new moon. 

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Being The Observer 




There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So? 🤔

Forever Create Your Future

  Four steps guiding you to create your future  

Today a window opens for you to create your future. The one you truly desire.  

All planets are now awake. Meaning until the end of April is a period to enter into contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions that you want to last forever.

The only question is whether you will take action to use this opportunity?

Change is in the air.

The month began with the new moon in Aquarius, making seven planets now in signs ruled by Saturn. Their theme is “responsibility.”

This has two aspects to it. First take responsibility for your life, do not pass your power to others. And, secondly this is a chance for you to respond in a way that aligns with your desires.

This means working with the flow of life instead of letting it “work you!”

Which is what I have written about in “There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So?

The opportunity comes from the planetary alignment providing over 80 days without any retrogrades. Hence the window is open, only you need to use it!

To help you there are four steps guiding you to create your future. This is included as February 2022 is only occasion this century all the numbers in a date are the same, except for 0.  

The essence of the number 2 is unsurprisingly harmony, kinship, and co-operation. As such it represents making a choice between one path or another

Water Will Create Your Future

This was encouraged by the latest Message From Source with its guidance: ”The themes which are emerging all flow from freedom – to know, be and act from your own truth. Knowing your own truth is for many the hardest aspect to address.”

Only then will you able to live a fulfilled life.

As Aquarius is the water bearer and we are now in the year of the Water Tiger, we are going to feel Water´s ebb and flow. Reminding us Water is always moving and it takes on many different shapes and forms.

So, expect many emotional revelations, clearing old energies and opening you to new opportunities in love, abundance, and serenity.

Our own voice needs to be heard so we create harmony with those around us. Doing so will create the tone of this new era.  

That is how your actions create your future.   

“There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So?” also includes more on key dates in February, such as when to re-vitalise your online and social media profiles.    

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Creating Your Future  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter


Nothing In Your Life Still? Your Constant Flow Is Creating Your World 😗

In The Constant Flow Of Life

Sitting on your hands is not an option

Over the past few weeks there have been many conversations with both clients and guests at our dinner table about the constant flow of memories which keep surfacing.

Memories which link to their childhood, ancestral lineage or other lives.

All have been identified as keeping them stuck. Not starting the business they feel would bring them joy.

Not taking action to clear away habits and beliefs they know are limiting them. Not reaching out to express forgiveness.

Being afraid of success and making choices to align their life with their personal values.

Wishing not to be here on Earth.

All were stories explaining why not.

Some were linked to a perceived lack of success and others why they did not feel they desired success.

Which led on several occasions to questioning the very meaning of the word.

To me success is not the amount of wealth you have created. Rather, you are successful when you:

    Believe in your dreams and take action to create them

    Have the support to take that action

    Feel joy in how you are living your life. 

Are these present in your life?

Unless you take action to move past your sticking point, fun and joy cannot be in constant flow.

The transition we are in is changing every aspect of ourselves, our lives and Mother Earth herself.

The conversations and client work are manifestations of what is emerging.

In Nothing In Your Life Still? Your Constant Flow Is Creating Your World” I have sought to put into context some of the themes impacting us.

In particular, all are being encouraged to “birth their new life”. One free of the habits and beliefs which have constrained us up to this moment.

Create Your Constant Flow of Abundance  

Acceleration in the vibrations of Mother Earth is impacting all her inhabitants. And whilst it “will carry on through the end of 2021, the process of adjustment to its effects will take longer. The impact will be felt by technology as well as existing industries.

Or, as the latest Message From Source indicates:

Continue to allow yourselves to adjust to the higher vibrations which are impacting all, including Mother Earth and the Cosmos, at this moment. This is not going to be a short, sharp shock. Rather it requires re-calibration by all.”

As with all change, the essential first step is to acknowledge it exists. The next is exercising your free will as to your choice, based on your truth.

Accept any emotion which surfaces, it is an essential part of you, do not seek to sit on or suppress it. 

Allow your intuition to guide you – then your soul can lead you, rather than seeking to impose visions flowing from your mind. That is where the opportunities abound to birth your dream.

As you take action and would you like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out.   

Similarly should there be any part of Nothing In Your Life Still? Your Constant Flow Is Creating Your World” you would like more insight about.

To Being In The Constant Flow Of Life     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Lion´s Gate – Feel The Embrace Of Eternal Life And Infinite Possibilities?

Lion´s Gate - a state of flux

To move through this state of flux, make your intentions real and follow your passion

The transition we are all experiencing is reflecting in the state of flux we see around us with its flow of the unexpected. Being in the process of leaving one state and preparing for the new is also evident in the planets.

Today we are at the mid-point between the unusual two consecutive full moons in Aquarius – the sign of our new age.

The Triple Alignment To Free Your Life

Adding to this state of flux, on 8th August the Sun will also be at the mid-point of its annual transit through Leo. This is known as the Lion´s Gate because it is the day the star Sirius rises.

The brightest of the stars, it becomes visible in the Eastern sky about 8th August each year. Sirius’ appearance coincides with the Orion constellation aligning perfectly to the Pyramids of Giza. This triple alignment was celebrated by the ancient Egyptians as the opening of the Lion’s Gate portal.

In numerology eight is known as the number of balance and harmony. It also represents infinity, the mathematical symbol for a number greater than any assigned number – i.e. anything that can be foreseen.

Eight represents an ultimate form of achievement that many will spend their lives striving to fulfil.

In Chinese culture, the number eight is considered the luckiest number of all, and is purposely worked into wedding dates, birth dates, addresses, and finances.

88 is said to represent DNA activations. So on 8th August, you can activate your DNA with light codes sent by the star, Sirius – which is considered our spiritual Sun.

All of which makes 8th August a particularly happy and fortunate day for manifesting success and turning your dreams into reality. That is you choosing to move through this state of flux toward a new life – hence the new moon!

The new moon in Leo on 8th August has one major planetary aspect, a challenging alignment with the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus.

Leo governs the heart, and the powerful square from the Sun and Moon to Uranus symbolises tremendous change and upheaval.

In A State Of Flux Everything Is In Constant Change

They exert evolutionary pressure to push us out of our comfort zone. Forcing you to free your life so you can access new perspectives, tapping into deeper levels of courage in your authentic self-expression.

The impact of the Saturn and Uranus alignment is to do more than you imagining what is possible and “hope for the best”. You are being pushed to take action to move beyond this state of flux to create the future you desire for yourself and so all of humanity.

The spiritual meaning of this Leo new moon indicates – react to unexpected changes with flexibility and self-awareness. Remaining fixed is an option, though a painful one!

The square to Uranus activates the ruling planet of Aquarius, making thrilling breakthroughs and brilliant `Aha´ moments a normal occurrence.

Everything is the way it is, and everything is in constant change.

Nothing is going to remain the same.

Meaning this is a really good moment to create space to notice whether you are reacting to the emotions of those around you, or your own. Step back and observe whether it is your body or your mind that is reacting to events.

The energy of today, 8th August is ideal for you to set intentions for the months to come.

This Lion´s Gate opens a highly auspicious period for making your intentions real, to enable you to follow your passion. Take action to make new changes ideally during the waxing phase of the moon – before  the full moon on 22nd August.

Trust Yourself To Take A Risk And Do Something New

You are infused with a passionate desire to succeed and enthusiastically embrace life.

The Lion’s Gate and Leo new moon on 8th August celebrate the embrace of eternal life, immortality and the enhancement of infinite possibilities.

Everything is evolving at an all-new speed. Causing dis-orientation and emotional reaction that can seemingly come from nowhere. Hence the need for simple practices to help you reset.

Remembering our emotional reactions are not just about what we see in front of our face. These reactions usually have history in them, often ancestral.

Now is the moment to allow yourself to do something new. Trusting yourself to take that risk, and you will be supported to free your life. Allow yourself to acknowledge your passion and to follow it.

Please DO share and pass this link to others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Moving Through Your State Of Flux


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter