May Will Bring More Of What You Desire 😃

Have You What You Desire?

This new moon is encouraging you to make your own rules

Today´s new moon in Taurus asked you to re-align your actions with what you desire, to allow yourself to dream beyond your current horizon.   

To do so, you are invited to slow down, appreciate the simple things in life, and find beauty in the world around you.

Taurus teaches us that when we cherish our current blessings, we not only enhance our own sense of contentment, we also attract more of what we desire into our lives.

Have You Added What You Desire To Your Unlimited Potential? 

You may recall the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on 20th April was also in Taurus. At this new moon, another four planets, including Jupiter and Uranus, are in this fixed Earth sign.

This new moon is the first major trigger of that conjunction.

During the coming month, the Sun, Venus and Mercury will add their energies to the trigger as well as align with Jupiter and Uranus!

Jupiter magnifies what it touches.

Uranus liberates what is stuck.

Taurus represents physical matter, the body, the five senses, food supplies, and economics.

The bull is encouraging you to step back from the chaos of everyday life and focus on what truly matters to you – to connect with your innermost dreams and what you desire. 

It is when we find the stillness within ourselves, we often find our greatest clarity. Answers become clearer, and life seems simpler.

More on the contrast between the bull´s preference for safety and stability, to keep everything steady and Jupiter-Uranus seeking to break up old stale patterns, routines, and anything that seeks stability, is in my overview about the new moon energy.

Being another super moon, there will be a pull on the tectonic plates as well as our psyches!

Recently my conversation with others has had a focus on the energy around them pulsing with the winds of expansion.

Signalling transformation is taking place, though the symptoms may differ. Whilst it will probably be challenging on occasion, it is an essential part of our growth and evolution.

It is from this you will be able to begin to create what you desire.

First, though you will need to understand what it is, which is totally different from knowing.

Understanding is about feeling the meaning, whereas knowing is about ideas.

This Moon Is Encouraging You To Make Your Own Rules

Understanding clears the way for you to have clarity as to your unique abilities, gifts and skills.

To expand your life, you need to understand you can explore new realities to allow your creativity and inspiration to grow.

Knowing is a stagnant awareness. Understanding is the action of processing, perceiving, interpreting, and then applying what you acquired by knowing.

May has an energy of expansion, globally as well as personally to support this.

It is from the feeling of what we desire we ignite our intentions, so radiating an electromagnetic signal to all of Creation from our heart.

The latest Message From Source added this guidance:

Feelings will become more important and essential as each of you allows your vibration to rise. Telepathy and other such manifestations of feelings will become more usual in terms of how humanity communicates. Which is why it is necessary for each of you to re-connect to all aspects of your physical body.”

Expansion is also being aided later on 8th May when the moon adds its energy to the rebellious spirit of Uranus by going out-of-bounds until 13th May.

That is stepping outside the Sun’s influence, allowing the moon to behave independently, making its own rules. This occurs only every 18-19 years for the moon and will continue through to its standstill in January 2025.

This new moon is leading you to take the next step to what you desire.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to create what they desire.      

To Bringing More Of What You Desire            


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? 🐉

The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life

Tune in to your magic, mystery and material   

Over these past few weeks, and probably longer, I have been reminded on innumerable occasions to focus on peace during the day. 

It has seemed a perpetual cycle of waiting. Perhaps you are here as well? 

I want to assure you such cycles of rest are always dynamic and transformative.

Once we take action, not only will life seem different, it will improve.

It always does, for change will have taken place.

Are You Sitting In The Driver´s Seat To Create Your Future?

Use the period into 2023 to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life. There is a coherence in doing so.

Challenge yourself to sit in the driver´s seat of your life.

The current transition in the economy and global events are asking us to re-define our perceptions of the nature of humanity. 

As we move away from competition for material possessions to collaboration based on connection, people will no longer be viewed as commodities or numbers.

Uranus highlights the Earthly themes of Taurus until 2026. Meaning, events will change the emphasis to appreciating each individual for who they are.

As well as respecting their unique and irreplaceable role they have in the continuing evolution of humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos.

This shift will continue to raise awareness of our reliance on the health of this planet.

As I outlined in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire?, the recent new moon in Libra “is encouraging us to experiment, whether we like it or not! Thereby leaving our known, familiar, and more or less secure lives behind.” 

However, each of us has to choose whether or not we step into the driver´s seat of creation? 

As Seth Godin so succinctly reminded us:

It’s not about whether we have what it takes; it’s about whether we choose to pursue it.”           

Your choice is whether to spread your wings or remain bound where you are.

It will require change in how you think, what you value and in how you work. Most essentially it will require a shift in how you perceive yourself.

Unforeseen Changes Are Moving Into The Driver´s Seat 

For to enjoy living in a sustainable world, we must first become sustainable ourselves.

Taking action breeds confidence and courage even though we are unsure where we are heading! That is how we move into the flow of energy of creation.

It is here we will find fun and joy again.

My passion is to help you to take action to be in the driver´s seat of your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder about making a choice:

Once made the hologram will start to shift and so the sense of peace begin to be felt. This will in turn allow more choices to be made as events continue to unfold. 

This is the process of evolution you are all exploring and will continue to seek to do so.”

I have also mentioned in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? some possible turbulence regarding the EU and its currency, though the impact will be wider.

Our actions during these months will determine the form of the new which emerges by the end of December.

Just a reminder, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.

Using the coming period to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life will assist. There is a coherence in doing so. 

Then you will appreciate where you have been and so how you can embrace where you choose to head into the new era. 

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Sitting In The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter