Ready To Use This Moment To Create The Nature Of The Future You Desire To Live?

The Nature Of The Future Is...?

Your attitude is so important to create the life you desire

The future is coming whether you like it or not.

The real question is are you ready to take action to create the nature of the future the way you desire it to be?

As we grow and evolve the energy of our “Divine blueprint” changes.

Fear And Scarcity Stop Us From Living The Life We Desire

To me, current events are symptoms of change underway.

There is though, a far less recognised deeper meaning. This is about our ability to influence and create the future we desire for ourselves.

We are at a crossroads for our current civilisation.

Do we choose to evolve or not?

How we choose to navigate these next few months will plant the seeds determining the nature of our future.

Despite homo sapiens having the unique ability of adaptability amongst other species on the planet, the rise and fall of multiple civilisations suggest it has not always been applied!

Suggesting humanity has an inbuilt inability to instinctively respond to the unexpected and connect to our guidance. The members of each civilisation preferring to remain with what they know rather than adapting to what is emerging.

Hence, the ongoing cycle of death and re-birth of past civilisations.

Yes, humanity evolved though not the fear and scarcity present when our minds evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In my latest article, I set out more on both the history of our evolution and the root of the judgements underlying so much of the current conflict within humanity.

As a result of requests, a process is outlined for how to let go and create the new. My suggestion builds on the guidance everyone over two years old should enter a new soul contract.

Your Vibration Indicates The Nature Of The Future You Desire

For, each of us living on Mother Earth at this moment has an expanded purpose. One beyond that of continuing to evolve through our experiences.

This is the moment when we need to recognise what is in our control and surrender what is not.

You can only control your own world, so that is where to begin to create the nature of the future you desire.

It is your own attitude that determines the vibration you radiate! For, you can only manifest the nature of the future you have experienced.

The latest Message From Source includes this overview and advice:  

This is the moment in the cycle of evolution in which you choose the next step. Death and re-birth is the option which is available for all to enjoy. The very nature of what emerges will be determined by your attitude towards yourselves and so what you create.”

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the nature of the future they desire.

To Living The Nature Of The Future You Desire     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want? 😊 I

Success Is So Elusive?

Four components necessary to create enduring success

29th January Venus moved direct, ending our focus on the chaotic mess that was 2021. Now we can take what we have learnt and use it to spring into 2022.

Venus retrograde has been asking us to question what we truly want out of our love and financial relationships. Helping us to see what we need to change in order for them to be more authentic and honest.

Its purpose being to enable you to pursue what excites you and aligns with your desires for 2022 and beyond. This retrograde had a particular focus on career and work, making us question does the existing relationship give us joy?

Which feeds into the new moon in Aquarius rising on 1st February. Aquarius is the sign of freedom, the future and breakthroughs. It is encouraging you to embrace surprising new directions.

Your Definition Of Success Is…?

For many the very notion of success is uncertain.

The last two years have brought reminders the traditional career paths have become pointless. The enforced separation of people and their place of work enabled many to question their focus and the stress of overworking, yet being under-satisfied.

Fortunately the re-structuring underway is re-emphasising once more success does not need to be one-dimensional. It does not need to be a tug-of-war between achievement and happiness.

This is the moment to adjust your focus from what is not working to focus upon the greater vision that is before you.

I have written “Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want?” with the intention to help you do so.

For many have found the offer we grew up with of work hard then success will follow” is false.  

Specifically, my story details a framework of four components necessary to create enduring success.

Encouraging you to consider your business or career as a means to manifest something into the world. Using your unique abilities, gifts and skills as the means to do so.

There is also the latest Message from Source indicating a new phase of evolution has begun. This is outlined as “Allow yourself to be in the flow of creation. Doing so will bring forth unknown events and meetings… The success you all seek can only flow from within and being aligned with all aspects of your being. Everything else is ephemeral and passing.”

Do You Really Deserve Your Success?

1st February also marks the start of the year of the Water Tiger, opening the door to taking action.

Which is why in “Why Is Success So Elusive? Will You Really Deserve What You Want?” I encourage you to review your definition of your success.

Also assess what is not working, because that is the best way to be unhappy and unfulfilled. Instead focus on what brings you joy and remember to consider the new patterns and rhythms which are emerging.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Bringing Success Into Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter