Afraid To Speak Your Truth? ?

Speak Your Truth

Your beliefs determine what and how you speak — to please others or being authentic to yourself?

We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel of separation. Though that does not mean there is no concern about how we move forward.

You do not have to fear that uncertainty. Yes, stay vigilant. However, do not let the unknown keep you from unlocking all you enjoy about life and incarnated to experience.

To me this is the moment when each of us can step into our full potential. Which is exactly what the world needs right now.

The energetic shifts of 2020 have begun their offering of its unique opportunities for leaving the “old normal” for something remarkably beautiful.

The first step is always to identify where we are now. Only then can we open the door for structural changes to the way we live and work.

We therefore need to stay grounded and thrive during these periods by going deeper to know who you really are.

This will raise the question as to whether you are speaking your truth or simply following the directions of others?

Or, perhaps you are more concerned about pleasing others than speaking your truth?

Unless we speak our truth we will never discover our soul’s true love in this life. This is the only voice we need to pay attention to in order to thrive in this world.

Once we are aware of the emotional patterns, energetic blocks and limiting beliefs directing our life we can change them and so thrive.

Now is the moment to recognise and live in the infinite possibilities being offered.

The key I have learnt is to listen to my body. It always has messages for me as to whether or not there is harmony in my life. Then I can change it.

My story “Afraid to Speak your Truth?” is available so you can access Secret #5 to answer the question: “Why do I have trouble speaking up?”

Whilst you are not speaking your truth you will be unable to live a life of harmony and thrive.

When you do so you set in motion that very life.

To Speaking Your Truth


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

How To Live A Life Of Harmony ?️

Life Of Harmony

We have chosen to live during this period of transformation. It provides an incredible opportunity for each of us to pause, go slower, cultivate simplicity in our lives.

Yes it is also creating frustration. That though is because to effect a change we needed to stop. Whilst I believe completely in the phrase: “This too shall pass,” that is not to say it will return to what we recall as “normal.”

Before rushing back to re-create the way you recall life as it was in December 2019, I invite you to stop. Reflect a little longer and contemplate what you have learned about yourself in this period of pause.

Already I note some businesses are announcing changes they will make to their organisation and structure. For example not centralising in large office blocks. Some countries are also seeking ways to maintain their cleaner air.

My suspicion is the popular demand for change could radicalise politics faster than it did after the financial crisis in 2007-09.

Our ability to be in the flow of this change rather than reacting to it because of its perceived adverse effect is going to challenge many.

The key I have learnt is to listen to my body. It always has messages for me as to whether or not there is harmony in my life.

Lack of harmony indicates stress somewhere in our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

These blocks create a lack of harmony between what you are doing and your values and mission. Often manifesting in a pain or illness, usually as inflammation in a part of your body.

This correlates to a block or imbalance in the energy flowing around it. To help ensure you can identify their cause as the ”new normal” emerges, I decided to write a series of stories based on my The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony.

“How To Live A Life Of Harmony is the first one. It sets out part of the story as to how I came to write the book and my purpose in doing so.

When we have harmony in our life we no longer are controlled by our turbulent mind.

When the mind is in a turbulent situation…

…emotion runs high, it will lead you to react impulsively

…to be easily carried away with emotions and your awareness at the present moment is lost…

…for its uncontrolled thoughts drain out the life force energy in you, leaving you completely tired, frustrated and exhausted.

My intent is the first post and the coming seven help you discover your inner peace and strength ahead of the return of forced change in December.

They will also help you alter your own mindset. Perhaps from one of scarcity to one of abundance.

In addition to reading the post you can assist the process by reflecting on these two questions:

  1. Where am I now? What have I learned about my body, my needs, my joy?
  2. What feels important for my life and my mission?

Something important is emerging right now – for your body, your path, your soul.

It is your choice whether you remain in its flow or seek to hold it back.

ReadingHow To Live A Life Of Harmony” may help prepare you. You will be amazed at the power not following the turbulent mind has on your ability to gain access to answers from Source.

Never before have opportunities for release, rebirth and breakthroughs been so easy and so supported by all of Creation.

Guard against distractions, drama or being complacent.

Your Light is here to Shine, not to be hidden!


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

Your Body Wants To Be Free — Are You Listening?

To Be Free
Want to be free from those uncomfortable feelings of the last weeks?
Experienced some or all of the following:
Drag yourself out of bed, feeling disappointed sleep has not restored your energy… and you wonder where that energy has gone?
Feel exhausted by even the simplest of daily tasks …. and that exhaustion is amplified at work.
Struggle to make it through the day. You feel so tired it is almost impossible to focus on the tasks in front of you.
Your relationships have become a bit of a challenge, especially as you have no energy and are feeling worn-out.
• You are too tired to spend quality time with your family and friends, your hobbies and interests have just passed you by. Even worse, you feel guilty about it!
Stress is beginning to take its toll on all other areas of your life, especially your body´s health! You may have even added extra weight around your middle.

Warning Signs Your Body Wants To Be Free

Many have asked me about these symptoms during the last few weeks.
These are all warning signs that something is going on inside…
…I have written the post Your Body Wants To Be Free to help you take action.
To help you do more than just treating the symptoms
…rather helping you identify the energy blocks causing them.
To help you to target the cause and heal it for good!
All you have to do is to click this link to read the article on… allowing me to show you just how easy it is to secure the deep, restorative healing you need!
To Be Free


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

The Four Habits You Need To Make Your Life Thrive

Make Your Life Thrive

Intuition is one of the core habits you need to make your life thrive, though it has its quirks…

We are all born with this quality, which is, by definition, an instinctive feeling — an instinct that flows naturally to us and through us yet so many of us actively resist it…

ignoring our intuitive inklings, we mistrust the guidance that comes to us via our intuition (dismissing it as being “just in our head”), or we simply feel disconnected completely from such guidance.

We have built the habit of not seeking these insights. Even though your guides are always there speaking to you — you just have to make a new habit to listen in

to help you I wrote this article which has been published on – The Four Habits to Make Your Life Thrive.

It is designed to enable you to step back from the emotions generated by your beliefs, allowing you to connect with your inner voice and its guidance.

No longer being one of the over 85% of people who are not thriving in their life because they are not living to their highest potential.

Your Soul Is Seeking More Than You Know

Because each of us is unique, wealth, health, good relationships, and happiness are different for each of us. We have our own criteria for what to thrive means for us, so determining the success we desire. Our habits block or support this.

The article sets out how to gain control over your habits so you thrive. The Four Habits cover.

  1. Resistance
  2. Setting Intent to Thrive
  3. Connection with your Guides; and
  4. Gratitude.
As my passion is to make your life thrive in the 2020s, please read this article.

To Your Thriving Life


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.