Is Your Life Run By No Pain, No Gain Or Allowing Yourself Fun And Joy? 😄

No Pain, No Gain

Three ways to step beyond limitation   

One of the hardest lessons we all face is how to let go.

How to leave what we have known and take the step into the unknown.

Whether this is a relationship that is past its grow-by date, a home we have known for years, or a role that has given us purpose and identity. Holding on because of our belief: no pain, no gain?

Perhaps there have been nudges to take action?

No Pain, No Gain Holding You Back?  

Yet the familiar keeps calling, especially when the patterns such as no pain, no gain are repetitive.

Often our thought is we will try to make space later to make the change.

Even though we can feel the stagnant energy, not accepting it causes fatigue, low moods, pain and dis-comfort.

What we do not appreciate is that when we manage our energy, events and time work themselves out.

How different would our lives be once we start responding more to the inner nudges instead of our thoughts, the external clock and calendar?

Do you remember the definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result! How many aspects of your life fit this definition, so making you another one who by definition is mad!

Perhaps you felt doubts creep in as the risk of stepping into the unknown appeared? Mother Earth and all of humanity are going through the current cycle of death and re-birth.

When you do let go and shift onto the path your Soul is seeking, you activate your divinity to allow your unique abilities, gifts and skills to shine through.

Three ways are set out to help you do so in the article.

Then as you begin to change, so will the structures and systems around you.

That is how the form of the economic system, government, education, healthcare etc. will all change along with you.

The speed of such change being determined by that we effect within ourselves.

Our Path Is Not To Walk One Of No Pain, No Gain

View what you do not like about the current structure and systems as a mirror of your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, judgements and fears so that you can let them go.

The latest Message From Source includes this reminder:

In particular, is your direction one you know will create joy? When it is not, then why continue pursuing that path? The mature view is to assess what you feel, not what you think. It is from this success flows.”

Often, changing your actions, no matter how small, can make an immense difference in your life and how you feel.

The cycle and flow of evolution mean that what we took for granted is not going to serve us anymore. A deeper approach to life is being encouraged.

Which leads to the eclipse season we are now in. A period of accelerated change, release, letting go, starting anew…

It is even more important during this one to feel rather than trying to think your way through.

Also recognising as we are in a cycle of death and re-birth, shifts, upgrades, and changes often need us to recall when as a small child we had to learn to walk. 

Remember support is always available.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to move on from no pain, no gain.

To Living Your Life Of Fun And Joy     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

This Full Moon Wants You To Be Calm And Seek Peace, Trusting In Its Flow 😃

Be Calm And Seek Peace

Follow your gut and step back to notice how you feel

Very early on 31st August the brightest full moon of 2023 will loom large in the sky. We have been watching it grow these last few evenings as it rises up over the Sera – quite an enthralling sight!

Usually a supermoon in a water sign such as Pisces will create inner stirrings as well as cascading emotions. 

This Full Moon Brings Emotion, Inspiration And Creativity 

This one will illuminate the skies with emotion, inspiration and creativity. It has though a deeper purpose to highlight lessons necessary for our evolution.

For this moon is connected to Saturn, the Lord of Karma.

It is encouraging us all to move beyond superficiality into something more meaningful and soulful. 

Its call to fully face your feelings continues until May 2025. Before dipping back in again and finally leaving Pisces in February 2026.

Adding to this need for reflection is that not until after 10th October will there be fewer than five planets retrograde.

Everything appears to slow down when five or more planets are retrograde simultaneously – Uranus made the sixth earlier this week! Whilst Venus goes direct on 3rd September, Jupiter goes retrograde the next day.

Whilst each of the planets has a different focus, the purpose of these retrogrades is to encourage us to reflect, be calm and seek peace.

Only then will it be possible to identify the internal changes in attitude or behaviours necessary to make possible the change you desire.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this reminder: 

Be present with regard to your own desires. This is what is needed to maintain the momentum. Do not be afraid to have clarity as to what your feelings are seeking to create – all is possible!”

However, we must first face a decision or transition from which there will be no turning back!

Yes, new opportunities will surface, though it will mean the last goodbyes to what once brought you comfort and safety.

This full moon initiates a period of inner restructuring on the emotional level so that you can become more of who you desire to be.

You Need To Be Calm And Seek Peace 

Why not heed the call of Pisces to listen to the whispers of your dreams to help you?

In This Full Moon Wants You To Be Calm And Seek Peace, Trusting In Its Flow is more on the influences of this moon, as well as the length of the planetary cycles. 

As I was writing this email, a lady contacted me about some recent shocks she had been receiving. More detail as to the reason for such awakenings is also in the article.

When you allow yourself to feel the truth, so you raise the vibration of consciousness.

This is the process we are all taking part in, and the effect is evident in the further proportion of humanity that is now consciously aware.

What you cling onto in the third and fourth dimensions will prevent you, at least temporarily, from experiencing the lightness of being that you are destined to experience as your fifth-dimensional self, your higher self.

Once singularity is embraced, whatever you see out there you know is also part of you. What is often viewed as the mirror effect! 

That is the way you lighten your load and feel the way that you want to feel. 

It has never been easier than now to accept thoughts that are going to serve you and those that will not.

With that awareness you can let go what does not serve you. Remembering, it was not random. 

Feel what lies behind such thoughts. Feel the vibration, breathe into it. 

Is it a vibration that gives you a good feeling or not? Discard one and enjoy the other.

That is a simple way to change your life and so your world.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some assistance to be calm and seek peace.

To Be Calm And Seek Peace           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Remain Centred As You Prepare To Step Into The Energy Of Creation 😉

Prepare For Change

Two questions to guide you as to what to change

This weekend the full moon in Leo rises.

On 5th February, the moon will focus its light on the shining energies of the heart.

Illuminating your courage to express your deeply held truths, and finding resolution to what has been happening in your life over the last two years. 

      Prepare To Deepen Your Connection With Your Inner Wisdom  

My suggestion is to reflect on what occurred in your life during those years. Integrate and honour what was initiated. 

This is essential before you become caught in the winds of change that are blowing. 

For as you know, Uranus´ role is to challenge all the traditions, expectations and old ways of being and doing we have relied on.

Whilst freeing and liberating, the very process will create chaos and so anxiety. Meaning self-care will once again be to the fore.

Especially as we are moving towards “lift off” for our expansion into a heightened consciousness. 

With all planets now direct, we are being encouraged to finish up, close, and complete the past in preparation to venture into new territory.

However, life is not waiting for you to pack up and complete everything before sending some new opportunities your way! 

Hence, the chaos you may be feeling. Be clear on your priorities and trust. Knowing you are supported will help you relax, and move forward confidently.

Then you will be able to create a whole new reality—one you have sensed or dreamed of, though never fully believed to be possible.

For your unique creative work or business is already within you. 

Welcome to the new era which is emerging!

This maybe challenging. 

Which is why I am being constantly reminded – “trust in the unfolding momentum of events over which you have little or no control.” 

The Light Will Shine To Prepare You For Change

This full moon in Leo is also shining its light on our deeply held fears of scarcity, what could or might happen, illness, and of losing security. 

Both long and short planetary cycles are coming to an end between now and March. This is so you can prepare to choose what changes to make.

In “Remain Centred As You Prepare To Step Into The Energy Of Creation” are two questions to help you identify those changes.

Much of 2023 is about moving past your comfort zone into the realm of your Soul’s desires, into your destiny. Which means coming up against your fears of the unknown. 

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this transition…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source includes this guidance:

The message is to look within yourself to determine what are your desires, for yourself not others. They need to address their own. It does not matter whether they are a babe in arms or your grandparents.” 

My suggestion is to use these next few weeks to prepare for the steps the coming shifts will require. 

The day the new moon in Pisces rises offers one of 2023’s best days for receiving visions and purposeful inspiration.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to prepare for the creation of their life.

To Prepare To Step Into Creation        


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter