This Turning Point Brings You The First Inkling Of Your New Life🐉

Beyond Your Turning Point Lies..?

Use this moment to make lifetime choices

Most will probably experience the effects and change of the coming lunar eclipse on the exact day it takes place—or perhaps in the surrounding week.

Others may feel its echoes weeks before or after.

Whichever, it is setting up profound themes within all of our lives.

It may take at least six months for the new beyond the turning point to settle.

This Turning Point Is For You To Free Yourself  

Under the light of the full moon, lunar eclipses illuminate our deeply buried emotions. The ones we have previously ignored, or avoided.

Conversations this past week or so have all been about people facing their underlying feelings and fears.

Only then has it been possible for the new they desire to create to begin to take form.

The path of this lunar eclipse on the 28th is quite broad and will have an impact wider than us individually.

In particular, taking account of the planets linked to this partial eclipse, I have set out in my article the countries which will feel the tectonic shifts of Uranus.

Pluto, the planet of death, destruction, and the underworld, will influence another set of countries.

The tension Pluto creates will continue until next November when Pluto finally moves into Aquarius until 2044.

The eclipse´s link with Saturn will ensure plans and projects launched or initiated now have staying power.

My suggestion is to focus on your feelings as to what needs to be recognised and only then, on what you desire – no matter how far out it may seem! 

Whilst it may seem difficult to be making decisions at this moment, we are being pushed to do so – it really is a most opportune moment!

Growth And Renewal Are Passed This Turning Point

The influence of Scorpio encouraging us to face our shadow continues into November.

It is also supporting the pursuit of projects you are passionate about.

Scorpio’s genius comes from the heart, the gut, the internal organs and the genitals. The messages from your body will let you know, one way or another, its feelings.

On the other hand, Taurus wants you to find peace through connecting with the physical – especially Nature.

This will help you acknowledge the changes you make.

The latest Message From Source includes this call to explore ourselves: 

“It is from here you will find responsibility for all in your life has shifted. There will be greater awareness of the support which has always been present. There will also be a new aspect you probably cannot quite identify. This is the first inkling of your new life taking shape.”

A few days after the eclipse, the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain arrives at nightfall on 31st October and continues until sunset on 1st November.

As such it marks the moment when the veils between the worlds, that of the living and the dead, is at its thinnest.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help them step through the turning point in their life.                     

To Stepping Beyond Your Turning Point         


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Human Adaptability Is Being Challenged, Ready To Trust In Yourself? 😅

Adaptability Needs Inner Peace

Faith in yourself can move mountains

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant stress and demands of current events?

You are not alone.

Nurturing your inner peace is probably the single most important action we all can take.

Survival Requires Adaptability To Change    

As a reader of my articles, you will recognise a continuous theme of the cycles influencing our lives.

This is because they transcend our linear thinking and indicate a power outside of rational thoughts. On many occasions I have referred to be in the flow of life.

Yet, humanity seems to prefer resisting the flow of life!

Instead preferring conflict, confusion, being defensive, and self-defeating.

In the Vedic tradition, the key to being in the flow is to stop resisting it! Left to itself, life is an unbroken flow of creative exploration.

Yet our re-action is often to fall back on old, hurtful experiences, stubborn habits, fear of change, and the memory of past failure. So, resisting being in the flow of what is unfolding.

Whereas life and its infinite possibilities are actually a timeless flow. It is these experiences which drive all of Creation.

It just needs each of us to remember this when we become aware of our resistance and the illusions it creates. Above all, not judging ourselves, rather trusting our feelings to discover the trigger.

For anybody over the age of 16, these all have a basis in mankind seeking to emancipate itself from Spirit – separation.

This cycle began around 6,500 years ago when alignment to Natural laws began to gave way to man-made ones.

Now the cycle is swinging back. Which is why our adaptability is once more being called to the fore.

The latest Message From Source  finishes with the reminder:

Continue to be present and not distracted by the events being created. Others will soon appear!”

Look Within To Challenge Your Adaptability

The flow of change on Mother Earth has been and will remain continuous. Because of its adaptability, humanity has done more than survive, it has evolved. We have evolved, collectively and individually.

Various of the cycles influencing the natural ebb and flow of our daily lives are covered in my latest article. In particular, those which have and are impacting Mother Earth´s climate.

They will continue as long as this Universe exists. Our forebears used them to explore and create new structures and technology.

Hence, why adaptability to being in the flow is essential to evolution.

It will provide the experiences we are seeking whilst on Mother Earth. For our purpose is to grow from them.

Being present and having faith in ourselves, knowing we are all connected.

Knowing how we react to the experiences will determine the reality we create.

One which reflects our power of adaptability to step through challenges, rather than being the victim of any struggle.

So, remember always to choose your timeline. Perhaps the one of joy, freedom, creativity and that we are all one?

That is where you will find peace within and so help create it without.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to become more adaptable.

To Trusting In Your Adaptability     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

This Full Moon Is Going To Influence You To Live Your Life Differently🖐️

Influence Your Life Differently

The next two decades will bring massive transformation  

Do you recall what was happening in your life from December 2004 to June 2006? 

What did you learn then that you can revisit and approach now with a new perspective and vantage point? 

It will make the coming 18 months easier to navigate!


Because this is the period the lunar nodes take to move through each astrological sign before returning to where they were almost 19 years ago.

Be Free To Influence Yourself To Be Re-born

It is as though there is a DNA thread connecting each period. So, every occasion the node returns to the same position in your astral chart you have an opportunity to move to the next level of evolution for that house.

The north node has just moved into Aries and the south to Libra.

The influence of Pluto means you are being asked to stop, look and listen at what you are doing in your life that you love and what you really need to release so you can have a life 

With the result many recent conversations have been about “I do not know what to do; what should I do?”

In This Full Moon Is Going To Influence You To Live Your Life Differently I mentioned a lady who had gained a new perspective on the belief she was not worthy to love herself, resulting from an event in her early 20s.

The process used to recognise her feelings and know she is worthy of loving herself, is also outlined.

Once she had integrated the feeling, she could then allow her direction to unfold. Another example of how sometimes we just have to wait until we receive the all clear to proceed! 

With the north node in Aries opposing Pluto, the planet facilitating transformation, evolution and re-birth, we first must face our shadows and address our past.

Meaning we must listen to our feelings for guidance as to the actions to take.

The super moon rising on 1st August will ask you to take a look at your habits and ask which no longer serves you? 

Humanity´s Consciousness Continues To Rise

For the essence of this period is to stop sitting on the fence waiting for others to make choices for you. That said, exercise a tad of caution as they could bring lifelong changes!

Especially as Venus, the planet of love, sex, beauty, money and what we value, remains retrograde until 3rd September.

You could use the thinning of the veils around the Lion´s Gate peaking on 8th August, to receive guidance from higher consciousness.

Whatever choice you make, remember to focus on taking small steps in order to build firm foundations.  

The latest Message From Source begins with this message:

This is the moment to bring forth all you desire to create in your life – be it a home, a workplace, or relationship, all is now waiting for you to choose which path to take. For there are various timelines available for each of you to explore. Only you need to choose which one you first step along.”

This Full Moon Is Going To Influence You To Live Your Life Differently updates on the progress toward the tipping point of at least 25% of humanity being consciously aware.

We are participating in creating this momentum by the actions and practice we take to enjoy inner peace in our lives. 

Which means you now have greater access to the vibration you desire!

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help some help to influence their life differently.

To Influence Your Life Differently           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter