Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?🤔

Daydream Your Life

There is no more solid answer than you just have to do it!

All the trials and tribulations you went through to now were necessary to prepare you for the next phase of your journey.

Are you ready now to own who you came here to be and shed who you once were?

In which case, you are also probably showing some of those uncomfortable growth pains that often surface as we step further along our journey, to be who we really are.

The Fantasies Of Daydreams Lead To Taking Action  

Oftentimes old wounds, issues or difficulties make us feel really dis-empowered by everything. Or, perhaps you also feel you have lost your inner compass, your North Star? 

Such experiences are a reminder of the need to go deeper into owning yourself. Stripping away more layers of who you once were.

Doing so will most probably trigger an emotional re-action. My advice to several recently has been to just allow it to flow”.

For, now is the moment to take the chances you have only dreamt of upto now!

As you do so, one of the changes you may notice is in your relationships. For subtle energies are at work until August to remove conflict from them.

What I have noticed is that often it seems to be two steps forward and then one back. The inner critic surfacing to try and pull me back to where I have just left!

Such moments seem to be appearing ever more frequently as the higher consciousness seeks to pull us forward.

Spirit then rewarding you for stepping along the path of your life’s mission and staying true to yourself!

That is when you will be graced with one of the most important gifts of all: clarity.

This will enable you to make the connections you need and reveal hidden messages Spirit is sending you.

Though no matter how special this moment of clarity will be, it will not last forever.

Use it to see, observe, and absorb all the awareness and information you need. 

It will soon be required.

Which is where daydreams come in!

Use Daydreams To Enhance Your Creativity 

We have been taught they are just figments of our imagination.

Yes, daydreams are free thoughts and images unfettered from our active experience. They also are a brain function with great benefits.

Whilst daydreaming can reduce stress and anxiety, for me the main benefit is assisting with problem-solving and enhancing creativity.

In Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander? I have cited a Harvard study indicating on average we daydream almost half of our waking hours.

While teachers and adults usually discourage daydreaming, research into what is referred to in scientific circles as mind-wandering, argues it could be beneficial!

Daydreaming often centres on creating our future, which is why it is so prevalent in children. However, daydreaming is often viewed as a hallmark of those labelled as ADD/ADHD.

Yet, neurodiversity is on the rise as the new generation arrives.

Recent studies suggest creative thinking is enhanced when mind wandering lights up connections across a series of interacting brain regions.  

Which is why for many, deep and important truths about ourselves and the world around us seem to unfold from our daydreams.

Do What You Can With What You Have, Just The Way You Are 

That said, the very uncertainty of this transition is creating anxiety and doubt for almost all. 

However, what you cannot do is think your way out of self-doubt! Instead, just accept you are unsure and try anyway.

That is the message covered in more detail in Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?. 

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

Use the coming six months to refresh, rejuvenate and strengthen yourself for the major shifts ahead!

For January to July of 2024 will seem even more chaotic with another dose of Aquarian “wildness” of new twists and turns, global surprises and upheavals in society.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to have clarity in their life.

To Daydream Your Way Ahead


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?😄

What Direction To Head In?

Listen for the songs of your Soul to be sung again

Have you ever asked yourself on one occasion or another when it comes to changing your life:

Why is nothing working? 

Yes, you completed the class and are using the process you learnt. Then life steps in and you do not maintain the habit.

So, it no longer works. 

First Know Thyself To Know The Direction To Head In

Have you yet reached the point when enough is enough, where you wish to stop repeating the same patterns?

You need to change, and you need it now so you can stop experiencing what you do not want. Instead your life begins to head in the direction you desire. 

Once aligned with your Soul, every decision becomes easy for you.

Knowing exactly when to say yes or no to.

Because you know what choices you are making that are in alignment and those that are not.

Today I was talking to a woman who was angry at being that. The anger welled up whenever she was asked to do something she perceived as “woman´s work”!

She felt she did not have the freedom to make a choice as to whether she should do it or not.

How do you feel when doing something that is out of alignment, though you think you have to do it? How does your body react?

Perhaps it is the job you have to go to because it pays the bills? Or, the relationship not providing what you are seeking?

When alignment exists you experience inner peace, even when the external world appears to be in turmoil.

In order to be there, you have to quiet your monkey mind of everyone else’s opinion and be clear as to your direction to head in.

Then as the creator of your life, it is what you focus your thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

 How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?”  outlines how change can cause dis-connection to ourselves and those around us.

Trauma Will Help You Find The Direction To Head In 

However, it can also offer us the opportunity to refocus on what is truly important. Enabling us to heal past trauma, and step into a brighter, clearer future.

Then you will be able to stop and listen for the songs of your Soul to be sung again.

As the frequencies have risen, I have noticed the appearance of more sound healing. Another aspect of the changes underway.

The latest Message from Source summarises the action we are advised to take. 

As Charles Eisenstein reminds us, this change will not be obtained through force, fighting, or judging and convincing. That only reinforces the old paradigm of us/them separation.

Instead, it will be achieved through the loving, gentle shining of our light and nurturing education to a greater, brighter, bigger reality that we can all access.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

 How Do You Know What Direction To Head In Is The One For You?”  also has a reminder there is true power that can be harnessed by connecting more deeply with the Nature around you.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Knowing Your Direction To Head In 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? 😙

Life Is Awakening For You

A breathing practice to reset your whole system     

It seems for several years we have been hearing the phrase “In these uncertain times.”

Many are having difficulty coping with each seemingly apocalyptic change we are facing. 

Some are lonely, anxious and grieving. 

Yet we are surviving.

The Moment Of Awakening Comes When You Know…

There is a part of us that believes in, and understands, the language of magic. To heal completely, we must engage all parts of ourselves in the process. 

That way we step more assuredly through the adventure which is our life. Always exploring so you can create the life you desire.

As you know, 2023 is the year for change.

Here in Portugal, spring is awakening. 

Birds have been arriving from Africa and roses and trees started to leaf. And, the mimosa is in flower, despite the recent snow we can see on the Serra da Estrela.

We are at the moment when the seeds burst open, and new life springs forth.

Three personal planets – Mercury, Venus and the Sun, are also indicating significant change is afoot. 

Which could be why humanity´s awakening is the subject of my latest article.

Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? is unusual in that a large part of the content was channelled.

The view received is that this transition is not a Great Awakening –  rather it is the Great Return. 

The essence of which is described as:

Coming back to the connection to all of yourselves. What has for many millennia been ignored or even hidden.”

The planets are marking the ending, finishing, completing, and resolving evolutionary intentions that began with the conjunctions a year ago.

Spring also provides us with the opportunity for planting new seeds/impulses/desires. Quite what is our choice.

The Message from Source highlights awareness of our infinite power to be one of the keys in this period of our Great Return.

These events are going to require you make a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense.

To help you live beyond the beyond, Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? includes a shamanic breathing practice to help you connect to your Inner Wisdom.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Awakening Your Life To Your Choices


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Remain Centred As You Prepare To Step Into The Energy Of Creation 😉

Prepare For Change

Two questions to guide you as to what to change

This weekend the full moon in Leo rises.

On 5th February, the moon will focus its light on the shining energies of the heart.

Illuminating your courage to express your deeply held truths, and finding resolution to what has been happening in your life over the last two years. 

      Prepare To Deepen Your Connection With Your Inner Wisdom  

My suggestion is to reflect on what occurred in your life during those years. Integrate and honour what was initiated. 

This is essential before you become caught in the winds of change that are blowing. 

For as you know, Uranus´ role is to challenge all the traditions, expectations and old ways of being and doing we have relied on.

Whilst freeing and liberating, the very process will create chaos and so anxiety. Meaning self-care will once again be to the fore.

Especially as we are moving towards “lift off” for our expansion into a heightened consciousness. 

With all planets now direct, we are being encouraged to finish up, close, and complete the past in preparation to venture into new territory.

However, life is not waiting for you to pack up and complete everything before sending some new opportunities your way! 

Hence, the chaos you may be feeling. Be clear on your priorities and trust. Knowing you are supported will help you relax, and move forward confidently.

Then you will be able to create a whole new reality—one you have sensed or dreamed of, though never fully believed to be possible.

For your unique creative work or business is already within you. 

Welcome to the new era which is emerging!

This maybe challenging. 

Which is why I am being constantly reminded – “trust in the unfolding momentum of events over which you have little or no control.” 

The Light Will Shine To Prepare You For Change

This full moon in Leo is also shining its light on our deeply held fears of scarcity, what could or might happen, illness, and of losing security. 

Both long and short planetary cycles are coming to an end between now and March. This is so you can prepare to choose what changes to make.

In “Remain Centred As You Prepare To Step Into The Energy Of Creation” are two questions to help you identify those changes.

Much of 2023 is about moving past your comfort zone into the realm of your Soul’s desires, into your destiny. Which means coming up against your fears of the unknown. 

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this transition…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source includes this guidance:

The message is to look within yourself to determine what are your desires, for yourself not others. They need to address their own. It does not matter whether they are a babe in arms or your grandparents.” 

My suggestion is to use these next few weeks to prepare for the steps the coming shifts will require. 

The day the new moon in Pisces rises offers one of 2023’s best days for receiving visions and purposeful inspiration.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to prepare for the creation of their life.

To Prepare To Step Into Creation        


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? 🙃

Which Path Do You Choose?

Five questions to help you choose your way forward    

Did you choose to live in this tumultuous, yet fascinating period?

2023 is the year for change as amongst several new cycles, we officially move into The Age of Aquarius.

Have Faith In The Direction You Choose

This period of new cycles and beginnings is once again going to test our strength, resilience, and courage. 

Yet, deep inside we recognise this is an unique opportunity for us to step onto our path. Confident we will uncover our true power to live a more meaningful, secure, successful and fulfilled life.

Doing so means taking responsibility for our own actions, having faith in yourself and your direction. Knowing your desires are aligned with those of the Creator. 

We are being asked to be fully in the world, though not of it.

To cross the threshold into the new cannot be achieved by remaining the same. The only challenges which repeat and so restrain us, are those which are incomplete or the lesson has yet to be accepted.

Which is why everything we experience is on the path of our Soul – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

To take this big step, we must heal and restore our relationship to the Creator, whilst uncovering the truth of who we really are.

Hence, why different paths appear so you choose your own way forward.

To help you do so, Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? details five questions you can ask yourself.

That said you have been preparing for this moment your whole life. Whatever it is – income creation, relationships, home…all of it.

For we bring into this life, challenges, fears, sadness and deeply painful experiences, as well as vows made in other lives – On purpose!

You Choose To Listen To Your Body Or Not

Your Soul is asking you to take a chance on the path that feels the most rewarding rather than what your “mind” recognises as secure.

Each soul has only one purpose in each life – to expand and evolve. It is not dependent upon what you have, do not have, want, or resent others for having.

Which is why so many who are called successful are not fulfilled. 

They feel they are not on purpose, whereas in fact they are! Only the Soul´s purpose is to unravel their limiting restraints.

For your Soul is triggering you to take action to change the pattern. It does not want to be doomed forever to live a life of poverty, restriction, struggle, or hard work.

Hence, pain and dis-comfort are created to make you take action. The body has found such messages to be almost the only way to effect change!

Do You Know Which Direction You Choose To Create A Fulfilled Life? has more insights to help you do so. 

Never before have opportunities for release, rebirth and breakthroughs been so easy and supported by all of Creation.

These events are going to require you make a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense.

Which is why you chose to incarnate at this moment, only you did not know how immense the opportunity!

Your Soul has some exciting prospects for you once you choose to listen.

What happens between now and the end of 2023 is upto each of us.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living The Life You Choose


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

To Move Into The Grander Vision Of 2023 Invite Your ‘Stuff’ To Fall Away🐉

ALL ~Your Stuff

Gratitude and joyfulness have the power to change your life   

We are arriving at the dawn of a new era, a new generation, a new earth. 

Signs of the re-structuring are present in the media headlines.

Established forces opposing the threat to existing structures.

The coming two years will determine not who holds sway, rather the form of what emerges. For we are involved in intense cycles of evolution.

Ready To Invite Your ‘Stuff’ To Fall Away?  

As the latest Message From Source indicates:

For it is a cycle. No one can oppose the cycle, it has its own destiny. Though at this juncture there are several cycles playing out in terms of humanity´s evolution.

These cycles are creating, allowing evolution to accelerate. The choice is how each of you participates. Know only the cycles are designed to provide the arena in which each soul can choose its own path. Whilst nothing will be forced, the cycle will continue.”

We cannot push, force, or take others on this quest. They must make their own path to truth.

That said, be prepared for anything to happen as this phase of the transition completes. Our solar system is also part of the ride – as evidenced by an increase in earthquake activity and extreme weather patterns.

The new moon in Sagittarius earlier this week also had the energy of Jupiter, the planet of good luck and abundance, present. So, as you take aim with the Sagittarian arrow at your intentions, there is an extra boost for manifesting your dreams.

The invitation is to notice signs and synchronicities and supporters being placed on your path.

Also when a new opportunity shows up and do not be afraid to step onto a new path. 

These last few weeks of 2022 are opening the door to view 2023´s grander vision of possibility as a new cycle of adventure emerges.

Providing each of us with a greater capacity to see/discover our Divine mission and meaning of this life. 

Gratitude Can Flow Freely After Your ‘Stuff’ Falls Away 

As we let this reflect out to the world, so it ripples out into 2023. Though the immediate effect may be a sense of being slightly out of control.

Set out in “To Move Into The Grander Vision Of 2023 Invite Your ‘Stuff’ To Fall Away” are approaches to change your mindset from defining yourself by your past to the future you are creating.

Hope alone is not enough, you cannot create what you desire with just hope. You must initiate change, perhaps by a small ceremony or other action which the mind recognises as making a shift.

My passion is to help you to take action to embrace the opportunity provided by this transition…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

A challenge for many is to remember all of Creation is organised by our thoughts and our being. For when we forget our creative power, then we become anxious, imagining we are victims of our reality, instead of co-creating with Source, the Quantum field.  

Expressing gratitude and joy have the power to change ourselves, everyone we touch and so this world.

Pluto Is Continuing To Unearth  What Lacks Integrity

Which is why in “To Move Into The Grander Vision Of 2023 Invite Your ‘Stuff’ To Fall Away” there is more on the role gratitude can play in easing your way through this period. 

Planetary movements suggest a significant energy shift around March 2023.

During the two years to December 2024 when Pluto finally leaves Capricorn, it will continue its process of unearthing and revealing all that lacks integrity.

This is not only in our world, it is also within each of us. Highlighting where there are conflicts between the different aspects of our being. The probable causes of pain and dis-comfort.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Inviting Your ‘Stuff’ To Fall Away                                   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter