Your Vibration Is Shifting Time. Are You Creating What You Really Desire? 😜

Your Vibration Shifts Time

13 indications you are not exercising control of your energy   

Ready to release the powerful creator within you to cultivate the aspects of life on Mother Earth we long for? Time does not limit you.

For quantum physics tells us that with every thought we are dreaming the world into being.

Willing To Turn Up The Dimmer Switch To Shine Your Light?

Your life is a story and every story has a hero.

Though most of my clients struggle with feeling they are the “hero” in their story.

They are so caught in their story they cannot stand back to observe themselves and their story.

It was observing my physical body and the messages which it was sending me which led me to write The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony. For the body holds important clues to what stories you are holding onto.

When such stories do not align with the available unlimited abundance and our authentic self, pain, dis-comfort or lack of wellness appears in our bodies.

You become the real Hero in your own life story, when you learn to embrace your challenges, learn from your adventures and discover you can re-write your script.

Quantum physics now confirms what shamans have practised for millennia – at any given moment there is the potential to experience a number of outcomes. Our life is not fixed, rather several timelines exist for us to choose which to take.

In other words, no matter your “story”, other timelines exist even though you may not be consciously focusing on them. Meaning you can shift your attention and awareness to them, should you so choose.

As souls in human bodies we are tremendously creative beings. Though I suspect we have yet to appreciate or even understand the depth and breadth of our creativity.

The purpose of this transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with our soul.

Have You Time To Hear The Whisper Of Your Soul?

For a shaman re-connection is where all healing resides. It is how we relate to ourselves, to our body, to our pain, and to our journey on Mother Earth.

This is the theme of: Your Vibration Is Shifting Time. Are You Creating What You Really Desire? Dreaming into being a balanced existence in co-creation with the Creator.

This is how you write the script of your life. Live it abundantly, as life mirrors back your intent and actions.

For safety comes from within each of us, rather than the illusion which is external. 

The article details 13 indications you are not exercising control of your energy.

Please reach out should you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

We are now in the last quarter moon in Aries. Last quarter moons represent turning points or crossroads.

28th July the new moon in Leo rises to infuse enthusiasm and passion into your life. Be courageous and bold, remember life is best when you are having fun.

We are already feeling the energy of the coming very rare triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars and the north node in Taurus on 31st July/1st August. This is the latest astrological marker indicating we are entering a new phase of evolution.

Destruction of an old way of life and ushering in of the “Great Reset”. It will also create massive vibrational shifts as Mother Earth upgrades – Taurus influences our bodies.   

When you observe events you also have the space to look and view them as just experiences rather than good or bad. Once you allow your soul to guide you through it, you move into grace. That is the purpose of this transition.

To Having Time To Do What You Really Desire              


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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