Have You Made Your Choice To Step Into The Unknown? 😁

The Direction Is Your Choice

 It is our heart that tunes into information from the field to feed our imagination, creativity and intuition   

We all sense we are in a period of unprecedented transformation–a once in a generation, let alone a lifetime shift.

The coming months are going to bring an acceleration we have not experienced before.

During such periods, the next wave of change-makers and thought leaders emerge; the new artists, thinkers, teachers, authors, healers…

Your Choice Will Propel You Into The New Era

The Cosmos is gearing us up for 2025 when three generational planets finally settle in a new sign — signifying the start of a new era as they move from Earth/water to Air/fire.

The journey to the new is about remembering who you really are. Truly knowing yourself as part of the Creator as though it is the first occasion you have had this knowing.

More is in my latest article, about accepting we are an integral part of the spiritual realms. Which is when we open to higher and wider opportunities to evolve.  

Hence the need to make your choice!

When you resist doing so, when you try to go back to the past, when you stop taking steps forward, then you feel it.

From such an energy blockage inner conflict is created and so illness. You might feel as though you are regressing, even though you could not possibly do so.

You cannot un-expand because it is all of Creation that is expanding, everyone and everything within it.

Which is why it is so important to listen to the messages from your body.

Trusting your instincts, emotions and feelings rather than what you believe to be facts – often portrayed as the heart versus the mind!

In my own case, I was surprised by the changes which flowed once I started to listen to my inner wisdom and what my body was asking for. The very first step of which was to stop eating sheep meat!

It is by each member of humanity walking along their own path we will determine the new era humanity´s evolution is creating.

Your Choice Is To Follow Your Head Or Your Heart?

External events flow from the change that begins within each of us. We view our world differently when we change our thoughts about something, someone, or some group.

This is what will help you move past the old traditions and ways and move into the new era.

The latest Message From Source contains this reminder:  

When separate, you experience everything happening to you. When acknowledging all is connected, you understand the events unfolding are for you to gain experiences.

In the article I have cited research from 1991 indicating the heart has about 40,000 specialised cells, called sensory neurites, that act independently of the human brain.

This neural network sends instructions from the heart to the brain based on our feelings about the world around us.

This is how we tune into information from the field to feed our imagination, creativity and intuition to create the new.

One way to harmonise the heart and brain is through altering our breath – an essential part of the shamanic toolkit!

Regular practice has been shown to strengthen the immune system as the stress level declines.  

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire s to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to make their choice to step into the unknown.  

To Making Your Choice      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Taking The Next Step Requires You To Know Your Truth

Know Your Truth

There are four different forms and feelings of love present     

The energies of 2024 are already with us.

Many I have been talking to continue to identify resistance to what seems to be appearing for them.

Several have inklings as to their new direction, though cannot seem to quite make the first step toward it.

                            In Truth, Love Is Always Present        

A conversation earlier today highlighted the fear of rejection – so stopping the step being taken, even though there is excitement in doing so?

Currently, the main thrust of the lessons for humanity is about love and fear. 

You might think as souls come from love, are created of love, and live in a loving state they do not need to experience it.

However, love takes different forms, which raises questions about what is the soul seeking to experience.

My latest article sets out the current four different forms and feelings of love present. Each has a different tone and feeling to it.

The focus is on what it feels like to be without each, a mix or, all of these forms of love.

Even though love resonates at a level many times that of fear, we seem to all act from fear rather than love! Which is where any resistance sits. 

It does not matter whether it is rational or irrational, emotionally we are triggered into a re-action.   

Which then inadvertently defers your progress, even though love is always present – even when we believe we are unworthy to receive it!

However, should we choose to step beyond the limitation of beliefs such as fear, the consciousness of love comes to the fore.

                     A Chakra Upgrade Is On Its Way       

To help us do so, earlier this year the presence of the higher heart, the harmonic heart, became more evident.

My guidance has indicated another step will take place around the coming Solstice with an upgrade to your chakras.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this advice:  

Each of you has the ability to create your own dreams and so lives. 

Once you accept there is unlimited potential, once you step away from your limitations and concerns. This is the current focus for all of you.” 

It is your choice as to whether you choose the feeling of what gives you joy, or the thought what you are doing is for the greatest and highest good of all.

For, this is the moment to let go. Then feel within to know what is your truth and so the action to take. 

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to know where to look to find their truth.

To Knowing Your Truth     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Use This Moment To Create The Nature Of The Future You Desire To Live?

The Nature Of The Future Is...?

Your attitude is so important to create the life you desire

The future is coming whether you like it or not.

The real question is are you ready to take action to create the nature of the future the way you desire it to be?

As we grow and evolve the energy of our “Divine blueprint” changes.

Fear And Scarcity Stop Us From Living The Life We Desire

To me, current events are symptoms of change underway.

There is though, a far less recognised deeper meaning. This is about our ability to influence and create the future we desire for ourselves.

We are at a crossroads for our current civilisation.

Do we choose to evolve or not?

How we choose to navigate these next few months will plant the seeds determining the nature of our future.

Despite homo sapiens having the unique ability of adaptability amongst other species on the planet, the rise and fall of multiple civilisations suggest it has not always been applied!

Suggesting humanity has an inbuilt inability to instinctively respond to the unexpected and connect to our guidance. The members of each civilisation preferring to remain with what they know rather than adapting to what is emerging.

Hence, the ongoing cycle of death and re-birth of past civilisations.

Yes, humanity evolved though not the fear and scarcity present when our minds evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In my latest article, I set out more on both the history of our evolution and the root of the judgements underlying so much of the current conflict within humanity.

As a result of requests, a process is outlined for how to let go and create the new. My suggestion builds on the guidance everyone over two years old should enter a new soul contract.

Your Vibration Indicates The Nature Of The Future You Desire

For, each of us living on Mother Earth at this moment has an expanded purpose. One beyond that of continuing to evolve through our experiences.

This is the moment when we need to recognise what is in our control and surrender what is not.

You can only control your own world, so that is where to begin to create the nature of the future you desire.

It is your own attitude that determines the vibration you radiate! For, you can only manifest the nature of the future you have experienced.

The latest Message From Source includes this overview and advice:  

This is the moment in the cycle of evolution in which you choose the next step. Death and re-birth is the option which is available for all to enjoy. The very nature of what emerges will be determined by your attitude towards yourselves and so what you create.”

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the nature of the future they desire.

To Living The Nature Of The Future You Desire     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Live Your Truth, Or Your Deeply Buried, Irrational Emotions? 😄

Be At Peace With Your Emotions

Trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience    

Do you know someone who continually refers to their same story of childhood trauma?

Perhaps they have visited a therapist more than once, and yet it never healed.

We all know what this feels like.

                     Your Shadow Holds Your Deepest Emotions  

For the stories we tell ourselves can seem so inescapably real. They are part of who we are, our identity. 

When I hear such stories, to me they indicate the person is living in the emotional beliefs of their shadow.

Most are afraid of our shadow for it contains all the unwanted trauma, pain and dis-comfort we would rather avoid. 

Yet, as a shaman I know these vulnerable parts of us possess some of our most powerful gifts.

Only it requires courage to go there!

In my latest article I used David Hawkins´ Levels of Consciousness to list the eight emotions within the third dimension and below. He describes this overall consciousness as that of the victim/abuser.

The next seven levels rise from courage to bring about the self-empowered human, ready to step into the fifth dimension. This is the point in the process of evolution humanity is entering.

The eclipses and Samhain have brought many insightful dreams and conversations.

Lunar eclipses make visible our collective and personal shadow, providing an opportunity to reset the emotions of the beliefs held in our shadow realms.

Which leads back to trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience. It will mirror your inner beliefs, your emotions about yourself and all of creation. 

Hence, the influence of your shadow.

For our inner journey precedes the next cycle of our creative expansion.

Only then can we move on to what we really desire, rather than clinging to the emotions of our history, fears or past wounds. 

            Courage Is Needed To Create The Self-empowered Human 

Changing our response to what is presented to us. Then we arm ourselves with the awareness to move more gracefully through the turbulence continuing through next year!

The latest Message From Source includes this advice:  

As you take the first little step, so you will open more doorways for you to explore. Be willing to step into each with curiosity. That way you will unfold more of the potential you have exposed.” 

The question we all face, is whether we will allow the next level of our soul´s evolution into our everyday human existence?

For many, simply contemplating the choice will bring forth fear, hesitation, or trepidation from their shadow.

Between now and 2025, the process will accelerate, becoming more evident in our lives.

So, the question for you is whether you have the courage to step through any fears or past ancestral wounding? 

That is where you will find peace within and so help create it without.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to live beyond their emotional re-actions.

To Live In The Truth Of Your Emotions     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Even The Moon Is Guiding You To Close One Chapter, Willing To Open The New?

Open Your New Chapter

Feel your dream before you act on it

Are you finding yourself falling into the old paradigm of leadership; responding re-actively to situations, directing instead of co-creating?

It is the same in relationship issues.

Action Is Needed To Open The New Chapter In Your Life 

The usual alternatives I hear go along these lines:

“He just needs to change…then everything will be better”


”She just needs to think and act differently and then our relationship can finally move forward”

The solution offered is the same – change the other party.

Have you ever tried to change someone? In which case you know it is a pretty near impossible task

…particularly when re-acting to situations rather than co-creating something new!

Are you doing the same things over and over, thinking the same thought over and over?

My experience is to step back and reflect on where have you abdicated your leadership and power in your own path? Inner authority? Trust of self or your soul?

The very brightness of 13th July´s super full moon in Capricorn illuminatied the new chapter for you to open. As well as asking you to take responsibility for those areas where you are Not creating your life as you know you could or are called to.

The question it asked is are you willing to take the wheel back and chart a new course?

This is the challenge I have expanded on for all of us in Even The Moon Is Guiding You To Close One Chapter, Willing To Open The New?

This moon is conjunct Pluto and less than half a degree from the Saturn Pluto conjunction of 12th January 2020 which initiated the pandemic. The lockdowns and extreme rules and regulations that we had never experienced before.

Were you able to soak up this much bigger and brighter moon which was at its closest to Mother Earth in 2022. In doing so it is shining a very bright light on that original degree and it is still conjunct Pluto.

The Full Moon Is Illuminating The New Chapter For You To Open  

When Pluto is active it stirs up fears and old shadow energy floating around. Mother Earth and society will continue to become more intense, defensive, argumentative, and filled with disintegrating energies. A wider perspective is being offered with extended potential.

July´s energy awakens your soul. Meaning it is an excellent period to activate and raise up your intuition and re-birth your belief in self.

Making this the moment to take back control of your narrative – your story – and choose a story that defines your values. To lead your life, living it on your terms.

This has been the theme in many client conversations of the past few weeks.

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

The latest Message From Source reminded us all of the uncertain and uneven path of evolution of our choices:

Making the choice may bring up a measure of anxiety. That is natural for you are stepping into the unknown. Once you have made your choice, allow events to unfold….You may set course though a change in the wind may mean another course needs to be charted. This is the nature of evolution.”

July’s aim is to steer us away from fear and lead us deeper into what connection, care and self-care mean to each of us.

To Opening The New Chapter Of Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter