Ready To Enjoy Being The Leader Of Your Own Life? 👉

Be The Leader Of Your Own Life

Do you know who is the real you?    

Have you found yourself wondering about the current state of affairs:

  • What can be done?
  • Can there be a bright future for ourselves or even the coming generations?

My answer to myself and everyone is —Yes of course there is and much we can do to help create it!

Patience Is Needed To Be The Leader Of Your Own Life

Today I was talking to a client about her sovereignty, exercising her power to be leader of her own life. To receive rather than to always give.  

When we do so we are following our soul’s calling. Recognising we are unique and so being who we are in our own unique way.

This is how we live a fulfilling life of true prosperity. It was the invitation for all of us when we chose to incarnate.

The invitation certainly was not to be in an emotional and mental challenging life of pain, pursuing artificial distractions and idolising false gods.

In Ready To Enjoy Being The Leader Of Your Own Life? I have mentioned the prophecies indicating the early part of this century marks the pivot point in humanity´s evolution.    

As I know, we often need to be in the shadow to feel our light. Remembering we chose to be here because it offers us an unparalleled opportunity to evolve. For it is here the mystery and miracle of alchemy resides.

The very best moment for evolution and growth, to see over the horizon is when life is not working at all well!

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

Course Correction Necessary To Be The Leader Of Your Own Life?

The evolution of our life is not linear, it ebbs and flows through the challenges and cycles which create growth. There is always birth, death and everything in between.

The latest Message From Source reminded us all:

As we move through this period of seeking calm, retain your perspective as to your own identity. Do not allow it to be distorted by the demands of society or others. Be yourself and enjoy what unfolds, it is your creation.”

The stationing of Neptune during the recent new moon in Cancer makes this lunar cycle ideal for taking action on whatever dreams and inspired revelations have been emerging for you.

July as a whole is an important month to take charge of your life.

The coming full moon asking the question – “Are you on course or have you drifted off somewhere?” This is to help you be the leader of your life.

Pausing enough to allow your body to catch up after the increasing speed of the transformation itself and so re-connect with the magic of your soul.

To Being The Leader Of Your Own Life 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Humanity´s Tipping Point Is Here – Ready To Embrace What Is Emerging?

Tipping Point

Five reminders about successful collaboration with the Creator  

24th June marked the end of the intense swirling energy of the Solstice. For many I have spoken to in the past week it will be a moment for quiet celebration.

It marked a tipping point between Light and Shadow for humanity and so in your own life too.

Bringing a sense of forward movement, unpredictability, as well as compassion. The next four weeks will provide bursts of creative energy – both in artistic endeavours and business ideas.

Each of us is being encouraged to review whether we have built a solid foundation to take forward our dreams?

At The Tipping Point You Need To Be Quiet

For our life is built upon a foundation, one that is built layer upon layer, one step after the other.

As the moon wanes over this week and closes her cycle, we are being guided to take leadership of our lives. To take responsibility for shining our Light – the way we engage with, honour, and use it as a flow of Love.

This is how we can illuminate areas of our lives that are in conflict. Addressing them will ensue over the coming six months.

This is being reflected in the number of people asking for my help to move beyond feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by the dense energy surrounding them.

Humanity as a whole is also becoming more sensitive to the nature of the energy surrounding them. Is it Light or Shadow? Is the energy theirs or the collective? Flowing from other lives or their family lineage?

All are playing their part, hence the current intense swirling energies many are feeling. These energies also create a tipping point in your own life.

Addressing this will require you to slow down and re-calibrate for a moment. Resolution will not be found in activity. Better to take a walk in the park or another manifestation of Nature to create the quietness needed to effect change.

Altering your breathing is another tool to help you move beyond the tipping point.

Please reach out should you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

The coming Uranus retrograde from 24th August to 22nd January 2023 will demand you choose to change before change chooses you.

Step Beyond The Tipping Point

Indications as to the direction of what is emerging is described in the latest Message From Source:

The purpose is that humanity is able to take steps beyond consciousness, that is but an intermediate step. Nor does it encompass the full potential which will emerge. Quite simply it will be the next version of being human which is in train.”

When not being authentic, living your own values you will only hear the version of the truth that matches your vibrational frequency.

That truth will be the one flowing from your trauma, your wounds. The one that prefers you to remain where you are, rather than taking the steps necessary to create a fulfilled life, build your business etc..

In Humanity´s Tipping Point Is Here – Ready To Embrace What Is Emerging? are more insights as to themes for the remainder of 2022, as well as the first half of 2023.   

There are also five reminders for you to practice about successful collaboration with all of Creation.

To Being Beyond The Tipping Point 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

How Do You View Mother Earth, What Will You Put Your Faith And Trust In?

Have Faith And Trust In Yourself

Aim your arrow high and reach for the stars

Do you feel good when someone constantly criticises you and tells you that you are not worthy of…?

They keep telling you to play small because you “cannot” achieve the big dream you have for yourself?

Would you walk away from that person and remove them from your life? Preferring to look elsewhere for people that will help support your growth and evolution?

What do you do should that “person” be you?

The voice in your head… your own inner critic?

It has power because your beliefs, your conditioning and the story you tell yourself about who you are, programme your unconscious mind.

For example, during the imprint years, upto the age of seven, perhaps you were repeatedly told you are not worthy to be who you are or how you are. Such beliefs then direct the remainder of your life. Once formed, a belief such as “you are not worthy”, is how you will see your life and the world.

Therefore, you will only see limitations and restrictions, not the possibilities and opportunities when they appear.

To see them you need to have faith and trust in yourself.

Today´s strawberry full moon in Sagittarius asks what are you putting your faith and trust in?

In this it is being supported by activating the Galactic Centre – a massive black hole associated with clearing away density, allowing for access to higher realms.

Helping us to clear away fear and separation of the old-Earth consciousness so we can embrace a higher cosmic relationship of love.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality. Click reply to contact me.

Have Faith And Trust In Yourself  

Meaning opening up to your dreams and allowing them to guide you to create a deeper understanding of all that is possible for you to create.         

More is in How Do You View Mother Earth, What Will You Put Your Faith And Trust In?

It also contains the call to ensure you point your Sagittarian Archer´s arrow high and reach for the stars.

As well as more indications as to the themes emerging for you, humanity and Mother Earth.  

The latest Message From Source included comments on the actions to take to help manifest them:

The full moon marks the point of no return. The backwards facing portal has been closed, so the choice is now at what speed do you desire to proceed – are you seeking to be in the slow or the fast lane?”

The solstice on 21st June will encourage us to review whether we have built a solid foundation to take forward our dreams. The next retrograde at the end of June will seek to refresh your view on prosperity and “having enough”.

Do try to catch tonight´s strawberry full moon, it is the second of 2022´s four supermoons when the moon is closest to Mother Earth.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Leading A Life Of Faith And Trust     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

What Are You Manifesting In Your Life? Is It What You Truly Desire? 😙

What Are You Manifesting?

7 steps to help your manifesting

It often seems there are a million choices when it comes to manifesting what you desire.

Though really it boils down to just two.

Or, as that guru, Yogi Berra, said..

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”

Yes, there are just two choices, and deciding between them could not be easier.

You have either to stay on the course you are on, trying to maximise the strategies you are currently using – even when they have become obsolete and not working very well…

… Or, bring yourself up to date with some re-tooling which is in keeping with the new era that is emerging.

So… here are a few details to help you out.

Which would you rather do?

Obsolete method: Continue to believe you can simply think your way to better circumstances. It is concepts such as: “we can think ourself to a more enjoyable life” which underlie much of the current fragility felt across humanity. Thinking is based on what has been experienced, not what is emerging.

Breakthrough strategy: Accept you have to look into the unknown, often with no vision or clarity as to what is there. Having the courage to trust yourself, even though you have no idea where it will lead.

Humanity is at a key paradigm shift. Moving from thinking it is your action manifesting your results to mastering the energies to create on the physical plane.

This is an evolutionary stage we have chosen to join as part of our soul´s continuing evolution.

What Is Not Manifesting In Your Life?

As the latest Message From Source put it:

The current opportunity is to simply be present in the moment, your now moment.

It is from here you will be able to manifest all your desires. For there are no fixed limitations at that moment, only choices to be made as to what it is each of you desires.”

To assist you in “What Are You Manifesting In Your Life? Is It What You Truly Desire?” are seven steps to help your manifesting.

There is also an indication as to when the pivot point for the opening of humanity´s third eye chakra will occur. It will also mark the moment the current archetypal energy of the Wounded Father is re-born as the Divine Mother.

To me these are other aspects of the process of death and re-birth, the transition we are all undergoing at the moment.

Similar to the way the workplace and economy are re-structuring.

To assist us all, Jupiter moved into Aries a few weeks ago. It brought our focus to what is new, innovative and never been done before. Breaking down our internal barriers to doing so.

Aries is the sign of action, courage and risk-taking.

Which means we are going to find ourselves in situations where we have to put our beliefs into action, to find our courage and take risks for those aspects of life that are important to us.

Jupiter as the planet of expansion will be pushing us to manifest what we desire.

Reflecting on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced counterpoint, a fresh perspective and practical steps, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Manifesting What You Truly Desire In Your Life 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Seven Signs You Are Stuck In Your Comfort Zone 🙄

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Do You Want To Step Beyond The Dark Night Of Your Soul?

One of the greatest challenges we all face is to step into the unknown beyond the dark night of our soul.

Often it seems this requires us to hit rock bottom to do so – it really is NOT always required in order to make that breakthrough.

My experience is the same can be achieved by each of us declaring a point of “no return”.

A point where you feel your moment is NOW.

To choose your own freedom — even when it scares you.

The point where you stop going in the opposite direction to that of your soul´s desires.

Upto that point we have allowed our fear of lack and being not enough of something…

…or, out of fear of being too big or too much of something else…

…we have preferred to stay in our comfort zone. The one whose focus is to keep us safe rather than living a life of fun and joy because it has some risk attached to it.

We limit ourselves with a million reasons why not to take the leap, make the call, do the challenging work or take a stand…

…until we have collected the last straw.

Not because it was required… instead because it felt safer to almost lose it all —
…than to have it all.

Or, maybe it feels safer to cling to everything than lose anything because we prefer sitting in our comfort zone than stepping out of it.

As I wrote in my latest story, this means “When we remain in our comfort zone we tend to stagnate and then wonder why life has become darker with few, if any attractions.”

Seven Signs You Are Stuck In Your Comfort Zone

The current period of transition is re-structuring our lives and so society. Meaning we have the opportunity to re-form every aspect of ourselves.

The challenge is for each of us to choose to do so.

Which is why I admire those who have the courage to trust their soul

…inspired by those who despite the mess or distractions take action anyway no matter how anxious they may feel…

…moving from inspiration instead of desperation.

To trust what is and their capacity within for alchemy.

Choosing their own self-care, provision, or evolution not where they “no longer have the choice”.

This is the day your life changes forever.

To build your life from the love of yourself rather than the lesson needing to be learnt. This to me is part of the transition underway.

It is simply a decision to be made.

We can only heal what we stop seeking to suppress or cover up.

As the latest Message From Source put it:

“You will begin to find a dizzy sense of evolution is not sufficient to delay anymore what is unfolding.”

In addition to more insights on these last few weeks of 2021, “Do You Want To Step Beyond The Dark Night Of Your Soul?“ includes seven steps to help you realise it is necessary to step out of your comfort zone.

There are also insights as to 2022 – a year of major transformation for us all.

As you take action and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out.

To You Stepping Beyond The Dark Night Of Your Soul 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter

Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them? 😒

What Are Your Dreams

Activate your truth, be the creator of your own experience,  follow your soul’s desires

Wednesday is market day for us, followed by a coffee or tea at one of the local cafĂŠs. During conversation with a fellow visitor yesterday, she said the night before she had experienced a very unusual dream.

Adding to similar stories I have heard over the past few weeks. My own dreams have certainly contained many different strands and been more vivid than usual.

Their purpose?

The unconscious mind´s way of clearing out recollections that no longer serve us.

Why now?

The recent eclipses served to disrupt and shake things up so that you can finally release what no longer serves you.

Yes, to help you let go of beliefs and patterns of thinking so there is space for those relating to new, unknown experiences.

A Crossroads Of Transition And Evolution

Yes, to move forward in ways that you once felt impossible…

…or may even still feel so!

2021 is a “5” Universal Year, the number of challenge, freedom, and transformation.

2nd July is the exact mid-point of the year.

The latest Message From Source in “Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them?” includes the reminder:

even though to many they hanker to return to the old. This is not possible and never has been, despite the efforts of many to do so.”

The story itself is to remind you the actions taken now will shape the rest of the year and so lay the foundation for the years to come.

This is how we all evolve to be the Master of our own life.

Mastery means you are following what brings you joy and helps you bring your grand passion into creation.

In “Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them?” there is more detail as to the unseen support for doing so. For this is the month to speak, share or create that passion, project or something your dreams are about.

There are also three action steps to assist you make the most of the powerful creative energies present to realise your dreams.

We are all in transition between the dying of the old and the birthing of a new world.

Which resonates more with you?

Do you align with the consciousness of the dying world?

Included in the article is a link to a blog post about how our understanding and use of money is being re-shaped.

To Realising Your Dreams


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II, .

Follow me on: LinkedIn — Facebook — Medium —  Pinterest — Twitter