Ready To Use This Moment To Create The Nature Of The Future You Desire To Live?

The Nature Of The Future Is...?

Your attitude is so important to create the life you desire

The future is coming whether you like it or not.

The real question is are you ready to take action to create the nature of the future the way you desire it to be?

As we grow and evolve the energy of our “Divine blueprint” changes.

Fear And Scarcity Stop Us From Living The Life We Desire

To me, current events are symptoms of change underway.

There is though, a far less recognised deeper meaning. This is about our ability to influence and create the future we desire for ourselves.

We are at a crossroads for our current civilisation.

Do we choose to evolve or not?

How we choose to navigate these next few months will plant the seeds determining the nature of our future.

Despite homo sapiens having the unique ability of adaptability amongst other species on the planet, the rise and fall of multiple civilisations suggest it has not always been applied!

Suggesting humanity has an inbuilt inability to instinctively respond to the unexpected and connect to our guidance. The members of each civilisation preferring to remain with what they know rather than adapting to what is emerging.

Hence, the ongoing cycle of death and re-birth of past civilisations.

Yes, humanity evolved though not the fear and scarcity present when our minds evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In my latest article, I set out more on both the history of our evolution and the root of the judgements underlying so much of the current conflict within humanity.

As a result of requests, a process is outlined for how to let go and create the new. My suggestion builds on the guidance everyone over two years old should enter a new soul contract.

Your Vibration Indicates The Nature Of The Future You Desire

For, each of us living on Mother Earth at this moment has an expanded purpose. One beyond that of continuing to evolve through our experiences.

This is the moment when we need to recognise what is in our control and surrender what is not.

You can only control your own world, so that is where to begin to create the nature of the future you desire.

It is your own attitude that determines the vibration you radiate! For, you can only manifest the nature of the future you have experienced.

The latest Message From Source includes this overview and advice:  

This is the moment in the cycle of evolution in which you choose the next step. Death and re-birth is the option which is available for all to enjoy. The very nature of what emerges will be determined by your attitude towards yourselves and so what you create.”

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the nature of the future they desire.

To Living The Nature Of The Future You Desire     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Human Adaptability Is Being Challenged, Ready To Trust In Yourself? 😅

Adaptability Needs Inner Peace

Faith in yourself can move mountains

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant stress and demands of current events?

You are not alone.

Nurturing your inner peace is probably the single most important action we all can take.

Survival Requires Adaptability To Change    

As a reader of my articles, you will recognise a continuous theme of the cycles influencing our lives.

This is because they transcend our linear thinking and indicate a power outside of rational thoughts. On many occasions I have referred to be in the flow of life.

Yet, humanity seems to prefer resisting the flow of life!

Instead preferring conflict, confusion, being defensive, and self-defeating.

In the Vedic tradition, the key to being in the flow is to stop resisting it! Left to itself, life is an unbroken flow of creative exploration.

Yet our re-action is often to fall back on old, hurtful experiences, stubborn habits, fear of change, and the memory of past failure. So, resisting being in the flow of what is unfolding.

Whereas life and its infinite possibilities are actually a timeless flow. It is these experiences which drive all of Creation.

It just needs each of us to remember this when we become aware of our resistance and the illusions it creates. Above all, not judging ourselves, rather trusting our feelings to discover the trigger.

For anybody over the age of 16, these all have a basis in mankind seeking to emancipate itself from Spirit – separation.

This cycle began around 6,500 years ago when alignment to Natural laws began to gave way to man-made ones.

Now the cycle is swinging back. Which is why our adaptability is once more being called to the fore.

The latest Message From Source  finishes with the reminder:

Continue to be present and not distracted by the events being created. Others will soon appear!”

Look Within To Challenge Your Adaptability

The flow of change on Mother Earth has been and will remain continuous. Because of its adaptability, humanity has done more than survive, it has evolved. We have evolved, collectively and individually.

Various of the cycles influencing the natural ebb and flow of our daily lives are covered in my latest article. In particular, those which have and are impacting Mother Earth´s climate.

They will continue as long as this Universe exists. Our forebears used them to explore and create new structures and technology.

Hence, why adaptability to being in the flow is essential to evolution.

It will provide the experiences we are seeking whilst on Mother Earth. For our purpose is to grow from them.

Being present and having faith in ourselves, knowing we are all connected.

Knowing how we react to the experiences will determine the reality we create.

One which reflects our power of adaptability to step through challenges, rather than being the victim of any struggle.

So, remember always to choose your timeline. Perhaps the one of joy, freedom, creativity and that we are all one?

That is where you will find peace within and so help create it without.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to become more adaptable.

To Trusting In Your Adaptability     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Your Consciousness Evolving Or Your Life Still Held Back By Your Story?😄

Your Consciousness Evolving

To being masters of our own energy  

Many, including myself, are feeling tired as a result of August´s first full moon and the impending Lion`s Gate, which began on 28th July – consciousness evolving!

These energies also bring a sense of being “wired” as the new vibrations arriving are anchored in our physical bodies.

Consciousness Evolving Needs Creativity 

There is no absolute or expected response to these ongoing energetic shifts.

Though my experience, and those of others, is Nature has a calming effect as it balances our disturbed energy. 

More recently attention has become focused on the root chakra, which often does not feel so pleasant in the physical body!

This is part of the disposal process underway, so making space for the new energy to ground. 

Which means our energetic bodies are being upgraded as well as the physical.

The impact of which will be to shorten the period to manifest, as well as moving further from any dense energies such as anger, fear, guilt and shame.

All of which can create the means to be more energised, with greater clarity and in tune with your own abilities, gifts and skills – so enhancing the consciousness evolving.

Do not become upset should you feel down, being human means our emotions and thoughts influence our consciousness.

Instead, be the observer of your consciousness evolving rather than caught up in the story which has been directing your life. For the words we use create our identity.

The Aquarian encouragement of being human, indicates structures will need to become more democratic in their operation. To be user rather than system centred.

To be Masters of our own energy.

This applies both personally and to our work.

Allowing our imagination full rein is becoming more important. Included inYour Consciousness Evolving Or Your Life Still Held Back  By Your Story? is a link to a blog post by Peter Diamandis about embedding experimentation in business.

There are also some thoughts from Alvin Toffler´s book “Future Shock”.

Your Consciousness Evolving Needs You To Take Little Steps 

Though published in 1970, the approach fits very much our current situation. 

For his premise is that established leadership is struggling to adapt to rapid, unpredictable change. This applies also to governments and institutions as well as each of us personally.

Hence, my belief a new modus operandi is needed to ensure continual adaptation for them to survive – whatever the size of organisation.

And personally, should what you are doing be making you feel miserable, nothing will work! 

Once you find something you enjoy, all will start working.

That is a consequence of what is unfolding.

The latest Message From Source includes this insight: 

This era marks a period when connecting beyond Earth will become common place. It will therefore not be so easy to deny the presence!”

This is going to become a recurring theme, so there is some more explanation inYour Consciousness Evolving Or Your Life Still Held Back  By Your Story?”  

This is the opportunity being offered by our consciousness evolving.

To welcome magic back into our lives and to work with it.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to connect to the consciousness evolving in their life.

To Knowing The Consciousness Evolving


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter