Ready To Use This Moment To Create The Nature Of The Future You Desire To Live?

The Nature Of The Future Is...?

Your attitude is so important to create the life you desire

The future is coming whether you like it or not.

The real question is are you ready to take action to create the nature of the future the way you desire it to be?

As we grow and evolve the energy of our “Divine blueprint” changes.

Fear And Scarcity Stop Us From Living The Life We Desire

To me, current events are symptoms of change underway.

There is though, a far less recognised deeper meaning. This is about our ability to influence and create the future we desire for ourselves.

We are at a crossroads for our current civilisation.

Do we choose to evolve or not?

How we choose to navigate these next few months will plant the seeds determining the nature of our future.

Despite homo sapiens having the unique ability of adaptability amongst other species on the planet, the rise and fall of multiple civilisations suggest it has not always been applied!

Suggesting humanity has an inbuilt inability to instinctively respond to the unexpected and connect to our guidance. The members of each civilisation preferring to remain with what they know rather than adapting to what is emerging.

Hence, the ongoing cycle of death and re-birth of past civilisations.

Yes, humanity evolved though not the fear and scarcity present when our minds evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In my latest article, I set out more on both the history of our evolution and the root of the judgements underlying so much of the current conflict within humanity.

As a result of requests, a process is outlined for how to let go and create the new. My suggestion builds on the guidance everyone over two years old should enter a new soul contract.

Your Vibration Indicates The Nature Of The Future You Desire

For, each of us living on Mother Earth at this moment has an expanded purpose. One beyond that of continuing to evolve through our experiences.

This is the moment when we need to recognise what is in our control and surrender what is not.

You can only control your own world, so that is where to begin to create the nature of the future you desire.

It is your own attitude that determines the vibration you radiate! For, you can only manifest the nature of the future you have experienced.

The latest Message From Source includes this overview and advice:  

This is the moment in the cycle of evolution in which you choose the next step. Death and re-birth is the option which is available for all to enjoy. The very nature of what emerges will be determined by your attitude towards yourselves and so what you create.”

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to create the nature of the future they desire.

To Living The Nature Of The Future You Desire     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready For These Eclipses To Initiate Balance And Harmony In Your Life?😌

This Ring of Fire Will Initiate Change

Come December you will be surprised by the transformations of October 2023! 

Yes, the “eclipse season” is here – both will initiate change during this month.

Astrologers say that during eclipses the “lights go out” for a moment, and when they light up again, everything can feel a bit different.

This Ring Of Fire Will Initiate Changes  

Life may be re-arranged.

Solar eclipses tend to be more exciting and joyous as they align you with the new beginnings and opportunities of your destiny.

Whereas lunar eclipses bring more emotion. In particular, breaking down what is not working, requiring you to face your underlying feelings and fears. For we must examine our place in the world and our way ahead.

Hence, why the eclipses together should be considered as chapter endings and new beginnings – whether you are ready for them or not!

For aspects which were hidden before may surface, enabling you to view them from a new perspective. 

They can also be the moment of sudden, rapid, “life will never be the same” change. This is unfolding already in the external, now your internal world is the focus.  

Though remember, when you create from your mind you are limited by your beliefs, as these were created by your experiences.

Meaning, you only allow yourself to receive new information that does not contradict your belief as to what is true.

When instead you listen to the messages from your body, you feel whether it resonates with you or not.

The visual beauty of this week´s solar eclipse is often referred to as the “ring of fire”. In the air sign Libra, it is seeking to create a balanced mind.

The path of the solar eclipse is outlined in my article, and whether or not it will be visible to you on this viewing path!

November Will Take Forward What You Initiate This Month

Then we head to the lunar eclipse on 28th October.

This is the final one in the two years of the Taurus/Scorpio axis. As an Earth sign, Taurus is connected with all things grounded, material and solid.

The effects of its personal and global disruptions will only complete in spring 2025.

Together these eclipses will help lift the mental fog many have been experiencing. November taking forward what we initiate this month.

The latest Message From Source includes this call to explore what you desire: 

Rather acknowledge as you evolve, so does all of Creation and so does the opportunity for new experiences. This is the one constant through all of Creation.”

Humanity does this through facing challenges. So, the deeper we go, the further we grow and evolve. This is the case, no matter where you are on your journey.

My suggestion is to confront head on the challenges that appear. Using them for awakening, healing, transformation and forgiveness.

Once we reach the end of December, we will look back and realise how dynamic, powerful, and transformative the coming weeks were!

2024 promises to be a year of continuing intense transformation, growth, and renewal, building on what we initiate during these last few months of 2023!

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to initiate balance and harmony in their life.

To Initiate Balance And Harmony In Your Life          


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are?😄

Back to the Future You Desire

Next week Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension

These past few weeks have seemed heavier than the usual. Yes, it could be the summer heat, though it has been cooler than last year!

My sense is that for several reasons we are turning a corner – back to the future!

               Back To The Future To Create The Life You Desire 

The question then becomes what form do we desire it to take?

Which is where I prefer the metaphor of many seeds rather than just one for our infinite potential. 

This is because we tend to focus our growth in certain aspects of ourselves, while others are ignored.

We are moving through a period when we either awaken the dormant seeds of our greatest potential, or encourage those that have already begun to germinate and grow.

To me part of the purpose of a daily practice is to cultivate the seeds in our day-to-day lives. Taking responsibility for your life means no longer waiting for the wisdom to sprout on its own without any personal effort.

Events then transpire to support our actions, or encourage us to review our chosen direction!

Though these past few weeks have felt heavy, there have also been many encouraging signs as to the connected nature of the evolution underway.

In part this is the reason I highlighted in Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? the benefits many who have journeyed deepest into the land of depression, terror, or death have obtained.

Rather than remaining in a pattern of victimhood and suffering, they can return exuding great compassion, gratitude, ease, and often joy.

To me, this illuminates beautifully the opportunity in humanity´s current transition.

What I have learnt is that when it comes to spiritual evolution, everything can change in a heartbeat. 

As I continuously remind myself, everything is accelerating.

Or, is it? 

Perhaps it is our view of the linear and third-dimensional constraint of time which is changing? 

                 Back To The Future Without Structures 

The idea that time is an illusion is a common theme in Buddhist and Taoist scripts. Their concept is that all moments exist as a single, unified whole and that time is a mere human construct.

Which is why Atlantis is still influencing our lives.

Ready To Step Back To The Future Or Stay Where You Are Now? has a summary of information received about the reasons for Atlantis´ demise.

The key takeaway from which is that as energetic beings, all our actions are not constrained to a location or a time and space.

Next week another stage in the process underway completes. That is when Mother Earth leaves the fourth dimension again, before completing the move to the fifth dimension in December 2025.

The latest Message From Source includes the advice to be the observer as:

The same will be true for the coming weeks as momentum increases to the next moment in the cycle of evolution.”

There are also some indications as to how the fifth dimension will re-shape our lives. 

For our spiritual evolution just is. Though more patience will be required as we come to accept the nature of the transition as the new begins to take form.

For, our seeds need just the right amount of water and sunlight to reach their full potential.

The fifth dimension is timeless and everything happens instantaneously.

Our job is to continue to work where we have all the power – within ourself.  And, within the now, where each moment brings a different vibration.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step back to the future.

To Step Back To The Future     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?🤔

Daydream Your Life

There is no more solid answer than you just have to do it!

All the trials and tribulations you went through to now were necessary to prepare you for the next phase of your journey.

Are you ready now to own who you came here to be and shed who you once were?

In which case, you are also probably showing some of those uncomfortable growth pains that often surface as we step further along our journey, to be who we really are.

The Fantasies Of Daydreams Lead To Taking Action  

Oftentimes old wounds, issues or difficulties make us feel really dis-empowered by everything. Or, perhaps you also feel you have lost your inner compass, your North Star? 

Such experiences are a reminder of the need to go deeper into owning yourself. Stripping away more layers of who you once were.

Doing so will most probably trigger an emotional re-action. My advice to several recently has been to just allow it to flow”.

For, now is the moment to take the chances you have only dreamt of upto now!

As you do so, one of the changes you may notice is in your relationships. For subtle energies are at work until August to remove conflict from them.

What I have noticed is that often it seems to be two steps forward and then one back. The inner critic surfacing to try and pull me back to where I have just left!

Such moments seem to be appearing ever more frequently as the higher consciousness seeks to pull us forward.

Spirit then rewarding you for stepping along the path of your life’s mission and staying true to yourself!

That is when you will be graced with one of the most important gifts of all: clarity.

This will enable you to make the connections you need and reveal hidden messages Spirit is sending you.

Though no matter how special this moment of clarity will be, it will not last forever.

Use it to see, observe, and absorb all the awareness and information you need. 

It will soon be required.

Which is where daydreams come in!

Use Daydreams To Enhance Your Creativity 

We have been taught they are just figments of our imagination.

Yes, daydreams are free thoughts and images unfettered from our active experience. They also are a brain function with great benefits.

Whilst daydreaming can reduce stress and anxiety, for me the main benefit is assisting with problem-solving and enhancing creativity.

In Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander? I have cited a Harvard study indicating on average we daydream almost half of our waking hours.

While teachers and adults usually discourage daydreaming, research into what is referred to in scientific circles as mind-wandering, argues it could be beneficial!

Daydreaming often centres on creating our future, which is why it is so prevalent in children. However, daydreaming is often viewed as a hallmark of those labelled as ADD/ADHD.

Yet, neurodiversity is on the rise as the new generation arrives.

Recent studies suggest creative thinking is enhanced when mind wandering lights up connections across a series of interacting brain regions.  

Which is why for many, deep and important truths about ourselves and the world around us seem to unfold from our daydreams.

Do What You Can With What You Have, Just The Way You Are 

That said, the very uncertainty of this transition is creating anxiety and doubt for almost all. 

However, what you cannot do is think your way out of self-doubt! Instead, just accept you are unsure and try anyway.

That is the message covered in more detail in Daydreams Are Good For You, Do You Allow Your Mind To Wander?. 

Your physical body indicates whether or not there is alignment with your Soul´s desires. Often, when living out of alignment, our bodies express this by sending a message through pain or illness.

My encouragement is to tap into the messages your body has for you at this moment.

Use the coming six months to refresh, rejuvenate and strengthen yourself for the major shifts ahead!

For January to July of 2024 will seem even more chaotic with another dose of Aquarian “wildness” of new twists and turns, global surprises and upheavals in society.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms and in fun and joy. So, please DO share and pass this post to others who may need some help to have clarity in their life.

To Daydream Your Way Ahead


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? 😙

Life Is Awakening For You

A breathing practice to reset your whole system     

It seems for several years we have been hearing the phrase “In these uncertain times.”

Many are having difficulty coping with each seemingly apocalyptic change we are facing. 

Some are lonely, anxious and grieving. 

Yet we are surviving.

The Moment Of Awakening Comes When You Know…

There is a part of us that believes in, and understands, the language of magic. To heal completely, we must engage all parts of ourselves in the process. 

That way we step more assuredly through the adventure which is our life. Always exploring so you can create the life you desire.

As you know, 2023 is the year for change.

Here in Portugal, spring is awakening. 

Birds have been arriving from Africa and roses and trees started to leaf. And, the mimosa is in flower, despite the recent snow we can see on the Serra da Estrela.

We are at the moment when the seeds burst open, and new life springs forth.

Three personal planets – Mercury, Venus and the Sun, are also indicating significant change is afoot. 

Which could be why humanity´s awakening is the subject of my latest article.

Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? is unusual in that a large part of the content was channelled.

The view received is that this transition is not a Great Awakening –  rather it is the Great Return. 

The essence of which is described as:

Coming back to the connection to all of yourselves. What has for many millennia been ignored or even hidden.”

The planets are marking the ending, finishing, completing, and resolving evolutionary intentions that began with the conjunctions a year ago.

Spring also provides us with the opportunity for planting new seeds/impulses/desires. Quite what is our choice.

The Message from Source highlights awareness of our infinite power to be one of the keys in this period of our Great Return.

These events are going to require you make a series of choices, and yet the opportunity is immense.

To help you live beyond the beyond, Still Only Surviving? How About Awakening To All Life Has To Offer You? includes a shamanic breathing practice to help you connect to your Inner Wisdom.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Awakening Your Life To Your Choices


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter