How You Respond To This New Moon Will Guide Your Success For 2024💥

How Do you Respond To What You See?

Do not underestimate the power of your joy, love and peace   

Success is one of those themes that many of us grapple with on several levels.

For sometime, I have felt one part of the transition underway is to change how we create and measure abundance and success.

The question is how do we respond both personally and collectively as the community of humanity? For this is one of those profound themes within all of our lives

Your Attention Is Being Brought To How You Respond To Events    

Most have probably had variable and limited success in achieving the results  their thoughts had presented.

Very often these are not aligned with the inner feelings, creating conflict! 

Dramatic events continue to bring to our attention how we respond – for the external reflects our internal world!

My sense is the new moon in Scorpio rising on 13th November is initiating the moment to go beyond any memories of limitation.

Seeking to set us free from all the constructs, rules, regulations and beliefs currently restricting our lives.

For November is bringing us to the end of a cycle. A moment to strip off the layers so we can transform.

Death and re-birth.

This new moon in watery Scorpio is embraced by both feminine and masculine energy. Together they provide an emphasis of re-establishing balance between the divine feminine and sacred masculine.

The intensity of doing so peaking around the coming solstice early on 22nd December (UTC) as we move to the next phase of the cycle.

By then we will have started to emerge from the birth canal, ready for 2024 and the next steps in this cycle of evolution.

Which is why included in this article are various key points on the coming year.

The question we will face in the next few months is our willingness to trust and surrender.

December Marks The Start Of 2024

This will be needed as we free ourselves of individual and collective memory, so we become our true selves.

The latest Message From Source includes this reminder: 

Many of you will be experiencing memories of other lives, events from other timelines as well as this one. This is by the nature of the evolution which is underway. The purpose is to remind you all is connected and so, you can access it should you choose to do so.”

We incarnate to gain personal experiences our Soul desires and so thereby adding to the expansion of all of Creation.

Part of our purpose as souls having a human experience, is to help other humans live and experience their heaven on earth.

To do so we have to cultivate a deep connection to the Creator and to ourselves.

Self-awareness, self-responsibility and consciousness have to be cultivated in order to better hear and sense our inner wisdom and guidance.

These are the markers for the emerging era.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help on how to respond to what will be emerging.

To Respond With Joy And Love On Your Success           


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

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