Do You Feel Compassion For Yourself Or Prefer To Burnout?😁

Compassion Will Accelerate Your Life

Each day we gain new experiences, almost always with an emotional impact

Each of us is stepping into new realities in every moment, and there are no limitations being placed upon you. 

The only limitations are those we place upon ourselves.

For, each of us is creating each and every moment for ourselves. Depending on who you are, for some this is consciously, others unconsciously.

This is part of the process of recognising we all have untapped potential within each of us. However, the only way to help make others aware of their potential is to first take action for yourself.

The creative power is in our experience, and how we then provide a beacon for others to seek their own.

Compassion Goes Beyond Feeling With The Other 

As the energies rise, so we are becoming more sensitive to them. With the result many now feel more affected by those they sense swirling around them. 

Empathy is when we resonate with the positive and/or negative feelings of others. Meaning you feel happy at the joy of others, and distressed when you observe someone in physical or mental pain.

Compassion though goes beyond feeling with the other to feeling for the other – which is why there is a difference between it and empathy.

Compassion is one of the fundamental qualities of being human. 

It is the subject of my latest article. And, has been ever present since my wife broke her wrist over one week ago.

There have been many lessons whilst feeling empathy for her pain as well as caring for her. There have of course been a few role changes as well!   

 Ready To Right The Imbalances Created By Your Beliefs?           

Earlier this week an appointment was made for the cast to be removed in the middle of March, so good progress is being made!

There is quite a difference between empathy and compassion, for they activate different parts of the brain. With the result we experience different feelings and so memories.

True compassion goes beyond understanding another person’s suffering. The compassionate feel compelled to do something  to help or relieve the suffering they see before them.

The latest Message From Source brought this insight:

“Then you will focus your creative powers on what it is you desire in your life. View these as creating the building blocks on which you then create the life you desire. This is how you will plant the seeds of creation.”

Righting the imbalances within requires conscious action.

The most effective method I have found is whenever you notice a surge of a difficult emotion—boredom, contempt, remorse, shame—pause, put your hand on your heart.

This activates the release of oxytocin, the hormone of safety and trust.

The full process is in the article.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to show compassion to themselves.

To Show Compassion To Yourself     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter