Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? 🐉

The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life

Tune in to your magic, mystery and material   

Over these past few weeks, and probably longer, I have been reminded on innumerable occasions to focus on peace during the day. 

It has seemed a perpetual cycle of waiting. Perhaps you are here as well? 

I want to assure you such cycles of rest are always dynamic and transformative.

Once we take action, not only will life seem different, it will improve.

It always does, for change will have taken place.

Are You Sitting In The Driver´s Seat To Create Your Future?

Use the period into 2023 to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life. There is a coherence in doing so.

Challenge yourself to sit in the driver´s seat of your life.

The current transition in the economy and global events are asking us to re-define our perceptions of the nature of humanity. 

As we move away from competition for material possessions to collaboration based on connection, people will no longer be viewed as commodities or numbers.

Uranus highlights the Earthly themes of Taurus until 2026. Meaning, events will change the emphasis to appreciating each individual for who they are.

As well as respecting their unique and irreplaceable role they have in the continuing evolution of humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos.

This shift will continue to raise awareness of our reliance on the health of this planet.

As I outlined in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire?, the recent new moon in Libra “is encouraging us to experiment, whether we like it or not! Thereby leaving our known, familiar, and more or less secure lives behind.” 

However, each of us has to choose whether or not we step into the driver´s seat of creation? 

As Seth Godin so succinctly reminded us:

It’s not about whether we have what it takes; it’s about whether we choose to pursue it.”           

Your choice is whether to spread your wings or remain bound where you are.

It will require change in how you think, what you value and in how you work. Most essentially it will require a shift in how you perceive yourself.

Unforeseen Changes Are Moving Into The Driver´s Seat 

For to enjoy living in a sustainable world, we must first become sustainable ourselves.

Taking action breeds confidence and courage even though we are unsure where we are heading! That is how we move into the flow of energy of creation.

It is here we will find fun and joy again.

My passion is to help you to take action to be in the driver´s seat of your Life…

….need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

The latest Message From Source included this reminder about making a choice:

Once made the hologram will start to shift and so the sense of peace begin to be felt. This will in turn allow more choices to be made as events continue to unfold. 

This is the process of evolution you are all exploring and will continue to seek to do so.”

I have also mentioned in Ready To Step Into The Driver´s Seat To Create The Future You Desire? some possible turbulence regarding the EU and its currency, though the impact will be wider.

Our actions during these months will determine the form of the new which emerges by the end of December.

Just a reminder, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.

Using the coming period to slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life will assist. There is a coherence in doing so. 

Then you will appreciate where you have been and so how you can embrace where you choose to head into the new era. 

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Sitting In The Driver´s Seat Of Your Life      


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

The End Of An Era Is Nigh, Do You Want To Step Into The New? ⬆️

Toward The End Of An Era

Slow down, reflect, and look back upon your life  

As a species, we are past masters at tolerating dis-comfort. 

Whilst the news has been full of fear and worry for a very long period…

… there are also multiple stories of how incredibly adaptable, resilient and tough human beings are as a species.

In fact, even though you may not feel like it right now, I know you are too!

Look Back On The End Of An Era  

What is interesting about this is…

…whilst being resilient and tough are absolutely essential traits for us to develop, especially in chaotic periods such as this, they can also sabotage our lives!

Because when we focus too much on being tough, and tolerating pain, dis-comfort and dis-content…

… we can lose touch with the fact our dis-content is a message we need to change something in our lives

… and more importantly, it is something we can change when we acknowledge it and set the intention to effect the change!

Which is why I wanted to post this today about what is unfolding for each of us, Mother Earth and the Cosmos – for we are all in the same boat!

We all sense something is afoot, though we are unsure quite what and how it will change our lives. For it is/will!

Amongst September´s themes is an invitation to start the process of clearing away the residue of the weight we have been carrying in our mind.

So, enabling us to become free to step into joy.

The last quarter moon rises on 17th September. Challenging you to communicate from the heart, re-establish connection with your Soul, and placing your faith in your senses.

You may have recently been focusing on a certain person, living situation, occupation, or way of life, believing that this is what you “need” in your life in order to feel happy, content or successful.

This though is merely an illusion of the ego. You have so much beauty and potential inside of you, this is what you must focus on. This is where you will find spiritual fulfilment, confidence, and a greater sense of well-being.

Turbulence Will Mark The End Of An Era

 The last quarter moon is all about turning points and crossroads. In Gemini, you are asked to look within, to communicate with your Soul, and recognise what you already have at your fingertips.

This moon will encourage you to be receptive, to receiving insight and direction from unexpected sources within, from your instincts and intuition.

In The End Of An Era Is Nigh, Do You Want To Step Into The New? I have outlined how the current six retrograde planets are emphasising we need to clear what we have not allowed to surface.                    

Only then can we enjoy freedom from what has been directing our lives.

Like some support, click reply to contact me for an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality.

I have also reminded readers the rest of 2022 and into 2023 will be tumultuous with unforeseen changes continuing to re-structure our lives

… and how the coming equinox on 23rd September in many senses marks its beginning. 

We Need To Be Still To Mark The End Of An Era

The latest Message From Source concluded with following:

“The speed of that transition will surprise you all. There is much yet to be created, so step forward confident there is no way you can fail or fall.”

These and other movements will create during September, October and November a sense of restlessness, an intense desire for change or have change imposed on you from external sources.

The presence of Uranus will create sudden surges in evolution.

I have also mentioned in The End Of An Era Is Nigh, Do You Want To Step Into The New? some possible impacts of this turbulence. For the old is crumpling, and the new is rising.

Our actions during these months will determine the form of the new which emerges by the end of December.

Just a reminder, the objective of this current period of transition is to re-connect our conscious selves with the Light of our Soul.  

Slowing down, reflecting and looking back on our lives will be essential in choosing what we initiate. It is not the moment to even try to tough out any dis-comfort.

To Creating Joy Following The End Of An Era   


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How to Stay Focused on What You Desire? ?


A Focused Third Eye Will Create Harmony In Your Life

As we move our thought patterns beyond fear and integrate the new practice of navigating our way around with masks etc., sheltering at home is still the norm.

A new paradigm though is emerging.

This is your mission for 2020. For the seeds planted in 2020 will determine the nature of your life for at least the rest of the decade.

Which means of all the years we have or will experience, this is the one where clarity and focus is vital.

Yes we need a vision for our life, we become excited about setting the outcome. Then as I know myself all too often…

life happens.

And in the midst of the chaos, the outcome or objective we have set is forgotten.

When you forget to focus on what it is you desire, then slowly stop completing the daily habits that will carry you there.

Your desired outcome is as simple as staying FOCUSED on it, and having CLARITY as to the actions needed to reach it.

Which is where your third eye plays a crucial role.

It is responsible for the link between your mind and the outer world. Embodying your ability to see both your inner and outer worlds. Allowing you to experience clarity of thought and self-reflection.

When your 6th chakra, or third eye, is blocked or underactive, it can adversely affect your ability to concentrate, process information, or remain calm under pressure. When blocked, it can often cause fear of the unknown.

I have written the story How to Stay Focused on What You Desire?” to inspire you to access Secret #6, which answers the question: “How do I achieve clarity and focus.”

Your Ears, Eyes and Nose Will Let You Know

The lack of a sense of purpose could manifest in issues of seeing or hearing clearly, life seeming to be a perpetual mental whirligig of distraction!

The third eye is associated with: the brain, forehead, brow, eye, nose, pineal and pituitary glands, and the carotid nerve plexus. Hence why apart from issues with the brain, physical symptoms often include the ears, eyes, and nose.

One of the most painful being cluster headaches.

These are messages from your body you need to take action to bring it into alignment.

In my story “How to Stay Focused on What You Desire?” is a link to a video I have made to help you gain greater clarity.

There are also some ways to enable you achieve alignment with the potential your third eye offers.

Then with clarity and focus you can begin creation of your new paradigm.

To Clarity and Focus in Your Life


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

The Revolution In Your Lifetime Has Begun ?

Revolution In Your Lifetime

Felt stalled or uninspired, the full moon rising on 7th May wants to help you envision a better future, to initiate a revolution in your lifetime.

To enable you to tease into creation the objectives and actions that will help you manifest it.

Yes, this seems the most uncertain era any of us can recall. Uncertainty exists everywhere we turn.

That said, I am certain that I have the power every day to wake up, work in the way I desire, have a positive attitude, and make a difference in this world.

This moon in the water sign Scorpio is the most positive full moon of 2020. It puts us into connection with unseen intelligences.

“The Revolution In Your Lifetime Has Begun” is my summary of what is emerging and what each of us needs to address during this period of reset, renewal, and revitalisation.

Find A Quiet, Safe Place

Allow yourself to simply “be” during this revolution in your world. It is in the quiet safe space you will consolidate the step you have just made.

This will help many who are experiencing for the first time the “Dark Night of the Soul”. Others are adjusting to a greater depth of presence as they embody a higher level of awareness and connection.

In addition to deep emotional security, the Sun in Taurus brings a flow of money owed to you. There is also support for you writing, to express yourself.

There is also a focus on your responsibilities, particularly your duties as they relate to your dependents and career.

A further Message From Source in this story “The Revolution In Your Lifetime Has Begun” provides a sense as to our direction.

To Creating Your Change


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.