You Are Nearer To The Fifth Dimension Than You Think 🌄

Jump Into The Fifth Dimension?

There you will notice your focus is in the present moment      

We are now standing at the entrance to the energy of 2024.

All turns of our calendar are more than a chronological event, it is a moment filled with hope, renewal, and the promise of new arrivals.

The Creator’s eternal promise is to bring forth something remarkable and transformative in our lives.

However, to change your life, you must first alter the meanings and stories you have about it. Then we free our physical world, including our bodies, to absorb all the quantum potential available to us all.

When we choose to allow us to do so!

That is when we have the power to challenge and expedite how to replace separation with unity. Choosing every experience from a place of power and mastery. Instead of choosing them from a place of shame, guilt or fear.

Whilst returning from Egypt, I was reflecting on the intensity of the energy and the stories about its past. This led me to ponder on the nature of where humanity is heading – the Fifth Dimension!

The Gateway To The Fifth Dimension Is Open

This forms the basis of my latest article. The understanding of what this means has been known for many decades, even centuries.

One of my tasks in Egypt was in connection with Mother Earth returning to the Fifth Dimension. Humanity is following.

In recent decades, there has been confusion over definitions and dates of when this spiritual, not religious, transformation will take place.

Which it can only do once all is in place!

Hence, the current chaos!

Also, my learning is that the actual form of what will emerge continues to evolve until the moment before it happens!

That is because evolution is not linear, rather it is in constant flow. And, the pace seems to have been accelerating these past five years or so.

The article provides an overview of how the Third to the Seventh Dimensions differ.

The latest insights in Message From Source can be summarised as:   

Freedom will permeate all aspects of your life with a different feeling as to its presence.”

It also contains the current expectation as to when the move will be completed. This will affect the physical body.

Other indications you may observe as you shift your own dimension are included.

Listen To Yourself, Believe In Who You Are

2024 is going to deepen our journey into the new world we are creating. It will be moving fast!

Along the way, there will be choices each of us need to make.

Which Charles Eisenstein neatly summarised as:

We have to create miracles. A miracle is something that is impossible from an old story but possible from within a new one. It is an expansion of what is possible.”

The ask is that we each take charge of our life, believing in ourselves to create our dreams.

Which will require you to remain at peace and calm!

My last quote is from texts attributed to Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods and the Greek reincarnation of the Egyptian wisdom god Thoth.

In this one, Hermes laments the decline of ancient Egyptian wisdom and knowledge and the creation of a barren Earth. Thoth prophesies this will be remedied, adding

..such is the new birth of the cosmos it is a making again of all things good. A holy and all inspiring restoration of all nature and it is wrought inside the process of time by the eternal will of the Creator.”

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step into the Fifth Dimension.

To Joining The Fifth Dimension     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

9 Indications You Need To Be In Your Power, Speaking Your Truth

Vision For Your Life

Secret #5 Answers The Question Why do I have trouble speaking up?”  

To take command of your will and sustain it against the controlling influences of others, of your fears and illusions you need to be in your power, speaking your truth.

Have instead voices of scepticism and doubt crept into your consciousness? Are they necessary? Do they truly serve you?

19th November´s  reflective full moon Lunar eclipse in Taurus began to shine on us all. As with all Lunar eclipses this energy is also about letting go, releasing, and setting free that which no longer serves you.

This one ushers in almost two years of eclipses that take place in Taurus and Scorpio.

Taurus governs self-worth, your values, financial flow, sensual pleasure, beauty, love, contentment and peace.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation, uncovering the unseen, empowerment and going straight to the heart of the matter.

This was the longest actual lunar eclipse in almost 500 years. Meaning we are all being directed to go deeper. To witness what is happening out in the world and within all of ourselves.
So have compassion for yourself, knowing you are not perfect, you have made mistakes and probably will again. Accepting ourselves is crucial for our evolution to happen.
Take pride in acknowledging yourself as you are, knowing it is the only way to work on them.

Welcome To The Domain Of The Throat Chakra!

This full moon eclipse wants you to return to feeling pleasure and contentment in your life. This is essential for your mental health and wellbeing.

November as a whole is releasing the desire to express our voice and the burning passions that make us feel alive, being in our power.

At the heart of this is the need to express and follow your own conviction, not because you are being selfish.

Rather, when we claim our own voice this creates waves of change. When we follow our own conviction, it gives permission to others to do the same. So, amplifying the ripple effect of creation.

Your beliefs determine what and how you speak – to please others or being authentic to yourself?

The throat is the influencer of communication through self-expression, creativity and truth. When in balance, this energy vortex is a powerhouse of transformation and purification. For this you must speak with love and kindness.

It is through the use of our throat we make life harder than it has to be.

Which is why very often “We have trouble speaking up. We are afraid of the impact of our words, on others and on ourselves. Preferring suppression to speaking our truth.

The energy of Taurus reminds us to pay attention to instinct, to what your body tells you before your mind has time to process it. This primal interaction with the world around you taps into a deeper, body-based wisdom.

For me part of the fun of being a Shaman is to observe Nature, the movement of the wind, the subtleties of temperature and light. All contain a message.

Such instincts will help you connect with the essence of who you are.

The Message When Speaking Your Truth Is….?

Hence the theme of my book The Seven Secrets, listen to the messages from your body – its experiences, needs, and signals.

In “Why do I have trouble speaking up?” published by Illumination Book Chapters, I have set out 9 indicators you have an imbalance or blockage of the throat chakra, many seem everyday!

The Taurus full moon is the perfect moment to nourish your senses while honouring the deeper mysteries of life. By feeding yourself in this way, you help to turn challenges into opportunities to bring healing and positive change to your life and the world around you.

The priority of this period of transition is to first meet your own needs, rather than being dishonest with yourself. True balance comes only from being in your power, speaking your truth.

Achieving it will require action to be taken by everyone. Which means we will need to use our voice to be in our power.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Harmony in Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? 😂

Taking Self-Care

Allowing yourself to feel rather than think will be essential in 2021

Quick question

Is there something in your life that you’re holding on to that you know this is the moment to let it go?

Maybe it’s a job that sucks you dry?

A business that no longer brings you any kind of excitement, fulfilment or joy?

Or, a relationship that was really over years ago.

Why is it that we continue to make the mistake of holding on?

These are just some of the patterns of behaviour we hold on to even though we know they no longer serve us. Rather they are preventing us from living life to its full potential.

And the reason we do this is because of fear.

Fear of stepping out of our comfort zone, the one based only on what we have experienced, not on what is the potential. 

Yet, when you let go, you create space for something better to settle into your life.

An act which is even more vital as we come to the end of 2020 and 2021 begins. Especially with today´s full moon in Cancer encouraging us to do so.


Because we need to create space within our bodies to lay the foundation for the next seven years.

As we do so we may begin to feel a heightened sense of what is or is not in harmony within us.

We are being asked to Trust in ourselves so we can create what we desire. Though we cannot do so whilst holding on to past beliefs and patterns – and they may not even be your own!

More can be read in my latest story: Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life?”

How to let go:

Every day, for nine days in a row, give away, throw away, or purge three items from your home or your office.

Yes, 27 items you will be giving up over the nine straight days!

When unsure about an item, hold it to your heart and ask if you want to bring the energy of the item into 2021 and your future.

Ask, ”Does it represent the ‘me’ as I see my ideal self in the future?

Be rid of clothes, books, and anything with messages that no longer speak to you.

Anything which is outdated, including food, vitamins and old medicines that may remind you of previous pain and/or dis-comfort.

As you let go, thank the item warmly for its previous use, and then say goodbye to it with gratitude.

After the nine days are over, take one final look around and ask if what remains represents who you are now and the new identity you will create over the coming five years.

Should you feel strange, odd, or out of place, just remember this is a passing influence. Observe a much greater ease when letting go of old ideas, feelings, positions, relationships, or anything that no longer serves you.

My story Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? also has a simple three step process to help you with your decision making.

Humanity oftentimes seems to prefer holding on to toxic habits, thoughts, people and environments because they are familiar. We never take the step to freedom – a core theme of 2021.  

So is your gaze on your past or towards your future in 2021 and beyond?  

To Creating Self-Care In Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter

Afraid To Speak Your Truth? ?

Speak Your Truth

Your beliefs determine what and how you speak — to please others or being authentic to yourself?

We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel of separation. Though that does not mean there is no concern about how we move forward.

You do not have to fear that uncertainty. Yes, stay vigilant. However, do not let the unknown keep you from unlocking all you enjoy about life and incarnated to experience.

To me this is the moment when each of us can step into our full potential. Which is exactly what the world needs right now.

The energetic shifts of 2020 have begun their offering of its unique opportunities for leaving the “old normal” for something remarkably beautiful.

The first step is always to identify where we are now. Only then can we open the door for structural changes to the way we live and work.

We therefore need to stay grounded and thrive during these periods by going deeper to know who you really are.

This will raise the question as to whether you are speaking your truth or simply following the directions of others?

Or, perhaps you are more concerned about pleasing others than speaking your truth?

Unless we speak our truth we will never discover our soul’s true love in this life. This is the only voice we need to pay attention to in order to thrive in this world.

Once we are aware of the emotional patterns, energetic blocks and limiting beliefs directing our life we can change them and so thrive.

Now is the moment to recognise and live in the infinite possibilities being offered.

The key I have learnt is to listen to my body. It always has messages for me as to whether or not there is harmony in my life. Then I can change it.

My story “Afraid to Speak your Truth?” is available so you can access Secret #5 to answer the question: “Why do I have trouble speaking up?”

Whilst you are not speaking your truth you will be unable to live a life of harmony and thrive.

When you do so you set in motion that very life.

To Speaking Your Truth


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.